William Grant shortly drops from the records and John Grant (c. 1704 - 1762) became the acting exrcuter and guardian of Elizabeth Grant and Mary Grant only children and infant daughters of Willliam Grant, Jr., deceased. In this capacity he filed detailed accounts in Fiduciary Account Book #3, pages 18-28, 1738-1746, showing disbursements for various items for the two girls including their goard &c: By 2 December 1743, Elizabeth Grant, the elder daughter, had married (as his first wife) Anderson Doniphan, Gentleman, (c. 1720-1761) and shortly thereafter Mary Grant , the younger daughter, married William Wright of Prince William County and he was gentleman justice there in 1746"
William and Mary had six sons….
William Wright m Mary Grant
1730 |
King George County , Virginia
1746 |
September 25, 1746
Fauquier County, Virginia, United States
1748 |
Lunenburg, Virginia, USA
1750 |
February 6, 1750
Virginia, United States
1752 |
Fauquier, VA, USA
1756 |
South Pignut Ridge,, Fauquier, Virginia
Franklin, VA, USA
1760 |
Fauquier, VA, USA
1762 |
Franklin, , VA, USA