(c) MARÍA [Sol] Rodríguez (-[4 Aug 1104/before 1 Nov 1106]). The "Corónicas" Navarras name "dona Cristiana…dona Maria" as the two daughters of "este meo Çid" and his wife, stating that María married "el conte de Barçalona"[410]. Her supposed first marriage is indicated by the Cantar de mio cid which records the annulment of the marriages of “los infantes de Carrión” and “Ruy Díaz...mis hijas...doña Elvira y doña Sol” upon which negotiations took place for their marriages “con los de Navarra y Aragón”[411]. The date of death of her supposed first husband appears incompatible with the date of the first charter in which she appears with her [second] husband. Unless further primary source information comes to light, María´s supposed first marriage should be treated with caution. Ramon Berenguer and his wife Maria granted property to a vassal by charter dated 1103[412]. Ramon Berenguer and his wife Maria donated property to the church of San Adrian "inmediata al rio Besós" by charter dated 4 Aug 1104[413].
[m firstly (1098) Infante don PEDRO de Aragon y Navarra, son of PEDRO I King of Aragon and Navarre & his first wife Agnès d'Aquitaine (-1 Feb 1104, bur 18 Aug 1104 San Juan de la Peña[414]).]
m [secondly] ([1104]) as his first wife, RAMÓN BERENGUER III "el Grande" Conde de Barcelona, son of RAMÓN BERENGUER II "Cap d'Estopes" Conde de Barcelona & his wife Mathilde di Apulia (11 Nov 1082-19 Jul 1131).
El Cid
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Together El Cid and Jimena had three children. Their daughters Cristina and María both married high nobility; Cristina to Ramiro, Lord of Monzón, grandson of García Sánchez III of Navarre via an illegitimate son; María, first (it is said) to a prince of Aragon (presumably the son of Peter I) and second to Ramón Berenguer III, count of Barcelona.
Peter, was wed to María Rodríguez, a daughter of El Cid, in 1098, a marriage celebrated in the Cantar de mio Cid and subsequent literature.
1080 |
Valencia, España (Spain)
1104 |
Age 24
Barcelona, España
1105 |
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