Immediate Family
About Mauger, Count of Corbeil
This Mauger is the same as Count of Corbeil Mauger.
content to clean up
Mauger de Normandie, Comte de Corbeil
MAUGER de Normandie, son of RICHARD I "Sans-Peur" Comte [de Normandie] & his second wife Gunnora --- (-[1033/40]).
Guillaume de Jumièges names "Richard, Robert, Mauger" as three of the five sons of Duke Richard and Gunnor[2264].
Robert of Torigny names "Ricardum…qui ei successit et Robertum postea archiepiscopum Rothomagensium et Malgerium comitem Curbuliensem, aliosque duos" as the sons of "Ricardi primi ducis Normanniæ" and Gunnora[2265]. Comte de Corbeil, by right of his wife. An agreement between the abbots of Jumièges and Bougeuil concerning an exchange of land in Poitou, by charter dated [13 Apr/4 Apr] 1012, is subscribed by "Richardus…filius Ricardi principi magni…Robertus archiepiscopus…ecclesie Rotomagensis et Vuillelmus et Malgerus fratres Richardi comitis…"[2266].
Guillaume de Jumièges records that Robert II Duke of Normandy sent "son oncle paternal Mauger comte de Corbeil" to help Henri I King of France against the rebellion of his mother Queen Constance[2267] in [1031/32].
m GERMAINE de Corbeil, daughter of ALBERT Comte de Corbeil & his wife ---. The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified.
Comte Mauger & his wife had one child:
1. GUILLAUME "Guerlenc" de Corbeil (-1067). Orderic Vitalis calls him "son of Count Mauger" and says he was Comte de Mortain, banished by Guillaume II Duke of Normandy "on some trivial pretexts"[2268] in 1063. Guillaume de Jumièges names "Guillaume Guerlenc, de la descendance de Richard-le-Grand" as Comte de Mortain, recording that he was expelled from Normandy by Duke Guillaume II and went to Apulia[2269], dated to 1063 from other sources. “…Walterius comes Pontisariensis, Willelmus comes Corboilensis, Ivo comes Bellomontensis, Walerannus comes Melledensis” are named among those present at the opening of the reliquary of Saint-Denis, dated 9 Jun 1053[2270].
m ---. The name of Guillaume's wife is not known. Guillaume & his wife had three children:
a) FREDERIC de Corbeil . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. 1066.
b) PAYAN de Corbeil . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. 1066.
c) RENAUD de Corbeil . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. 1067. m ---. The name of Renaud's wife is not known. Reanud & his wife had one child:
i) BOUCHARD [II] de Corbeil (-killed in battle [1071/80]). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Comte de Corbeil. "Buccardus…Corbolensium comes" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Spire de Corbeil by charter dated 1071[2271]. He was killed by Etienne Comte de Blois in the war against Philippe I King of France.
m as her first husband, ADELAIDE de Crècy Dame de Gournay-sur-Marne, daughter of --- (-12 Oct after 1104). "Odo comes de Corboilo" donated property "in terra Morissarti" [Mortcerf] to the abbey of Saint-Martin de Pontoise on the intercession of "matre sua comitissa de Creceio" by charter dated [1080][2272]. The primary source which confirms her name has not yet been identified. She married secondly Guy [II] Comte de Rochefort. Her two marriages are indicated by Suger's Vita Ludovici which records that "Guido Rubeus filiusque eius Hugo Creciacensis…fratri Corboilensi Odoni" rebelled during the reign of Louis VI King of France[2273]. Bouchard [II] & his wife had two children:
(a) EUDES de Corbeil (-1112). "Odo comes de Corboilo" donated property "in terra Morissarti" to the abbey of Saint-Martin de Pontoise on the intercession of "matre sua comitissa de Creceio" by charter dated [1080][2274]. Suger's Vita Ludovici records that "Guido Rubeus filiusque eius Hugo Creciacensis…fratri Corboilensi Odoni" rebelled during the reign of Louis VI King of France[2275].
(b) ADELAIDE de Corbeil (-[after 1126]). The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. Heiress of Corbeil [1100]. "Hugo de Puteolo…mater mea domina Aleidis" donated property to the abbey of Marcigny-sur-Loire by charter dated to [1108/1116] which specifies that she was a nun at Marcigny[2276]. "Gozellus comes Edessanus" confirmed a donation to the church of St. Marie, Josaphat, with the consent of "filii sui abbatis dicti monasterio Gilduino", of "terram Kyaria" by "dominus Galeran comitissæ de Corboil" by charter dated [Jan/Aug] 1126[2277], although the garbled description of the donors makes their definite identification difficult.
m ERARD [III] du Puiset Vicomte de Chartres, son of HUGUES [I] du Puiset "Blavons" & his wife Alix de Montlhéry (-21 Aug [1099]).
Mauger de Normandie, Comte de Corbeil p877.htm#i8765
|Richard I, 3rd Duc de Normandie|b. 28 Aug 933\nd. 20 Nov 996|p10218.htm#i102172
|Gunnor de Crêpon|b. c 936\nd. 1031|p10218.htm#i102173
|Guillaume I 'Longsword', 2nd Duc de Normandie|b. c 900\nd. 17 Dec 942|p10477.htm#i104762
|Sprota (?)|b. c 911|p10477.htm#i104763|||||||
Mauger de Normandie, Comte de Corbeil is the son of Richard I, 3rd Duc de Normandie and Gunnor de Crêpon.
Mauger de Normandie, Comte de Corbeil was also known as Comte de Corbeil.
Child of Mauger de Normandie, Comte de Corbeil and Germaine de Corbeil
* William de Corbeil, Comte de Corbeil d. a 1050
Twenty-second in Ancestry
Section 1, Mauger and His Family; Corbeil Section 2, Richard the Good, Duke of Normandy; History.
- 22. MAUGER de Normandie, COUNT OF CORBEIL, son of Richard I, surnamed the Fearless, Duke of Normandy, Chapter 5, Section 1, married Germaine de Corbeil, daughter of Aymon, Count of Corbeil, and his wife Elizabeth, a near relation of Avoye the wife of Hugh the Great and sister of the Emperor Otho. [Mauger was the second son of Richard Duke of Normandy. The records of Normandy do not disclose what, if any, title he held except that of de Normandie, although he married the daughter of Aymon, Count of Corbeil, and must have been given by his parents an estate of equal importance in order that the marriage could be brought about. Mauger is known in history as Count of Corbeil, which title he obtained in right of his wife. The history of Mauger seems to center around that of Corbeil, which we shall briefly notice, particularly so far as it relates to our genealogy. The properties that came to his second son Haymon Dentatus, will give some indication of the great wealth Mauger had in his own right.] Children:
1. *21. GUILLAUME, surnamed WERLAC, Chapter 7, Section 1.
2. Hamon, surnamed Dentatus, Chapter 7, Section 3.
3. Hugh, Bishop of Bayeux, of whom little is known, and upon whose death the bishopric was given to William d'Ivri, and upon his death William the Conqueror gave the bishopric to his brother Odo, whom he afterwards made earl of Kent in England. [Ecclesiastical History of England & Normandy, by Ordericus Vitalis, vol. 2, page 416.]
The series of events which led to Mauger becoming Count of Corbeil began with the death of his Grand father. For when Richard the Fearless, father of Mauger was a little child his father died and he was taken away from Normandy by the King of France under an excuse that the child was to be educated, but really it was to make him a prisoner and possibly to kill him. He was placed in the care of a learned and good man known in history as Osmon the Dane, who took compassion upon him and, by concealing him in a load of hay, carried him safely back to Normandy, and placed him in the custody of his powerful relation Bernard of Senlis, surnamed the Dane. Thereupon Louis, King of France, with the aid of Hugh the Great, in the year 945 made war upon the Normans. Bernard called to his assistance the King of Denmark and King Louis was defeated. Peace was concluded and Richard secured a further grant of territory. Osmon then skill-fully arranged a marriage between the young Duke and Esm6 daughter of Hugh the Great, then Count of Paris and the most powerful man in France.
On the ancestry of the Grenville's and parents of Mauger, Count of Corbeil, their ancestor:
Richard I, Duke of Normandy (ggf through his eldest son of Robert II (The Devil), Duke of Normandy, who was in turn father by his mistress Harlette/Harlot of William I (The Conqueror); b 933; married 2nd his former mistress Gunnor and died 20 Nov 996, leaving [Mauger]. [Burke's Peerage, p. 1603]
Mauger, Count of Corbeil, in right of his wife; married Germaine, daughter and heir of Albert, Count of Corbeil, and had [Hamon, Count of Corbeil], with an elder son (William, dsp a monk in the Abbey of St. Maur). [Burke's Peerage]
Note the above puts the descendancy through William in doubt. Of course being an elder son, he could have been Count at least for a while, and maybe had illegitimate children. Though they would not be Counts.
Count of Mortain.
Lord of Corbeil and Mortain md of Aymon
Guillaume de Jumièges records that Robert II Duke of Normandy sent "son oncle paternal Mauger comte de Corbeil" to help Henri I King of France against the rebellion of his mother Queen Constance in [1031/32].
Greve av Corbeil.
Mauger, Count of Corbeil's Timeline
963 |
Rouen, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France
990 |
1001 |
Corbeil, Marne, Champagne, France
1002 |
Torigni Sur Vire, Manche, Normandy, France
1005 |
Saint-Clair-sur-l'Elle, Manche, Normandy, France
1040 |
Age 77
Corbeil, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France
Age 77
Corbeil, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France
???? |