Historical records matching Moses Kenote
Immediate Family
About Moses Kenote
Moses was an Indian man of the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, Green Bay Agency
The Green Bay Agency was established in 1815 to serve the tribes in the Green Bay area. The agency was abolished in 1836, but a subagency was established at Green Bay in 1837. The Green Bay Subagency was restored to full agency status in 1855 and located on Wolf River on the Menominee Reservation. and was sometimes called the Menominee Agency.
The Keshena Indian boarding school, also known as Saint Joseph's Indian Industrial School, was located on the Menominee Indian reservation in Keshena, Wisconsin. It operated from 1883 to 1952.
Moses (Moes) Kenote was born on September 23, 1880, to father Jim Kenote and mother Mary Kenote (Tomaw). He was one of probably five (5) siblings.
According to the book Vanished in Hiawatha, Moses was committed with a diagnosis of hysteric angina pectoris (hysterical angina, also known as pseudo angina, is a term used to describe angina pectoris that may be caused by emotional distress. Angina pectoris is a condition that occurs when the arteries that supply blood to the heart narrow or become blocked.) And according to the Madison Daily Leader of June 14, 1905, Moses was discharged "as cured" on Monday, June 12, 1905, by Dr. Turner
His profile is part of the https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Canton_Asylum.
Research Notes:
-The census reports from 1885 through 1888 are illegible, with two different census reports labeled with the same date not alphabetically arranged, and Moses was a surname and a given name. It was noted that these reports might help with other families, the names Claffin, Wishecoby, and Wauketch were visible. In one census the first 18 pages, in which Kenote usually appears, were missing!
-Since Moses did NOT appear in censuses until 1902 it is possible that he was a student at the Keshena Boarding School
-See the notes in the profile for Moses's wife Mary
-One needs to remember that the Green Bay Agency also supported the Stockbridge Muncie and Onida Indian tribes
-Mary Towma is shown as 1-year-old in the 1898 census at line 1232
1894 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll172unit/page/n516/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 517/620, line 365 (age 9), census of the Menominee Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin
1895 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll173unit/page/n77/mode/1.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 78/597, line 366 (age 10), census of the Menominee Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin
1896 Aug 20 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll173unit/page/n210/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 211/597, line 369 (age 11), census of the Menominee Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin
1897 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll173unit/page/n310/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 311/597, line 372 (age 12), census of the Menominee Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin
1902 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll174unit/page/n131/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 132/769, line 359 (age 22), census of the Menominee Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin
1903 Jun 30 - "United States, Native American, Census Rolls, 1885-1940", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QPTN-7PQJ : Sun Mar 10 13:06:13 UTC 2024), Entry for Mose Kenote, from 1900 to 1999, pg. 217/771, line 354 (age 23), census of the Menominee tribe of Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin
1904 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll174unit/page/n326/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 327/769, line 367 (age 24), census of the Menominee tribe of Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin
1905 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll174unit/page/n387/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 388/769, line 387 (age 25), census of the Menominee tribe of Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin
1906 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll174unit/page/n489/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 490/769, line 384 (age 26), census of the Menominee Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin
1907 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll174unit/page/n595/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 596/769, line 301 (age 27), census of the Menominee Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin
1907 Aug 13 - In Wisconsin, Marriage Index, 1808-1907
Moses Kenote & Julia O Digney
Groom: Moses Kenote
Bride: Julia O Digney
Marriage: Aug 13, 1907, Shawano, Wisconsin, United States
Volume: 2
Page: 555
1908 Jun 30 - "United States, Native American, Census Rolls, 1885-1940", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QPTN-L43Z : Sun Mar 10 04:32:59 UTC 2024), Entry for Mose Kenote, pg. 695/771, line 452 (age 28), census of the Menominee Indians, Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin
1909 Jun 30 - "United States, Native American, Census Rolls, 1885-1940", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QPRY-LNBW : Sun Mar 10 11:29:27 UTC 2024), Entry for Mose Kenote, pg. 35/668, line 479 (age 29), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Indian School, Wisconsin
1909 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll200unit/page/n32/mode/1.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 33/589, line 479 (age 29), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Indian School, Wisconsin
1910 Jun 30 - "United States, Native American, Census Rolls, 1885-1940", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QPRB-ZNWK : Sun Mar 10 15:07:06 UTC 2024), Entry for Mose Kenote, pg. 235/668, line 480 (age 30), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Indian School, Wis.
1910 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll200unit/page/n156/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 157/589, line 480 (age 30), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Indian School, Wisconsin
1910 Aug 12 - Camp Verde School: 1910-27; Canton Insane Asylum: 1910-22, Series: Superintendents' Annual Narrative and Statistical Reports, Record Group 75: Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, 7th and Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20408 @ https://catalog.archives.gov/id/155854182?objectPage=674, line 23, Table 7 Form of mental disease of those admitted since opening of Asylum
1911 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll200unit/page/n259/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 260/589, line 524 (age 31), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Indian School, Wisconsin
1912 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll200unit/page/n325/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 326/589, line 550 (age 32), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Indian School, Wisconsin
1913 Jun 23 - "United States, Native American, Census Rolls, 1885-1940", FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QPRB-4ZXT : Sat Mar 09 22:52:11 UTC 2024), Entry for Mose Kenote, pg. 501/668, line 581 (age 33), census of the Keshena Indian School, Keshena Wis. Agency
1913 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll200unit/page/n422/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 423/589, line 581 (age 33), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Indian School, Wisconsin
1914 Jun 30 - "United States, Native American, Census Rolls, 1885-1940", FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QPRY-Y7YF : Fri Mar 08 22:34:41 UTC 2024), Entry for Mose Kenote, pg. 597/668, line 587 (age 34), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wisconsin
1914 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll200unit/page/n518/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 519/589, line 587 (age 34), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Indian School, Wisconsin
1915 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll201unit/page/n40/mode/1.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 41/619, line 580 (b=1880), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agencyl, Wisconsin
1916 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll201unit/page/n158/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 159/619, line 579 (b=1880), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wisconsin
1917 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll201unit/page/n324/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 325/619, line 579 (b=1880), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wisconsin
1918 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll201unit/page/n432/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 433/619, line 589 (b=9.23.1880), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wis.
1919 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll201unit/page/n541/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 542/619, line 594 (b=9.23.1880), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wis.
1920 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll202unit/page/n41/mode/1.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 42/810, line 607 (b=9.23.1880), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wis.
1921 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll202unit/page/n153/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 154/810, line 603 (b=9.23.1880), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wis.
1922 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll202unit/page/n347/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 348/810, line 617 (b=9.23.1880), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wis.
1923 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll202unit/page/n529/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 530/810, line 615 (b=9.23.1880), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wis.
1924 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll202unit/page/n679/mode/... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 680/810, line 631 (b=9.23.1880), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wis.
1925 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll203unit/page/n24/mode/1.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 25/866, line 637 (b=9.23.1880), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wis.
1926 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll203unit/page/n176/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 177/866, line 659 (b=9.23.1880), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wis.
1927 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll203unit/page/n337/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 338/866, line 655 (b=9.23.1880), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wis
1928 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll203unit/page/n587/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 588/866, line 652 (b=9.23.1880), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wis
1929 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll203unit/page/n659/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg.660/866, line 652 (b=9.23.1880), census of the Menominee Indians, Keshena Agency, Wis
1930 Apr 1 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll204unit/page/n44/mode/1.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 45/633, line 670 (age 49), census of the Menominee Reservation, Keshena jurisdiction
1931 Apr 1 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll204unit/page/n342/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 343/633, line 677 (age 50), census of the Menominee Reservation, Keshena jurisdiction
1932 Apr 1 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll205unit/page/n64/mode/1.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 65/542, line 700 (age 51), census of the Menominee Reservation, Keshena Agency, Wisconsin
1932 - Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/242924357/moses_p-kenote: accessed January 23, 2025), memorial page for Moses P. Kenote (May 1883–1932), Find a Grave Memorial ID 242924357, citing Saint Michaels Catholic Church Cemetery, Keshena, Menominee County, Wisconsin, USA; Maintained by ttaylornorth (contributor 49298491).
Son of James & Mary (Waupoose) KENOTE.
Married Julia Odeal Digney on 13 August 1907 in Shawano County, Wisconsin. They had the following known children: Mildred Constance (died young), George W. (Frances Phyllis Grignon), Lenwood Stanley (Norma Mae Oaker & Virginia Faye Cloud), and Eric David (Evelyn Marie Richardson) KENOTE.
1933 Apr 1 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll206unit/page/n64/mode/1.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 65/441, line xxx (wife Mary is now shown BHS, Moses, therefore, must have died before Apr 1, 1933), census of the Menominee Reservation, Keshena jurisdiction, Wisconsin
Moses Kenote's Timeline
1880 |
September 23, 1880
Keshena, Menominee County, WI, United States
1932 |
Age 51
???? |
Saint Michaels Catholic Church Cemetery, Keshena, Menominee County, Wisconsin, United States