Major Antoine Josef Bordelon

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Major Antoine Josef Bordelon

Also Known As: "Antoine Bordelon"
Birthplace: New Orleans, la Louisane, [Nouvelle-France]
Death: November 24, 1785 (48-57)
Pointe Coupee Poste, la Luisiana, [New Spain] (illness)
Place of Burial: MEMORIAL ID 55030373, Pointe Coupee Poste, la Luisiana, [New Spain]
Immediate Family:

Son of Gabriel-Laurent Bordelon and Anne-Françoise Roland
Husband of Marie-Anne DeCuir and Marie-Marguerite Pérrine Leonard dite Frederic
Father of Pierre dit Antoine Bordelon, I; Pierre Antoine Bordelon; Antoine Bordelon; Marie [Marianne] Mayeaux; Francois Bordelon and 8 others
Brother of Nicolas-Laurent Bordelon; Francoise Bordelon and Infant Bordelon
Half brother of Anne Stephan dit Rocancourt; Perrine Stephan dit Rocancourt; Antoine Sarazin/Sarrasin; Michel Sarrazin and Francois Sarrazin

Occupation: Lt militia, warden of parish church
Managed by: Joel Scott Cognevich
Last Updated:

About Major Antoine Josef Bordelon

  • Sources:
    • Census - "Census of Pointe Coupee, Louisiana, 1745" edited by Bill Barron (age: 12)
    • Archived marriage record - see attached in Media tab
  • Notes:
    • A Patriot of the American Revolution for LOUISIANA. DAR Ancestor #  A012256 
    • Antoine Bordelon, Jr. was a Major Aide with Galvez during the American Revolution.
    • Death is recorded in the registries of St. Francis Church in Point Coupee. It shows that at t he baptism of his son Francois, he was the Assistant Regimental Adjunt (Aide Major) of the mi litia and Warden of the Parish Church (marguillier de cette paroisse). Of the 12 children o f both marriages (Pierre, Marianne, Lucile, Augustin, Francois, Vallery, and Zenon) can be pl aced at Avoyelles Post. Antoine II was at Natchitoches Post 26 January 1795 as a witness of t he marriage of his cousin, Hypolite Bordelon. Victorie, and her husband George Baron III wer e in Avoyelles later. Hilaire married Sophie Soileau and settled at Opelousas Post. Valler y and Zenon were members of the Police Jury after statehood of Louisiana. Francois became a J ustice of the Peace in 1817. By 1832 at his death, he had acquired much land. Antoine is des cribed in the record of the baptism of his son ,Francois as Assistant Regimental Adjutant (Al de Major) of the militia and Warden of the Parish Church. His position as officer of the mili tia is also mentioned in other documents. The record of his burial in the registries of Sain t Francis Church in Pointe Coupee is dated November 25, 1785. The record states that he die d in the night without last rites, some of his older children are believed to have moved to A voyelles shortly after. Of his twelve children seven can be placed in Avoyelles.... Pierr e , Marianne, Lucille, Augustin, Francois, Valery, and Zenon. The others are believed to hav e settled at Opelousas. Antoine, II was at Natchitoches Post January 26, 1795 as a witness o f his cousin Hypolite 's marriage. There is no further record of Antoine, II. Served as Ass istant Regimental Adjutant of the militia. He has been declared a Revolutionary Patriot by vi rtue of his service with Galvez at the time of th American Revolution. Antoine also served a s warden of the parish church at Point Coupee Post

BORDELON, ANTOINE Ancestor #: A012256







Service Description:


Pointe Coupee Militia, 1777, Pointe Coupee Parish, La.File submitted by Randy DeCuir -**********************************************Copyright. All rights reserved. Coupee Militia, 1777Soldiers of the American Revolution from LouisianaSoldiers under Galvez, Baton RougeThe following soldiers were part of the Pointe Coupee Militia, documented inGalvez' Army in 1777. It is interesting to note that these soldiers, many ofFrench birth, or the chidlren of French parentage, were serving in a Spanisharmy, and are elligble for status as American Revolution Veterans as theSpanish assisted the U.S., for example in military action at Baton Rougeduring the Revolution..The Pt. Coupee Chapter of the Louisiana Society of the D.A.R. honored thesesoldiers in ceremonies as part of the nation's Bicentennial on May 16, 1976. Aplaque hangs in the lobby of the Pt. Coupée Courthouse which lists thesesoldiers. Additional information was added by myself in parentheses. Thesoldiers are:OFFICERSALLAIN, Jean Francois, Sr, CaptainALLAIN, Jean Francois, Jr., lieutenantBORDELON, Antoine, aid majorMEULLION, lieutenantSERGEANTS:CROIZET, SimonDAVID, EtienneLEGER, Jean BaptisteROY, NoelCORPORALSBERGERON, JosephEMOND, CharlesDUCOTE, PierrePORCHE, JosephSOLDIERSBAHOT, PierreBEAUCERON, EtienneBERGERON, GeorgeBISITTE, FrancoisBONAVAULIERE, EndreBOUCEROU, JeanCHAMPIGNOLLE, Jean PierreDAVID, FrancoisDAVID, LouisDeCUIR, Jean PaulDeCUIR, JosephDeCUIR, PierreDELATTE, ClaudeDEMARAIS, Jean BaptisteDEMOUCHE, FrancoisDOZAC (Dauzat?), AntoineDUBOURG, PampalonDUFOUR, CharlesEMOND, FrancoisFABRE, JacquesFABRE, Pierre OreFERRETE, JosephGAMACHE, AugustinGREMILLION, JosephGUEHAUT, PierreHUBIERDEAUX, Francois DavidJANIS, JosephJOFFRION, JasonJOFFRION, JosephLABRY, JosephLACOUR, BaptisteLAFLEUR, BaptisteLaLULIPPE, Augustin (Juneau?)LANDRENEAU, PierreLARCHE, CharlesLaVALLEE, SimonLEJEUNE, CharlesLEJEUNE, MichelLEJUENE, PierreLEGER, SimonLEGROS, FrancoisLeVIGNEUR, PrequeMARIONNEAUX, Pierre DallemandMAYEUX, BaptisteMAYEUX, JosephMORIN, ChristopheOLIVIER, Jean BaptisteOLIVO, GeorgePATIN, JosephPELLOTPERNE, IgnacePOURCIAU, Jean Bapiste LeonarePORCHE, Jean FrancoisPORCHE, SimonQUEBEDEAUX, Claude DelatteRABALAIS, Jean BaptisteRICHEROY, JosephSAMSON, FrancoisST. ROMAINSOUDRIE, LouisVEV, Channe

In this cemetery lie the unmarked graves of soldiers of French descent who settled in Avoyelles, having fought in the American Revolutionary War Battle of Baton Rouge under Galvez in 1779. This plaque is in memory of these soldiers who were among the first families of Avoyelles: POINTE COUPEE MILITIA ATTAKAPAS MILITIA Major Antoine Bordelon 2nd Lt Jacques Gaignard Corporal Pierre Ducote Sgt. Louis Armand Corp. Baptiste Guillory Francois Bizette Charles Jeansonne, fils Antoine Dauzat Noel Soileau Jean Paul DeCuir Pierre DeCuir GERMAN COAST MILITIA Charles Dufour Joseph Dubroc, II Joseph Gremillion Pierre Dupuis Joseph Joffrion, Daniel Gaspard Augustin Juneau Pierre Normand Baptiste Lacour Pierre Landreneau NATCHITOCHES MILITIA Simon LaVallee Brig. Louis Armand Jean B. Mayeux Joseph Mayeux NEW ORLEANS MILITIA Jean B. Olivier Jean Aymond Michel Pampolon Etienne Plauche' Jean Baptiste Rabalais Riche MOBILE MILITIA Joseph Roy Jean B. Guillory Etienne St. Romain Jean Saucier WITH GEN. LAFAYETTE Dominique Baldonide dit Coco, I Dedicated October 29, 2011 by the Enemund Meullion (Cenla) Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution Donated by Randy DeCuir and Carlos Mayeux, Jr.


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Major Antoine Josef Bordelon's Timeline

New Orleans, la Louisane, [Nouvelle-France]
October 22, 1761
Pointe Coupee Poste, la Louisiane, [Nouvelle-France]
22, 1761
New Roads, Pointe Coupee, Louisiane de La Nouvelle-France
April 22, 1764
Point Coupee Poste, la Luisiana, [New Spain]
February 14, 1767
Pointe Coupee, Louisiana
November 10, 1768
Pointe Coupee Post, la Luisiana, [New Spain]
February 26, 1771
Pointe Coupee, Louisiana, United States
October 24, 1773
Pointe Coupee, Louisiana, USA
December 10, 1777
Pointe Coupee, Louisiana