Immediate Family
About Megingoz, Graf im Avalgau
See also Megingoz IV van Avalgau
MEGINGOZ (-after 29 Sep 989). "Otto…rex" granted property "predium quale Lantberto atque Megingozzo per Emichonem comitem" to the church of Mainz by charter dated 29 May 961[576]. "Otto…imperator augustus" donated property "in pago Nahgeuue…in marca Kira, in Bergon, in Puzuuilarc, in Husonbahc, in Bettonforst" confiscated from "Megingaldus et Reginzo fratres" to Theoderich Archbishop of Trier, except the property retained by "fratri eorum maiori Landberto", by charter dated 4 Feb 966[577]. same person as…? MEGINGOZ [IV] (-14 Jan [998]). The precise relationship between Megingoz [IV] and the earlier three counts of the same name has not been identified, although the common use of this unusual name suggests a close connection. "Otto…imperator augustus" gave property "Herebertus dum vixit habere in villis Sowilnheim et in Olmeno in paho Naggowe in comitatu Emechonis comitis" to "fideli nostro Megingozo" Kloster Gandersheim by charter dated 27 Aug 973[578]. "Otto…rex" granted privileges to Kloster Vilich founded by "nobilis vir…Megingoz cum reliosa coniuge sua Gerbirga" by charter dated 18 Jan 987[579]. The Memorial of "Megendaudus…Gerbirga marito" also names "Irmendrudis", recording that she was born with them, presumably indicating that she was their daughter, with the name "Adelheidis abbatissa" recorded at the end out of context[580]. "Geriniu" donated property "in pago Lobodinense et in comitatu Megingaudi in Sahssenheimeromarcum" to Lorsch by charter dated 29 Sep 989[581]. m GERBERGA, daughter of GOTTFRIED Graf [Matfriede] & his wife Ermentrude --- (after 934-[995]). The Vita Adelheidis names "Gerbirg…filia ducis Godefridi" as wife of "Megengoz"[582]. Megingoz [IV] & his wife had eight children:
a) MEGINGOZ [V] . The Vita Adelheidis refers to "quatuor fratres [=Adelheid] unus paterno nomine, alter Heinrici", as well as two unnamed, as sons of "Megengoz" & his wife[583].
b) HEINRICH . The Vita Adelheidis refers to "quatuor fratres [=Adelheid] unus paterno nomine, alter Heinrici", as well as two unnamed, as sons of "Megengoz" & his wife[584].
c) son . The Vita Adelheidis refers to "quatuor fratres [=Adelheid] unus paterno nomine, alter Heinrici", as well as two unnamed, as sons of "Megengoz" & his wife[585].
d) son . The Vita Adelheidis refers to "quatuor fratres [=Adelheid] unus paterno nomine, alter Heinrici", as well as two unnamed, as sons of "Megengoz" & his wife[586].
e) IMIZA [Irmintrudis] ([950/60]-). The Vita Adelheidis names "Irminthrudis, Alverad [et] Berthrada" as the three sisters of Adeleid, daughters of "Megengoz" & his wife, specifying that Irmintrudis was grandmother of "Heinrici magnifici ducis et Adhelberonis Metensis episcopi, Friderici ducis"[587]. Her birth date range is estimated from the birth date of her mother. The Memorial of "Megendaudus…Gerbirga marito" also names "Irmendrudis", recording that she was born with them, presumably indicating that she was their daughter, with the name "Adelheidis abbatissa" recorded at the end out of context[588]. m HERIBERT Pfalzgraf, son of --- (-992).
f) ALBERADA . The Vita Adelheidis names "Irminthrudis, Alverad [et] Berthrada" as the three sisters of Adelheid, daughters of "Megengoz" & his wife, specifying that Alverad had "similiter suæ [=Irminthrudis] posterirum preclaris" without giving details[589].
g) ADELHEID . The Vita Adelheidis names "pater eius comes…Megengoz, mater Girbirg" as parents of Adelheid[590]. The Memorial of "Megendaudus…Gerbirga marito" also names "Irmendrudis", recording that she was born with them, presumably indicating that she was their daughter, with the name "Adelheidis abbatissa" recorded at the end out of context[591].
h) BERTRADA . The Vita Adelheidis names "Irminthrudis, Alverad [et] Berthrada" as the three sisters of Adeleid, daughters of "Megengoz" & his wife, specifying that Bertrada was a nun at Köln, St Maria[592].
Megingoz (c. 920 – 998/1001) (nicknamed the Brown) was of unknown origin. At the end of the 10th century, he played a part in the history of what later came to be known as the county of Guelders. He is also named as Count of Avalgau.
He married Gerberga of Lorraine. She was a daughter of Godfrey, Count Palatine of Lotharingia from the family of Matfrieden, and Ermentrude, possibly the oldest daughter of King Charles the Simple. They had the following children:
Godfrey (d. 977), killed at a young age in a campaign against Bohemia
Note:This article does not cite any sources.
Added to Geni by Janet Milburn 11/23/18
Irmtrud of Avalgau, who married Herbert of Wetterau Adelaide, Abbess of Vilich Alberada Bertada (d. 1000), abbess in Cologne
Henry Project: https://fasg.org/projects/henryproject/data/megin000.htm
Megingoz, Graf im Avalgau's Timeline
920 |
Avalgau, Germany
942 |
Lothringen, Germany
945 |
Lothringen, Germany
948 |
Avalgau, Germany
952 |
989 |
September 29, 989
Age 69
Geldern, Kleve, Nordrhein Westfalen, Germany
2006 |
August 18, 2006
Age 1086
September 13, 2006
Age 1086