Maud de Boulogne, comtesse de Guînes

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Maud de Boulogne, comtesse de Guînes

Also Known As: "Mahaud", "Maud", "Matilda", "Maude", "Mahaut", "Beatrix of Guines"
Birthplace: Boulogne-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais, France
Death: 982 (16-17)
Kent, England
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Arnulf II, count of Boulogne & Ternois and NN NN
Wife of Ardolph I, II. comte de Guînes
Mother of Rodolphe I, comte de Guines; Baldwin de Boulogne and Manasses de Guines
Half sister of Ernicule de Boulogne; Arnulf III, count of Boulogne; Gui de Boulogne; Eustache de Boulogne and Mathilde de Ponthieu

Occupation: Comtesse de Guînes
Managed by: Nathan De Graw
Last Updated:

About Maud de Boulogne, comtesse de Guînes

  • FYI: As of 20 Sep 2022, Medlands does not indicate any wife or children of Arnulf II:
  • "2. ARNOUL [I] de Boulogne ([920/25] – after 31 Jan 972). "Arnulfus nepos ipsius comitis [Arnulfi]" is named in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[430]. It is unlikely that he was born much before [920/25] considering the estimated birth date of his father. Lothaire IV King of the West Franks installed him as Comte de Boulogne et du Ternois[431]. "…Arnulfi Bononiensis comitis, Engelberti advocati…" signed the charter dated 31 Jan 972 under which "Arnulfus…marchysus" confirmed the possession of "Harnas…in pago Seirbiu" to Saint-Pierre de Gand[432]."

Death place given as Kent, England and Guisnes, Picardie, France. No sources.

Married 0978 - Guisness, France

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Maud de Boulogne, comtesse de Guînes's Timeline

Boulogne-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais, France
Castle at Guines, Pas-de-Calais, France
Age 17
Kent, England
November 21, 1960
Age 17
November 21, 1960
Age 17
December 22, 1960
Age 17
December 22, 1960
Age 17
May 10, 1961
Age 17
May 10, 1961
Age 17