public profile
Lasse i Gästerbyn vaimo. Lasse oli kolmen aatelissuvun kantaisä. Gästerby, Sipoo.
Lasse i Gästerbys hustru. Lasse var stamfader för tree ätten. Gästerby, Sibbo, Finland.
Lasse i Gästerby's wife. Lasse was forefather for three noble families. Gästerby, Sipoo, Finland.
HUOM! Margareta i Härtönäs ei kuulunut mihinkään sukuun Jägerhorn, kuten joissain tutkimuksissa on oletettu. Sukunimeä Jägerhorn af Hertonäs ei ollut myöskään olemassa kuin kansantaruissa. Huomaa vielä, että Margareta i Härtonäs ei ollut sama henkilö kuin Margareta Pedersdotter i Hevonpää. Edellinen syntyi n. 1424. Jälkimmäinen syntyi Hevonpäässä Paimiossa ja oli Naantalissa nunnana. Hän oli ollut siellä jo jonkin aikaa 1517. Hänen syntymä- ja kuolinaikansa eivät ole tiedossa, mutta hänen veljensä eli n. 1540 asti ja sisarensa kuoli 1569. Aikaikkunat ovat erilaiset. Margareta i Härtonäsin vanhempia ei tunneta.
OBS! Margareta i Härtönäs var inte av någon ätten Jägerhorn., som på vissa studier har spekulerats. Det finns inget efternamn Jägerhorn af Hertonäs utom i folklore. Notera att Margareta i Härtonäs var inte den samma person som Margareta Pedersdotter i Hevonpää. Den föregående var född ca. 1424. Den senare var född i Hevonpää i Pemar och var nonne i Nådendal. Hon hade varit där för en tid i 1517. Hennes födelse- och dödsdatum är inte kända, men hennes bror levde fram till omkring 1540, och hennes syster dog 1569. Tidsperioder är olika. Föläldrar till Margareta i Härtonäs i inte kända.
NOTE! Margareta i Härtönäs had nothing to do with any family Jägerhorn, although some studies have speculated this. There is no surname Jägerhorn af Hertonäs except in the folklore. Note that Margareta i Härtonäs was not the same person as Margareta Pedersdotter i Hevonpää. The former was born ca. 1424. The latter was born in Hevonpää in Paimio, Finland, and was a nun in Naantali, Finland. She had been in there for a while in 1517. Her time of birth and death are unknown but her brother lived to ca. 1540 and her sister was dead by 1569. Time frame does not add up. Parents of Margareta i Härtonäs are not known.
Kuka haluaa tutkia tätä aihetta on tervetullut käymään läpi kaikki perheet, joilla on "Jäger" nimessään, tutkien viittauksia Margareta-nimisiin ja Härtonäs / Hertonäs -nimeen. Aineistosta löytyy Margareta-nimisiä, mutta missään ei ole mainittuna Hertonäsiä. Kukaan Margareta ei myöskään mennyt naimisiin Lassen tai Larsin kanssa.
Vem vill utforska detta ämne är välkomna att gå igenom alla familjer med "Jäger" i deras namn, studera referenser till Margareta och Härtonäs / Hertonäs. Det finns personer med namn Margareta, men det finns inget sådant som nämns Hertonäs. Ingen Margareta gifte sig heller med Lasse eller Lars.
Anybody willing to study the subject is welcome to go through all families with "Jäger" in their name, and study any references to Margaretas and Härtonäs / Hertonäs. There are Margaretas but nowhere is Hertonäs mentioned. Nor has any Margareta even married Lasse or Lars.
There has been development regarding on the origins of "Margareta, i Härtonäs".
Records say that Lasse, i Gästerby was married with Margareta, i Härtonäs (1).
This particular reference is of interest for a number of reasons. It may be the only reference which lists all of their three children together. All of the three children are stamfar to noble families.
-Peder to the family Stubbe (n:o 72) (3)
-Erik to the family Ekelöf (n:o 217) (4), and -Margareta to the family Creutz (n:o 92) (5).
This particular reference is also of interest, because if says this under the family Ekelöf. But not under Creutz (2). Which may create confusion. Both references are from the Project Runeberg, and the Project Runeberg does not mention family Stubbe as a noble family at all.
So, according to the Project Runeberg, Lasse, I Gästerby and Margareta, i Härtonäs had three children, and that they are the ancestors of the family Ekelöf and Creutz (1) but not Stubbe. Under Creutz (2), none of the five are mentioned, and the project does not deal with the family Stubbe to any depth at all.
It is here stated that I do not present my case solely under what is presented under Project Runeberg or my next references from Adelsvapen but a number of references and a common sense. Such as, if the years do not add up, then it excludes things from being possible.
Moving on,
In Adelsvapen Lasse, i Gästerby and Margareta, i Härtonäs, are mentioned under:
-Stubbe (3) -Ekelöf (4), and -Creutz (5)
Under Stubbe it is stated that: -"The family has same origins with the family Ekelöf (but not with Creutz)" and, -Parents to the stamfar, Peder, are "Lasse i Gästerby i Sibbo socken. Gift med Margareta i Härtonäs" and, -Under Stubbe, the other two children, Erik and Margareta, are not mentoned at all. (3)
Under Ekelöf is is stated that: -The family shares the same origins with the family Stubbe (but not with Creutz). -The same thing of the parents of Stamfar, Erik, has been stated. Again, no reference whatsoever, to the two siblings, Peder and Margareta is made. (4)
Under Creutz it is stated that: -Lasse, i Gästerby is stamfar Ekelöf, but also that -Margareta, i Härtonäs, is of a noble family from Härtonäs and mentions, in passing, Jägerhorn, but places the name in parentheses (Jägerhorn). Verbatim: "Margareta i Härtonäs, av den adliga Härtonässläkten (Jägerhorn)." -Again, no siblings to, and I quote, "Margareta Larsdotter" are listed. Thus the page is right about the name of Margareta Larsdotter. Her name is not "Margareta Larsdotter Ekelöf, i Gesterby". It never was, never will. (5)
Synthesis by now:
-Project Runeberg is right about the children, but only under Ekelöf, and nowhere else. Family Creutz is mentioned under Ekelöf, Stubbe is not (1). Under Creutz, no references to any of the five people or the other two families is made (2). Family Stubbe does not exist (6)
-Adelsvapen can not make a link between the three families. The basic mistake of Adelsvapen is this. If studies just one of the families, the link to the other cannot be made, or the connection is difficult to make.
-So, both Runeberg and Adelsvapen are right about some things, but by presenting the data the way they do, they also create confusion. No data they present are complete, and synthesis cannot be made from any of the sources alone.
Margareta, i Härtonäs has been confused to be "Margareta Pedersdotter Järgerhorn af Hertonäs". And she has been claimed to be a daughter of Peder Jägerhorn af Spurila.
This claim is not true. It is outright ridiculous. Let's walk this claim through.
-If Margareta, i Härtonäs was born around 1424, then her name can not be "Jägerhorn af Spurila" let alone "Jägerhorn af Härtonäs". This is very simple. Nobody in 1424 would carry such name.
The first person to carry the name Jägerhorn (af Spurila) was Christer Claesson Jägerhorn, till Spurila only in 1625 (7)
The first person to carry the name Stubbe was Henrik Olofsson Stubbe, till Vekkjärvi, and again only in 1625, and to make another point, his brother, Gottskalk Olofsson was not entitled to the name, even though he was a "hovjunkare".
The first person to carry the name Creutz was Erengisle Larsson who changed his name to Ernst Creutz, till Sarvlaks in 1625.
Finally, Ekelöf. The first person entitled to the name was Claes Bertilsson Ekelöf, till Söderkulla, and only in 1636.
Before 1625 nobody was Jägerhorn, Stubbe or Creutz, and before 1636 nobody was Ekelöf. This is all very simple. The exact years can and should be set.
And to create more confusion, and the from confusion to extract clarity, there might have been some oddball frälsefamilies in Hertonäs. As in plural, "families". And they might have carried horn in their gears. But this does not make them members of families Horn or Jägerhorn. The story has it that they had received a letter, "frälsebref", but it either was eaten by a dog or burned by the Russians (8).
As a result, these people would later whine about the name, and may have received it! But both the families Jägerhorn - Jägerhorn af Spurila and Jägerhorn af Storby (which are not related), both disclaimed this bitching as untrue and, as a consequence, resulted in the birth of the name Jägerskiöld (8,9). First, in 1686 Claes Christersson was ennobled as "Jägerhorn", then as "von Jägerhorn", which finally was changed to "Jägerskiöld" in 1689 (9). The Jägerskiölds learned the power of whining, and in 1906 Christer Ludvig Edvard Jägerskiöld was adopted by Fridolf Leopold Hisinger. Christer Jägerskiöld was Hisinger's brother's son-in-law. And that resulted in the birth of a baronial family Hisinger-Jägerskiöld (n:o 29 in Finland) (10).
So, basically you can raise to the ranks of nobility by lying and whining.
If anybody in Hertonäs ever actually received any letter, then it was "Olof Lydikssons enka" or "Olof Lydekesson's widow". B this token the letter was received by one of the families Diekn / Djäkn. Judging by the name one belonging to the "Lydekessönerna's" family Diekn. Only Lydeke had no son named Olof. But Rötker Olofsson's family starts from Olof. Only Olof's father is assumed to be Ivar, and the family lived in and around Naantali, and not in Helsinki. Moreover, not-so-trusted Anrep ponders that the family Jägerhorn af Spurila stems from Diekn / Djäkn but from Ingessönerna's family. But there was no Olof in that family. Also, the coat-of-arms of Ingessons is know, and there are two snakes on it, and no horns. In none of the families Diekn / Djäkn arms are there any horns. More importantly, there are no Margaretas n those families either (11). But the names on the beginning of the family Jägerskiöld (but not Jägerhorn af Spurila of Storby) sounds as if they might be of families Diekn / Djäkn (9).
Margareta Jägerhorn af Hertonäs is a fictional figure. So is the family name, Jägerhorn af Hertonäs. It's all nothing short of result of somebody's fantasy. There never was a family under that name. It is easy to check up. Just browse the family trees of any family Jägerhorn or Jägerskiöld or Jäger-whatever. Jägermaister! The name is folklore. And nothing more. The Jägerhorns never even lived in Hertonäs. It is equally easy to check up.
Some members of Jägerhorn af Spurila did live in the current Helsinki metropolitan area but in Tuomarinkylä / Domarby in northern Helsinki and in Veromies in Vantaa. But not in Hertonäs.
Who did? The famous commander of Suomenlinna Carl Olof Cronstedt died in Hertonäs, but was not born there (12, 13). His mother was née Jägerhorn af Spurila. Hedvig Juliana (1720-1787) (7). But she did not spawn a family called Jägerhorn af Hertonäs. Had she done so, then Carl Olof Cronstedt's name would not be Cronstedt but he would be known as Carl Olof Jägerhorn af Hertonäs. And he is not known as Jägerhorn af Hertonäs but Cronstedt.
Fredrik Adolf Jägerhorn (af Spurila) was second in command in Suomenlinna with Cronstedt, and he was his second cousin. So, surely, members of Jägerhorns have visited Cronstedts. But not lived there. Fredrik Adolf was born in Domarby and died in Nykulla, Pernaja (14).
To whom is Margareta, i Härtonäs linked now? He would be Peder, i Hevonpää, and Hevonpää is located in Paimio. Peder i Hevonpää is the stamfar of Jägerhorn af Spurila. He had a daughter, Margareta Pedersdotter.
Margareta, i Härtonäs is assumed to be born ca. 1624. Her son Erik is assumed dead before 1556.
The date of birth or death of Margareta Pedersdotter are unknown, but she had a brother who died ca. 1540. And she had a sister who is know to have lived in 1566 but having died before 1569. So the years do not add up. It is not possible she is born ca. 1424 and have a sister who was alive in 1556.
Furthermore, Margareta Persdotter was born in Hevonpää, and thus her name would be Margareta, i Hevonpää, not i Härtonäs. The only year attached to her is 1517 when she was a nun in Naantali, and not a harlot in Härtonäs. A nun!
Margareta Persdotter is not Margareta, i Härtonäs.
Finally. Wikipedia, however, still does claim that Jägerhorns did live in Hertonäs. And specifically in Hertonäs gård (15). But the very pages of Hertonäs gård do not mention a single Jägerhorn ever living there (13).
But Wikipedia does give a clue who might have lived there. He would be Henrik Thomas Jägerhorn.
Who is Henrik Thomas Jägerhorn?
He is Henrik Tomasson (not Thomas). And who belonged to those oddball Hertonäs families, and who have nothing to do with families Jägerhorn af Spurila or Jägerhorn af Storby, but rather to one of the families Diekn / Djäkn.
"Henrik Thomas" has his own page in Geni where he his called as "Henrik Tomasson Jägerhorn av Hertonäs" and a family tree to go with it. Tomasson. And the reference behind the name is already familiar to us. That would be Project Runeberg, and the oddball Hertonäs families, but not Jägerhorns (8).
Henrik Tomasson - who apparently did not have a known wife - had a son whose name was said to be Arvid Henriksson Jägerhorn, who was married to Anna Stålhana (16). There Anna has been said to be married to Arvid, who is called as Jägerhorn and who comes from a family from Hertonäs (Hertönässläkten) which was claimed to have raised to nobility but never was introduced. Or so the story has it. According to Runeberg, they had a daughter whose name was Margareta, and who was married to Henrik Blåfield, and who lived as a widow in 1708. But Adelsvapen knows of no Henrik Bläfield whose wife would have been Margareta (17).
So she is not our Margareta, i Hertonäs either.
The circle is complete. Two conclusions:
1. Margareta, i Härtonäs is not a daughter of Peder i Hevonpää. And her name does not come up anywhere in the context to families from Hertonäs or families Diekn / Djäkn.
2. There never was a family called "Jägerhorn af Hertonäs". If there was, then there was only one person with that name ever. Arvid. And he seems to be, not "af Hertonäs" but rather "till Härtonäs". People in Hertonäs might have wanted to call themselves as Jägerhorn, but the real Jägerhorns did not approve that, hence "Jägerskiöld".
1. [http://runeberg.org/frfinl/0097.html]
2. [http://runeberg.org/frfinl/0078.html]
3. [https://www.adelsvapen.com/genealogi/Stubbe_nr_72]
4. [https://www.adelsvapen.com/genealogi/Ekel%C3%B6f_nr_217]
5. [https://www.adelsvapen.com/genealogi/Creutz_nr_92]
6. [http://runeberg.org/frfinl/]
7. [https://www.adelsvapen.com/genealogi/J%C3%A4gerhorn_af_Spurila_nr_114]
8. [http://runeberg.org/frfinl/0236.html]
9. [https://www.adelsvapen.com/genealogi/J%C3%A4gerski%C3%B6ld_nr_1100]
10. [https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hisinger]
11. [http://runeberg.org/frfinl/0087.html]
12. [https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Olof_Cronstedt]
13. [http://hertonasgard.fi/suomi/esittely/henkilot/]
14. [https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fredrik_Anders_J%C3%A4gerhorn]
15. [https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herttoniemen_kartano]
16. [https://www.adelsvapen.com/genealogi/St%C3%A5lhane_nr_292]
17. [https://www.adelsvapen.com/genealogi/Bl%C3%A5field_nr_245]
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Gästerby, Sipoo, Finland
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Gästerby, Sipoo, Finland