Lorcan "Fingin, King of Munster" MacLachtnae
Lorcan macLachtnae (end of information)
There seems to be a good deal of dissension as to whether his father was Conlingan or Lachtnae. Most genealogical sources list his lineage as coming through Lachtnae, yet the "Annals of the Four Masters" (Annala na gCeithre Mháistrí, compiled in the 1630s by Franciscans in Donegal) describe him as "Lorcan son of Conlingan."
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy:
LORCÁN . King of Caisel. The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Flaithbheartach son of Inmhainen king of Caiseal” was killed in 920 and that “Lorcan son of Conlingan assumed the kingship of Caiseal”[809]. m ---. The name of Lorcán´s & his wife is not known. Lorcán & his wife had one child:
a) CEINNÉITIG (-951). His parentage is confirmed by the Annals of Ulster which record that "Brian son of Ceinnéitig son of Lorcán king of Ireland and Mael Sechnaill son of Domnall king of Temair" led an army to “Áth Cliath” in 1014[810]. The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Ceallachan of Caiseal” defeated “Ceinneidigh son of Lorcan at Magh-duin” in 942[811]. The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 951 of "Cennétig son of Lorcán, royal heir of Caisel”[812]. m ---. The name of Ceinnéitig & his wife is not known.
The Victorious Career of Cellachan of Cashel or The Wars Between the Irishmen and the Norsemen in the Middle of the 10th Century [https://archive.org/details/caithreimcellach00norsuoft/page/57/mode...]
The Original Irish Text Edited with Translation and Notes by Alexander Bugge, Professor in the University of Christiania
Published for Det Norske Historiske Kilderkriftfond 1905.
The battle-career of Cellachan of Cashel, here.
1. A noble, lofty-spirited high-king whose name was Airtri, son of Cathal, son of Finguine, got the sovereignty and possession of the two provinces of Munster. And it was during his time that the Lochlannachs first obtained power over Erin. But from the time of Airtri to the good time of Cellachan they found battles and conflicts. And these were the kings who were over Cashel during that period, and the length of their reigns, and the [different] deaths that carried them off.
2. Airtri, son of Cathal, [reigned] 20 years, and he died a natural death.
Feidlimlid, son of Crimthan, 27 years over Munster and over Erin, and he died a natural death through the curse of the great Ciaran, son of the Carpenter.
Olchobar, son of Cinaed, 4 years. And it was he who gained the battle of Sciach Nechtain over the Foreigners, in which twelve hundred of them were killed along with Tomar the earl. And he [i. e. Olchobar] died a natural death.
Maelguala, son of Dungal, 7 years, and the Foreigners killed him.
Cennfaelad, son of Mochtigern, 7 years, and he died a natural death.
Donnchad, son of Dubdaboirenn, 4 years, and he died a natural death at Cashel.
Dublachta, son of Maelguala, 7 years, and he died of pestilence in his banqueting house.
Finguine, son of Laegaire, 7 years, and his own brothers killed him because of his having (only) half-drunk a feast.
Cormac, son of Cuilennan, 7 years, and the Leinstermen killed him in the battle of Leithglinn.
Flaithbertach, son of Inmainen, 37 years, and he died a natural death.
Lorcan, son of Conligan, one year and a half, and he died a natural death.
Lorcán mac Lachtnai Dál gCais
b. circa 866, d. 942
Father Lachtnae mac Cuircc1,2 b. circa 836
Of Dál gCais.1,2,3 Lorcán mac Lachtnai Dál gCais was of the Dál Cais, a sept formerly known as In Déis Tuaiscirt, the change in name perhaps occurring about this time, as the name of "Dál Cais" is not documented before the tenth century.2 He was born circa 866. He was the son of Lachtnae mac Cuircc.1,2 Lorcán mac Lachtnai Dál gCais died in 942.4
* Cennétig mac Lorcáin, rí Tuadh Mumhan+ b. c 896, d. 9511,2
1. [S187] Royal Genealogy Database, online http://www.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/
2. [S483] Stewart Baldwin, Llywelyn ap Iorwerth's ancestors in "Baldwin-Llywelyn," listserve message Dec 1998.
3. [S636] Ireland: History in Maps, online http://www.fortunecity.com/bally/kilkenny/2/iremaps.htm
4. [S278] DfAdam, online unknown url, The Line of Cormac Cas, King of Munster, 107.
Child of Lorcán mac Lachtnai Dál gCais: Cennétig mac Lorcáin, rí Tuadh Mumhan+ b. c 896, d. 951
Marriage 1 Babhian ingen Arcadh mac Murrough
856 |
King Munster Dalcasians
896 |
Kincora, Thomond, Ireland
942 |
Age 86
Age 86