Matching family tree profiles for Marie Rétif
Immediate Family
About Marie Rétif
Legal married names must be recorded in the Last Name field.
Before the 1800 government change in SA, married females from the continent (France, Holland, Germany) are unlikely to have used their husband’s surnames, so this field may be left open if they died before 1800.However, British records most often show a woman's married name after 1600 (and as early as 1200). Mike Stangel has asked us to represent the documentation possibilities accurately. So do not delete any SA married names after 1800 in order to replace them with Maiden Names (And do not delete British Married names after 1600, unless you know for a fact that the woman did not assume her husband’s surname). Just set your Viewing Preferences in order not to view the Married Name/ Last Name field / Surname, if you don't wish to see them.
See: http://family.morkel.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/searchingforfra...
Rene Pretorius Pretorius Web Site <p>MyHeritage family tree</p><p>Family site: Pretorius Web Site</p>Family tree: 125406071-1 Discovery 125406071-1 MH:S500018
3 17 SEP 2015 Added via an Instant Discovery™
Mtdna ancestor - Phillipp Weyers mtdna H2a5a1 Franco Cantabrian
Marie Rétif's Timeline
1644 |
Orléans, Loiret, Centre-Val de Loire, France
1666 |
November 26, 1666
Route d'Orléans, Mer, Loir-et-Cher, Centre, France
1682 |
April 2, 1682
Age 38
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa