Margaret Ogilvy of Lintrathen

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Margaret Ogilvy of Lintrathen (deceased)

Also Known As: "Marion"
Birthplace: Kirriemuir, Angus council, Scotland, United Kingdom
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Sir John Ogilvy, Laird of Lintrathen & Airlie and Marian Seton
Wife of Sir Henry Stewart, 2nd Lord of Rosyth
Mother of David Stewart, 3rd Earl of Rosyth and William Stewart of Berryhill and Rosyth
Sister of Isobel Ogilvy; Elizabeth Ogilvy; Mariote Ogilvy; David Ogilvy of Newtoun; Thomas Ogilvy of Cowpar and 2 others

Managed by: Susan Muir
Last Updated:

About Margaret Ogilvy of Lintrathen

Margaret (or Marion) Ogilvy of Lintrathen, was the daughter of Sir John Ogilvy, Laird of Lintrathen & Airlie and Marion Seton (b:1420 d:1467)

Notes: Compiled & Added by; HRH Prince Kieren de Muire von Drakenberg

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