Immediate Family
About Liutgard van Vlaanderen
Curator (dvb) Note: per https://www.berghapedia.nl/index.php?title=Liutgard_van_Vlaanderen According to the necrology of the Blandinien monastery near Ghent, Liutgard died on III Kal Oct. ' (September 29) 961 and was buried there. In Elten 's Necrologium she is featured on Id. Oct. (October 15), stated, but without year: MEDLANDS has the commonly used death date and no citation for the 935 birth date. Cawley has the marriage date after 10 July 953 while Pattou has it c. 950. After 953 would make her 18 if born 935, easily able to have children. If born 927 then she would be 26 unusually “old” in medieval Europe to have a first child. But the link above shows the first child Adele born 950, so we need some fine tuning here but excellent summary by Ben.
927 is a better birth year estimation than 935.
Ben M. Angel's summary:
- Father: Arnoul de Flandre (885/890 - 964), Comte de Flandre (918-964)
- Mother: Adela de Vermandois (915-960)
- 1. Hildegard (c933-990) wife of Dirk II, Graaf von Holland
- 3. Baudoin de Flandres (935/940 - 962), husband of Mechtild (Mathilda) von Sachsen
- 4. Egbert de Flandre (d. 953)
- 5. Elstrude de Flandre (d. c966), wife of Siegfried, Comte de Guines
- Wichmann V (c930-979), Graaf von Hamaland (938-979)
- 1. Liutgard (d. 997)
- 2. Adela (955/960 - 1014/1016), m. firstly Immed Graaf in Utrecht (d. 983), m. secondly Baldric Graaf von Denthe (d. 1021)
Basic information and justifications:
Name: Liutgard de Flandre - backed by FMG, her Dutch Wikipedia page (an English page doesn't exist), both Dutch and German Wikipedia pages for her husband (again, no English page exists), and the English Wikipedia page for her father. The family name of "van Vlaanderen" is of course in Dutch, and "von Vlandern" is in German, just as "of Flanders" is the English variant.
Birth: c. 935 (backed by FMG and Dutch Wikipedia) - Gent/Gand/Ghent is presumed to be her birth place, though this is not backed by any reliable source that I've seen.
Death: Before 18 October, in 962 (Dutch Wikipedia specified 29 September 964, but without providing anything to back it) - Presumed to be in Hamaland, which has a capital of Zutphen.
Burial and Baptism: No reliable information.
Occupation: Gravin von Hamaland (Countess of Hamaland), by marriage. The English Wikipedia page says that she married Wichmann, Count of Ghent, which may be part of the confusion regarding her occupation. The English page provides no sources to back this assertion, whereas FMG relies on primary sources for its assertion of who she married. There should be no question on which is the more accurate, with regard to "Gand" vs. "Hamaland".
Alternate names: I found one variation of Lietgard, and a mis-spelling of Luitgard (English Wikipedia). I haven't seen a reliable source showing her name as Ledgarde.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Flanders (covering her birth family):
ARNOUL de Flandre, son of BAUDOUIN II "le Chauve" Count of Flanders & his wife Ælfthryth of Wessex ([885/890]-murdered 27 Mar 964, bur Gent, St Pieter).
- The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Arnulfum, fratrem eius Adelulfum" as the two sons of "Balduinus"[100]. "Arnulfus" is named as son of Count Baudouin II in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin, which specifies that he succeeded his father in 918 as ARNOUL I "le Grand" Count of Flanders[101]. "Elstrudis comitissa…cum filiis suis Arnulfo et Adelolfo" donated "hereditatem suam Liefsham…in terra Anglorum in Cantia" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for the soul of "senioris sui Baldwini", by charter dated 11 Sep 918[102].
- Count Arnoul I was responsible for a major expansion of Flemish territory to the south. He and his brother joined the expedition of Raoul King of the Franks against the Normans in 925 and captured Eu. Count Arnoul inflicted a heavy defeat on the Normans in 926. In 932, he seized the abbey of St Vaast, as well as Douai in Ostrevant.
- In 933, after his brother's death, he seized Boulonnais and Ternois and disinherited his nephews. Count Arnoul made an alliance with Héribert II Comte de Vermandois in 934, which was sealed by his marriage to the latter's daughter[103].
- Responding to raids by Guillaume Comte [de Normandie], Count Arnoul invaded Ponthieu and in 939 captured Montreuil from Herluin Comte de Ponthieu, although the county was later recaptured by Comte Guillaume's forces.
- "Arnulfus…regis…marchysus" restored property to Saint-Pierre de Gand by charter dated 8 Jul 941, signed by "…Baldwini filii Arnulfi marchysi, Isaac comitis, Arnulfi filii eius, Theoderici comitis, Wenemari advocati…"[104].
- After agreeing to meet Count Guillaume in 942 in order to settle the dispute over Montreuil, Guillaume was murdered, presumably at Count Arnoul's instigation[105]. Count Arnoul was secure in his possession of Montreuil by 949[106].
- "Arnulfus Flandrie comes et marchisus" granted use of property "Snellenghem in pago Flandrensi" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for "uxore mea…Adala atque…filio meo Balduino et filia mea Lietgardis" and for deceased "Balduino genitore meo et Elstrudis genetrice mea atque Heeberto filio meo", and returned "in pago Hainau super fluvio Savo villam…Dulciaca", by charter dated 10 Jul 953[107].
- After the death of his son in 962, Count Arnoul was obliged to cede Artois, Ostrevant, Ponthieu and Amiens to Lothaire King of the West Franks in order to ensure the latter's support for the succession of Count Arnoul's infant grandson to the county of Flanders[108].
- "Arnulfus marchysus" donated property to Saint-Pierre de Gand by charter dated 5 May 962, signed by "…Baldwini advocati, Theoderici comitis…"[109]. "Arnulfus…comes" donated "villam Canlin" to Saint-Pierre de Gand by charter dated 17 Jun 962, signed by "…Balduini advocati…"[110].
- An undated charter, dated to [962], records the last wishes of "marchysi Arnulfi", noting that "pater meus et mater mea" were buried in the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand[111].
- Comte Arnoul was allegedly murdered by Heluin in revenge for the murder of Guillaume I Comte [de Normandie]. The Annales Blandinienses record the death "VI Kal Apr 964" of "Magnus Arnulfus, restaurator huius Blandiniensis coenobii"[112]. A charter dated 2 Jul 964 records the donation by "bone memorie Arnulfus marchysus" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, signed by "Odgaudi qui susceptor traditionis fuit…Ingelberti advocati…"[113].
[m firstly ---.
- Both Rösch[114] and Europäische Stammtafeln[115] state that Count Arnoul had another wife before marrying Adela de Vermandois. No evidence has been found concerning this supposed first marriage. However, as discussed below, the estimated birth date of Arnoul´s supposed daughter Hildegard, as well as his own advanced age when he married Adela de Vermandois, both suggest an earlier marriage.
- Although logic points to such a first marriage, doubt remains. The genealogical traces of this family are well marked in numerous contemporary sources. It is difficult to imagine that all of such sources would have ignored an earlier marriage of Comte Arnoul, who was such a prominent figure in his day.]
m [secondly] (934) ADELA de Vermandois, daughter of HERIBERT [II] Comte de Vermandois [Carolingian] & his wife Adela [Capet] ([915]-[Bruges 10 Oct] 960, bur Gent, St Pieter).
- The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names "Adelam, domni Heriberti comitis filiam" as wife of "comes Arnulfus", specifying that she was "duorum Francorum regum, Odonis atque Rotberti, neptem"[116]. "Adala coniunx Arnulfi" is named in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[117]. The Annales Elnonenses Minores records the marriage [undated between 931 and 949] of "Arnulfus" and "Adelam, filiam Heriberti Vermandorum comitis"[118].
- Her marriage was arranged to seal the alliance made in 934 between her father and her future husband[119]. "Arnulfus Flandrie comes et marchisus" granted use of property "Snellenghem in pago Flandrensi" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for "uxore mea…Adala atque…filio meo Balduino et filia mea Lietgardis" and for deceased "Balduino genitore meo et Elstrudis genetrice mea atque Heeberto filio meo", by charter dated 10 Jul 953[120]. "Adhela comitissa" freed two serfs and granted them to the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand, for the soul of "fidelis nostri Amalrici", by charter dated 8 Sep 954, signed by "Balduini comitis…Odacri advocati"[121].
- The Annales Blandinienses record the death in 960 of "Adala comitissa"[122].
Count Arnoul I & his [first] wife had one child:
1. [HILDEGARD ([before 933]-10 Apr 990, bur Egmond).
- The Annales Egmundani name "Hildegardis comitissa" as wife of "Theodericus comes secundus [Hollandensium]" but do not give her origin[123]. The wife of Count Dirk II was the daughter of Count Arnoul according to Rösch, but the author cites no primary source in support of this assertion[124]. Hildegard's naming her two sons Arnulf and Egbert suggests that the affiliation may be correct.
- According to Europäische Stammtafeln[125], Hildegard was the daughter of Count Arnoul by Adela de Vermandois and was born in [934]. This appears difficult to sustain chronologically if Hildegard's first son was born in [950], although it is not impossible.
- Assuming that her sister Liutgard was born in 935, there is little time for the birth of an earlier daughter after Count Arnoul's marriage in 934, assuming also that the latter date is correct. This suggests that, if Hildegard was the daughter of Count Arnoul, she was born from an earlier otherwise unrecorded marriage. An alternative parentage is suggested by the Chronologia Johannes de Beke which records that Count Dirk II married "Hildegardim (ut creditor) filiam Ludovici regis Francie"[126]. This is chronologically impossible, assuming that the birth date of Arnoul Count of Holland is correctly estimated as shown in the document HOLLAND. Hildegard daughter of Louis III King of France would have been too old for the marriage and any daughter of Louis IV King of France would have been too young. It is also unlikely that the wife of Count Dirk II was a daughter of Charles III "le Simple" King of France, the birth dates of whose daughters are estimated to [908/16]. There therefore seems no possibility that the Chronologia could even be partially correct in assigning this possible Carolingian French origin to Dirk's wife, although it is curious how this origin came to be included in the source.
- "Theodericus comes et uxor sua Hildegardis" are named in a charter dated Oct [967/79][127]. "Theoderici et Hildegardis" subscribed a charter dated 30 Sep 975, before "Arnulfi filii eorum [Theoderici et Hildegardis]"[128].
- The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records the death "III Id Apr" of "Hildegardis…sua conthoralis" and her burial at Egmond monastery[129]. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records the death "III Id Apr" of "Hildegardis…sua conthoralis" and her burial at Egmond monastery[130]. Beke's Egmondsch Necrologium records the death "IV Id Apr" of "Hildegardis uxor [Theoderici 2 comitis] filia Ludovici regis Francie"[131]. Europäische Stammtafeln shows 990 as Hildegarde´s year of death[132], but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified.
- m ([945/50]%29 DIRK II Count of Holland, son of DIRK I Count of Holland & his wife Geva --- ([930]-Egmond 6 May 988, bur Egmond).]
- Count Arnoul I & his [second] wife had four children:
2. LIUTGARD de Flandre ([935]-962, before 18 Oct).
- Boer and Cordfunke refer to a 938 meeting, between Count Dirk I, Count Meginhard of Hamaland, and Count Arnulf I of Flanders and his wife Adela, to arrange the betrothals of Hildegard of Flanders and Count Dirk II (son of Count Dirk I), and of her sister Liutgard and Wichmann of Hamaland (son of Count Meginhard)[133]. The meeting is alleged to be recorded in the Verbrüderungsbuch der Abtei Reichenau, but no trace of this has been found in the copy consulted[134].
- "Arnulfus Flandrie comes et marchisus" granted use of property "Snellenghem in pago Flandrensi" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for "uxore mea…Adala atque…filio meo Balduino et filia mea Lietgardis" and for deceased "Balduino genitore meo et Elstrudis genetrice mea atque Heeberto filio meo", by charter dated 10 Jul 953[135]. This document suggests that Liutgard was not married at the time.
- "Wicmannus…comes" donated "mei juris villam Thesla" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for the soul of "coniugis mee defuncte Lietgardis", by charter dated 18 Oct 962, signed by "comitis Arnulfi patris supradicte Lietgardis comitisse, Theoderici comitis…"[136]. The Iohannis de Thilrode Chronicon records the donation dated 962 by "Wicmannus comes…pro remedio anima coniugis mea Lietgardis…Arnulphi marchisi Flandrie patris" of "villam Thessela…Desselbergine" to "monasterio Sancti Petri in Blandino"[137].
- The Annales Blandinienses record the deaths in 962 of "Baldwinus, filius Arnulfi marchisi, et soror eius Liutgardis"[138].
m ([after 10 Jul 953]) WICHMANN [V] Graaf van Hamaland, son of --- [Billung] & his wife Gerberga --- ([930]-after 27 Sep 979).
3. BAUDOUIN de Flandres ([935/40]-Abbey of St Bertin 1 Jan 962).
- His parentage is specified in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[139]. "…Baldwini filii Arnulfi marchysi…" signed the charter dated 8 Jul 941 under which "Arnulfus…regis…marchysus" restored property to Saint-Pierre de Gand[140]. "Arnulfus Flandrie comes et marchisus" granted use of property "Snellenghem in pago Flandrensi" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for "uxore mea…Adala atque…filio meo Balduino et filia mea Lietgardis" and for deceased "Balduino genitore meo et Elstrudis genetrice mea atque Heeberto filio meo", by charter dated 10 Jul 953[141].
- He ruled with his father from 958[142] as BAUDOUIN III Joint Count of Flanders and Artois, his father granting him the administration of the south of the county[143].
- A charter dated to 20 Jan [958/61] records the peace settlement agreed by "Baulduin…Marquis" between the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand and the avoués of Douchy, although this document is unlikely to be contemporary in the form shown in the compilation as it is written in old French[144]. The Annales Blandinienses record the deaths in 962 of "Baldwinus, filius Arnulfi marchisi, et soror eius Liutgardis"[145]. The Annales Egmundani record the death in 962 of "Baldwinus filius Arnulfi marchisi Flandrensium"[146].
- m ([951/59]%29 as her first husband, MECHTILD of Saxony, daughter of HERMANN Billung Duke in Saxony & his [first/second] wife [Oda ---/Hildesuit ---] ([942]-Gent 25 May 1008, bur Gent St Peter). "Mathilda Saxonici generic" is named as wife of Count Baudouin in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[147]. The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Bennonis ducis, qui et Bernhardus et Liudigeri comitis et Machtildis comitisse" as brothers and sister of "domna Suanehildis [filia] Herimanni ducis de Liuniburh", recording the names of Mechtild's two husbands[148]. The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names "Mathildis, filiam principis Herimanni" as wife of "Balduinum [filius comitis Arnulfi]", specifying that it was hoped the couple would have many children[149]. This suggests that their marriage date may have been some years earlier than 961 considering that the Genealogia was supposedly compiled in [951/59], probably during the earlier part of this date range considering which children of Louis IV King of the West Franks are named in the document[150]. Mechtild married secondly ([963]) Godefroi Comte de Verdun [Wigeriche] (-3/4 Sep after 995, bur Gent St Peter). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Mathildis comitissa Saxonie" as wife of "Godefridi Ardennensis"[151]. The Annales Blandinienses record the death in 1008 of "Mathildis comitissa"[152]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "25 May" of "Mattild com"[153].
- Baudouin III & his wife had one child.
- Baudouin III had one possible illegitimate son by an unknown mistress.
4. EGBERT de Flandre (-before 10 Jul 953).
- "Arnulfus Flandrie comes et marchisus" granted use of property "Snellenghem in pago Flandrensi" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for "uxore mea…Adala atque…filio meo Balduino et filia mea Lietgardis" and for deceased "Balduino genitore meo et Elstrudis genetrice mea atque Heeberto filio meo", by charter dated 10 Jul 953[157]. Egbert´s absence from the charter dated 8 Jul 941, under which "Arnulfus…regis…marchysus" restored property to Saint-Pierre de Gand, signed by "…Baldwini filii Arnulfi marchysi…"[158], suggests that he must have been a younger son.
5. ELSTRUDE de Flandre (-966[159] or after).
- The Historia Comitum Ghisnensium names "comes Balduinus sororem…Elstrudem" as wife of "Sifridus"[160]. According to the Chronica Monasterii Sancti Bertini, the couple were never married[161].
- m ([960/65]%29 SIEGFRIED Comte de Guines, son of --- (-[965]).
- [100] Genealogiæ Comitum Flandriæ, Witgeri Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis MGH SS IX, p. 303.
- [101] Saint-Bertin II.73, 918, p. 138.
- [102] Gand Saint-Pierre 18, p. 24, and Liber traditionum sancti Petri Blandiniensis, 60, p. 52.
- [103] Nicholas (1992), p. 40.
- [104] Liber traditionum sancti Petri Blandiniensis, 65, p. 68.
- [105] Felice Lifshitz (ed.) Dudo of St Quentin's Gesta Normannorum, Chapter 26, The Online Reference Book for Medieval Sources, <http://orb.rhodes.edu/ORB_done/Dudo/dudindex.html> (6 Jan 2003).
- [106] Nicholas (1992), p. 40.
- [107] Gand Saint-Pierre 22, p. 28.
- [108] Nicholas (1992), p. 42.
- [109] Gand Saint-Pierre 30, p. 34, and Liber traditionum sancti Petri Blandiniensis, 69, p. 75.
- [110] Gand Saint-Pierre 31, p. 34.
- [111] Gand Saint-Pierre 29, p. 33.
- [112] Annales Blandinienses 964, MGH SS V, p. 25.
- [113] Gand Saint-Pierre 37, p. 40, and Liber traditionum sancti Petri Blandiniensis, 72, p. 77.
- [114] Rösch (1977), p. 138.
- [115] ES II 5.
- [116] Genealogiæ Comitum Flandriæ, Witgeri Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis MGH SS IX, p. 303.
- [117] Saint-Bertin II.76, 938, p. 141.
- [118] Annales Elnonenses Minores [931-949], MGH SS V, p. 19.
- [119] Nicholas (1992), p. 40.
- [120] Gand Saint-Pierre 22, p. 28.
- [121] Gand Saint-Pierre 23, p. 29.
- [122] Annales Blandinienses 960, MGH SS V, p. 25.
- [123] Annales Egmundani, MGH SS XVI, p. 444.
- [124] Rösch (1977), p. 138.
- [125] ES II 5.
- [126] Bruch, H. (ed.) (1973) Chronologia Johannis de Beke (The Hague), 33a, p. 61, available at < http://www.inghist.nl/Onderzoek/Projecten /KroniekVanJohannesDeBekeTot1430/latijn> (31 Aug 2006).
- [127] Koch, A. C. F. (ed.) (1970) Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299 (Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague) ("OHZ"), 45, p. 84.
- [128] OHZ 43, p. 80.
- [129] Chronologia Johannes de Beke 36, p. 69.
- [130] Chronologia Johannes de Beke 36, p. 69.
- [131] Beka's Egmondsch Necrologium, in Oppermann, O. (1933) Fontes Egmundenses (Utrecht), p. 106.
- [132] ES II 5.
- [133] Boer, D. E. H. de and Cordfunke, E. H. P. (1995) Graven van Holland (Walburg Pers, Zutphen), reference provided by Kees Nieuwenhuijsen in a private email to the author dated 3 Oct 2006.
- [134] Autenrieth, J. (ed.) (1979) Das Verbrüderungsbuch der Abtei Reichenau (MGH, Hannover), consulted at <http://www.dmgh.de/> (10 Oct 2006).
- [135] Gand Saint-Pierre 22, p. 28.
[136] Gand Saint-Pierre 32, p. 35.
[137] Iohannis de Thilrode Chronicon, MGH SS XXV, p. 564.
[138] Annales Blandinienses 962, MGH SS V, p. 25.
[139] Saint-Bertin II.76, 938, p. 141.
[140] Liber traditionum sancti Petri Blandiniensis, 65, p. 68.
[141] Gand Saint-Pierre 22, p. 28.
[142] Kerrebrouck, P. Van (2000) Les Capétiens 987-1328 (Villeneuve d'Asq), p. 61, footnote 35.
[143] Nicholas (1992), p. 42.
[144] Gand Saint-Pierre 26, p. 31.
[145] Annales Blandinienses 962, MGH SS V, p. 25.
[146] Annales Egmundani 962, MGH SS XVI, p. 445.
[147] Saint-Bertin II.78, p. 153.
[148] Annalista Saxo 1002.
[149] Genealogiæ Comitum Flandriæ, Witgeri Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis MGH SS IX, p. 304.
[150] MGH SS IX, p. 302, Introduction to Witgeri Genealogia Arnulfi Comitis.
[151] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1005, MGH SS XXIII, p. 778.
[152] Annales Blandinienses 1008, MGH SS V, p. 25.
[153] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg.
[157] Gand Saint-Pierre 22, p. 28.
[158] Liber traditionum sancti Petri Blandiniensis, 65, p. 68.
[159] When she gave birth to her husband's posthumous child.
[160] Historia Comitum Ghisnensium 11, MGH SS XXIV, p. 568.
[161] Chronica Monasterii Sancti Bertini auctore Iohanne Longo de Ipra 27.2, MGH SS XXV, p. 776.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Holland (Hamaland, covering her married family):
WICHMANN [V] ([930]-after 27 Sep 979).
His parentage is confirmed by the Necrologium of Elten which records the death of "Meginhard, pater Gerberch, cuius filius Wichmannus comes fundator ecclesia"[649]. If Boer & Cordfunke are correct regarding the 938 meeting between Count Dirk I, Count Meginhard of Hamaland, and Count Arnulf I of Flanders, regarding the betrothal of their children, Wichmann was the son of Meginhard, but it has not been possible to verify this against primary sources and it seems disproved by the necrology entry.
His birth date is estimated from the estimated date of his marriage.
Graaf van Hamaland. The Iohannis de Thilrode Chronicon records that Emperor Otto I built the dyke from the Schelde to the sea known as the "Ottingam" and installed "comitem Wicmannus" in the castle on the banks of the Leie which controlled the towns of "Hasnethe, Bocholt, Axle, Huleta cum tota Wasia"[650], probably dated to [950/52] judging by the following charter. "Otto…rex" confirmed the donation of property "in loco Dauindre…in pago…Hamalant in comitatu Vuigmanni" to St Moritz at Magdeburg by "nostra amita…Uota" by charter dated 30 Dec 952[651]. "Otto…rex" granted property "[in] Daventria…in comitatu Uuicmanni comitis…et villa…Tuncgurun in comitatu Everhardi comitis" to Magdeburg Moritzkirche by charter dated 2 Jul 956[652]. "Otto…rex" donated property "Dauantri…in pago…Hamalant in comitatu Wichmanni comitis…et in pago Velua…et in pago Salalant in comitatu Euerhardi comitis" to Magdeburg St Moritz by charter dated 28 Aug 960[653].
"Wicmannus…comes" donated "mei juris villam Thesla" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for the soul of "coniugis mee defuncte Lietgardis", by charter dated 18 Oct 962, signed by "comitis Arnulfi patris supradicte Lietgardis comitisse, Theoderici comitis…"[654].
Wichmann acquired the abbey of St Bavo in Gent, and became Graaf van Gent as vassal of his father-in-law, but transferred this to Dirk II Count of Holland in [964/69] and returned to Hamaland.
"Otto…imperator augustus" gave property "in territorio Vrek in pago Salo…in comitatu Nerdincklant…in comitatu Hamelant", all held by Wichmann, to Kloster Elten founded by "Wichmannus comes in litore Reni in comitatu Hamelant" by charter dated 29 Jun 968[655].
Count in the North Frisian counties: "Otto…imperator augustus" confirmed donations to Kloster Elten by "Wichmannus comes…in his quatuor comitatibus…Hunesca, Fivelga, Merime, Miclaga" by charter dated 3 Aug 970[656]. "Otto…imperator augustus" gave property "locum Pateleke…in pago Ambraga in comitatu Wichmanni comitis" to his wife Empress Theophanu by charter dated 27 Sep 979[657].
m ([after 10 Jul 953]) LIUTGARD de Flandre, daughter of ARNOUL I Count of Flanders & his [second] wife Adela de Vermandois (935-962, before 18 Oct).
Wichmann [V] & his wife had two children:
i) LIUTGARD (-997). "Otto…imperator augustus" confirmed the privileges of Kloster Elten naming "Wichmannus comes [et] eius filia Lutgarda…abbatissæ…Heltnon" by charter dated 14 Dec 973[664]. Alpertus names "Liutgardam sororem [=uxoris Baldericus] abbatissam Eltuensis montis", a later paragraph recording her death[665]. Abbess of Elten before Dec 973.
ii) ADELA ([955/60]-22 Mar [1014/16]).
The Vita Meinwerci names "uxorem de terra Saxoniæ, Athelam nomine" as wife of Immed[666]. Widukind records that Meinwerk Bishop of Paderborn was "materno a Wichmanno, Herimanni ducis nepote, propinquo Ottonis I"[667]. Alpertus names "Adela sorori domnæ Liutgardæ", commenting that Adela was "clamosa in voce, lasciva in verbis, veste composite, animo dissoluta", the subsequent paragraph recording that, after her sister died, Adela took all her property which she had intended for the church before "vidua lasciva" married Baldric as her second husband[668]. Her birth date range is estimated from her giving birth to five known children by her first husband, who died in early 983.
"Otto…Romanorum imperator augustus" confirmed the rights and privileges of Kloster Elten naming "filiam Lutgardam…abbatissam [et] filia Adela…[et] Baldericus…maritus Adele" by charter dated 18 Dec 996[669]. Alpertus records that the wife of "Baldericus" was the daughter of "Wicmanni, cuius maiores magnam partem Germaniæ et maxime circa littoral oceani imperia tenebant"[670]. Heribert Archbishop of Köln donated property "ecclesiam…in villa…Sethone…in pago…Betuam", donated by "Baldericus cum uxore Adela", to Kloster Deutz by charter dated 17 Jul 1015, witnessed by "…Cristiani comitis…Bilisonis comitis…"[671]. Heribert Archbishop of Köln donated serfs to Kloster Deutz by charter dated 1 May 1015, witnessed by "…Arnoldi comitis, Gerardi comitis"[672]. Thietmar records that the wife of Baldric encouraged her husband to arrange for the murder of "Count Wichmann" in 1016[673]. "Baldricus comes" donated property to Kloster Ziflick, with the consent of "contectalis mee Athalæ", by undated charter dated to [1014/20][674]. Alpertus names her "Adelæ uxoris Baldrici" in a later (undated) passage recording her death aged 60[675]. The work of Thiodericus names "Ida comitissa eius [=Baldricus] coniunx" ("Ida" presumably being an error for "Adela") and records her death "XI Kal Apr" without specifying the year[676].
m firstly IMMED, son of --- (-27 Jan 983).
m secondly (before 18 Dec 996) BALDRIC Graaf van Drenthe, son of --- (-Burg Heimbach 5 Jun 1021).
The Vita Meinwerci records a donation to Paderborn by "Baldericus comes" with the consent of "suæ contectalis Athelæ", in the presence of "Meinwerco episcopo…Heinrici imperatoris…Bernhardi ducis, Liudolfi, Thiederici, Wicmanni comitum"[677]. "Henricus…rex" donated property "in pago Thrient…in comitatu Baldrici" to the church of Utrecht by charter dated 24 Apr 1006[678]. "Henricus…rex" granted property "inter flumina…Nitæ…Thila…Wauerwald in comitatu Gotizonis comitis qui Antwerk dicitur situm" to "nostrum bestiarum Baldrico sanctæ Leodicensis ecclesiæ presul nec non Baldrico comiti" by charter dated 12 Sep 1008[679]. "Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" donated property to Kloster Boppard "quod Paldricus comes in Pochpartun nobis tradidit" by charter dated 1021[680].
The work of Thiodericus names "Baldricus comes de Oplathe vel Houberch" and records his death "Non Iun" without specifying the year[681]. Thietmar records that "Berthold, Liuthar's son" killed Baldric "a most excellent vassal of Count Wichmann" at Burg Monreberg in [1 Apr] 1017[682], although it is not clear that this is the same Baldric given the contrast with Thietmar's early uncomplimentary descriptions of Baldric, husband of Adela.
[649] Vanderkindere I, p. 75, quoting Van Spaen Introduction à l'histoire de la Gueldre, I, p. 67, no. 20.
[650] Iohannis de Thilrode Chronicon 8, MGH SS XXV, p. 563.
[651] D O I 159, p. 240
[652] D O I 181, p. 264.
[653] D O I 216, p. 298.
[654] Gand Saint-Pierre 32, p. 35.
[655] D O I 358, p. 491.
[656] D O I 397, p. 539.
[657] D O II 202, p. 228.
[664] D O II 67, p. 79.
[665] Alpertus, De Diversitate Temporum I.2, MGH SS IV, p. 702, and I.3, p. 703, the latter recording her death with the date "997" in the margin.
[666] Vita Meinwerci Episcopi Paderbornensis 2, MGH SS XI, p. 108, footnote 10 quoting her death "8 Idus Aug" in necrologium Abdinhofense.
[667] Widukind I.III, c. 69, cited in Vita Meinwerci Episcopi Paderbornensis 5, MGH SS XI, p. 108, footnote 11.
[668] Alpertus, De Diversitate Temporum I.2 and 1.3, MGH SS IV, pp. 702 and 703, the latter passage with "18 May 997" added in the margin.
[669] D O III 235, p. 649.
[670] Alpertus, De Diversitate Temporum I.1, MGH SS IV, p. 701.
[671] Niederrheins Urkundenbuch, Band I, 138, p. 86.
[672] Niederrheins Urkundenbuch, Band I, 148, p. 91.
[673] Thietmar 7.47, p. 340.
[674] Spaen (1805) Codex diplomaticus, I, p. 1.
[675] Alpertus, De Diversitate Temporum II.5, MGH SS IV, p. 711.
[676] Thioderici Aeditui Tuitiensis Opuscula, MGH SS XIV, p. 564.
[677] Vita Meinwerci Episcopi Paderbornensis 134, MGH SS XI, p. 134, undated but other paragraphs suggest the range [1008/1017].
[678] D H II 112, p. 137.
[679] D H II 186, p. 221.
[680] D H II 438, p. 560.
[681] Thioderici Aeditui Tuitiensis Opuscula, MGH SS XIV, p. 564.
[682] Thietmar 7.53, p. 346.
From the Dutch Wikipedia page on Liutgard:
Liutgard van Vlaanderen (Vlaanderen, ca. 935 - Hamaland, 29 september 964) was een dochter van Arnulf I van Vlaanderen en Aleidis van Vermandois. Zij trad rond 955 in het huwelijk met Wichman IV van Hamaland.
Zij was een zuster van Boudewijn III van Vlaanderen.
Na de dood van hun enige zoon Wichman IV in een campagne tegen de Bohemen richtte haar echtgenoot het sticht Elten op. Hun dochter Liutgard van Elten werd hier de eerste abdis. Haar tweede dochter Adela van Hamaland was het er niet mee eens dat twee-derde van de bezittingen van haar ouders naar het sticht Elten gingen.
Bij de opgravingen in Hoog-Elten is haar graf gevonden. Aan haar skelet ontbrak één hand met het polsgewricht, terwijl haar gebeente daar tekenen van botvliesontsteking vertoonde. Zij is dus overleden aan de gevolgen van een ernstig ongeval of een geweldsincident.
Samen met Wichman IV van Hamaland kreeg zij de volgende kinderen:
1. Wichman V (ca. 957 - 1 augustus 965 of uiterlijk 966, begraven te Elten)
2. Liutgard van Elten, eerste abdis van het sticht Elten
Adela van Hamaland.
The city of residence for her husband in Hamaland was Zutphen. Source:
From the Celtic Casimir online family tree:
Family Links
1. Wickmann (Wieman) I GERULFING Count of Hainault & Ghent
1a. Adela GERULFING of Hamalant+
1b. Theodric DE GAND
Born: Abt 941, Flandres, Belgium
Married: Abt 955, Gand, East Vlaanderen, Belgium
Died: 29 Sep 964
Ancestral File Number: 9GB2-SP.
Marriage Information:
Ledgarde married Wickmann (Wieman) I GERULFING Count of Hainault & Ghent, son of Dietrich (Dirk) I GERULFING Count in Friesland (916-939) and Gerberge (Geva) VAN MAYINHARD, about 955 in Gand, East Vlaanderen, Belgium. (Wickmann (Wieman) I GERULFING Count of Hainault & Ghent was born about 920 in Gand, East Vlaanderen, Belgium and died after 14 Dec 973.)
Liutgard van Vlaanderen's Timeline
927 |
Ghent, East Flanders, Flanders, Belgium
943 |
Gand, Flanders, Belgium
953 |
- 962
Age 26
Hamaland, Netherlands
961 |
September 29, 961
Age 34
Zutphen, Hamaland (present Gelderland), Netherlands
1939 |
June 17, 1939
Age 34
June 17, 1939
Age 34
June 17, 1939
Age 34
June 17, 1939
Age 34
June 30, 1939
Age 34