Margaret de Arundell

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Margaret de Arundell (Burghersh)

Birthplace: Ewias Lacy, Herefordshire, England (United Kingdom)
Death: 1424 (40-50)
Lanherne, Cornwall, England (United Kingdom)
Place of Burial: Ewias Lacy, Hertfordshire, England
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Sir John de Burghersh, 3rd Baron Burghersh and Ismania de Burghersh
Wife of Sir John Grenville, MP and Sir John Arundell, VI, Esq.
Mother of Joan Grenville and Sir John Arundell, VII, Kt.
Sister of Maud Chaucer
Half sister of Joan Whalesborough and Simon Raleigh

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Margaret de Arundell

Primary Sources

Licence to celebrate Divine Service in Domestick Chapels or Oratories, granted to - Sir John Greynevyll, knt., Margaret his wife, and Joan their daughter (22 May, 1400) Source: The register of Edmund Stafford, (A. D. 1395-1419) p. 275

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Margaret de Arundell's Timeline

Ewias Lacy, Herefordshire, England (United Kingdom)
June 9, 1421
Bideford, Devon, England (United Kingdom)
Age 45
Lanherne, Cornwall, England (United Kingdom)
Age 45
Ewias Lacy, Hertfordshire, England