public profile
1. [--- Asanina . Pachymeres records the betrothal of "Michaeli Ioannis Ducæ Occiduorum…sebastocratoris filio" to "filiam ex Asane natam"[101]. The dating of this betrothal is unclear from the text, but it presumably predated Mikhael's capture and imprisonment in Constantinople. The identity of the daughter of Tsar Ivan Asen is not known, but she was probably either Maria or Theodora, daughters of the Tsar known from other sources.
Betrothed ([1283, contract broken 1283/84]) to MIKHAEL Doukas Angelos of Neopatras, son of IOANNES Doukas Komnenos Angelos Lord of Thessaly & his wife --- (-murdered Constantinople 1307).]
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2. MARIA Asanina (-after 1305). Pachymeres records the marriage of "Rontzerius" and "Mariæ Asnais filiæ"[102]. The Chronicle of Ramon Muntaner records the marriage of "le frère Roger" and "la nièce de l´empereur de Lantzaura"[103]. Zurita records the marriage of “Roger...de Brindez” and “el Emperador...una sobrina suya, hija del Emperador de la Zaura y de su hermana”, undated[104]. Her first marriage was arranged by her maternal uncle Emperor Andronikos II when he requested help from the Catalan Company to defend Asia Minor from the Turks[105]. The Chronicle of Ramon Muntaner records that she gave birth to a son at Constantinople "qui vivait encore quand j´ai commencé ce livre" (the chronicle is dated to shortly after 1328)[106]. [Her possible second marriage is recorded in secondary sources. The report is probably based on Zurita who records that “Fernan Ximenez de Arenos” served Emperor Andronikos III, who granted him the title “megaduque” and married him to “su sobrina Theodora que estaua viuda”, dated to [1305/06] from the context[107]. The marriage is also shown below under Maria’s sister Theodora, although it is possible that Zurita mistook the name of the bride: no earlier marriages are otherwise recorded for Theodora, while Maria was widowed at the time.]
m [firstly] ([Sep] 1303) ROGER de Flor, son of RICHARD [von] Blum & his wife --- [of Brindisi] (Brindisi[108] [1267]-murdered near Adrianople 5 Apr 1305).
[m secondly ([1305/06]%29 FERNANDO Jiménez de Arenos, son of ---.]
youngest daughter of Ansete
1287 |
Bulgaria, Asen - dtr of Ivan III
1314 |
Age 27
Gandia, Province of Valencia, Valencia, Spain