Historical records matching Mirel Sarah Heller Wallerstein (Teomim)
Immediate Family
About Mirel Sarah Heller Wallerstein (Teomim)
In the latest edition of "The Unbroken Chain", it is explained that R' Efraim Zalman Shor's daughter was NOT married to Jacob Koppel Halevi Heller of of Neumark. Rather, R. Jacob Koppel, ABD Neumark was married to Miriam Mirl, the daughter of R. Meshulam Zalman Teomim of Prague-Vienna.
The entry below from Chapter 1, page 28 is followed by an explanatory footnote:
G4.6 Hanale, married R. Efraim Zalman Shor
This is the footnote:
The statement that he had a daughter Miriam Mirl (see AAL [end section] and also R Zvi Ezekiel Michelson in Peticha Ze'ira at end of Tzavah Rav [1908]) is incorrect. Miriam Mirl was in fact the daughter of R. Meshullam Zalman Teomim of Prague-Vienna, son of R. Moses Aaron Teomim (as discussed in detail by R. Mordecai Weitz in Ateret Paz, 1938, 76). Miriam Mirl married R. Jacob Koppel, ABD Neumark. He was the son of Aaron Heller Wallerstein, who died in 1530, of the non-Levite Wallersteins (as compared to that of the Levite Wallersteins, from whom the famed Tosfot YomTov was descended. Weitz comments that this deduction was in error since R. Ephraim Zalman Shor at the end of his own book Tevu'ot Shor, published in 1615-1616 prays that he hopefully will still be privileged to have children. Meanwhile Miriam Mirl was already the mother of children!
The Unbroken Chain - Neil Rosenstein (3rd Edition) Volume 3, Chapter 1, page 28
Years of birth were quoted as 1580 (unlikely) and 1595 (even more unlikely).
Die Inschriften des alten Judenfriedhofes in Wien by dr. Bernhard Wachstein- I Teil -NO. 240 & page 481
Mirel Sarah Heller Wallerstein (Teomim)'s Timeline
1575 |
January 9, 1575
Vienna, Wien, Austria
1594 |
Vienna, Austria
1596 |
Vienna, Austria
1598 |
Vienna, Austria
1600 |
Vienna, Austria
1604 |
Vienna, Wien, Austria
1639 |
February 21, 1639
Age 64
Vienna, Vienna, Austria
February 1639
Age 64
Vienna, Austria
???? |
Vienna, Austria