Immediate Family
About Matilda of Swabia
Matilda of Swabia
MedLands, SWABIA
- a) MATHILDE ([988]-20 Jul [1031/32]), bur Worms Cathedral). Thietmar refers to "Konrad" as son-in-law of Hermann Duke of Swabia, recording that they attacked Strasbourg together after the election of Heinrich II King of Germany in 1002[138]. Wipo names "Mahthilda de filia Chuonradi regis Burgundiæ" as mother of "iunioris Chuononis"[139]. The Alberti Milioli Notarii Regini Liber de Temporibus names "comitissam Beatricam…de Gallia…filia comitis Frederic, mater…domina Matilda", but does not give the origin of Mathilde[140]. The Annalista Saxo names "Machtildis" as sister of Gisela, wife of Emperor Konrad II, and also names her third husband[141]. The primary source which records her second marriage has not so far been identified. However, the Chronicon Sancti Michælis, monasterii in pago Virdunensi names "duabus puellulis Sophia et Beatrice" as daughters of the son of "duce Theodorico", specifying that the empress was their amita and that she adopted them after their father died[142]. She attended the Easter celebrations at Ingelheim in 1030[143]. The Liber Anniversariorum of Einsiedeln records the death in Jul of "Mechthild soror imperatricis Gislæ"[144]. "Chuonradus…Romanorum imperator augustus" donated property to the church of Worms naming "filii nostri Heinrici Regis, filie quoque nostre Beatricis" for the souls of "parentum nostrorum defunctorum atavi nostri ducis Chuonradi, avie nostre Iudithe, patris nostri Heinrici, patrui nostri ducis Chuonradi eiusque coniugis Mathildis, sororis etiam nostre Iudithe", all buried at Worms Cathedral, by charter dated 30 Jan 1034[145]. firstly ([1002]%29 KONRAD, son of OTTO Duke of Carinthia, Graf im Nahe-, Speier-, und Wormsgau [Salier] & his wife Judith --- (-[12/15] Dec 1011).
m secondly ([1016]%29 FREDERIC of Upper Lotharingia, son of THIERRY I Duke of Upper Lotharingia [Wigeriche] & his wife Richilde [von Bliesgau] ([997/99]-17/18 May 1026). He was titled Duke during the lifetime of his father, sometimes referred to as FREDERIC II Duke of Upper Lotharingia.
m thirdly ESIKO Graf im Schwabengau, son of ADALBERT von Ballenstedt & his wife Hidda von der Nordmark (-[1059/60]).
Mathilde anses av flere å være en halvsøster til keiserinne Gisela av Schwaben, datter til Hermann II av Schwaben
og Gerberge av Burgund. Hun skulle i så fall være datter til Gerberge av Burgund i hennes ekteskap med greve
Hermann av Werl.
Erich Brandenburg «Die Nachkommen Karls des Grossen» forkaster dette. Han antar i stedet at hun var sønnedatter
til Hermann og Gerberge.250
Frederick II, Duke of Upper Lorraine
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Frederick II (c. 995–1026), son of Thierry I and Richilde von Blieskastel, daughter of Folmar III, Count in Bliesgau; was the count of Bar and duke of Lorraine, co-reigning with his father from 1019.
On the Emperor Henry II's death in 1024, he joined Ernest II, Duke of Swabia, in revolt against the new king, Conrad II. Soon they made peace and recognised the new king. Frederick died soon after.
He married Matilde of Swabia (c. 995–1031), daughter of Herman II, Duke of Swabia, and sister-in-law of Conrad. They had three children:
Sophia, countess of Bar and Pont-à-Mousson, married Louis, count of Montbéliard
Frederick, his successor
Beatrice, married firstly Boniface, margrave of Tuscany, and secondly Godfrey III, Duke of Lower Lotharingia; mother of Matilda of Canossa
General Notes:
Mathilde anses av flere å være en halvsøster til keiserinne Gisela av Schwaben, datter til Hermann II av Schwaben og Gerberge av Burgund. Hun skulle i så fall være datter til Gerberge av Burgund i hennes ekteskap med greve Hermann av Werl.
Erich Brandenburg "Die Nachkommen Karls des Grossen" forkaster dette. Han antar i stedet at hun var sønnedatter til Hermann og Gerberge.
Noted events in her life were:
• She was a Countess of Werl.
Biografi - Biography
Grevinne av Werl.
Mathilde anses av flere å være en halvsøster til keiserinne Gisela av Schwaben, datter til Hermann II av Schwaben og Gerberge av Burgund. Hun skulle i så fall være datter til Gerberge av Burgund i hennes ekteskap med greve Hermann av Werl.
Erich Brandenburg «Die Nachkommen Karls des Grossen» forkaster dette. Han antar i stedet at hun var sønnedatter til Hermann og Gerberge. 1
Erich Brandenburg: Die Nachkommen Karls des Grossen. Leipzig 1935. Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 403. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 21, 100.
Enligt Lutz Partenheimer är Esikos föräldrar okända men menar samtidigt att Esiko verkligen var dotterson till markgreve Hodo I (död 993).
Vem Esikos maka Mathilda var har länge varit ett mysterium. Av Annalista Saxo framgår att Esikos maka Mathilda var syster till tysk-romerska kejsarinnan Gisela av Schwaben (död 1043), och som sådan därmed dotter till hertig Herman II av Schwaben (död 1003). Annalista Saxo är den enda samtida källa som intygar denna Mathildas existens. Genealogiska forskare, däribland Hermann Bollnow, Werner Trillmich och Andreas Thiele, menar att Esikos maka Mathilda hörde till huset Werl och var dotter till kejsarinnan Giselas äldre halvbror, greve Bernhard II av Werl-Hoevel.
Grevinne av Werl.
Mathilde anses av flere å være en halvsøster til keiserinne Gisela av Schwaben, datter til Hermann II av Schwaben og Gerberge av Burgund. Hun skulle i så fall være datter til Gerberge av Burgund i hennes ekteskap med greve Hermann av Werl.
Erich Brandenburg «Die Nachkommen Karls des Grossen» forkaster dette. Han antar i stedet at hun var sønnedatter til Hermann og Gerberge.
Tekst: Tore Nygaard
Erich Brandenburg: Die Nachkommen Karls des Grossen. Leipzig 1935. Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 403. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 21, 100.
The dates for Mathilde von ?? (Ballenstedt) do not fit Mathilde von Swabia.
Even if she was a second wife of Esiko, Graf von Ballenstedt, it present the question, which 'Mathilde' actually gave birth to Adalbert, Graf von Ballenstedt.
Possibility of Illegitimate Titled Surnames
(If Mathilde of Swabia is not the literal genetic (Adalbert, Graf von Ballenstedt's Mother) matrilineal line then beyond the average Noble recognition, they would have been elevated above their station illegitimately)
Weimer, Orlemunde, Weimer-Orlemunde, Brandenburg, Tangermunde, Sachen, Sachen-Askaner,Bremen and obvioulsy Ballenstedt of which would have indirectly effected the legitimacy of continuing lines and extended branches.
Mathilde von Schwaben
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
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Mathilde von Schwaben (* Oktober 1048 wohl in Pöhlde ; † 12. Mai 1060 wohl in Goslar, dort wohl auch begraben), war als Ehefrau Rudolfs von Rheinfelden Herzogin von Schwaben. Sie war die dritte Tochter Kaiser Heinrichs III. aus seiner zweiten Ehe mit Agnes von Poitou.
Leben [Bearbeiten]
Mathilde wurde als dritte Tochter Kaiser Heinrichs III. und der Kaiserin Agnes im Oktober 1048 wohl in Pöhlde geboren.
1057 wurde Rudolf von Rheinfelden durch Kaiserin Agnes zum Herzog von Schwaben erhoben, bei dieser Gelegenheit fand wohl auch die Verlobung mit Mathilde statt. Diese Belehnung und Verlobung soll Rudolf durch eine Entführung Mathildes erwirkt haben. Ende 1059 heirateten die beiden, doch schon im Mai 1060 verstarb Mathilde wahrscheinlich in Goslar, wo sie wohl im Stift "St. Simon und Judas" beigesetzt wurde.
Ob Mathilde, wie gelegentlich vermutet, die Mutter Herzog Bertholds von Schwaben ist, lässt sich wohl nicht mehr klären.
Literatur [Bearbeiten]
* Mechthild Black-Veldtrup: Die Töchter Heinrichs III. und der Kaiserin Agnes. - in: Vinculum Societatis : Festschrift für Joachim Wollasch, 1991. - S. 36-57
* Mechthild Black-Veldtrup: Kaiserin Agnes (1043-1077) : Quellenkritische Studien. - Köln : Böhlau, 1995
* Egon Boshof: Die Salier. Stuttgart : Kohlhammer, 2000
Weblinks [Bearbeiten]
* genealogie-mittelalter.de
Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 15. März 2010 um 21:17 Uhr geändert.
Mathilde von Werl birth and death dates do not match the other Mathilde , if they do not match then certainly, 'they' cannot be the same person.
Count ESIKO of Ballenstedt and Aschersleben in Schwabengau from which the Askanier descended, trying to emulate their neighbors. His sister Uta was the wife Ekkehard II of Meissen. Through marriage to Matilda of Werl it did have family ties to Queen Gisela . Even the North Saxon Count of Stade had as heirs of the lords of manors Alvensleben allodiale the Slavs border. Initiated daughters as abbesses of the house the family monastery Alsleben.
In the German brands that had emerged a large number of goods Margrave Hodos in Erbgange and investiture by the Earl of ESIKO Ballenstedt , the ancestor of Askanier , a distant relative of the Empress Gisela .
Matilda of Swabia's Timeline
989 |
Arnsberg, Arnsberg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
1002 |
1003 |
1004 |
1007 |
Lower Lorraine, France
1013 |
Upper Lorraine, France
1017 |
Oberlothringen, Germany
1019 |
northeastern France