Immediate Family
About Mistress/es of Pepin
NN mistress of Pepin / mother of Bernard:
Bertha appears to be only one of the possibilities for the name of Bernard's mother. See Medlands Discussion below:
Mistress (1): (from [795]%29 --- . Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that Pepin's son Bernard was born "…ex concubina"[624]. However, other sources do not refer to the fact that he was illegitimate. The question is not beyond doubt. Assuming that he was illegitimate, the name of King Pepin's mistress is not known. Settipani quotes a name list in the Liber confraternitatum augiensis which reads "Karolus maior domus, Pippin rex, Karlomannus maior domus, Karolus imperator, Karolus rex, Pippin rex, Bernardus rex, Ruadtrud, Ruadheid, Svanahild regina, Bertha regina, Hiltikart regina, Fastrat regina, Liutkart regina, Ruadheid, Hirminkar regina"[625]. He makes the obvious links between "Karolus maior domus…Svanahild regina", "Pippin rex…Bertha regina" and "Karolus imperator…Hiltikart regina, Fastrat regina, Liutkart regina", deducing that the last named "Ruadheid" must be linked logically to "Pippin rex". However, this link is not inevitable. It is based on three assumptions: firstly that the second "Pippin rex" was Pepin King of Italy (he is the most likely candidate, but it could also be Pepin King of Aquitaine, son of Emperor Louis I); secondly that there are no female names linked either to "Karolus rex" or to "Bernardus rex", which cannot be proved; and thirdly, that all the females listed were partners of the males listed, which is certainly not the case in view of the absence of Emperor Louis I "le Pieux" who is assumed to be the husband of "Hirminkar regina". Rösch suggests Bertha as the possible name of King Pepin's wife, citing Stromeyer[626]. Settipani suggests that she was a close relative of Adalhard Abbé de Corbie and his half-brother Wala to explain the appointment of the former as regent for her son Bernard King of Italy in 813. King Pepin had one illegitimate child by Mistress (1):
1. BERNARD ([797]-Milan 17 Aug 818, bur Milan, San Ambrosio). Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Bernhardus filius Pippini ex concubina"[627]. He was confirmed 11 Sep 813 at Aix-la-Chapelle as BERNARD I King of Italy.
- Seen with another mistress: Therese Gondres
King Pepin had one illegitimate child by Mistress (1):
1. BERNARD ([797]-Milan 17 Aug 818, bur Milan, San Ambrosio). Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Bernhardus filius Pippini ex concubina"[627]. He was confirmed 11 Sep 813 at Aix-la-Chapelle as BERNARD I King of Italy.
Bertha de Toulouse
F, #103196
Last Edited=15 Jan 2003
Child of Bertha de Toulouse and Pepin I, King of the Langobardians
-1. Bernard, King of Italy+ b. c 799, d. 17 Aug 818
Forrás / Source:
Pepin King of Italy
He married Bertha, daughter of William of Gellone, count of Toulouse, and had five daughters with her (Adelaide, married Duke Guy I of Spoleto; Atala; Gundrada; Bertha; and Tetrada), all of whom but the eldest were born between 800 and Pepin's death and died before their grandfather's death in 814.
From the French Wikipedia pages of the parents of Berta d'Autun, Thierry I d'Autun and Aude de France:
Abba et Berta, citées comme religieuse en 804. L'une d'elles a probablement épousé un Nibelungide, Childebrand II ou Nibelung II[4].
In English:
Abba and Berta, cited as nuns in 804. One of them probably married into the Nibelungids, to either Childebrand II or Nibelung II.
Ben M. Angel summary:
Abba d'Autun's relationships:
Father: Thierry or Theoderic I, Comte d'Autun (d. 791/804)
Mother: Aldana (also Aude, Aida, Alda, or Adalne, 732-c755)
Teudoin/Theodoen d. c826)
Theoderic II (d. c811)
St. Guillaume de Gellone
Unknown parent of Bertrand
Berta (nun)
Nibelung II Comte dans Bourgogne (c750-c805)
Children: Existent but unknown.
Basic information and justifications:
Birth: Unknown - presumed in Autun (father is comte there)
Death: After 804 (cited as a nun in 804) - location unknown
Occupation: Wife, Nun c. 804
Married to Nibelung II according to FMG, wedding date and location unknown.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Frankish Nobility:
The common connection with Autun, and the common use of the name "Theoderic", suggest that the following family was closely related to the family of Nibelung and Childebrand. If this is correct, the only possibility from a chronological point of view is that either Theoderic [I] or his wife was the child of Nibelung [I]. A different speculation is that Theoderic [I] may have been related to the early Saxon leader Widukind (see SAXONY), in whose family references have been found to "Theoderich". The presence of Comte Theoderic, whom it seems likely was the same person as Theoderic [I], in Saxony as recorded by Einhard in 782 (see below) suggests that he may have been acting in some official capacity for the Franks, maybe because of his prior connection with Saxony. It is not impossible that Theoderic was one of the Saxon leaders who surrendered to Charles I King of the Franks in 777 and was rewarded with appointments at the royal court. If this speculation is correct, the name Theoderic may have entered the Nibelung/Childebrand family through Dunna, the wife of Childebrand [III], whose origin is unknown. A third possibility is that Theoderic was a Frankish name which predated the Carolingian conquest of Saxony, as shown by the charter dated 8 Jul 753 under which "Pippinus rex Francorum" confirmed rights to market customs duties of the abbey of Saint-Denis by charter dated 8 Jul 753 which names "fidelibus…Theuderico…"[347]. (see MEROVINGIAN NOBILITY).
THEODERIC [I], son of --- (-[791/15 Dec 804]).
The origin of Comte Theoderic is not known. An interesting speculation is a relationship with the early Saxon leader Widukind, as explained above.
Comte d'Autun.
Einhard indicates that Theoderich was related to Charles I King of the Franks when he records that in 782 the king sent his three missi "Adalgiso camerario et Geilone comite stabuli et Worado comite palati" to meet "in…Saxonis…Theodericus comes, propinquus regis"[348], the relationship probably being through the wife of Theoderic [I] (see below). "Carolus…rex Francorum et Langobardorum" gave a judgment by charter dated to [Dec 775] which names "fidelibus…Widrigo, Odrigo, Theodrico, Bernehardo, Albuino, Aginhardo, Berngario comitibus et Anshelmo comite palacii nostri"[349].
Einhard records that Charles I King of the Franks sent "Theodorico comite et Meginfredo camerario suo" to "aquilonalem Danubii ripam" in 791[350]. "Willelmus…comes" names "genitore meo Theuderico et genitrice mea Aldana" in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[351].
m ALDANA, daughter of ---.
"Willelmus…comes" names "genitore meo Theuderico et genitrice mea Aldana" in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[352].
Settipani quotes an Aquitaine necrology which lists "Willelmus…pater eius Theodericus, mater Aldana soror Hiltrudis et Landradæ"[353]. He suggests that "Hiltrudis" was the wife of Odilo Duke of Bavaria, and therefore that the wife of Theoderic was Alda, daughter of Charles "Martel" maiordomus of Austrasia and Neustria [Carolingian].
The theory is attractive but not conclusive, as its validity depends on there being no other contemporary Hiltrudis, which is not provable. Hlawitschka highlights the case against the affiliation[354]. However, the evidence of the 25 May 765 charter, quoted in the document MEROVINGIAN NOBILITY under Aldana´s supposed sister Landrada, suggests that Settipani´s hypothesis may be correct.
In addition, Einhard indicates that Theoderic [I] was related to Charles I King of the Franks when he records that in 782 King Charles sent his three missi "Adalgiso camerario et Geilone comite stabuli et Worado comite palati" to meet "in…Saxonis…Theodericus comes, propinquus regis"[355]. One possible relationship being between the king and Theoderic [I] would have been through his wife, if she had been the king's paternal aunt.
Theoderic [I] & his wife had [seven] children:
1. TEUDOIN (-826 or after).
"Willelmus…comes" names "fratribus meis Theudoino et Adalelmo" (version two: "fratre meo Teodoino et Teoderico et Adalelmo") in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[356].
Comte d'Autun 804/26.
m ---. The name of the wife of Teudoin is not known.
2. THEODERIC [II] (-after 811).
"Willelmus…comes" names "fratribus meis Theudoino et Adalelmo" (version two: "fratre meo Teodoino et Teoderico et Adalelmo") in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone, Theoderic being named in only one of the versions346.
Einhard's Annales record "Theotheri comes" as one of the signatories of peace with the Vikings in 811[359].
"Willelmus…comes" names "fratribus meis Theudoino et Adalelmo" (version two: "fratre meo Teodoino et Teoderico et Adalelmo") in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone346.
4. [--- . m ---.] Had one possible child, Bertrand.
5. GUILLAUME ([750/55]-Gellone [28 May [812/13]/21 May 815]).
Comte de Toulouse, Marquis de Septimanie.
"Willelmus…comes" names "genitore meo Theuderico et genitrice mea Aldana" and "fratribus meis Theudoino et Adalelmo" (version two: "fratre meo Teodoino et Teoderico et Adalelmo") "sororibus meis Albana et Bertana" "filiabus meis et filiis Barnardo, Witchario, Gotcelmo, Helimbruch" (version two: "filios meos et filias Witcario, Hildehelmo et Helinbruch") "uxoribus meis Cunegunde et Guitburge" (version two: "Witburg et Cunegunde") "nepote meo Bertranno" in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[360].
6. ABBA [Albana] (-after 804).
"Willelmus…comes" names "sororibus meis Albana et Bertana" in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[361]. The Vita S. Willelmi records that “beatus Willelmus” had “duæ sorores virgines…Albana…Bertana”[362].
Nun in 804.
[m NIBELUNG [II], son of [NIBELUNG [I] Count in Burgundy & his wife --- (-after 805).
Settipani highlights the onomastic connections between the family of St Guillaume and the family of Nibelung, suggested by the names Bernard and Theoderic borne by the possible descendants of Nibelung [II][363]. He suggests that, if there was a connection between the two families, it would most likely have been through the wife of Nibelung [II] who could have been either Abba or Berta, sisters of St Guillaume.
There is, however, no indication at all of the first name of the wife of Nibelung [II]. This would of course be incorrect if the connection was through either Abba's father or mother, as referred to above. The other difficulty with this hypothesis is that the Vita S. Willelmi implies that Guillaume´s sisters remained unmarried when it records that he had “duæ sorores virgines…Albana…Bertana”[364].]
7. BERTA [Bertana].
"Willelmus…comes" names "sororibus meis Albana et Bertana" in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[365].
[347] DD Kar. 1, 6, p. 9.
[348] Einhardi Annales 782, MGH SS I, p. 163.
[349] DD Kar. 1, 110, p. 155.
[350] Einhardi Annales 791, MGH SS I, p. 177.
[351] Reproduced in Thomassy, R. 'Critique des deux chartes de foundation de l'abbaye de Saint-Guillem-du-Désert', Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes, Série 1, Tome II (Paris 1840-1844), p. 179.
[352] Reproduced in Thomassy, R. 'Critique des deux chartes de foundation de l'abbaye de Saint-Guillem-du-Désert', Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes, Série 1, Tome II (Paris 1840-1844), p. 179.
[353] Settipani, C. and Kerrebrouck, P. van (1993) La préhistoire des Capétiens 481-987, 1ère partie, Mérovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens (Villeneuve d'Ascq), p. 173, quoting Mabillon Acta Sanctorum ord. s. Ben. IV 1, p. 71.
[354] Hlawitschka, E. 'Die Vorfahren Karls des Großen', Beumann, H. (ed.) (1965) Karl der Große (Düsseldorf), pp. 76-78, cited in Settipani (1993), p. 174.
[355] Einhardi Annales 782, MGH SS I, p. 163.
[356] Reproduced in Thomassy, R. 'Critique des deux chartes de foundation de l'abbaye de Saint-Guillem-du-Désert', Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes, Série 1, Tome II (Paris 1840-1844), p. 179.
[357] ES III 731.
[358] Manuel de Dhuoda LXII, p. 213.
[359] Einhardi Annales 811, MGH SS I, p. 198.
[360] Reproduced in Thomassy, R. 'Critique des deux chartes de foundation de l'abbaye de Saint-Guillem-du-Désert', Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes, Série 1, Tome II (Paris 1840-1844), p. 179.
[361] Reproduced in Thomassy, R. 'Critique des deux chartes de foundation de l'abbaye de Saint-Guillem-du-Désert', Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes, Série 1, Tome II (Paris 1840-1844), p. 179.
[362] Ex Vita S. Willelmi, RHGF V, p. 470.
[363] Settipani (1993), p. 344.
[364] Ex Vita S. Willelmi, RHGF V, p. 470.
[365] Reproduced in Thomassy, R. 'Critique des deux chartes de foundation de l'abbaye de Saint-Guillem-du-Désert', Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes, Série 1, Tome II (Paris 1840-1844), p. 179.
From the French Wikipedia pages of the parents of Abba d'Autun, Thierry I d'Autun and Aude de France:
Abba et Berta, citées comme religieuse en 804. L'une d'elles a probablement épousé un Nibelungide, Childebrand II ou Nibelung II[5].
In English:
Abba and Berta, cited as nuns in 804. One of them probably married into the Nibelungids, to either Childebrand II or Nibelung II.
5. ↑ Settipani 1993, p. 344-5.
Christian Settipani, La Préhistoire des Capétiens (Nouvelle histoire généalogique de l'auguste maison de France, vol. 1), éd. Patrick van Kerrebrouck, 1993 (ISBN 2-9501509-3-4)
ABT 0777 - ____
* BIRTH: ABT 0777, Toulouise,France
Father: William I* TOULOUSE
Family 1 : Pepin I*
1. +Bernard,* King of ITALY
Wife of Pepin of Italy and mother of his five daughters, among them Adelaide and Tetrada of Lombardy.
Ingeltrude is listed on several pages as being the mother of King Pepin d'Italie's only son, Bernard, but very little is written of her, other than she was either a lover or concubine of Pepin (kind of obvious). Also, apparently Empress Ermentrude didn't really take too kindly to her son's existence, effectively writing him out of the Imperial Order set by Charlemagne's successor, Louis the Pious. Ermentrude's hostility and success in getting her way triggered a brief civil war that eventually caused Louis to arrest Bernard and have him blinded - a sentence that led to his death two days after it was carried out.
I'm sure there is a story there somewhere, between the hostility of Ingeltrude and Ermentrude.
sister of Charlemagne
Bertbelle was born in 0750 in Austrasia, France.1 Bertbelle's father was Duke Pepin (The Short) France III and her mother was Berthe (Bertrade) Laon. Her paternal grandparents were Charles (Martel The Hammer) Austrasia and Rotrude (Chrotude) Treves; her maternal grandparents were Count Claribert of Laon I and Bertrada Laon. She had a brother named Charlemagne. She was the younger of the two children.
1 http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=PED&db=jdp-fam&id=I86659&...
Ancestor Pedigree Chart
Arnoul Metz*
- b.13 Aug 0582 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium d.16 Aug 0640 in Remiremont, Church of the Apostles, Metz, Austrasia
Bishop of Metz Ansigisen Austrasia
- b.0602 in Austrasia, France d.0685 in Murdered atAndene Monastery, Stieburg, France
Dode Clothilde de Heristal*
- b.0586 d.0615
Paepin II d'Heristal
- b.0635 in Heristal, Austrasia, Landen Belgium d.16 Dec 0714 in Junille, Meuse, France
Pepin Austrasia*
- b.0564 d.0639
Beggue (St. Beggue) Landen
- b.0613 in Landen, Belgium d.0698
Itte Landen*
- b.0591 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium d.0652 in Landen, Liege, Belgium
Charles (Martel The Hammer) Austrasia
- b.0676 in Heristal, Neustria, Landen, Belgium d.15 Oct 0741 in Cressy Sur Oise, Neustria - Quiery, Aisne, France
Alpaide Austrasia
- b.0654 in Heristal, Austrasia, Landen, Belgium d. in Orplegrande Monastery, Brabant, Vosges, France
Duke Pepin (The Short) France III
- b.0714 in Austrasia, France d.24 Sep 0768 in St. Denis, Paris, Seine, France
Bodilon Poiters*
- b.0590 in Poitiers, Bourgogne, France
Guerin (Warin Warinus) Poiters
- b.0620 in Moselle River Valley, Austrasia, France d.0677 in Poitiers, Bourgogne, France
Sigrada (Sigree) Moselle*
- b.0615
Saint/Bishop Leutwinus Treves
- b.0665 d.0713
St. Clodulf Metz*
- b.0604 in Austrasia, France d.0690 in Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France (Austrasia)
Kunza (Gunza) Metz
- b.0625 in Treves, Rhenish Prussia, Germany
Sigrade of Alsace
- b.0615
Rotrude (Chrotude) Treves
- b.0690 in Moselle, Austrasia d.0724
Lambert of Neustria I
- b.0598
Chrodobertus Robert of Neustria II
- b.0620 d.0680
daughter of Chrodobertus
- b.0668
Guerin (Warin Warinus) Poiters*
- b.0620 in Moselle River Valley, Austrasia, France d.0677 in Poitiers, Bourgogne, France
Doda of Poitiers
- b.0629
Kunza (Gunza) Metz*
- b.0625 in Treves, Rhenish Prussia, Germany
Bertbelle Martel
- b.0750 in Austrasia, France
Arnoul Metz*
- b.13 Aug 0582 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium d.16 Aug 0640 in Remiremont, Church of the Apostles, Metz, Austrasia
Bishop of Metz Ansigisen Austrasia
- b.0602 in Austrasia, France d.0685 in Murdered atAndene Monastery, Stieburg, France
Dode Clothilde de Heristal*
- b.0586 d.0615
Martin of Laon
- b.0647 d.0690
Pepin Austrasia*
- b.0564 d.0639
Beggue (St. Beggue) Landen
- b.0613 in Landen, Belgium d.0698
Itte Landen*
- b.0591 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium d.0652 in Landen, Liege, Belgium
Count Claribert of Laon I
- b.0690 in Laon, Aisne, France d.0747
Theodard Merovingian
- b.0630 d.0721
Bertha Merovingian
- b.0660 d.0712
Berthe (Bertrade) Laon
- b.0720 in Laon, Aisne, France d.12 Jul 0783 in Choisy, Bourgogne, France
King of Austrasia Dagobert I Austrasia*
- b.Apr 0600 in Metz, Austrasia, France d.19 Jan 0639
King of the Franks Clovis Merovingian II
- b.0634 in Metz, Austrasia, France d.27 Nov 0657
Princess Nantechilde of Neustria*
- b.~ 0610 in Neustria, France d.0642
Theuderic de Neustra III
- b.0657 d.0691
Queen of Neustria Bathilde of England
- b.~ 0627 in East Anglia, Britain d.30 Jan 0680 in East Anglia, Britain
Bertrada Laon
- b.0698
Arnoul Metz*
- b.13 Aug 0582 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium d.16 Aug 0640 in Remiremont, Church of the Apostles, Metz, Austrasia
Bishop of Metz Ansigisen Austrasia
- b.0602 in Austrasia, France d.0685 in Murdered atAndene Monastery, Stieburg, France
Dode Clothilde de Heristal*
- b.0586 d.0615
Clotilde of Heristal of Metz
- b.0650 d.03 Jun 0692
Pepin Austrasia*
- b.0564 d.0639
Beggue (St. Beggue) Landen
- b.0613 in Landen, Belgium d.0698
Itte Landen*
- b.0591 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium d.0652 in Landen, Liege, Belgium
Alternative data from merges: b 795; d 7/8/810 - Sharon
Pepin King of Italy
He married Bertha, daughter of William of Gellone, count of Toulouse, and had five daughters with her (Adelaide, married Duke Guy I of Spoleto; Atala; Gundrada; Bertha; and Tetrada), all of whom but the eldest were born between 800 and Pepin's death and died before their grandfather's death in 814.
Bertha de Toulouse
F, #103196
Last Edited=15 Jan 2003
Child of Bertha de Toulouse and Pepin I, King of the Langobardians
-1. Bernard, King of Italy+ b. c 799, d. 17 Aug 818
Forrás / Source:
Pepin King of Italy
He married Bertha, daughter of William of Gellone, count of Toulouse, and had five daughters with her (Adelaide, married Duke Guy I of Spoleto; Atala; Gundrada; Bertha; and Tetrada), all of whom but the eldest were born between 800 and Pepin's death and died before their grandfather's death in 814.
From the French Wikipedia pages of the parents of Berta d'Autun, Thierry I d'Autun and Aude de France:
Abba et Berta, citées comme religieuse en 804. L'une d'elles a probablement épousé un Nibelungide, Childebrand II ou Nibelung II[4].
In English:
Abba and Berta, cited as nuns in 804. One of them probably married into the Nibelungids, to either Childebrand II or Nibelung II. -------------------- Ben M. Angel summary:
Abba d'Autun's relationships:
Father: Thierry or Theoderic I, Comte d'Autun (d. 791/804)
Mother: Aldana (also Aude, Aida, Alda, or Adalne, 732-c755)
Teudoin/Theodoen d. c826)
Theoderic II (d. c811)
St. Guillaume de Gellone
Unknown parent of Bertrand
Berta (nun)
Nibelung II Comte dans Bourgogne (c750-c805)
Children: Existent but unknown.
Basic information and justifications:
Birth: Unknown - presumed in Autun (father is comte there)
Death: After 804 (cited as a nun in 804) - location unknown
Occupation: Wife, Nun c. 804
Married to Nibelung II according to FMG, wedding date and location unknown.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Frankish Nobility:
The common connection with Autun, and the common use of the name "Theoderic", suggest that the following family was closely related to the family of Nibelung and Childebrand. If this is correct, the only possibility from a chronological point of view is that either Theoderic [I] or his wife was the child of Nibelung [I]. A different speculation is that Theoderic [I] may have been related to the early Saxon leader Widukind (see SAXONY), in whose family references have been found to "Theoderich". The presence of Comte Theoderic, whom it seems likely was the same person as Theoderic [I], in Saxony as recorded by Einhard in 782 (see below) suggests that he may have been acting in some official capacity for the Franks, maybe because of his prior connection with Saxony. It is not impossible that Theoderic was one of the Saxon leaders who surrendered to Charles I King of the Franks in 777 and was rewarded with appointments at the royal court. If this speculation is correct, the name Theoderic may have entered the Nibelung/Childebrand family through Dunna, the wife of Childebrand [III], whose origin is unknown. A third possibility is that Theoderic was a Frankish name which predated the Carolingian conquest of Saxony, as shown by the charter dated 8 Jul 753 under which "Pippinus rex Francorum" confirmed rights to market customs duties of the abbey of Saint-Denis by charter dated 8 Jul 753 which names "fidelibus…Theuderico…"[347]. (see MEROVINGIAN NOBILITY).
THEODERIC [I], son of --- (-[791/15 Dec 804]).
The origin of Comte Theoderic is not known. An interesting speculation is a relationship with the early Saxon leader Widukind, as explained above.
Comte d'Autun.
Einhard indicates that Theoderich was related to Charles I King of the Franks when he records that in 782 the king sent his three missi "Adalgiso camerario et Geilone comite stabuli et Worado comite palati" to meet "in…Saxonis…Theodericus comes, propinquus regis"[348], the relationship probably being through the wife of Theoderic [I] (see below). "Carolus…rex Francorum et Langobardorum" gave a judgment by charter dated to [Dec 775] which names "fidelibus…Widrigo, Odrigo, Theodrico, Bernehardo, Albuino, Aginhardo, Berngario comitibus et Anshelmo comite palacii nostri"[349].
Einhard records that Charles I King of the Franks sent "Theodorico comite et Meginfredo camerario suo" to "aquilonalem Danubii ripam" in 791[350]. "Willelmus…comes" names "genitore meo Theuderico et genitrice mea Aldana" in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[351].
m ALDANA, daughter of ---.
"Willelmus…comes" names "genitore meo Theuderico et genitrice mea Aldana" in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[352].
Settipani quotes an Aquitaine necrology which lists "Willelmus…pater eius Theodericus, mater Aldana soror Hiltrudis et Landradæ"[353]. He suggests that "Hiltrudis" was the wife of Odilo Duke of Bavaria, and therefore that the wife of Theoderic was Alda, daughter of Charles "Martel" maiordomus of Austrasia and Neustria [Carolingian].
The theory is attractive but not conclusive, as its validity depends on there being no other contemporary Hiltrudis, which is not provable. Hlawitschka highlights the case against the affiliation[354]. However, the evidence of the 25 May 765 charter, quoted in the document MEROVINGIAN NOBILITY under Aldana´s supposed sister Landrada, suggests that Settipani´s hypothesis may be correct.
In addition, Einhard indicates that Theoderic [I] was related to Charles I King of the Franks when he records that in 782 King Charles sent his three missi "Adalgiso camerario et Geilone comite stabuli et Worado comite palati" to meet "in…Saxonis…Theodericus comes, propinquus regis"[355]. One possible relationship being between the king and Theoderic [I] would have been through his wife, if she had been the king's paternal aunt.
Theoderic [I] & his wife had [seven] children:
1. TEUDOIN (-826 or after).
"Willelmus…comes" names "fratribus meis Theudoino et Adalelmo" (version two: "fratre meo Teodoino et Teoderico et Adalelmo") in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[356].
Comte d'Autun 804/26.
m ---. The name of the wife of Teudoin is not known.
2. THEODERIC [II] (-after 811).
"Willelmus…comes" names "fratribus meis Theudoino et Adalelmo" (version two: "fratre meo Teodoino et Teoderico et Adalelmo") in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone, Theoderic being named in only one of the versions346.
Einhard's Annales record "Theotheri comes" as one of the signatories of peace with the Vikings in 811[359].
"Willelmus…comes" names "fratribus meis Theudoino et Adalelmo" (version two: "fratre meo Teodoino et Teoderico et Adalelmo") in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone346.
4. [--- . m ---.] Had one possible child, Bertrand.
5. GUILLAUME ([750/55]-Gellone [28 May [812/13]/21 May 815]).
Comte de Toulouse, Marquis de Septimanie.
"Willelmus…comes" names "genitore meo Theuderico et genitrice mea Aldana" and "fratribus meis Theudoino et Adalelmo" (version two: "fratre meo Teodoino et Teoderico et Adalelmo") "sororibus meis Albana et Bertana" "filiabus meis et filiis Barnardo, Witchario, Gotcelmo, Helimbruch" (version two: "filios meos et filias Witcario, Hildehelmo et Helinbruch") "uxoribus meis Cunegunde et Guitburge" (version two: "Witburg et Cunegunde") "nepote meo Bertranno" in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[360].
6. ABBA [Albana] (-after 804).
"Willelmus…comes" names "sororibus meis Albana et Bertana" in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[361]. The Vita S. Willelmi records that “beatus Willelmus” had “duæ sorores virgines…Albana…Bertana”[362].
Nun in 804.
[m NIBELUNG [II], son of [NIBELUNG [I] Count in Burgundy & his wife --- (-after 805).
Settipani highlights the onomastic connections between the family of St Guillaume and the family of Nibelung, suggested by the names Bernard and Theoderic borne by the possible descendants of Nibelung [II][363]. He suggests that, if there was a connection between the two families, it would most likely have been through the wife of Nibelung [II] who could have been either Abba or Berta, sisters of St Guillaume.
There is, however, no indication at all of the first name of the wife of Nibelung [II]. This would of course be incorrect if the connection was through either Abba's father or mother, as referred to above. The other difficulty with this hypothesis is that the Vita S. Willelmi implies that Guillaume´s sisters remained unmarried when it records that he had “duæ sorores virgines…Albana…Bertana”[364].]
7. BERTA [Bertana].
"Willelmus…comes" names "sororibus meis Albana et Bertana" in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[365].
[347] DD Kar. 1, 6, p. 9.
[348] Einhardi Annales 782, MGH SS I, p. 163.
[349] DD Kar. 1, 110, p. 155.
[350] Einhardi Annales 791, MGH SS I, p. 177.
[351] Reproduced in Thomassy, R. 'Critique des deux chartes de foundation de l'abbaye de Saint-Guillem-du-Désert', Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes, Série 1, Tome II (Paris 1840-1844), p. 179.
[352] Reproduced in Thomassy, R. 'Critique des deux chartes de foundation de l'abbaye de Saint-Guillem-du-Désert', Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes, Série 1, Tome II (Paris 1840-1844), p. 179.
[353] Settipani, C. and Kerrebrouck, P. van (1993) La préhistoire des Capétiens 481-987, 1ère partie, Mérovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens (Villeneuve d'Ascq), p. 173, quoting Mabillon Acta Sanctorum ord. s. Ben. IV 1, p. 71.
[354] Hlawitschka, E. 'Die Vorfahren Karls des Großen', Beumann, H. (ed.) (1965) Karl der Große (Düsseldorf), pp. 76-78, cited in Settipani (1993), p. 174.
[355] Einhardi Annales 782, MGH SS I, p. 163.
[356] Reproduced in Thomassy, R. 'Critique des deux chartes de foundation de l'abbaye de Saint-Guillem-du-Désert', Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes, Série 1, Tome II (Paris 1840-1844), p. 179.
[357] ES III 731.
[358] Manuel de Dhuoda LXII, p. 213.
[359] Einhardi Annales 811, MGH SS I, p. 198.
[360] Reproduced in Thomassy, R. 'Critique des deux chartes de foundation de l'abbaye de Saint-Guillem-du-Désert', Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes, Série 1, Tome II (Paris 1840-1844), p. 179.
[361] Reproduced in Thomassy, R. 'Critique des deux chartes de foundation de l'abbaye de Saint-Guillem-du-Désert', Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes, Série 1, Tome II (Paris 1840-1844), p. 179.
[362] Ex Vita S. Willelmi, RHGF V, p. 470.
[363] Settipani (1993), p. 344.
[364] Ex Vita S. Willelmi, RHGF V, p. 470.
[365] Reproduced in Thomassy, R. 'Critique des deux chartes de foundation de l'abbaye de Saint-Guillem-du-Désert', Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes, Série 1, Tome II (Paris 1840-1844), p. 179.
From the French Wikipedia pages of the parents of Abba d'Autun, Thierry I d'Autun and Aude de France:
Abba et Berta, citées comme religieuse en 804. L'une d'elles a probablement épousé un Nibelungide, Childebrand II ou Nibelung II[5].
In English:
Abba and Berta, cited as nuns in 804. One of them probably married into the Nibelungids, to either Childebrand II or Nibelung II.
5. ↑ Settipani 1993, p. 344-5.
Christian Settipani, La Préhistoire des Capétiens (Nouvelle histoire généalogique de l'auguste maison de France, vol. 1), éd. Patrick van Kerrebrouck, 1993 (ISBN 2-9501509-3-4)
ABT 0777 - ____
- BIRTH: ABT 0777, Toulouise,France Father: William I* TOULOUSE
Family 1 : Pepin I*
1. +Bernard,* King of ITALY http://www.afn.org/~lawson/d0015/g0000001.html#I1809 -------------------- Wife of Pepin of Italy and mother of his five daughters, among them Adelaide and Tetrada of Lombardy. -------------------- Ingeltrude is listed on several pages as being the mother of King Pepin d'Italie's only son, Bernard, but very little is written of her, other than she was either a lover or concubine of Pepin (kind of obvious). Also, apparently Empress Ermentrude didn't really take too kindly to her son's existence, effectively writing him out of the Imperial Order set by Charlemagne's successor, Louis the Pious. Ermentrude's hostility and success in getting her way triggered a brief civil war that eventually caused Louis to arrest Bernard and have him blinded - a sentence that led to his death two days after it was carried out.
I'm sure there is a story there somewhere, between the hostility of Ingeltrude and Ermentrude. -------------------- sister of Charlemagne -------------------- Bertbelle was born in 0750 in Austrasia, France.1 Bertbelle's father was Duke Pepin (The Short) France III and her mother was Berthe (Bertrade) Laon. Her paternal grandparents were Charles (Martel The Hammer) Austrasia and Rotrude (Chrotude) Treves; her maternal grandparents were Count Claribert of Laon I and Bertrada Laon. She had a brother named Charlemagne. She was the younger of the two children.
1 http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=PED&db=jdp-fam&id=I86659&...
Ancestor Pedigree Chart
- Arnoul Metz* - b.13 Aug 0582 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium d.16 Aug 0640 in Remiremont, Church of the Apostles, Metz, Austrasia Bishop of Metz Ansigisen Austrasia - b.0602 in Austrasia, France d.0685 in Murdered atAndene Monastery, Stieburg, France Dode Clothilde de Heristal* - b.0586 d.0615 Paepin II d'Heristal - b.0635 in Heristal, Austrasia, Landen Belgium d.16 Dec 0714 in Junille, Meuse, France Pepin Austrasia* - b.0564 d.0639 Beggue (St. Beggue) Landen - b.0613 in Landen, Belgium d.0698 Itte Landen* - b.0591 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium d.0652 in Landen, Liege, Belgium Charles (Martel The Hammer) Austrasia - b.0676 in Heristal, Neustria, Landen, Belgium d.15 Oct 0741 in Cressy Sur Oise, Neustria - Quiery, Aisne, France Alpaide Austrasia - b.0654 in Heristal, Austrasia, Landen, Belgium d. in Orplegrande Monastery, Brabant, Vosges, France Duke Pepin (The Short) France III - b.0714 in Austrasia, France d.24 Sep 0768 in St. Denis, Paris, Seine, France Bodilon Poiters* - b.0590 in Poitiers, Bourgogne, France Guerin (Warin Warinus) Poiters - b.0620 in Moselle River Valley, Austrasia, France d.0677 in Poitiers, Bourgogne, France Sigrada (Sigree) Moselle* - b.0615 Saint/Bishop Leutwinus Treves - b.0665 d.0713 St. Clodulf Metz* - b.0604 in Austrasia, France d.0690 in Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France (Austrasia) Kunza (Gunza) Metz - b.0625 in Treves, Rhenish Prussia, Germany Sigrade of Alsace - b.0615 Rotrude (Chrotude) Treves - b.0690 in Moselle, Austrasia d.0724 Lambert of Neustria I - b.0598 Chrodobertus Robert of Neustria II - b.0620 d.0680 daughter of Chrodobertus - b.0668 Guerin (Warin Warinus) Poiters* - b.0620 in Moselle River Valley, Austrasia, France d.0677 in Poitiers, Bourgogne, France Doda of Poitiers - b.0629 Kunza (Gunza) Metz* - b.0625 in Treves, Rhenish Prussia, Germany Bertbelle Martel - b.0750 in Austrasia, France Arnoul Metz* - b.13 Aug 0582 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium d.16 Aug 0640 in Remiremont, Church of the Apostles, Metz, Austrasia Bishop of Metz Ansigisen Austrasia - b.0602 in Austrasia, France d.0685 in Murdered atAndene Monastery, Stieburg, France Dode Clothilde de Heristal* - b.0586 d.0615 Martin of Laon - b.0647 d.0690 Pepin Austrasia* - b.0564 d.0639 Beggue (St. Beggue) Landen - b.0613 in Landen, Belgium d.0698 Itte Landen* - b.0591 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium d.0652 in Landen, Liege, Belgium Count Claribert of Laon I - b.0690 in Laon, Aisne, France d.0747 Theodard Merovingian - b.0630 d.0721 Bertha Merovingian - b.0660 d.0712 Berthe (Bertrade) Laon - b.0720 in Laon, Aisne, France d.12 Jul 0783 in Choisy, Bourgogne, France King of Austrasia Dagobert I Austrasia* - b.Apr 0600 in Metz, Austrasia, France d.19 Jan 0639 King of the Franks Clovis Merovingian II - b.0634 in Metz, Austrasia, France d.27 Nov 0657 Princess Nantechilde of Neustria* - b.~ 0610 in Neustria, France d.0642 Theuderic de Neustra III - b.0657 d.0691 Queen of Neustria Bathilde of England - b.~ 0627 in East Anglia, Britain d.30 Jan 0680 in East Anglia, Britain Bertrada Laon - b.0698 Arnoul Metz* - b.13 Aug 0582 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium d.16 Aug 0640 in Remiremont, Church of the Apostles, Metz, Austrasia Bishop of Metz Ansigisen Austrasia - b.0602 in Austrasia, France d.0685 in Murdered atAndene Monastery, Stieburg, France Dode Clothilde de Heristal* - b.0586 d.0615 Clotilde of Heristal of Metz - b.0650 d.03 Jun 0692 Pepin Austrasia* - b.0564 d.0639 Beggue (St. Beggue) Landen - b.0613 in Landen, Belgium d.0698 Itte Landen* - b.0591 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium d.0652 in Landen, Liege, Belgium
Alternative data from merges: b 795; d 7/8/810 - Sharon -------------------- Pepin King of Italy
He married Bertha, daughter of William of Gellone, count of Toulouse, and had five daughters with her (Adelaide, married Duke Guy I of Spoleto; Atala; Gundrada; Bertha; and Tetrada), all of whom but the eldest were born between 800 and Pepin's death and died before their grandfather's death in 814. -------------------- http://www.our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p322.h...
read more
Info from Findagrave.com: Birth: unknown Departement de la Haute-Garonne Midi-Pyrénées, France Death: unknown Lombardia, Italy
Birth:777 Death:July/810
Partner: Pepin Carolingian of Italy
Family links:
St William the Great of Gellone
Guibour von Hornbach of Gellone
Pepin Carolingian of Italy
Childébrand III de Perracy d'Autun
Athalia de Carolingian von Sachsen*
Theodoric de Vermandois*
Bernard de Carolingian of Italy*
Waldrada de Toulouse of Gellone d'Orleans*
Rotlinde de Toulouse of Gellone de Bobbio*
Berthe Ingeltrude de Toulouse of Gellone of Italy
*Calculated relationship
Burial: Basilica di San Zeno Maggiore Verona Provincia di Verona Veneto, Italy
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Created by: Memerizion Record added: Mar 06, 2015 Find A Grave Memorial# 143398580
Mistress/es of Pepin's Timeline
797 |
Vermandois (Present Region Picardie), Neustria (within present France), Frankish Empire
798 |
Lombardia, Italy
800 |
Italia (Italy)
810 |
1932 |
June 7, 1932
June 7, 1932