Historical records matching Louis de France, le Grand Dauphin
Immediate Family
About Louis de France, le Grand Dauphin
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- Louis de France, dit le Grand Dauphin ou Monseigneur est né à Fontainebleau le 1er novembre 1661 et mort au château de Meudon le 14 avril 1711.
- Fils aîné de Louis XIV et de Marie-Thérèse d'Autriche, il eut pour gouverneur le très sévère duc de Montausier - qui servit, dit on , de modèle à Molière pour son Misanthrope - et pour précepteur le grandiloquent évêque de Condom, puis de Meaux, Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, assisté de Pierre-Daniel Huet. Il fut un élève appliqué, mais reçut une éducation qui lui apprit davantage l'obéissance à son père que de l'art de gouverner les Royaumes. Ses précepteurs en revanche lui transmirent le goût des antiquités (médailles, inscriptions, sculpture). Monseigneur avait commencé à collectionner vers 1681, il avait alors vingt ans, et outre les porcelaines, il appréciait particulièrement les gemmes. Il était secondé en la matière, depuis 1680 jusqu'à son décès, par son conseiller le fameux orfèvre Philippe van Dievoet dit « Vandive » (1654-1738), officier de la Garde-Robe du Roi, attaché à la personne du Dauphin.
- D'un tempérament doux et placide, héritage de sa mère Habsbourg d'Espagne, il tint son rôle discrètement, affirmant que l'éducation qu'il avait reçue l'avait pour toujours dégoûté de l'effort intellectuel. Il passait pour un homme de peu d'intelligence ce qui reste à démontrer. Les chansonniers le surnommèrent « Gros Gifflard ».
- Il épousa Marie Anne Christine de Bavière le 7 mars 1680 et l'aima tendrement, bien qu'elle fût d'un tempérament maladif et geignard et d'un caractère pessimiste et renfrogné. Ils eurent comme enfants :
- Louis (6 août 1682 † 19 février 1712), duc de Bourgogne ;
- Philippe (19 décembre 1683 † 9 juillet 1746), duc d'Anjou, roi d'Espagne sous le nom de Philippe V ;
- Charles (31 juillet 1686 † 5 mai 1714) duc de Berry.
- Veuf en 1690, il épousa secrètement en 1695 sa maîtresse Marie-Émilie de Joly de Choin (1670-1732), dame d'honneur de sa demi-sœur préférée la princesse douairière de Conti, que cette dernière avait renvoyée.
- En effet, tout en étant la maîtresse du Dauphin, Mademoiselle de Choin était l'amante du comte de Clermont-Chaste dont la princesse de Conti était également amoureuse. Les deux amants pensaient pouvoir manipuler à leur guise les deux enfants du roi et accéder à travers eux au pouvoir lorsque le Dauphin monterait sur le trône. L'intrigue fut découverte, les amants séparés et le comte envoyé en garnison pendant que la princesse de Conti se séparait discrètement de sa dame d'honneur pour ne pas offusquer son frère.
- Réputée l'une des femmes les plus laides de la Cour Marie-Émilie de Choin était dotée, selon la duchesse d'Orléans, tante du Dauphin, d'une poitrine énorme avec laquelle le prince jouait comme sur des timbales. Il n'eut pas d'enfants de cette seconde union.
- Bien qu'il ait lui aussi épousé sa maîtresse, le roi n'approuva pas cette union. Le Dauphin se retira dans son château de Meudon où se forma une sorte de contre-pouvoir à la politique de Louis XIV.
- Opposé à la révocation de l'Édit de Nantes (1685), il se signala également par sa bravoure au combat, notamment pendant la guerre de Succession d'Espagne.
- Fier de son sang, il ne craint pas de réclamer avec une vigueur inacoûtumée pour son fils cadet le duc d'Anjou, l'héritage de la couronne d'Espagne sur laquelle sa mère lui avait donné des droits (1700).
- Victime d'une attaque d'apoplexie en 1701, il mourut de la petite vérole en 1711 à l'âge de cinquante ans, avant d'avoir pu régner. « Fils de roi, père de roi, jamais roi » murmura la cour...
Louis was called le Grand Dauphin not because of any "grandeur", but rather because of his large physical size. Born a year after the marriage of his parents, he received his education and was tutored by Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, the great French preacher and orator. Despite many indications and reports of intelligence, Louis unfortunately was perceived as very lazy and indolent—in fact, it was said that, when adult, Louis could pass a whole day simply tapping his cane against his foot in an armchair. Nonetheless, Louis was greatly popular in Paris and with the French people in general.
Although he was permitted to attend the Conseil d'en Haut, he did not play an important part in French politics but due to being Louis XIV's heir was constantly surrounded by cabals battling for future prominence. He was sent to the Rhineland front in the War of the Grand Alliance, where he succeeded, under the tutelage of Vauban, in taking Philippsburg, thus preventing the Imperials from invading Alsace. His involvement in international politics showed itself in the years leading up to the War of the Spanish Succession. He gave up his rights to the Spanish throne (as inherited from his mother) in favour of his second son, Philippe, duc d'Anjou, later to be Philip V of Spain, so that the two kingdoms could be separate, a pre-requisite for King Charles II of Spain's leaving his territories to the Bourbons. In the discussions in Council regarding the French response to Charles II's last will and testament, which did indeed give his domains in their entirety to Philippe d'Anjou, Louis persuasively argued for acceptance.
Apart from ensuring the continuance of the senior French Bourbon line (Louis XV was his grandson) and the establishment of the Spanish Bourbon dynasty (through Anjou), he engaged in more leisurely pursuits and was esteemed for his magnificent collection of art at Versailles and his private establishment at Meudon. It was said that he hunted all wolves to extinction in the Île-de-France. He died of natural causes in 1711 at the age of fifty, predeceasing his father. It could be said that the prophecy was partly fulfilled; but his son never became King of France, his second son however became King of Spain.
Louis was called le Grand Dauphin not because of any "grandeur", but rather because of his large physical size. Born a year after the marriage of his parents, he received his education and was tutored by Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, the great French preacher and orator. Despite many indications and reports of intelligence, Louis unfortunately was perceived as very lazy and indolent—in fact, it was said that, when adult, Louis could pass a whole day simply tapping his cane against his foot in an armchair. Nonetheless, Louis was greatly popular in Paris and with the French people in general.
Although he was permitted to attend the Conseil d'en Haut, he did not play an important part in French politics but due to being Louis XIV's heir was constantly surrounded by cabals battling for future prominence. He was sent to the Rhineland front in the War of the Grand Alliance, where he succeeded, under the tutelage of Vauban, in taking Philippsburg, thus preventing the Imperials from invading Alsace. His involvement in international politics showed itself in the years leading up to the War of the Spanish Succession. He gave up his rights to the Spanish throne (as inherited from his mother) in favour of his second son, Philippe, duc d'Anjou, later to be Philip V of Spain, so that the two kingdoms could be separate, a pre-requisite for King Charles II of Spain's leaving his territories to the Bourbons. In the discussions in Council regarding the French response to Charles II's last will and testament, which did indeed give his domains in their entirety to Philippe d'Anjou, Louis persuasively argued for acceptance.
Apart from ensuring the continuance of the senior French Bourbon line (Louis XV was his grandson) and the establishment of the Spanish Bourbon dynasty (through Anjou), he engaged in more leisurely pursuits and was esteemed for his magnificent collection of art at Versailles and his private establishment at Meudon. It was said that he hunted all wolves to extinction in the Île-de-France. He died of natural causes in 1711 at the age of fifty, predeceasing his father. It could be said that the prophecy was partly fulfilled; but his son never became King of France, his second son however became King of Spain.
Louis de Bourbon, Dauphin de France (1)
M, #103063, b. 1 November 1661, d. 14 April 1711
Last Edited=8 Aug 2009
Consanguinity Index=17.82%
Louis de Bourbon, Dauphin de France was born on 1 November 1661 at Fontainebleau, Île-de-France, France.4 He was the son of Louis XIV, Roi de France and Maria Teresa von Habsburg, Infanta de España.4 He married, firstly, Maria-Anna Prinzessin von Bayern, daughter of Ferdinand Maria Kurfürst von Bayern and Adelaide Enrichetta di Savoia, Principessa di Savoia, on 7 March 1680 at Châlons-du-Marne, France.1 He married, secondly, Marie Émilie de Joly, daughter of Guillaume Claude de Joly, Baron de Choin and Anne Clémence Bonne de Grolée de Mépieu, between 1691 and 1695 at Marly, France, in a secret marriage.1 He married Maria-Anna Prinzessin von Bayern, daughter of Ferdinand Maria Kurfürst von Bayern and Adelaide Enrichetta di Savoia, Principessa di Savoia, on 28 January 1680 at Munich, Bavaria, Germany, in a proxy marriage.1 He died on 14 April 1711 at age 49 at Château de Meudon, France.4
Louis de Bourbon, Dauphin de France also went by the nick-name of 'le Grand Dauphin'.1 He gained the title of Dauphin de France.1 In November 1700 he renounced his rights to the Spanish throne, in favour of his son, Philippe.1
Children of Louis de Bourbon, Dauphin de France and Maria-Anna Prinzessin von Bayern
-1. Louis de Bourbon, Duc de Bourgogne+5 b. 6 Aug 1682, d. 18 Feb 1712
-2. Felipe V de Borbón, Rey de España+1 b. 19 Dec 1683, d. 9 Jul 1746
-3. Charles de Bourbon, Duc de Berri+6 b. 31 Aug 1686, d. 4 May 1714
Forrás / Source
Louis, Dauphin of France (1661-1711)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Louis, Dauphin of France (known as The Great Dauphin, le Grand Dauphin in French) (1 November 1661 - 14 April 1711) was the eldest son and heir of King Louis XIV of France and Queen Marie-Thérèse of France. Born heir apparent to the King of France, Louis was styled "Dauphin of France" from the day of his birth. It was foretold at his birth that he would be 'son of a king, father of a king, but never a king' before he died. As the son of the king, he was a Fils de France.
Louis' paternal grandparents were Louis XIII of France and Anne of Austria, while he was descended from Philip IV of Spain and Elisabeth of Bourbon, also his grandparents, through his mother. Elisabeth was a younger sister of Louis XIII, while Philip IV was a brother of Anne of Austria; thus, Louis' parents were double-first-cousins.
[edit]Le Grand Dauphin
Louis was called le Grand Dauphin not because of any "grandeur", but rather because of his large physical size. Born a year after the marriage of his parents, he received his education and was tutored by Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, the great French preacher and orator. Despite many indications and reports of intelligence, Louis unfortunately was perceived as very lazy and indolent—in fact, it was said that, when adult, Louis could pass a whole day simply tapping his cane against his foot in an armchair. Nonetheless, Louis was greatly popular in Paris and with the French people in general.
Although he was permitted to attend the Conseil d'en Haut, he did not play an important part in French politics but due to being Louis XIV's heir was constantly surrounded by cabals battling for future prominence. He was sent to the Rhineland front in the War of the Grand Alliance, where he succeeded, under the tutelage of Vauban, in taking Philippsburg, thus preventing the Imperials from invading Alsace. His involvement in international politics showed itself in the years leading up to the War of the Spanish Succession.
He gave up his rights to the Spanish throne (as inherited from his mother) in favour of his second son, Philippe, duc d'Anjou, later to be Philip V of Spain, so that the two kingdoms could be separate, a pre-requisite for King Charles II of Spain's leaving his territories to the Bourbons. In the discussions in Council regarding the French response to Charles II's last will and testament, which did indeed give his domains in their entirety to Philippe d'Anjou, Louis persuasively argued for acceptance.
Apart from ensuring the continuance of the senior French Bourbon line (Louis XV was his grandson) and the establishment of the Spanish Bourbon dynasty (through Anjou), he engaged in more leisurely pursuits and was esteemed for his magnificent collection of art at Versailles and his private establishment at Meudon. It was said that he hunted all wolves to extinction in the Île-de-France. He died of natural causes in 1711 at the age of fifty, predeceasing his father. It could be said that the prophecy was partly fulfilled; but his son never became King of France, his second son however became King of Spain.
[edit]Legitimate sibling
Marie-Thérèse de France (1667 - 1672)
The only legitimate daughter of Louis XIV to live older then the age of four. She was known as Madame Royale at court.
[edit]Illegitimate siblings
By Louise de la Vallière and his father, Louis XIV:
Louis de Bourbon, comte de Vermandois (1667 - 1683)
Eldest surviving son of Louis XIV and Louise de la Vallière
Marie Anne de Bourbon, Mademoiselle de Blois (1666 - 1739)
Later the princesse de Conti and wife to Louis Armand I, Prince of Conti.
By Madame de Montespan and his father Louis XIV;
Louise Françoise (1669-1672) - died in infancy.
Louis-Auguste de Bourbon, duc de Maine (1670-1736) married Anne-Louise-Bénédicte de Bourbon-Condé.
Had issue but no surviving descendants.
Louise Françoise (1669-1672) - died in childhood.
Had issue but no surviving descendants.
Louis César de Bourbon, comte de Vexin, abbot of Saint-Germain-des-Prés (1672-1683)
Louise-Françoise de Bourbon, Mademoiselle de Nantes (1673-1743), married Louis III, Prince of Condé, became duchesse de Bourbon and later princesse de Condé
He became quite close to her shortly before his death in 1711.
Louise Marie Anne de Bourbon, Mademoiselle de Tours (1674-1681) - died in childhood
Françoise-Marie de Bourbon, Mademoiselle de Blois (1677-1749), married in 1692 the future regent Philippe II de Bourbon-Orléans, duc d'Orléans (1674-1723).
Upon her marriage, she assumed the title of duchesse de Chartres, then on the death of her father-in-law, Philippe I, Duke of Orléans, she became the duchesse d'Orléans. Through her son, Françoise-Marie became the ancestor of King Louis-Philippe of the French and the modern House of Orléans.
Louis-Alexandre de Bourbon, comte de Toulouse (1678-1737) married Marie Victoire de Noailles.
The modern House of Orléans is also related to him through his grand-daughter Louise Marie Adélaïde de Bourbon-Penthièvre who married Philippe Egalité and became the mother of Louis-Philippe.
[edit]Marriage and issue
Louis was wed to Maria Anna of Bavaria; their children included:
Louis, duc de Bourgogne, later Dauphin, father of Louis XV of France
Philip, duc d'Anjou, later King of Spain
Charles, duc de Berry, Alençon and Angoulême, also Count of Ponthieu (b.1686-d.1714).
Louis, Dauphin of France (1661–1711)
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For other uses of "Louis, Dauphin", see Louis, Dauphin.
Le Grand Dauphin
Louis de France by an unknown artist
Dauphin of France
Tenure 1 November 1661 - 14 April 1711
(&0000000000000049.00000049 years, &0000000000000164.000000164 days)
Predecessor Louis XIV
Successor Louis, Duke of Burgundy
Spouse Maria Anna Victoria of Bavaria
Marie Émilie de Joly de Choin
Louis, Dauphin of France
Philip V, King of Spain
Charles, Duke of Berry
Full name
Louis de France
House House of Bourbon
Father Louis XIV of France
Mother Maria Theresa of Austria
Born 1 November 1661(1661-11-01)
Château de Fontainebleau, France
Died 14 April 1711 (aged 49)
Château de Meudon, France
Burial 28 April 1711
Royal Basilica of Saint Denis, Saint Denis, France
Louis de France[1] (1 November 1661 – 14 April 1711) was the eldest son and heir of Louis XIV, King of France and of his spouse, Maria Theresa of Austria. As the heir apparent to the French throne, he was styled as the Dauphin. In later life he was known as le Grand Dauphin due to his large physical size.
* 1 Biography
* 2 Political and military role
* 3 Marriages and issue
* 4 Legacy
o 4.1 Issue
* 5 Ancestry
* 6 Titles, styles, honours and arms
o 6.1 Titles and styles
* 7 References
* 8 Sources
* 9 See also
[edit] Biography
Louis de France was born at the Château de Fontainebleau, the eldest son of the King and Queen of France and Navarre; he was later baptised at the chapel of the Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye and was given his fathers name. As a Fils de France (Son of France) he was entitled to the style of Royal Highness and was the most important man in the kingdom directly after his father.
He was baptised on 24 March 1668 by proxy by theCardinal de Vendôme and the Princess of Conti for Pope Clement IX and Queen Henrietta Maria of England. The latter was Louis' own aunt.
When Louis reached the age of seven, he was removed from the care of women and placed in the society of men. He received Charles de Sainte-Maure, duc de Montausier as his governor and was tutored by Jacques Bénigne Bossuet, Bishop of Meaux, the great French preacher and orator. Despite many indications and reports of intelligence, Louis was perceived as lazy and indolent:
Louis XIV secretly nursed the same suspicious jealousy of the Grand Dauphin that Louis XIII had once shown to himself. No prince could have been less deserving of such feelings. Monseigneur, as the heir to the throne was now known, had inherited his mother's docility and low intelligence. All his life he remained petrified with admiration of his formidable father and stood in fear of him even while lavish proofs of 'affection' were showered upon him. The best way for Monseigneur to do someone an injury was to commend him to the royal favour. He knew it, and did not conceal it from his rare petitioners.
Louis XIV saw to it that his son's upbringing was quite the opposite of his own. Instead of a devoted mother and an affectionate and likeable tutor, the Dauphin had the repellent and misanthropic Duc de Montausier, who ruthlessly applied the same methods that had so disturbed Louis XIII. They annihilated his grandson.
[...]Bossuet overwhelmed his backward pupil with such splendid lessons that the Dauphin developed a lasting horror of books, learning and history. By the age of eighteen, Monseigneur had assimilated almost none of the knowledge amassed to so little purpose, and the apathy of his mind was second only to that of his senses.[2]
It was said that, when an adult, Louis could pass a whole day simply tapping his cane against his foot in an armchair. Nonetheless, Louis' generosity, affability and liberality gave him great popularity in Paris and with the French people in general. Louis was one of six legitimate children of his parents; only one other would reach the age of 5, Marie Thérèse of France. She died in March 1672 when Louis was 11. Her death affected the King and Queen greatly.
Prior to his engagement, his father had considered various daughters of European royals such as Anna Maria Luisa de' Medici as well as well as his niece Marie Louise d'Orléans daughter of Philippe of France, Duke of Orléans and his wife Princess Henrietta of England. Marie Louise and Louis according to various sources were in love, having grown up with each other. However, Louis used Marie Louise to forge a link with Spain and forced her to marry the invalid Charles II of Spain, Louis' own half uncle.
Despite this, Louis had been engaged to his second cousin, Maria Anna Victoria of Bavaria since he had been seven; Maria Anna Victoria was a year older than Louis and, upon arriving at the French court, was described as being very unattractive; she was a very cultured princess and was the daughter of Ferdinand Maria, Elector of Bavaria and his wife Princess Henriette Adelaide of Savoy.
Prior to the marriage to Louis, she had a proxy ceremony in Munich on 28 January 1680; the couple would meet for the first time on 7 March 1680 in Châlons-sur-Marne.
[edit] Political and military role
Although he was permitted at first to attend and later to participate in the Conseil d'en haut, he did not play a particularly important part in French politics. However, as the heir to the throne and, presumably, future king, Louis was constantly surrounded by cabals battling for future prominence. Apart from the minor political role he played during his father's reign, Louis engaged in more leisurely pursuits and was esteemed for his magnificent collection of art at Versailles and his private establishment at Meudon. Louis XIV purchased Meudon from the widow of Louvois. A brilliant period followed. The Dauphin employed Jules Hardouin Mansart and the office of the Bâtiments du Roi, but most particularly his long-term "house designer" Jean Bérain head of the Menus Plaisirs, to provide new decors
He lived quietly at Meudon for the remainder of his life surrounded by his two half sisters Marie Anne de Bourbon, whom he adored, and the Princess of Condé who he also loved dearly. These three made up the main part of the Cabal de Meudon which opposed the Dauphins son, Louis and his Savoyard wife the Duchess of Burgundy.
Louis is said to have hunted wolves to extinction in the Île-de-France.
During the War of the Grand Alliance, he was sent in 1688 to the Rhineland front. Before leaving the court, Louis was thus instructed by his father:
"In sending you to command my army, I am giving you an opportunity to make known your merit; go and show it to all Europe, so that when I come to die it will not be noticed that the King is dead."
There Louis succeeded, under the tutelage of Marshal de Duras and Vauban, in taking one of the bridgeheads across the Rhine, Philippsburg, which was surrounded by marshes. Louis' courage was shown when he visited the soldiers in the inundated trenches under heavy fire to observe the progress of the siege.[3] Montausier, his former governor, wrote to him thus:
"I shall not compliment you on the taking of Philippsburg; you had a good army, bombs, cannons and Vauban. I shall not compliment you because you are brave. That virtue is hereditary. But I rejoice with you that you have been liberal, generous, humane, and have recognised the services of those who did well."[4]
The Grand Dauphin
Louis' capture of Philippsburg prevented the large gathering Imperial army from crossing the Rhine and invading Alsace.
Louis' position in the Conseil d'en haut gave him an opportunity to have his voice heard in the years and crises leading up to the War of the Spanish Succession. From his mother, Louis had rights and claims to the Spanish throne. His uncle Charles II of Spain had produced no descendants and, as he lay dying, had no heir to whom he could pass the throne. The choice of a successor was essentially split between the French and Austrian claimants. In order to improve the chances of a Bourbon succession, Louis gave up his rights in favour of his second son, Philippe, duc d'Anjou (later Philip V of Spain), who, as second son, was not expected to succeed to the French throne, thus keeping France and Spain separate. Moreover, in the discussions in the Conseil d'en haut regarding the French response to Charles II's last will and testament, which did indeed leave all Spanish possessions to Anjou, Louis persuasively argued for acceptance. He opposed those who advocated a rejection of the will and the adherence to the Partition Treaty signed with William III of England, even though that Treaty had awarded Naples, Sicily and Tuscany to him.
Louis died of smallpox on 11 April 1711, at the age of forty-nine, predeceasing his father.
[edit] Marriages and issue
Louis married Duchess Maria Anna of Bavaria on 7 March 1680. A possible bride was the Italian Anna Maria Luisa de' Medici, niece of la Grande Mademoiselle. The Medici bride refused; thus Louis married his first cousin Maria Anna, known in France as Dauphine Marie Anne Victoire. The couple had three sons.
Legend has it that a prophecy told at his birth[citation needed] said that he would be "son of a king, father of a king, but never a king". This was thought to be fulfilled as he was the son of Louis XIV of France and father of Philip V of Spain (who however prevailed in his claim only after his father's death) but did not himself become King.
[edit] Legacy
* The Delphin Classics was a large edition of the Latin classics, edited in the 1670s for Louis (Delphin is the adjective derived from dauphin) Thirty-nine scholars contributed to the series, which was edited by Pierre Huet, with assistance from several co-editors including Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet and Anne Dacier.
[edit] Issue
* Louis de France (16 August 1682 – 18 February 1712), Duke of Burgundy and later Dauphin of France; married second cousin Princess Maria Adelaide of Savoy and had the future Louis XV of France;
* Philippe de France (19 December 1683 – 9 July 1746), Duke of Anjou, (later King of Spain); became King of Spain in 1700; married second cousin Princess Maria Luisa of Savoy and had issue; married again Elisabeth Farnese and had issue such as the future Dauphine of France, Infanta Maria Teresa Rafaela of Spain;
* Charles de France (31 July 1686 – 5 May 1714), Duke of Berry, Alençon and of Angoulême Count of Ponthieu; married his first cousin Marie Louise Élisabeth d'Orléans and had issue but none survived over a year;
Thus, through Burgundy and Anjou, Louis ensured the continuation of the senior Bourbon line on the throne of France and the establishment of the cadet Spanish Bourbon dynasty respectively.
Louis, on the death of his wife Maria Anna, secretly married Marie Emilie Thérèse de Joly de Choin. However, his new wife did not acquire the status of "Dauphine", and the marriage was without issue.
He had two illegitimate daughters with Françoise Pitel:
* Anne Louise de Bonbour (1695 - August 1716) - wife of Anne Errard d'Avaugour;
* Charlotte de Fleury (6 February 1697 - 1750) - wife of Gérard Michel de La Jonchère. [1][2]
With another mistress, Marie Anne Caumont de La Force, he had one daughter:
* Louise Émilie de Vautedard (1694–1719) - wife of Nicolas Mesnager. [3]
[edit] Ancestry
Louis' paternal grandparents were Louis XIII of France and Anne of Austria; he was descended, on his mother's side, from Philip IV of Spain and Élisabeth of France. Louis XIII and Élisabeth de Bourbon were siblings (the children of Henry IV of France and Marie de' Medici), as were Anne of Austria and Philip IV, who were the children of Philip III of Spain and Margaret of Austria. That means that he had only four great grandparents instead of the usual eight, and that his parents had the same coefficient of coancestry (1/8) as if they were half-siblings.
Titles and styles
* 1 November 1661 - 14 April 1711 His Royal Highness the Dauphin of France (Monseigneur le Dauphin)
[edit] References
Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Louis, Dauphin of France
1. ^ Achaintre, Nicolas Louis, Histoire généalogique et chronologique de la maison royale de Bourbon, Vol. 2, (Publisher Mansut Fils, 4 Rue de l'École de Médecine, Paris, 1825), 479.
2. ^ Erlanger, Philippe, Louis XIV, translated from the French by Stephen Cox, Praeger Publishers, New York, 1970, p. 177. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 79-109471
3. ^ Dunlop, Ian, Louis XIV, Pimlico London, 2001, p.309
4. ^ Dunlop, 309.
[edit] Sources
* Lahaye, Matthieu, Louis, Dauphin de France. Fils de roi, père de roi, jamais roi, DEA directed by Joël Cornette, University of Paris VIII, 2005.
* Lahaye, Matthieu, Louis Ier d'Espagne (1661–1700) : essai sur une virtualité politique, Revue historique, Numéro 647, PUF, Paris, Novembre 2008.
This page was last modified on 23 July 2010 at 21:25.
Ranskan kunikaan Ludvig XIV ' Aurinkokuningas* poika. 1711 Louis Grand Dauphin kuoli isorokkoon 49 vuoden ikäisenä
Grand Dauphinin toinen poika, Philippe, valittiin Espanjan kuninkaaksi vuonna 1700, ja hän otti nimekseen Filip V. Samalla hän luopui kaikista vaatimuksistaan Ranskan kruunuun ns. Espanjan perimyssodan yhteydessä ja sen päättäneessä Utrechtin rauhassa. Näin Ludvig XIV toteutti haaveensa saada oman sukunsa Bourbon-dynastian jäsen Espanjan valtaistuimelle. Huolimatta useista muutoksista Bourbon-suku on säilyttänyt Espanjan kruunun hallussaan aina meidän päiviimme saakka, ja kuningas Juan Carlos I on näin ollen Ludvig XIV:n jälkeläinen suoraan alenevassa polvessa.
Louis de France, le Grand Dauphin's Timeline
1661 |
November 1, 1661
Fontainebleau, Ile-de-France, France
1682 |
August 16, 1682
Palace of Versailles, Versailles, Île-de-France, France
1683 |
December 19, 1683
Versailles, Île-de-France, France
1686 |
July 31, 1686
Versailes, France
1692 |
February 6, 1692
1695 |
1697 |
1711 |
April 14, 1711
Age 49
Meudon, Hauts-de-Seine, Île-de-France, France