Historical records matching Magnus V, King of Norway
Immediate Family
About Magnus V, King of Norway
"Magnus giftet seg så vidt vi vet aldri, men det hindret ham ikke i å få flere barn. Ifølge ei ætteliste i Fagerskinna hadde han en datter som het Kristin. Moren hennes var Eldrid Bjarnesdatter, som pikant nok var stedatter av Frirek Køna, høvdingen Erling Skakke hadde vunnet trøndernes evigvarende hat ved å binde til et anker og kaste over bord. Kristin ble gift med Reidar sendemann, som ble en av lederne for baglerflokken. Baglersagaen hevder derimot at kongsdatteren som Reidar var gift med het Margrete og at hun tidligere hadde vært gift med en annen baglerleder, Filippus av Veien. En annen datter av kong Magnus, Ingebjørg, ble under uklare omstendigheter gift med Peter Støype, som var søstersønn av kong Sverre og hadde en høy stilling i birkebeinerflokken. I 1210, da det rådet fred mellom baglerne og birkebeinerne, dro de to søstrene om mennene deres på pilgrimsferd til Jerusalem. Ingebjørg og Peter døde før de kom fram, men Reidar - og formodentlig også kona hans - nådde Jerusalem og dro deretter til Konstantinopel, hvor Reidar for andre gang gikk i keiserens tjeneste. Med tida skulle det dukke opp fem kongsemner som ble utgitt for å være sønner av kong Magnus - først en som muligens het Vikar, deretter Sigurd, så Inge, så Erling, som fienden ga det hånende tilnavnet Steinvegg, og til slutt presten Benedikt 'Bene' Skinnkniv, som skiftet navn til Magnus da han reiste flokk. Sigurds mor navngis som Gyrid, datter av en mann som ble kalt Aslak Unge, og det fortelles at Sigurd ble oppfostret hos kong Magnus' søster Ragnhild og hennes andre ektemann, lendmannen Hallkjell Jonsson på Blindheim." Kilde: Trond Norén Isaksen, Hellig krig om norges krone, ss 386-87.
Magnus V Erlingsson
- Son of Erling Ormsen "Skakke/ The Sharp" of Studla and Prinsesse av Norge Kristin Sigurdsdatter
- Magnus Erlingsson ( Norwegian : Magnús Erlingssun ) (born 1156 , died 15 June 1184 ), Magnus V, was King of Norway in the period 1161 - 1184 .
- Magnus Erlingsson was born in Etne, Hordaland, Norway in 1156, the son of the Norwegian landowner Erling Skakke. In 1161, on the death of Inge I of Norway, he was named King, and he seized power in 1162 after killing King Haakon II of Norway in battle. He fought off numerous pretenders to the throne amid the Norwegian Civil War, but, in 1177, Sigurd Munn's long-lost son Sverre arrived in Norway and claimed the throne for himself. Sverre killed Erling Skakke in battle at Kalvskinnet in Nidaros in 1179, and Magnus himself died at the Battle of Fimreite on 15 June 1184. He drowned when his ship was sunk in the decisive naval battle.
- von Nackreij - Skytte, Volume 3, page 371
Project MedLands Norway Kings
ERLING Ormson "Skakke/the Sharp" of Studla in South Hordaland (-killed in battle near Nidaros [Trondheim] 19 Jun 1179, bur Trondheim Cathedral). Snorre names Erling as the son of "Kyrpingaorm and Ragnhild, a daughter of Sveinke Steinarson", when recording that he possessed a farm at Studla in South Hordaland and journeyed to Palestine with Kali-Ragnvald Jarl of Orkney[508]. Regent of Norway in 1162 for his son King Magnus V. Jarl in Norway 1170. The Saga of King Sverre records that "Earl Erling" was killed in battle near Nidaros fighting King Sverre, and was buried in Trondheim church[509]. The precise date of his death is recorded in an Icelandic Obituarium[510]. married (1155) KRISTIN Sigurdsdatter, daughter of SIGURD King of Norway & his second wife Malmfred Mstislavna of Kiev ([1125]-1178). Snorre names "Christina, a daughter of King Sigurd the Crusader and Queen Malmfrid" as the wife of Erling[511]. This is confirmed by the Saga of King Sverre records the marriage of "Ragnhild daughter of Earl Erling and Kristin Kings-daughter" and "Halkel son of Jon Hallkelsson"[512]. Mistress (1): ---. The name of Erling's mistress is not known.
Erling & his wife KRISTIN Sigurdsdatter had two children:
- (a) MAGNUS Erlingsson (1156-killed in battle near Fimreite on Sognefjord 15 Jun 1184, bur Bergen, Christ's Church). Snorre names Magnus Erlingson as son of "Kristin…daughter of King Sigurd the Crusader" when recording that he "was nearest by propinquity of descent to the crown of Norway", and elected king of the whole country when aged five[513]. He succeeded in 1161 as MAGNUS King of Norway. Snorre Sturlsons's Heimskringla ends with King Magnus's victory against King Eystein [in 1177][514]. The Saga of King Sverre records that King Sverre defeated King Magnus at Iluvelli [27 May 1180], after which Magnus "sailed…to Denmark to his kinsman Valdamar"[515]. The Saga of King Sverre records that King Magnus was killed in battle at "Norafiord" by King Sverre and was buried at Christ's Church, Bergen[516]. The Icelandic Annals record that "Magni regis, Erlingi filii" was killed "a Sverrero" in 1184[517]. married as her second husband, ELDRID Bjørnsdatter, widow of TORE Skinnfeld, daughter of BJØRN Byrdasvein & his wife Rangrid Guttormsdatter. Mistress (1): GYRID Aslaksdatter, daughter of ASLAK & his wife-.
- (b) RAGNHILD Erlingsdatter. Snorre names Ragnhild as "a daughter of princess Kristin and Earl Erling who was married to Jon Thorbergson of Randaberg", recording that she "went away from the country with a man called Grim Rusle…to Constantinople where they were for a time and had some children"[526]. The Saga of King Sverre records the marriage of "Ragnhild daughter of Earl Erling and Kristin Kings-daughter" and "Halkel son of Jon Hallkelsson"[527]. married firstly JON Thorbergsson from Randaberg (-killed in battle near Nidaros [Trondheim] 18 or 19 Jun 1179). married secondly HALLKEL Jonsson from Blindheim Jarl in Norway, son of JON Hallkelsson & his wife Margrete of Norway [daughter of King Harald Gille] (-killed in battle Florevåg near Bergen 3 Apr 1194).
King Magnus Erlingsson & his wife ELDRID Bjørnsdatter had two children:
- (1) INGEBJÖRG Magnusdatter (-on crusade with her husband 1213). The Icelandic Annals record the death in 1213 of "Petrus Steyperus, uxorque eius Ingeburga, filia regis Magni Erlingii filii"[518]. m (before 1204) PETER Stöype [stormand of the Birkebene], possibly son of a sister of Sverre King of Sweden (-on crusade with his wife 1213).
- (2) MARGRET Magnusdatter, married firstly (before 1206) FILIPPUS of Vegin [stormand of the Bagler] (-1207). married secondly (before 1208) REIDAR Sendemand [stormand of the Bagler] (-Constantinople 1214).
King Magnus had one illegitimate child by Mistress (1): GYRID Aslaksdatter
- (3) SIGURD Magnusson (-killed in battle Florevåg near Bergen 3 Apr 1194, bur Bergen Church of St Mary). The Saga of King Sverre names "a boy named Sigurd a son of King Magnus Erlingson" as one of the conspirators with "Halkel son of Jon Hallkelsson"[519]. King of the Øyskjegger in Norway 1192. The Saga of King Sverre records that "Sigurd Kingsson" was killed in battle "in the water at Floruvoe" and was buried in "Marinkirk yard"[520].
King Magnus had four possible illegitimate children by unknown mistresses:
- (4) VIKAR Magnusson (-killed in battle near Bridstein 1190). King of the Varbelger in Norway 1189. He claimed the throne.]
- (5) INGE Magnusson (-murdered Helgøya, Mjøsa 1202). The Saga of King Sverre records that "the Bagals…at Borg" chose "King Magnus's son Ingi" as their king and that the whole of the Vik and the Uplands submitted to him[521]. King of the Bagals in Norway 1196.
- (6) ERLING "Steinvegg/Stonewall (-Tønsberg 1207, bur Tønsberg, Olavskyrka). King of the Bagler in Norway 1204. The Icelandic Annals record that "Erlingus Steinveggus" was raised to "regiam dignitatem" in 1204[522].] married ? The name of Erling's wife is not known.
Erling's & his unknown wife had two children
- a. MAGNUS Erlingsson (1199-young). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.
- b. SIGURD Erlingsson "Ribbung (1203-Oslo 1226). King of the Ribbunger in Norway: the Icelandic Annals record that "Sigurdus Erlingi filius" became "rex Ribbungorum" in 1221[523]. The Icelandic Annals record the death in 1226 of "Sigurdus…rex Ribbungorum" and the succession of "domicellus Canutus Haquini filius" as leader of "Ribbungis" and his elevation to "regiam dignitatem"[524].
- (7) BENE "Skinnkniv (-murdered 1222). Priest. Stormann of the Slittunger in Norway 1218. The Icelandic Annals record that "Benonis ducis Slittungorum" was killed in 1222[525].]
Erling had one illegitimate child by Mistress (1):
- (c) SIGURD The Saga of King Sverre names "an illegitimate son of Earl Erling named Sigurd a foster-son of King Sverri" as one of the conspirators with "Halkel son of Jon Hallkelsson"[528].
Magnus Erlingsson, Magnus V, King of Norway, by Wikipedia
The main sources of Magnus' life are Magnus Erlingsson's saga in Snorre's Heimskringla , Fagerskinna (unknown author) and Sverre's saga by Karl Jonsson.
Magnus was the son of the great man Erling Skakke and Kristin Sigurdsdatter , daughter of Sigurd Jorsalfare . He was thus not the king's son, something the birch-bones used against him in the struggle for power. After the fall of the Harald sons, Håkon Herdebrei was the sole king of the country, but with the church's support, Magnus Erlingsson was launched as king by the lieutenant party in Western Norway in 1161 .
He was only five years old when he was elected king. It was the supporters of Inge Krokrygg who chose him as king, as they thought he was the best- born in the kingdom, as the grandson of Sigurd Jorsalfare. Magnus Erlingsson was the first Norwegian and Nordic crowned and anointed king, by Archbishop Øystein in Bergen in 1163 . For the first few years, while he was underage, Erling Skakke was guardian regent.
When Magnus was made king, it was against the current rules of succession. But his father, Erling, applied to Archbishop Øystein in Bergen for compensation in coronation and church marriage. To achieve this, he had to enter into an agreement on a new succession law, which gave the church greater influence in royal elections. Magnus had to sacrifice the crown, as king of God's grace , to St. Olav , and symbolically took the kingdom in the county of him. After the coronation, the Succession Act of 1163 was passed, which states that the king's eldest, married son has the first right to the throne. Now the monarchy was established, and the true birth and suitability of the office were set as decisive requirements. Thus, Saint Olav was abolishedlaw that all sons of former kings, both married and illegitimate, could become kings. The Succession Act protected Magnus Erlingsson's kingdom, since only his sons could become kings. To be on the safe side, Erling Skakke made sure to kill as many of any rivals as possible, including his own stepson Harald, whom Kristin had had with her cousin, King Sigurd Haraldsson. [2]
His first victory on the battlefield was the battle of Re outside Tønsberg in 1177 , where the birch- bone king Øystein Møyla was killed. Later that year, Sverre Sigurdsson came from the Faroe Islands , took over the leadership of the Birkebeiner and continued the fight. The people of Trøndelag supported Sverre, and Magnus' father Erling Skakke fell in the decisive battle of Kalvskinnet in Nidaros in 1179 . Erling Skakke was killed, and Magnus had to flee - eventually all the way to Denmark . But he came back, and there were a number of battles and skirmishes, where Sverre and Magnus alternately won and lost. I 1181Sverre spent the winter in Oslo , where he acted as king and imprisoned governors . Magnus Erlingsson himself fell in the battle of Fimreite in the Sognefjord in 1184 , and with him 2,000 of his men.
- Magnus 5 Erlingsson. (2012-01-11) I Store norske leksikon
- Norsk Biografisk Leksikon
- http://www.cft-win.com/getperson.php?personID=I009481&tree=Norway
- https://historica.fandom.com/wiki/Magnus_V_of_Norway
- https://de.zxc.wiki/wiki/Magnus_V._(Norwegen)
- https://pantheon.world/profile/person/Magnus_V_of_Norway/
- https://avaldsnes.info/en/informasjon/hakon-v-magnusson/
- https://wikivisually.com/wiki/Magnus_V_of_Norway
- Gyldendals store konversasjonsleksikon 1965, Bind M - R, side 1377.
- The Peerage person ID p11301.htm # i113007 , accessed 7 August 2020
- Jón Vidar Sigurdsson : Den vennlige vikingen (p. 93), forlaget Pax, Oslo 2010, ISBN 978-82-530-3359-4
Magnus V, King of Norway's Timeline
1156 |
Etne, Hordaland, Norway
1161 |
- June 15, 1184
Age 5
1164 |
Age 8
Trondhjem - consecreted and crowned 1st Norw.King to do so
1171 |
Bergen, Hordaland, Norway
1175 |
Holmen, Bjørgvin, Bergen, Bergen, Norway
1180 |
Norway - son of Magnus V
1184 |
June 15, 1184
Age 28
Slaget ved Fimreite, Filmreite, Sognefjorden, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway