Mathilde de France, Reine Consort des Deux-Bourgognes

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Mathilde de France, Reine Consort des Deux-Bourgognes (943 - 992)

Also Known As: "Countess of Flanders;Queen of Burgundy"
Birthplace: Laon, Aisne, Hauts-de-France, France
Death: January 27, 992 (48-49)
Arles, Bouches-du-Rhone, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
Place of Burial: Vienne, Isère, France
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Louis IV, king of West Francia and Gerberga of Saxony
Wife of Conrad "the Peaceful", king of Burgundy
Mother of Berthe de Bourgogne, reine consort de France; Gerberge of Burgundy; Rudolph III, King of Burgundy and Mathilde of Burgundy
Sister of Lothair IV, roi de France; Charles de France; Louis de France; Henri de France and Charles de France, duc de Basse-Lotharingie
Half sister of Gerberga of Lorraine; Ermintrud Countess van Henegouwen; Alberade de Lothringen (Lorraine) von Hennegau von Hainault de Roucy, Countess of Lorraine; Henry, duke of Lorraine and Hedwige

Occupation: Princesse de France, Königin von Burgund
Managed by: James Fred Patin, Jr.
Last Updated:

About Mathilde de France, Reine Consort des Deux-Bourgognes

Mathilde de France, Reihne Consort des Deux-Bourgognes

  • Daughter of Louis IV, king of West Francia and Gerberga of Saxony
  • Matilda of France (943 – 26 November 981/982), a member of the Carolingian dynasty, was Queen of Burgundy from about 964 until her death, by her marriage with King Conrad I.
  • Matilda was outlived by her husband, she probably died after 981. She is buried in Vienne Cathedral


  • Married: Conrad, the Welf ruler of the Burgundian Kingdom of Arles since 937. King Conrad strongly relied on the support of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor since 962, Matilda's maternal uncle and husband of Conrad's sister Adelaide. As her dowry, the young queen brought her husband the city of Vienne, which her brother Lothair had ceded to her.

Projects MedLands - BURGUNDY KINGS


King Conrad I & his second wife MATHILDE de France had four children

  • 1. MATHILDE, "Rodulfus rex et Mathildis soror eius" are named as children of "Mathilde…filia…Gerberga" by the Continuator of Flodoard, which specifies that Mathilde was mother of Berta who was mother of "Geroldus Genevensis"[181]. The Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi names (in order) "Rodulphem regem Burgundie, Bertham, Guepam et Mathildam" as children of "Mathildis soror Lotharii regis Francie", specifying that Mathilde was mother of "Arnulphum comitem Flandrensem, Godefridum ducem, Gozelonem ducem, fratres"[182], which has no credibility. Carutti identifies the husband of Mathilde as Hugo [IX] Graf von Egisheim, but he cites no primary source on which this hypothesis is based[183]. m --- [de Genève], son of ---.
  • 2. BERTHE de Bourgogne, ([964/965]-16 Jan after 1010). The Liber Modernorum Regum Francorum names "Berta filia Conradi regis Burgundiæ" as wife of "Odone comite Carnotensium"[184]. “Odo comes” restored “villam...Culturas” to Marmoutier, for the souls of “...domini Hugonis archiepiscopi, cujus ibi corpus...jacet”, by charter dated to [986], subscribed by “Berte comitissæ uxoris eius, majoris filii eius Teutboldi, filii eius Odonis adhuc in cunabulo”[185]. Richer records that King Robert married "Berta Odonis uxor"[186]. Rodulfus Glauber names "Odo natus ex filia Chuonradi regis Austrasiorum, Berta nomine"[187]. "Hugonis ducis, Odonis comitis, Hugonis sanctæ Bituricensis archipræsulis, Letgardis comitissæ, Bertæ comitissæ, Gauzfridi vicecomitis…" subscribed the charter dated 985 under which "Robertus" donated property to "Sancti Petri Carnotensis", on the advice of "Odonem, simul cum sua matre Ledgarde, pariterque dominam meam Bertam, ipsius æque coniugem"[188]. “Berta...regina cum filiis meis Tetbaldo...episcopo nec non Odoni comitis” donated tonlieu over boats at Blois to Marmoutier by undated charter[189]. Pope Gregory V called on King Robert to repudiate his wife in 998 on grounds of consanguinity. The request was repeated in 1001 by the court of Rome, Robert at first refused and the kingdom of France was excommunicated[190]. "Bertæ reginæ, Odonis comitis filii eius…" subscribed the charter dated 1004 under which "Gislebertus prepositus" recorded a donation[191]. The king, in reaction to the 1108 assassination of his favourite Hugues de Beauvais who had served Queen Berthe, visited Rome in 1008 in an unsuccessful attempt to divorce his third wife in order to take back Berthe[192]. "Odonis comitis, Ermengardis uxoris eius, Bertæ reginæ…" subscribed the charter dated after 1005 under which "comitem Odonem" donated property "in comitatu Dunensi…Boscus Medius" to "Sancti Petri"[193]. The necrology of Chartres cathedral records the death "XVII Kal Feb" of "Berta mater Odonis comitis"[194]. m firstly ([978/80]%29 EUDES I Comte de Blois, son of THIBAUT I "le Tricheur" Comte de Blois & his wife Luitgardis de Vermandois (-995). m secondly ([late 996/early 997], divorced Sep 1001) as his second wife, ROBERT II King of France, son of HUGUES Capet King of France & his wife Adelais d’Aquitaine (Orléans ([27 Mar] 972-Château de Melun 20 Jul 1031, bur église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis).
  • 3. GERBERGA, (-7 Jul 1018). Herimannus names "filiam Counradi regis Burgundiæ, Gerbirgam" as wife of "Herimannus dux"[195]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Rodulfum II et sororem suam Gepam matrem imperatricis Gisile" as children of "Conradus rex Burgundie" and his wife Mathilde[196]. Wipo names "Herimannus dux Alamanniæ [et] Kerbirga filia Chuonradi regis de Burgundia" as the parents of "regis coniunx Gisela"[197]. "Otto…Romanorum imperator augustus" donated property "in villa Stohchusen in pago Locdorp ac comitatu Herimanni comitis" to Kloster Meschede by charter dated 29 Sep 997 by request of "Gerbirge comitisse"[198]. The necrology of Marchtalen records the death "Non Jul" of "Gerbirc ducissa"[199]. No direct record of her first marriage has so far been identified. However, "Otto tercius…Romanorum imperator augustus" granted privileges to Kloster Oedingen founded by "matrona Gerberga…in comitatu Herimanni eius filii" to the monks of the Marienkapelle at Aachen by charter dated 18 May 1000[200], and Thietmar names "Count Hermann son of Gerberga" when recording his dispute with Dietrich Bishop of Münster in 1016[201]. These two references relate to Hermann [II] Graf von Werl. In addition, "Rodulfus et Bernhardus nati in…Werla" are named as brothers of Empress Gisela in the Annalista Saxo, although not specifying that they were her uterine brothers[202]. m firstly HERMANN [I] Graf von Werl, son of [HEINRICH Graf im Lerigau & his wife ---] (-[985/86]). m secondly ([986]%29 HERMANN [von Schwaben], son of KONRAD Duke of Swabia & his wife Richlint of Germany (-2/3 May 1003). He was installed in 997 as HERMANN II Duke of Swabia.
  • 4. RUDOLF, (-5/6 Sep 1032, bur Lausanne Cathedral). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Rodulfum II et sororem suam Gepam matrem imperatricis Gisile" as children of "Conradus rex Burgundie" and his wife Mathilde[203]. "Rodulfus rex et Mathildis soror eius" are named as children of "Mathilde…filia…Gerberga" in the Continuator of Flodoard[204]. He succeeded his father in 993 as RUDOLF III King of Burgundy. Wishing to create a nobility without dynastic aspirations, he created an ecclesiastical aristocracy, investing the archbishop of Tarentasia with the county of Tarentasia in 996, the bishop of Sion with the county of Valais in 999, the bishop of Lausanne with the county of Vaud in 1011, and the archbishop of Vienne with the county of Vienne in 1023[205]. "Rodulfus rex...Lambertus comes, Borchardus comes, Adalbertus comes..." witnessed the charter dated 993 (after 19 Oct) which recorded the election of Odilo as abbot of Cluny[206]. Rudolf III King of Burgundy donated property to Vienne Saint-Maurice, at the request of "Irmengarda regina, Burkardo Lugdunensi archiepiscopo fratre suo, nec non Burchardo Viennensi archiepiscopo", by charter dated 1 Aug 1011[207]. Herimannus records the death in 1032 of "Roudolfus, ignavus Burgundiæ regulus" and succession of Emperor Konrad II to the kingdom of Burgundy[208]. On his death, he bequeathed the kingdom of Burgundy to Emperor Konrad II, husband of his niece Gisela of Swabia, although this was challenged by another nephew Eudes II Comte de Blois[209]. m firstly (before 12 Jan 994) AGELTRUDA, daughter of --- (-[21 Mar 1008/18 Feb 1011]). "Rudulfus rex" names "coniugis nostre Agildrudis" in a charter dated 12 Jan 994[210]. "Rodolfus rex" jointly with "Agiltrude regina coniuge nostra" transferred property by charter dated 6 Jun 1009[211]. Stasser suggests that she was Ageltruda di Capua, daughter of Pandolf I "Capiferreus/Ironhead" Prince of Capua & his wife Aloara ---[212]. He bases this hypothesis firstly on onomastics, highlighting that the name Ageltruda is found only among the Lombard families, and secondly on the possibility that the marriage was arranged by Emperor Otto II during his Italian expedition in 981. "Rodolfus…rex" made a donation "pro redemptione anime…coniugis nostre Agiltrudis" by charter dated 18 Feb 1011[213]. m secondly ([24 Apr/28 Jul] 1011) as her second husband, ERMENGARDE, widow of ---, daughter of --- (-25 or 27 Aug after 1057). "Rodolfus…rex" gave "sponsæ meæ Irmingardi" the town and county of Vienne by charter dated 24 Apr 1011[214]. "Rodolfus…rex" names "Irmingarda regina coniuge nostra" in a charter dated 28 Jul 1011[215]. The Chronicon Hugonis names "Ermengardis" as wife of "Rodulfus rex", specifying that she was childless, but does not give her origin[216]. The fact that this was her second marriage is confirmed by Thietmar, who records that "King Rudolf's wife" commended to Emperor Heinrich II her two sons, stepsons of her husband, at a meeting at Strasbourg in 1016 but does not name them[217], read together with the charter dated 1019 in which "Ermengarda regina et filii mei Ugo et Willelmus" are named[218]. The problem with identifying Ermengarde´s first husband as Rotbald [III] Comte de Provence is discussed fully in the documents BURGUNDY KINGDOM NOBILITY and PROVENCE. "Rodulfus rex" names "Irmingarda coniuge mea" in a charter dated 14 Jan 1029[219]. A possible indication of her origin is provided by the charter of "Ermengart regina" dated 1033 for the soul of "Rodulfi regis" under which she donated land "in pago Genevense" to Cluny[220], although it is impossible to confirm any relationship with the families of the Counts of Geneva whose earliest attested male progenitor is Gerold Count of Geneva who, if related to Ermengarde, would have belonged to a subsequent generation. "Ermengardis regina" donated property "…loco sepulturo patris mei [et]…in villa Jalzinium" to Saint-André-de-Bas at Vienne "pro redemptione animis senioris mei Radulfi regis" by an undated charter[221]. "Ermengarda vidua regina, uxor quondam Rodulfi regis" made a donation by charter dated 20 Sep 1057[222]. The necrology of Savigny records the death "VIII Kal Sep" of "Ermengardis regina Vienne que dedit Tallueriensem"[223]. The Aymari Rivalli De Allobrogibus records the death "VI Kal Sep" of "Ermengarda uxor Rodulphi regis" and her burial at Vienne


LOUIS, son of CHARLES III "le Simple" King of the Franks & his second wife Eadgifu of England ([10 Sep 920/10 Sep 921]-Reims 10 Sep 954, bur Reims, Abbaye de Saint-Rémi). Rodulfus Glaber names "Ludowicum filium…regis Caroli"[375]. After his father was deposed in 923, his mother fled with Louis to England where he was brought up at the court of Æthelstan King of Wessex. His return to France after the death of King Raoul in early 936 was negotiated by Hugues "le Grand" [Capet]. He was crowned 19 Jun 936 at Laon by the Archbishop of Reims as LOUIS IV "d’Outremer" King of the Franks. He asserted his autonomy from Hugues "le Grand", to whom he awarded the title dux francorum, by establishing himself with his mother at Laon in 937[376]. His reign was characterised by constant disputes with his nobles, in particular Hugues "le Grand", Héribert II Comte de Vermandois, Arnoul Count of Flanders and Guillaume "Longuespée" Comte [de Normandie]. Despite constant military activity, he only increased the territory directly held by the kings of France by the counties of Laon (captured in 938 from Héribert II Comte de Vermandois) and Reims. He also temporarily held Amiens and Ponthieu. Following a revolt in Lotharingia against Otto I "der Große" King of Germany, Louis was offered the crown of Lotharingia in 939 by Duke Giselbert. King Otto responded by raiding Frankish territory, allying himself with Hugues "le Grand", Héribert II Comte de Vermandois, Arnoul I Count of Flanders and Guillaume "Longuespée" Comte [de Normandie], and obliged King Louis to renounce Lotharingia. Héribert and Hugues besieged Reims, forcing the restoration of Héribert's son as archbishop, and besieged King Louis at Laon. After the murder of Guillaume "Longuespée" Comte [de Normandie], King Louis detained Richard his heir, but was held captive himself by the people of Rouen after Richard escaped. King Otto launched a revenge attack, but was defeated by the Normans. After Louis was released by Hugues "le Grand", he was transferred to the custody of Thibaut Comte de Blois who held him captive for a year in 945/46[377]. King Louis died after falling from his horse on his way from Reims to Laon[378].
married (end 939) as her second husband, GERBERGA of Germany, widow of GISELBERT Graf [im Maasgau] Duke of Lotharingia, daughter of HEINRICH I King of Germany & his second wife Mathilde von Ringelheim [Immedinger] (Nordhausen [913/14]-Reims 5 May 984, bur Abbaye de Reims). Liutprand states that the wife of "Gislebertum Lotharingorum ducem" was "regis sororem"[379]. Flodoard names her "Gerbergam" when recording her second marriage[380]. King Louis married her without the permission of her brother Otto I King of Germany, presumably to increase his hold on Lotharingia (which had been ruled by her first husband). She was active in the defence of Laon in 941 and of Reims in 946, accompanied her husband on expeditions to Aquitaine in 944 and Burgundy in 949, and was active during his period of imprisonment in 945/46[381]. An educated person, she commissioned from Adso of Moutier-en-Der the De ortu et tempore antichristi[382]. Her husband gave her the abbey of Notre-Dame de Laon in 951, taken from his mother on her second marriage. Abbess of Notre Dame de Soissons in 959[383]. "Gerberga…Francorum regina" donated "alodo…Marsnam in comitatu Masaugo" to Reims Saint-Rémy, confirmed by "comitibus Emmone et Ansfrido", for the souls of "senioris nostri piæ memoriæ Gisleberti suique…patris…et matris Rageneri et Albradæ", by charter dated 10 Feb 968, signed by "Arnulfi comitis…Emmonis comitis, Ansfridi comitis…"[384]. The necrology of Reims Saint-Rémi records the death "III Non Feb" of "Gerberga Francorum regina"[385].

King Louis IV & his wife GERBERGA had seven children:

  • 1. LOTHAIRE, (Laon end-941-Laon 2 Mar 986, bur Reims Saint-Rémi). The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Hlotharium Karolum Ludovicum et Mathildim" as children of "Hludovicum ex regina Gerberga"[386]. Flodoard names "Lotharius puer, filius Ludowici", when recording his accession[387]. He was elected to succeed his father 12 Nov 954 as LOTHAIRE King of the Franks. .
  • 2. MATHILDE (end-943-26/27 Jan [981/992], bur Vienne, cathédrale Saint-Maurice). The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Hlotharium Karolum Ludovicum et Mathildim" as children of "Hludovicum ex regina Gerberga"[388]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records the marriage of "rex Francorum Lotharius…sororem suam Mathildem" and "Conradus rex Burgundie"[389]. "Mathilde et Alberada" are named as daughters of "Gerberga" in the Continuator of Flodoard, which specifies that Mathilde was mother of "Rodulfus rex et Mathildis soror eius"[390]. Her brother King Lothaire arranged this marriage to strengthen his position in south-eastern France. Her dowry consisted of the counties of Lyon and Vienne[391]. married ([964]%29 as his second wife, CONRAD I "le Pacifique" King of Burgundy' [Welf], son of RUDOLF II King of Upper Burgundy & his wife Berta of Swabia ([922/25]-Vienne 19 Oct 993, bur Vienne, cathédrale Saint-Maurice).
  • 3. CHARLES, (Laon Jan 945-Rouen before 953). The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Hlotharium Karolum Ludovicum et Mathildim" as children of "Hludovicum ex regina Gerberga"[392], "Karolum" presumably being the older son of that name as indicated by the order, who presumably died after 951 which is the earliest date of the range during which the Genealogia was compiled[393]. Guillaume de Jumièges records that a son of King Louis was given as hostage to the Normans in 945 to secure the release of his father[394], although it is not known whether this son was Charles who would have been a baby at the time, normally too young to have been used as a hostage according to then current practice.
  • 4. daughter ([947/early 948]-). Flodoard records that "Chonradus…dux" baptised "filiam Ludowici regis" in the middle of his passage dealing with 948[395]. She must have been born in the previous year, or very early in the same year, if the timing of the birth of King Louis's son Louis is correctly dated to the end of 948.
  • 5. LOUIS, ([Dec] 948-Laon 954 before 10 Sep). The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Hlotharium Karolum Ludovicum et Mathildim" children of "Hludovicum ex regina Gerberga"[396]. Flodoard records the birth of "regi Ludowico filius…patris ei nomen imponens" at the end of his passage concerning 948[397].
  • 6. CHARLES, (Laon summer 953-in prison Orléans 12 Jun 991, bur 1001 Maastricht, St Servatius). Flodoard records the birth of twins to "Gerberga regina" in 953 "unus Karolus, alter Heinricus, sed Henricus mox post baptismum defunctus est"[398]. Emperor Otto II created him Duke of Lower Lotharingia in May 977 at Diedenhofen.
  • 7. HENRI, (Summer 953-young). Flodoard records the birth of twins to "Gerberga regina" in 953 "unus Karolus, later Heinricus, sed Henricus mox post baptismum defunctus est"



  • Burgundy and Provence, 879-1032, Constance Brittain Bourchard, The New Cambridge Medieval History: Volume 3, C.900-c.1024, ed. Rosamond McKitterick and Timothy Reuter, (Cambridge University Press, 1999), 342.
  • Burgundy and Provence, 879-1032, Constance Brittain Bourchard, The New Cambridge Medieval History: Volume 3, C.900-c.1024, 335.
  • Flodoard: Annales, ed. Philippe Lauer, Les Annales de Flodoard. Collection des textes pour servir à l'étude et à l'enseignement de l'histoire 39. Paris, Picard, 1905.
  • Geneviève Bührer-Thierry: Pouvoirs, Église et société. France, Bourgogne et Germanie (888-XIIe siècle), Paris, CNED, 2008.
  • Philippe Depreux: Charlemagne et les Carolingiens, Paris, Tallandier, 2002.
  • Jean-Philippe Genet: Les îles Britanniques au Moyen Âge, Paris, Hachette, 2005
  • Marie-Céline Isaïa: Pouvoirs, Église et société. France, Bourgogne et Germanie (888-1120), Paris, Atlande, 2009.
  • Robert Delort: La France de l'an Mil, Paris, Seuil, 1990.
  • Olivier Guillot, Yves Sassier: Pouvoirs et institutions dans la France médiévale, vol. 1: Des origines à l'époque féodale, Paris, Colin, 2003.
  • Dominique Iogna-Prat: Religion et culture autour de l'an Mil, Paris, Picard, 1990.
  • Michel Parisse: Le Roi de France et son royaume autour de l'an mil, Paris, Picard, 1992.
  • Pierre Riché: Les Carolingiens, une famille qui fit l'Europe, Paris, Hachette, 1999
  • Yves Sassier: Royauté et idéologie au Moyen Âge, Paris, Colin, 2002.
  • Laurent Theis: L'Héritage des Charles, De la mort de Charlemagne aux environs de l'an mil, Paris, Seuil, 1990.
  • Yves Sassier: Hugues Capet: Naissance d'une dynastie, Fayard, coll. "Biographies historiques", 14 January 1987, 364 p

About Mathilde de France, Reine Consort des Deux-Bourgognes (Français)

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Mathilde ou Mahaut de France

Dynastie Carolingien

Naissance 943

Décès 27 janvier 992

Enfant de Louis IV d'Outremer

et de

Gerberge de Saxe

Conjoint Conrad III le Pacifique (964)

Enfants Berthe (964-1031)

Gerberge (965-1018)

Mathilde (975-?)

Rodolphe III (?-1032)

Mathilde de France, née en 943 et morte le 27 janvier 992, était fille de Louis IV d'Outremer, roi de France, et de Gerberge de Saxe.

En 964, elle épousa Conrad III le Pacifique, roi des Deux-Bourgognes dont elle a eu quatre enfants :

   * Berthe (964-1031), qui devint reine de France en 996 lorsqu'elle épousa Robert II,

* Gerberge (965-1018),
* Mathilde (975-?),
* Rodolphe III († 1032), roi des Deux-Bourgognes.

Mathilde van West-Francië, geb. eind 943; vergezelt haar gemaal naar de rijksdag van Otto II Rome Pasen (27-3) 981; overl. 26 of 27- 1 van een onbekend jaar nadien, vóór 992, begr. Vienne (Saint-André-le-Haut), tr. na 23-3-963, vóór 10-8-966 Conrad I van Bourgondië, later bijgenaamd ‘le Pacifique’, geb. ca. 922; gekozen en gekroond tot koning van Bourgondië (Arelatisch rijk) Lausanne 937; regeert aanvankelijk onder toezicht van Otto I; zelfstandig vanaf maart 943; overl. 19-10-993, begr. Vienne (Saint-André-le-Haut); zn. van Rudolf II koning van Opper-Bourgondië en Provence, en Bertha van Zwaben.

Bertha of Burgundy

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bertha of Burgundy (952, 964 or 967 – 1010, 16 January 1016, or 1035) was the daughter of Conrad the Peaceful, King of Burgundy and his wife Matilda, daughter of Louis IV, King of France and Gerberga of Saxony.

She was a wife of the King Conrad. A Carolingian, she was born to King Louis IV of France and his wife, Gerberga of Saxony.

Matilda married Conrad of Burgundy in 964. As her dowry, the young Queen brought her husband the city of Vienne, which her brother Lothar had ceded her.[1]

Her children were:

   Bertha of Burgundy (967 – 16 January 1016), married Robert II of France
   Matilda of Burgundy (born 969), possibly married Robert, Count of Geneva
   Rudolph III of Burgundy (971 – 6 September 1032)
   Gerberga of Burgundy (born 965)

Matilda died on 27 January 992.

Konrad der Friedfertige von Burgund, f. ca. 923-død 19.10.993. Konge af Burgund. Gift 1. m. Adelania, 2. m. : Prinsesse Mathilde af Frankrig. F. 943, død 26.11. efter 981.

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Mathilde de France, Reine Consort des Deux-Bourgognes's Timeline

Laon, Aisne, Hauts-de-France, France
Bourgogne, France
Burgundy, France
Burgundy, France
Bourgogne, France
January 27, 992
Age 49
Arles, Bouches-du-Rhone, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France