public profile
Mary BIGOD here suddenly changes lineage and calculates as an aunt, instead of a grandmother, as mother to Ranulph....... Source <The Magna Charta sureties, 1215: the barons named in the Magna Charta, 1215 ...> Par Frederick Lewis Weis,Walter Lee Sheppard,William Ryland Beall "1. ROGER BIGOD (3-1), 2nd Earl of Norfolk, Magna Charta Surety. 1215. b. c. 1150, d. 1221; m. Ida. (CP IX, 586-589). 2. MARY BIGOD, heiress of Menethorpe, co. York; prob. m. Ranulf fitz Robert, lord of Middleham, co. York, to which he succeeded by 1206, d. bcf. 7 Dec. 1252, bur. at Coverham Abbey, co. York; held 6 knights' fees in the honour of Richmond, co. York, and 6 in Norfolk, the latter acquired presumably from the Bigods. (Clay, Early Yorkshire Charters, V: 303; The Genealogist, n.s. 3: 33; Feudal Aids 6: 156; VCH, North Riding of York, I: 254). 3. RANULF fitz RANULF, lord of Spennithorne, co. York, b. c. 1220/ 5, d. bef. 1294; m. Bertrama, widow of Sir Roger de Ingoldsby. VCH cit. I: 258)."
Mary married Sir Ranulph FITZ ROBERT, Lord Of Middleham [1687] [MRIN: 809], son of Robert FITZ RALPH, Lord Of Middleham, Alfreton, Norton And Marnham [1690] and Helewisa DE GLANVILLE, Lady Of Coverham [1693], about 1217 in , Yorkshire, England.2 (Sir Ranulph FITZ ROBERT, Lord Of Middleham [1687] was born about 1185 in , , England, died before 7 Dec 1252 in , Yorkshire, England and was buried in Coverham Abbey, Yorkshire, England.)
Mary Bigod was heiress of Menenthorpe, Co. York to her husband in gift of frank-marriage, which lands had previously held by her father Roger Bigod and a Magna Charta Surety.
Her son, Ranulf, brought her bones from Swainby and buried them in the Chapter House at Coverham.
HUGH Bigod, son of ROGER Bigod of Earsham, Suffolk & his [second] wife Adelise de Tosny ([1095]-1177 before 9 Mar). “Willielmus Bigot, dapifer regis Anglorum” donated property to Thetford Priory, for the souls of “patris mei Rogerii Bigoti et matris meæ Adelidis” and for the salvation of “fratris mei Hugonis et sororum mearum”, by undated charter dated to the reign of King Henry I[948]. The Complete Peerage states that he was William’s brother “presumably of the half-blood”, the basis for the statement being explained on the previous page[949]. He succeeded his [half-]brother in 1120 as Lord of Framlingham, Suffolk. "…Hug Bigoto…" subscribed the charter date [3/10] Jun 1123 under which Henry I King of England granted the lands of "Edrici fil Chetelli" to "Walto de Gloec"[950]. King Stephen created him Earl of Norfolk in [Dec 1140/Jan 1141]. The Chronicle of Ralph of Coggeshall records the death in 1177 of "comes Hugo Bigod, vir magnificus"[951]. Robert of Torigny records the death in 1177 of "Hugo Bigot comes" and that he was succeeded by "Rogerius filius eius"[952].
m firstly (annulled) as her first husband, JULIANE de Vere, daughter of AUBREY de Vere Lord of Hedingham & his wife Adelisa de Clare (-after 1185). “Rogerus Bigot comes Norfolchiæ” donated property to Colne priory, for the souls of “Hugone Bigot fratris mei et comitissæ Julianæ matris meæ et Idæ uxoris meæ”, by undated charter, witnessed by “Hugone Bigot filio meo…”[953]. The Rotuli de Dominabus of 1185 records property “Duvercurt” held by “comitissa Juliana…soror comitis Albrici”[954]. She married secondly Walkelin Maminot. The Complete Peerage says that “for the souls of her father and mother and of her husbands Hugh Bigoth and Walkelin Maminot she granted Begham Abbey land in Brockley” but does not quote the original[955]. According to the Complete Peerage, she was still living in 1185, citing a grant by “Juliana comitissa” at Dovercourt to Colne Priory, witnessed by “Alberico comite et Alberico filius eius”, adding “which being notified to Gilbert Bishop of London was not later than 1189”[956].
m secondly as her first husband, GUNDRED, daughter of --- (-[1200/08]). Documents show that “Gundred, widow of Hugh Earl of Norfolk”, disputed her husband’s inheritance after his death in favour of her son Hugh[957]. She married secondly, as his second wife, Roger de Glanville. A charter of King Henry II confirmed donations to Bungay Nunnery by “Rogeri de Glanvill et Gundredæ comitissæ uxoris meæ” of property at Bungay[958]. It is probably a safe conclusion that Roger de Glanville’s “countess Gundred” was the widow of the earl of Norfolk as no other countess of this name has been identified at that time in England. According to The Complete Peerage[959], she was “apparently” Gundred of Warwick, daughter of Roger Earl of Warwick & his wife Gundred de Warenne of Surrey. This parentage is deduced from a charter under which "Willelmus de Lancastre" donated pasture rights in "feodum meum in Lonisdale et in Aumundernesse" to Leicester, St Mary de Pré, with the consent of "Willelmi filii mei et heredis et Gundree uxoris mee", for the souls of "…Gilberti patris mei et Godithe matris mee et Jordani filii mei et Margarete filia Comitisse", by charter dated to [1156/60], witnessed by "Willelmo filio meo et herede, Gundr fil Comitisse…"[960]. The Complete Peerage makes the assumption that “Gundrede uxoris mee” and “Comitisse” in this document refer to the same person[961]. A charter of King Henry II which records that “primus Willielmum de Lancaster, baronem de Kendale, qui prius vocabatur de Tailboys” married “Gundredam comitissam Warwic”[962], certainly suggests that this assumption is probably correct, but the question is not entirely without doubt. However, greater problems arise when attempting to link the supposed daughter of Roger Earl of Warwick with these two marriages. The Complete Peerage cites a series of documents based on which, it suggests, the link is a reasonable assumption[963]. However, on closer examination, the only one of these documents which provides any indication of a connection is the Red Book of the Exchequer, in which the 1166 return of William Earl of Warwick (Gundred’s supposed brother) shows that he had received Bungay (subject of the donation in the charter quoted above) in exchange from the Earl of Leicester[964]. However, this provides only circumstancial evidence regarding the link and, if this is the only indication available, it cannot safely be concluded that the link is proved beyond all doubt. The safest position is therefore to show Gundred’s parentage as unproven.
Earl Hugh & his first wife had one child:
1. ROGER Bigod (-1221 before 2 Aug). Robert of Torigny records the death in 1177 of "Hugo Bigot comes" and that he was succeeded by "Rogerius filius eius"[965]. He was recognised as Earl of Norfolk 25 Nov 1189. The Red Book of the Exchequer, listing scutage payments in [1190/91], records "Rogerus Bigod" paying "lxii l xii s vi d" in Norfolk, Suffolk[966]. “Rogerus Bigot comes Norfolchiæ” donated property to Colne priory, for the souls of “Hugone Bigot fratris mei et comitissæ Julianæ matris meæ et Idæ uxoris meæ”, by undated charter, witnessed by “Hugone Bigot filio meo…”[967]. The Liber Vitæ of Durham lists (in order) "Comes Rogerus Bigot, Ida uxor eius, Henricus capellanus, Hugo, Willelmus, Rogerus, Johannes, Radulfus, G. G. dapifer, Basilia, Maria, Margareta, Ida pueri eius"[968]. m IDA, daughter of ---. The Liber Vitæ of Durham lists (in order) "Comes Rogerus Bigot, Ida uxor eius, Henricus capellanus, Hugo, Willelmus, Rogerus, Johannes, Radulfus, G. G. dapifer, Basilia, Maria, Margareta, Ida pueri eius"[969]. “Rogerus Bigot comes Norfolchiæ” donated property to Colne priory, for the souls of “Hugone Bigot fratris mei et comitissæ Julianæ matris meæ et Idæ uxoris meæ”, by undated charter, witnessed by “Hugone Bigot filio meo…”[970]. She was mistress ([1175/76] of Henry II King of England, and mother of William Longespee Earl of Salisbury. The relationship is confirmed by two documents. Firstly, William Longespee refers to his mother as "comitissa Ida, mater mea" and "Ida comitissa, mater mea" in two charters[971]. Secondly, a list of hostages captured at the battle of Bouvines in 1214 includes "Rad[ulfus] Bigot frater comitis Salesbir[iensis]"[972]. Roger & his wife had [seven] children:
a) HUGH Bigod (-[11/18] Feb 1225). The Liber Vitæ of Durham lists (in order) "Comes Rogerus Bigot, Ida uxor eius, Henricus capellanus, Hugo, Willelmus, Rogerus, Johannes, Radulfus, G. G. dapifer, Basilia, Maria, Margareta, Ida pueri eius"[973]. “Rogerus Bigot comes Norfolchiæ” donated property to Colne priory, for the souls of “Hugone Bigot fratris mei et comitissæ Julianæ matris meæ et Idæ uxoris meæ”, by undated charter, witnessed by “Hugone Bigot filio meo…”[974]. He succeeded his father in 1221 as Earl of Norfolk.
b) WILLIAM Bigod . The Liber Vitæ of Durham lists (in order) "Comes Rogerus Bigot, Ida uxor eius, Henricus capellanus, Hugo, Willelmus, Rogerus, Johannes, Radulfus, G. G. dapifer, Basilia, Maria, Margareta, Ida pueri eius"[975].
c) JOHN Bigod . The Liber Vitæ of Durham lists (in order) "Comes Rogerus Bigot, Ida uxor eius, Henricus capellanus, Hugo, Willelmus, Rogerus, Johannes, Radulfus, G. G. dapifer, Basilia, Maria, Margareta, Ida pueri eius"[976].
d) RALPH Bigod (-after 1214). The Liber Vitæ of Durham lists (in order) "Comes Rogerus Bigot, Ida uxor eius, Henricus capellanus, Hugo, Willelmus, Rogerus, Johannes, Radulfus, G. G. dapifer, Basilia, Maria, Margareta, Ida pueri eius"[977]. A list of hostages captured at the battle of Bouvines in 1214 includes "Rad[ulfus] Bigot frater comitis Salesbir[iensis]"[978].
e) ROGER Bigod (-1230). “Rogerus Bigot, filius comitis Rogeri Bigot” granted property to “Willelmo Russell filio Waldras” by charter dated to [1190/1220][979].
f) BASILIA . The Liber Vitæ of Durham lists (in order) "Comes Rogerus Bigot, Ida uxor eius, Henricus capellanus, Hugo, Willelmus, Rogerus, Johannes, Radulfus, G. G. dapifer, Basilia, Maria, Margareta, Ida pueri eius"[980].
g) MARY Bigod . The Liber Vitæ of Durham lists (in order) "Comes Rogerus Bigot, Ida uxor eius, Henricus capellanus, Hugo, Willelmus, Rogerus, Johannes, Radulfus, G. G. dapifer, Basilia, Maria, Margareta, Ida pueri eius"[981]. A mid-15th century manuscript records that "Ranulphum filium Roberti" married "Maria filia Rogeri Bigod comitis Norfolk"[982]. m RANDULF FitzRobert Lord of Middleham, son of ROBERT FitzRalph & his wife Heloise de Glanville.
h) MARGERY Bigod . The Liber Vitæ of Durham lists (in order) "Comes Rogerus Bigot, Ida uxor eius, Henricus capellanus, Hugo, Willelmus, Rogerus, Johannes, Radulfus, G. G. dapifer, Basilia, Maria, Margareta, Ida pueri eius"[983]. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified. The Red Book of the Exchequer records "Margeria de Hastinges" holding one knight’s fee "in Torp" in Lancashire in [1210/12][984]. m WILLIAM de Hastings, son of WILLIAM de Hastings & his first wife Matilda Banaster
i) IDA . The Liber Vitæ of Durham lists (in order) "Comes Rogerus Bigot, Ida uxor eius, Henricus capellanus, Hugo, Willelmus, Rogerus, Johannes, Radulfus, G. G. dapifer, Basilia, Maria, Margareta, Ida pueri eius"[985].
j) [ALICE Bigod (-after 1214). According to the Complete Peerage, the second wife of Aubrey was “apparently” the daughter of Roger, but it cites no primary source on which this is based, suggesting that “it may be derived from the Book of Colne Priory” without further explanation[986]. m (after 1207) as his second wife, AUBREY de Vere Earl of Oxford, son of AUBREY de Vere Earl of Oxford & his third wife Agnes de Essex ([1163 or later]-1214 before Oct, bur Colne Priory).]
Earl Hugh & his second wife had two children:
2. HUGH Bigod . Documents show that “Gundred, widow of Hugh Earl of Norfolk”, disputed her husband’s inheritance after his death in favour of her son Hugh[987]. “Rogerus Bigot comes Norfolchiæ” donated property to Colne priory, for the souls of “Hugone Bigot fratris mei et comitissæ Julianæ matris meæ et Idæ uxoris meæ”, by undated charter, witnessed by “Hugone Bigot filio meo…”[988].
3. WILLIAM Bigod . The Complete Peerage names “Hugh and William” as the two sons of Earl Hugh by his second marriage, citing the 1190/91 Pipe Roll[989]. [990]m MARGARET, daughter and heiress of ROBERT de Sutton, of Bures, Essex & his wife ---. Bracton records a claim, dated 1220, by "Walterus de Verdun" against "abbatem de Meaudona" for "aduocacionem ecclesie de Langedona" granted by "Robertus de Sutton" to "Willelmo de Bigod in maritagium cum filia sua"[991].
Born: ABT 1176 / 1196
Died: 31 Mar 1237
Father: Roger BIGOD (2° E. Norfolk and Suffolk)
Mother: Ida PLANTAGENET (C. Norfolk)
Married: Ranulf TAILBOYS
born about 1184 Norfolk, England
died 31 March 1237
born about 1150 Norfolk, England
christened Framlingham, Suffolk, England
died before 2 August 1221 Thetford, Norfolk, England
buried Thetford, Norfolk, England
born about 1154? Norfolk, Norfolk, England
christened Norfolk, England died 18 February 1225 England
buried Thetford Church, Thetford, Norfolk, England
William le Bigod born about 1188 Thetford, Norfolk, Norfolk, England
Thomas le Bigod born about 1190 Thetford, Norfolk, Norfolk, England died 1240
Alice (Adeliza) le Bigod born about 1192 Thetford, Norfolk, England
Mary le Bigod born about 1196 Thetford, Norfolk, Norfolk, England
Roger le Bigod born Abt 1198 Thetford, Norfolk, Norfolk, England
Ralph le Bigod born <1201 Thetford, Norfolk, Norfolk, England>
spouse (1st):
born about 1163 Fillongley, Warwickshire, England
died about 1226
children (from 1st marriage):
died before 9 August 1250
William Hastings born about 1208 Ashill, Norfolk, England
Isabel Hastings born about 1210
Ida de Hastings born about 1218 Ashill, Norfolk, England died before 2 March 1288
spouse (2nd):
born about 1180
children (from 2nd marriage):
born about 1206? Middleham, Yorkshire, England
biographical and/or anecdotal:
notes or source:
Name: Margaret BIGOD
Sex: F
Change Date: 28 Oct 2004 1
Death: Y
Father: Roger BIGOD b: ABT 1150
Mother: Ida
Marriage 1 William de HASTINGS
Abbrev: Ancestral Roots, 7th ed.
Title: Frederick Lewis Weis, Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr., & David Faris, Ancestra l Roots of Certain American Colonists
Seventh Edition (Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1993.) l Roots of Certain American Colonists
Seventh Edition (Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1993.) l Roots of Certain American Colonists
Seventh Edition (Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1993.).
Page: Page 90.
'The Magna Charta sureties, 1215: the barons named in the Magna Charta, 1215 ... By Frederick Lewis Weis, Walter Lee Sheppard, William
About history Mary Bigod was heiress of Menenthorpe, Co. York to her husband in gift of frank-marriage, which lands had previously held by her father Roger Bigod and a Magna Charta Surety.
Her son, Ranulf, brought her bones from Swainby and buried them in the Chapter House at Coverham.
Born: ABT 1176 / 1196
Died: 31 Mar 1237
Father: Roger BIGOD (2° E. Norfolk and Suffolk)
Mother: Ida PLANTAGENET (C. Norfolk)
Married: Ranulf TAILBOYS
Margaret (Margery) le Bigod born about 1184 Norfolk, England
died 31 March 1237
Roger le Bigod born about 1150 Norfolk, England
christened Framlingham, Suffolk, England
died before 2 August 1221 Thetford, Norfolk, England
buried Thetford, Norfolk, England
Ida (Isabel) Plantagenet born about 1154? Norfolk, Norfolk, England
Hugh le Bigod born about 1186 Thetford, Norfolk, England christened Norfolk, England died 18 February 1225 England
buried Thetford Church, Thetford, Norfolk, England
William le Bigod born about 1188 Thetford, Norfolk, Norfolk, England
Thomas le Bigod born about 1190 Thetford, Norfolk, Norfolk, England died 1240
Alice (Adeliza) le Bigod born about 1192 Thetford, Norfolk, England
Mary le Bigod born about 1196 Thetford, Norfolk, Norfolk, England
Roger le Bigod born Abt 1198 Thetford, Norfolk, Norfolk, England
Ralph le Bigod born <1201 Thetford, Norfolk, Norfolk, England>
spouse (1st):
William de Hastings born about 1163 Fillongley, Warwickshire, England
died about 1226
children (from 1st marriage):
Sir Henry de Hastings born about 1193?? Ashill, Norfolk, England died before 9 August 1250
William Hastings born about 1208 Ashill, Norfolk, England
Isabel Hastings born about 1210
Ida de Hastings born about 1218 Ashill, Norfolk, England died before 2 March 1288
spouse (2nd):
Randolph Fitz Robert born about 1180
children (from 2nd marriage):
Ralph Fitz Randolph born about 1206? Middleham, Yorkshire, England
biographical and/or anecdotal:
notes or source:
Name: Margaret BIGOD
Sex: F
Change Date: 28 Oct 2004 1
Death: Y
Father: Roger BIGOD b: ABT 1150
Mother: Ida
Marriage 1 William de HASTINGS
Henry de HASTINGS Sources:
Abbrev: Ancestral Roots, 7th ed.
Title: Frederick Lewis Weis, Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr., & David Faris, Ancestra l Roots of Certain American Colonists
Seventh Edition (Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1993.) l Roots of Certain American Colonists
Seventh Edition (Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1993.) l Roots of Certain American Colonists
Seventh Edition (Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1993.).
Page: Page 90.
______________ 'The Magna Charta sureties, 1215: the barons named in the Magna Charta, 1215 ... By Frederick Lewis Weis, Walter Lee Sheppard, William
http://books.google.com/books?id=59XcwoRK9jkC&pg=PA194&lpg=PA194&dq... Pg. 193-196 1. ROGER BIGOD (3-1), 2nd Earl of Norfolk, Magna Charta Surety, 1215, b. c. 1150, d. 1221; m. Ida. (CP IX, 586-589). '2. MARY BIGOD, heiress of Menethorpe, co. York; prob. m. Ranulf fitz Robert, lord of Middleham, co. York, to which he succeeded by 1206, d. bef. 7 Dec. 1252, bur. at Coverham Abbey, co. York; held 6 knights' fees in the honour of Richmond, co. York, and 6 in Norfolk, the latter acquired presumably from the Bigods. (Clay, Early Yorkshire Charters, V:303; The Genealogist, n.s. 3:33; Feudal Aids 6: 156; VCH, North Riding of York, 1: 254). 3. RANULF fitz RANULF, lord of Spennithorne, co. York, b. c. 1220/5, d. bef. 1294; m. Bertrama, widow of Sir Roger de Ingoldsby. (VCH cit. 1: 258). 4. RALPH fitz RANULF, lord of Spennithorne, b. c. 1250/60, d. bef. 1316; m. Theophania (or Tiffany) de Lascelles, dau. and coheiress of Sir Roger de Lascelles (IV) of Kirkby-under-Knowle, co. York, who is now considered by legal fiction to have been 1st Baron Lascelles. (VCH cit. 1: 258; Clay, Early Yorkshire Charters, "Lascelle Fee", V 182-186; CP VII, 446-449) 5. RANULF fitz RALPH, lord of Spennithorne, sometimes called Ranulf de Lascelles, b. c. 1300, d. aft. 1343; m. Isabel. (VCH cit., 1: 258; Feet of Fines for co. of York, 1327-1347, p.166). 6. JOHN fitz RANULF, lord of Spennithorne, b. c. 1325, d. bef. 1369; m. by Oct. 1343, Maud "de Campania," who m. (2) Robert de Hilton, lord of Swine. (VCH Cit., 1: 259; Feet of Fines for co. of York, loc. cit.: Yorks Archaeol. Journal, 25: 174). 7. RANDALL (or RANULF) fitz JOHN, lord of Spennithorne, b. c. 1345, d. aft. 1388. (VCH cit. 1: 259). 8. SIR JOHN RANDALL (or FITZ RANDOLPH), KNT., lord of Spennithorne, b. c. 1374, beheaded, 1405 for taking part in the rebellion of Henry Percy, 1st Earl of Northumberland, Richard Scrope, Archbishop of York, and other northern magnates. (VCH cit. 1: 259; C.W.C. Oman, Political History of England, 1377-1485, pp. 194-198; see Close Rolls, 17 Feb. 1407, for lands of which Sir John was seised at time of his death). 9. SIR RALPH FITZ RANDALL (or FITZ RANDOLPH), KNT., lord of Spennithorne, b. c. 1398, under age in 1407, will dated 20 Jan. 1457/8, pr. ult. Jan. 1457/8; m. Elizabeth. (VCH cit. 1: 259; Sir Ralph's Will is printed in Surtees Soc. Publ., 26: 4). 10. JOHN FITZ RANDOLPH (or FITZ RANDOLPH), ESQ., lord of Spennithorne, b. c. 1420, d. 5 Mar. 1474/5; m. Joan Conyers, eldest dau. of Sir Christopher Conyers, Knt., of Hornby Castle, co. York. b. c. 1380. d. aft. 1462, m. (1) bef. Sept. 1415 Ellen, b. c. 1399, d. 6 Aug. 1444, dau. of Thomas Rolleston of Mablethorp, co. Lincoln, Esq., by Beatrice Haulay his wife, heiress of Ingleton, co. York. (VCH cit. 1: 259: J.W. Clay, Extinct & Dormant Peerages of the Northern Counties of England, 32-33; Yorks Arch. Soc. Record Series, 59: 105, Inq.p.m. of Thomas Rolleston). 11. JOHN FITZ RANDOLPH, b. perhaps 1455/60, prob. d. bef. 1514, presumed to have been third or fourth son of John Fitz Randolph and Joan Conyers, and brother of Sir Ralph Fitz Randolph of Spennithorne (c. 1444-1517) and of Christopher Fitz Randolph, parson of Kirkby-in-Ashfield, co. Nottingham (d 1516). See note to this pedigree; Fitz Randolph pedigree in British Museum Add. Mss. 6705, f58b, begins with this John). 12. CHRISTOPHER FITZ RANDOLPH, b. c. 1495, d. sh. bef. 26 Apr. 1670 (adminstration granted on that date to his widow Jane and eldest son Thomas); doubtless came to Kirkby-in-Ashfield, co Nottingham, because of his uncle Christopher Fitz Randolph, parson of that place, who d. 1516 leaving a will dated 1 Jun 1516 of which the nephew Christopher was named as one of the executors; m. by contract dated 1514 to Jane (or Joan) Langton, dau. and heiress of Cuthbert Langton of Langton Hall in the parish of Kirkby-in-Ashfield. Jane was b. c. 1499, d. betw. 30 July 1573 (date of will) and 2 Apr. 1574 (probate). (NEHGR, 97: 296, 99: 335-336; Brit. Museum Add. Mss. 6705: f58b; Add. Mss. 6707: v1O2; Harl. Mss. 1400: 58, 58b; Thoroton, Antiquities of Nottinghamshire, 2: 296; Harl. Soc. Publ., 4: 187. L.V.F. Randolph, FitzRandolph Traditions, mentions Christopher Fitz Randolph and Jane Langton many times, but this book regrettably contains many errors; Whitaker, Richmondshire II, p. 46). 13. CHRISTOPHER FITZ RANDOLPH, b. c. 1530, bur. at Sutton-in-Ashfield, co. Nottingham, 28 June 1588 (this is the correct date of burial from original paper Parish Register of Sutton-in-Ashfield. The date was incorrectly copied as "7 Jun 1589" in late parchment copy of original Register, and wrong date from copy was unfortunately printed in the NEHGR, 97: 298). Christopher was his parents' fourth son, and was named in his mother's will, dated 30 July 1573. His own will, dated 20 June 1588, was proved 1 Apr. 1589 in the Peculiar Court of the Manor of Mansfield (Notts. County Record Office, D.D.P. 17/69). Christopher's wife, who predeceased him, was not named in his will. He had four sons, James, Anthony, Edward and Christopher, named in the will. 14. EDWARD FITZ RANDOLPH, b. c. 1565, d. betw. 13 Aug. 1647 (dated of will) and 27 Oct. 1647 (probate). He was prob. b. at Hucknall-under-Huthwaite in the parish of Sutton-in-Ashfield, co. Nottingham, and moved aft. 1621 to Kirsall in the Parish of Kneesall, co. Nottingham, where he died. He was the 3rd son named in his father's will, and was prob. the nephew Edward named in the will of his uncle Thomas Fitz Randolph, 21 May 1600. (NEHGR, 97: 297). He m. (1) at Sutton-in-Ashfield, 16 Nov. 1589, Alice Tompson, bur. there 27 Dec. 1604. He m. (2) at Sutton-in-Ashfield, 17 Dec. 1605, Frances Howls, apparently a native of the parish of Kneesall, co. Nottingham, bur. at Kneesall 7 June 1631 (NEHGR 97: 298; Transcript of the Parish Registers of Kneesall; original will of Edward Fitz Randolph at York Probate Registry, in which he bequeathed ten pounds sterling to his son Edward "if he cum to demand it.") 15. EDWARD FITZ RANDOLPH (son of the 2nd marriage), the emigrant to New England and eventual settler in New Jersey, bp. at Sutton-in-Ashfield, co. Nottingham, 5 July 1607, emigrated 1630 to Scituate, Mass., then moved to Barnstable, Cape Cod, and finally to Piscataway, N.J., where he d. c. 1684/5. He m. at Scituate, 10 May 1637, Elizabeth Blossom, b. at Leyden, Netherlands, 1620, d. at Piscataway, c. 1713, having remarried, 30 June 1685, Capt. John Pike. (NEHGR 97: 275-276, 298; 99: 335-336; Louise Aymar Christian and Howard Stelle Fitz Randolph, Fitz Randolph Genealogy, 5). Note: Although this line is probably sound, attention should be drawn to other evidences. C.T. Clay, Early Yorkshire Charters, 5: 303, say that Ranulf Fitz Robert "is said to have married Mary daughter of Roger Bigod earl of Norfolk" (see above, Generation 2). Mary definitely brought the lands of Menethorpe, co York, to her husband in gift of frank-marriage, which lands had previously been held by Roger Bigod (ibid., footnote 4 and authorities there cited). Moreover, the careful pedigree in the Genealogist, n.s., 3: 33, gives Mary as daughter of Roger Bigod. The weakest link is that which connects Generations 10 and 11 (above). John Fitz Randolph (Generation 10) was succeeded at Spennithorne by his eldest son Sir Ralph Fitz Randolph (b.c. 1444, d. 1517) who married Elizabeth Scrope, daughter of Sir Thomas Scrope, 5th Lord Scrope of Masham. They had a son John Fitz Randolph (who d. in 1517 shortly after his father, and was the last of the Fitz Randolphs of Spennithorne), and five daughters, Elizabeth, Alice, Mary, Dorothy, and Agnes, who were coheiresses of their brother John at his death in 1517 (Surtees Soc. Publ., 133: 24). In 1514 Christopher Fitz Randolph (Generation 12) was married by contract to Jane Langton. Two of the feoffees of the marriage contract were John Fitz Randolph, heir of Spennithorne, mentioned above, and his brother-in-law Sir Nicholas Strelley of Linby, co. Nottingham, husband of Elizabeth Fitz Randolph, the eldest of the five Spennithorne coheiresses. It is presumed that John Fitz Randolph and Strelley were feoffees because the bride-groom, Christopher Fitz Randolph, was John's first cousin and Strelley's first-cousin-in-law (see discussion by Anthony R. Wagner, Richmond Herald, in NEHGR 99: 335-336). We also know that Christopher Fitz Randolph (Generation 12) had an uncle, Christopher Fitz Randolph, parson of Kirkby-in-Ashfield, co. Nottingham, who was presented to that living 3 Mar. 1489/90 by Sir John Conyers, Knt., of Hornby Castle, co. York, who had acquired the advowson. Christopher Fitz Randolph, the parson made a will dated 1 June 1516, proved 17 July 1516, of which his nephew Christopher (Generation 12) was one of the executors. Christopher the parson unfortunately did not mention his kinsmen of the Spennithorne line in this will. We further know that John Fitz Randolph (Generation 10) married Joan Conyers, eldest daughter of Sir Christopher Conyers, Knt., lord of Hornby Castle, co. York (Raine, Testamenta Eboracenses, 3: 228; Conyers pedigree in J.W. Clay, Extinct and Dormant Peerages of the Northern Counties of England, 32-33). Joan (Conyers) Fitz Randolph was living, a widow, 22 June 1483, when she was named in the will of that date of her brother Christopher Conyers, Rector of Rudby, co. York (Raine, Test. Ebor., 3: 287). We think (but cannot prove) that John Fitz Randolph (Generation 10) and his wife Joan Conyers had, in addition to their eldest son and heir Sir Ralph, younger sons named Richard, John, and Christopher, and a daughter Margery who married John Burgh of East Hawkswell, co. York (for the Burghs, see Whitaker, Richmondshilre, 347). Of the above-named three younger sons, we suppose that John was the John Fitz Randolph (Generation 11), while Christopher was the parson of Kirkby-in-Ashfield, named for his grandfather and uncle, each named Christopher Conyers. If this connection be correct, as we believe, it would explain why Sir John Conyers of Hornby (eldest son of Sir Christopher and brother of Joan (Conyers) Fitz Randolph) acquired the advowson of Kirkby-in-Ashfield and presented Christopher Fitz Randolph (whom we believe to have been Sir John's nephew) to that living. It may be noted in passing that the given name Christopher entered the Fitz Randolph family through the marriage to Joan Conyers in the fifteenth century and continued as a given name in that family for over two centuries. Edward[1] Fitz Randolph's (Generation 15) eldest surviving son Nathaniel[2] had an eldest son John[3] who had an eldest son Christopher[4], b. at Woodbridge, N.J., 23 Feb. 1682 (L.A. Christian and H.S.F. Randolph, FitzRandolph Genealogy, 9).
Title: http://www.public.asu.edu/~bgertz/family/d0016/g0000037.html#I993 Text: Mary BIGOD ABT 1196 - ____ BIRTH: ABT 1196, Thetford, Norfolk, England Father: Roger BIGOD 2nd Earl of Norfolk Mother: Ida PLANTAGENET
Family 1 : Ranulf FITZ ROBERT 4th Lord of Middleham +Ralph FITZ RANULPH 5th Lord of Middleham +Ranulph FITZ RANULPH Lord of Spennithorne
Bill Gertz at gertz@asu.edu
Her son Ranulph Fitz Ranulph became the lord of Spennithorne upon the death of Mary's husband. Her other son, Ralph Fitz Ranulph, succeeded to the lordship of Middleham. That said, there remains some doubt as to whether the elder Ranulph (as linked below) was indeed the husband of this Mary. Her father, a Magna Carta Surety, is a 23X great-grandfather of Agnes Christian. In fact, most of those living with Agnes at the turn of the century (on lonely Pitcairn Island in the Pacific, the last refuge of the famous ship Bounty) were his descendants as well:
Sir Roger Bigod=Ida
Hugh Bigod=Maud Marshal
Isabel Bigod=Sir John FitzGeoffrey
Maud FitzJohn=William de Beauchamp
Isabella de Beauchamp=
Sir Patrick de Chaworth
Maud de Chaworth=Henry Plantagenet
Mary Plantagenet=Henry de Percy
Henry Percy=Margaret de Neville
Sir Henry "Hotspur" Percy=Elizabeth Mortimer
Elizabeth Percy=Sir John Clifford
Thomas Clifford=Joan Dacre
John Clifford=Margaret Bromflete
Henry Clifford=Florence Pudsey
Dorothy Clifford=Sir Hugh Lowther
Sir Richard Lowther=Frances Middleton
Sir Christopher Lowther=Eleanor Musgrave
Sir John Lowther=Eleanor Fleming
Agnes Lowther=Roger Kirkby
William Kirby=Joanna Furness
Eleanor Kirby=Humphrey Senhouse
Bridget Senhouse=John Christian
Charles Christian=Anne Dixon
Fletcher Christian=Mauatuawww.findagrave.com
Mary Bigod FitzRobert
BIRTH 1188
Ryedale District, North Yorkshire, England
DEATH 1252 (aged 63–64)
Richmondshire District, North Yorkshire, England
Burial Details Unknown
MEMORIAL ID 160472768
Family Members
Roger Bigod
Ida de Tosny Bigod
Ranulph FitzRobert
Margery Bigod Hastings
Hugh Bigod
Half Siblings
William Longespée
Ranulf FitzRanulf, Lord of Spennithorne
Ralph FitzRandulph
Thursday October Christian I=Teraura
Thursday October Christian II=Mary Young
Agnes Christian=Samuel Warren
Source: Weis, F.L., (line 164 in) Magna Charta Sureties (1999).
1188 |
Thetford, Norfolk, England
1220 |
December 25, 1220
Middleham, Yorkshire, England
1237 |
March 31, 1237
Age 49
Middleham, Yorkshire, England
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