Immediate Family
About Maud Lowthropp
Not the same as Mary Lathroppe
Maud *****, who was buried on 6/Jan/1587(1588) in Etton Par., East Riding, Yorkshire, England, was the 2nd wife of Thomas Lowthroppe of Cherry Burton, East Riding of Yorkshire. She may have been Mary Howell? [see Notes below.]
She was the mother of the Rev. John Lothrop, prominent American colonist.
From http://web.pdx.edu/~davide/gene/Lothrop_Thomas.htm#Note%202
"There is evidence that Thomas Lowthroppe married three times:first, to a widow, Elizabeth Clark, whose maiden name may have been Wood; second, to either Mary or Maud, further identity unknown; and third, to Jane, whose maiden name is believed to have been Carter."
From http://users.erols.com/jlathrop/genealogy.html
Rev. John's mother was not Mary Salte. That Mary was married to a different Thomas Lathrop, living in Leigh, Staffordshire, rather than Etton, Yorkshire, and had no son named John. (Caution against Gustave Anjou's 'Lothrop Family Records")
- on 2/Sep/1575 in Etton Par., East Riding, Yorkshire, England to Thomas Lowthrop of Cherry Burton (1536-1606), son of Robert Lowthroppe and Ellen Aston, as his 2nd wife. He was married first to Mrs. Elizabeth Wood Clark (8 children). After Maud's death he married 3rd to Jane Carter (9 children).
Children of Thomas Lawthrop and Maud:
- Anne - bp: 29/Jul/1576 - Etton Par., East Riding, Yorkshire, England d 8/Nov/1653 - Etton Par., East Riding, Yorkshire, England
- Mary - b: ~1579 m: John Gallant - 13/Oct/1611 - Etton Par., East Riding, Yorkshire, England
- Thomas - bp: 14/Oct/1582 - Etton Par., East Riding, Yorkshire, England d: ~Oct-Nov/1628 - Dengie Par., Co. Essex, England m: Elizabeth *****
- Reverend John Lothrop (1584-1653) of New Plymouth Colony. He married 1st to Hannah Howse (8 children) and 2nd to Anne Dimmock (6 children).
- William - bp: 24/May/1587 - Etton Par., East Riding, Yorkshire, England
There is evidence that Thomas Lowthroppe married three times: first, to a widow, Elizabeth Clark, whose maiden name may have been Wood; second to either Mary or Maud, further identity unknown; and third, to Jane, whose maiden name is believed to have been Carter. Between these three wives, Thomas is attributed as the father of twenty-two children, of which at least nine sons and six daughters survived. Within this context, Thomas second wife has been plausibly identified as Mary Howell, daughter of John Howell and the sister of Elizabeth, wife of Thomas younger brother, Lawrence. Indeed, such intermarriages between local families have been common over much of human history.
In contrast, the basis for the identification of Thomas wife as Mary Salte of Yoxall in Staffordshire seems to be the result of a confusion of identies between Thomas Lowthropp of Cherry Burton in Yorkshire and Thomas Lathropp of Leighe in Staffordshire. Although, Huntington affirms the descent of the Staffordshore Lathropp family from ancestors in Yorkshire, it is clear from his summary of the children of Thomas and Mary Salte Lathropp that she could not have been the second wife of Thomas Lowthrope of Cherry Burton.2 Geographically, Staffordshire lies roughly one hundred miles southwest of the East Riding of Yorkshire and, although this is not a large distance by modern standards, in the sixteenth century it would have been substantial. Moreover, Mr. Clifford Stott asserts that Thomas Lowthropes second wife was neither Mary Howell nor Mary Salte, but, rather, she was named Maud; maiden name unknown.3 Accordingly, the second wife of Thomas Lowthroppe should be properly regarded as otherwise unidentified.
- http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~walkersj/lathrop.html
- LATHROP-L@rootsweb.com
- http://web.pdx.edu/~davide/gene/Lothrop_Thomas.htm#Note%202
Age: About 33-34
MH:S3 Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=110860350&pi...
Maud Lowthropp's Timeline
1555 |
of Cherry Burton, Yorkshire, England
1556 |
probably, East Riding of Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)
1561 |
Cherry Burton, Yorkshire, England
1570 |
November 18, 1570
Cherry Burton, Yorkshire, England
1574 |
April 23, 1574
Cherry Burton, Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)
1576 |
July 29, 1576
Etton, East Riding, Yorkshire, England
1579 |
Etton Parish, East Riding of Yorkshire, England
1582 |
October 14, 1582
Elton, Yorkshire, England
1584 |
December 20, 1584
Etton, Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)