Nigel fra Saint. Sauveur, visegreve av Cotentin
Nigel Saint-Sauveur - sources uncertain, but NOT married to Sprota de Senlis who was the wife of Richard of Normandy and Esperleng de Vandreul
[Nigel/Neil is not married to Sprota, William Longspear's wife who later married Esperleng and had Raoul d'Ivry - his correct wife, anyone?]
From Medieval Lands:
1. ROGER [I] (-after [990/1000]). A charter dated to [1136] records donations to the abbey of Saint-Sauveur, which it states was first constructed "tempore vetuli Ricardi comitis" (Richard II Duke of Normandy) "et Rogeri vicecomitis"[953].
2. NEEL [I] (-[1040/42]). William of Jumièges records that Richard II Duke of Normandy left "Nigel de Coutances, Raoul de Ternois, et Roger, fils de celui-ci" as guardians of the château de Tillières {Verneuil, Eure}, built in the early 1000s against Eudes Comte de Blois[954]. "…Niellus…" witnessed the charter dated to [1015] under which "Rotbertus comes" donated property to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel for the souls of "uxoris meæ Bileeldis defunctæ et…vivente Ascelinæ, filiorumque meorum Vilelmi et Rotberti atque Ricardi"[955]. Vicomte [de Cotentin]. "…Nielli vicecomitis…" witnessed the charter dated to [1020] under which Richard II Duke of Normandy donated property "in pago Constantino, villam…Hetredvilla" to the abbey of Marmoutier[956]. "Ricardi filii Gulberti, Nigelli vicecomitis…Storstingi vicecomitis" signed the charter dated 1027 (redated to [1017]%29 in which "secundus nominis mei Normannorum dux Ricardus" confirmed donations to Fécamp abbey[957]. "…Negel vicecomes…" witnessed the charter dated Aug 1027 under which Richard II Duke of Normandy donated property to the abbey of Bernay[958]. "…Nigelii vicecomes…" witnessed the charter dated to [1030] under which Robert II Duke of Normandy confirmed rights of Mont Saint-Michel[959]. "…Nielli vicecomitis, Nielli filii eius…" witnessed the charter dated to [1030] under which Robert II Duke of Normandy donated "in comitatu Abrincatensi villam…Sancti Johannis" to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel[960]. "…vetulus Nigellus, Turaldus…Radulfus camberarius filius Geraldi, Gotscellinus Rufus de Formovilla, Humfridus constructor eiusdem loci cum filiis suis Rogerio, Roberto, Willelmo…Ricardus de Lillabona…Hugo filius Waleranni comitis…" are named as present in the charter dated 1035 under which "Willelmus adhuc puerulus…Roberti comitis filius" donated "Turstini villa" to the abbey of Préaux[961].
The Chronique Manuscrite de Normandie records that, after the death of Canute King of England, "le Conte Neel de Coustantin…le sire de Guerarville, le sire de Gournay" sailed from Harfleur to England with Edward Prince of England to claim the English throne[962]. "Robertus archiepiscopus, Odo comes et Niellus vicecomes" are named as present in the charter dated to [1035/37] under which Hugues Bishop of Bayeux made a census of the properties of the church[963]. "Nigelli vicecomitis, Goisfridi vicecomitis, Rodulfi Taisson" witnessed the charter dated to [1040] under which Mauger Archbishop of Rouen confirmed the foundation of the priory of Sigy[964]. "…Nigelli vicecomitis, Tursteni vicecomitis…Willelmi Arcacensis comitis, Godefridi vicecomitis, Rodgerii filii Rodulfi, Wimundi…" witnessed the charter dated to [1040] under which Guillaume Comte de Talou donated property to Jumièges[965].
m ---. The name of Néel´s wife is not known. Néel & his wife had one child:
a) NEEL [II] (-before [1073] or Aug 1092). "…Nielli vicecomitis, Nielli filii eius…" witnessed the charter dated to [1030] under which Robert II Duke of Normandy donated "in comitatu Abrincatensi villam…Sancti Johannis" to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel[966]. "…Nielli vicecomitis, Nielli filii eius…" witnessed the charter dated to [1030] under which Robert II Duke of Normandy donated "in comitatu Abrincatensi villam…Sancti Johannis" to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel[967].
- see below.
b) EUDES (-after 1104). Vicomte de Contentin. ["%E2%80%A6Eudo vicecomes Constantini…" witnessed the charter dated to [1060] under which Guillaume II Duke of Normandy granted "Brenerias" to the abbey of Bayeux[968]. Delisle suggests that Eudes was the son of Thurstan Haldup. However, it appears more likely that he was the younger brother of Vicomte Néel [II].] "Eudo vicecomes pagi Constantini" donated property to the abbey of Marmoutier by charter dated 1081[969]. "…Eudone Luxoviensi…" was named as a judge at the court of William I King of England in the charter dated to [1081] which records an agreement between the monks of Marmoutier and "Gaufridus Nervei filius"[970]. A charter dated to [1090] records donations to the abbey of Saint-Sauveur by "Nigellus vicecomes" and "…Eudo vicecomes, concessu Henrici comitis…Eudo vicecomes Sancto Salvatori…Eudo vicecomes…"[971]. A charter dated 1104 records donations to the abbey of Saint-Sauveur by "Nigellus presbyter de Geroville et Rogerus frater eius et Briennius filius ipsius", witnessed by and with the consent of "Eudone vicecomite…", and by "Eudo vicecomes" confirmed earlier donations by "Nigellus frater eius"[972]. A manuscript at Caen, which commemorates the death of Abbess Mathilde, daughter of William I King of England, names "Nigello vicecomite, Eudone vicecomite" among the deceased at "sancti Salvatoris de Constantino"[973].
m ROHAISE, daughter of --- (-after 1104). A charter dated 1104 records donations to the abbey of Saint-Sauveur by "Eudo vicecomes…et Rohais vicecomitissa", with the consent of "Nigellus presbyter de Geroville [et Rogerus frater eius] et Briennius filius ipsius"[974].
NEEL [II], son of NEEL [I] Vicomte [de Cotentin] & his wife --- (-before [1073] or Aug 1092). "…Nielli vicecomitis, Nielli filii eius…" witnessed the charter dated to [1030] under which Robert II Duke of Normandy donated "in comitatu Abrincatensi villam…Sancti Johannis" to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel[975]. "…Willelmus filius Guillelmi, Niellis juvenis, Hatuardus Rex, Hunfredus Namo, Guillelmus filius Ranoldi, Rogerius filius Hunfredi, Joffredus vicecomes, Hugo filius Huberti, Hunfredus Parvus" witnessed the charter dated to [1042] under which Guillaume II Duke of Normandy donated "nostras insulas Serc et Aurrene, propter medietatem Grenere" to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel, supported by "Rannulfo filio Anschitilli"[976]. William of Jumièges records that "Gui fils de Renaud comte des Bourguignons" was supported by "Nigel gouverneur de Coutances" in his conspiracy, dated to [1047][977].
Orderic Vitalis records that "Ranulfum Bajocensem ac Haymonem Dentatum et Nigellum de Constantino" rebelled against Guillaume II Duke of Normandy at the battle "apud Vallesdunas"[978]. A charter dated 1075 records that "comitissa Adeliz, Ricardi comitis filia, Roberti comitis soror" held "castrum…Hulme in Constantino" and that "Guido filius suus" (Guy Comte Palatin de Bourgogne) later granted it to "Nigello vicecomiti"[979]. "…Nielli vicecomitis…" witnessed the charter dated to [1047 or before] under which Guillaume II Duke of Normandy confirmed the donation by "Adelelmi…Beatricis uxor eius…Rotberti filius eius" to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel[980]. Delisle suggests that Guillaume II Duke of Normandy confiscated his assets after the battle of Val des Dunes[981]. However, the subsequent references in primary sources to Vicomte Néel suggest that this confiscation, if it took place, must have been reversed. "…Nielli vicecomitis…" witnessed the charter dated 1054 under which Guillaume II Duke of Normandy confirmed the donation of "terram…Sancta Columba…dedit Niellus clericus" to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel[982]. "Niellus vicecomes" donated six churches on Guernsey to the abbey of Marmoutier, for the souls of and with the consent of "uxore mea Adila…filiis nostris Rotgerio…et Willelmo, alteroque Willelmo et Girardo…cum sororibus eorum Emma, Bilelde atque Mahelde", by charter dated to [1060], witnessed by "…Ingulfus dapifer, Rogerius filius Toraldi, Unfredus filius Ansquitilli, Rainaldus Foliot, Ricardus de Sturavilla, Gosfridus filius Rotberti Venatoris, Nigellus de Glanvilla, Rodulfus camerarius…Serlus filius Alveredi, Ricardus Britesonis filius"[983].
The Chronique de Normandie, based on le Roman de Rou, names "Noel de S. Sauveur le Viconte" among those who took part in the conquest of England in 1066[984]. "Nigellus vicecomes" founded the abbey of Saint-Sauveur by undated charter, dated to [1080] in the compilation[985]. The charter of his brother Eudes (see above) clarifies that Néel [II] was the founder of Saint-Sauveur. However, the charter dated to [1073], under which William I King of England confirmed the donation by "Nielli filii alterius Nielli", previously made by "suus pater", of six churches on Guernsey to the abbey of Marmoutier[986] suggests that Néel [II] had died before this date. If this is correct, the foundation charter of Saint-Sauveur must be dated to before [1073]. A manuscript at Caen, which commemorates the death of Abbess Mathilde, daughter of William I King of England, names "Nigello vicecomite, Eudone vicecomite" among the deceased at "sancti Salvatoris de Constantino"[987].
m ADELA de Brionne, daughter of GILBERT de Brionne "Crespin" Comte d'Eu & his wife ---. "Niellus vicecomes" donated six churches on Guernsey to the abbey of Marmoutier, for the souls of and with the consent of "uxore mea Adila…filiis nostris Rotgerio…et Willelmo, alteroque Willelmo et Girardo…cum sororibus eorum Emma, Bilelde atque Mahelde", by charter dated to [1060][988]. Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by the charter dated 29 Aug 1060 under which "milite…Richardo…fratribus Willelmo…atque Balduino" donated "Gausberti Villa" to Chartres Saint-Père, which states that "Nigello" married "sororem suam", witnessed by "Willelmus filius Osberti, Walterius Giffardus…Rodbertus Bertrannus, Willelmo Marmio…Willelmus Corbucionis filius…Raberius et Willelmus de Vernone…Bernardus filius Vulmari"[989].
Néel & his wife had eight children:
1. NEEL [III] (-[before 1092]). William I King of England confirmed the donation by "Nielli filii alterius Nielli", previously made by "suus pater", of six churches on Guernsey to the abbey of Marmoutier by charter dated to [1073][990]. A charter dated to [1076] records a judgment passed by "Rannulfus vicecomes, Niellus filius Nielli, Rotbertus de Vezpunt", in a court of William I King of England, relating to the monastery of Mont-Saint-Michel[991]. "…Nigelli de Constantino…" witnessed a charter dated to [1077] under which William I King of England granted property to the abbey of Saint-Etienne de Caen[992]. "…Nigellus de Constantino" witnessed the charter dated 24 Apr 1089 under which Robert III Duke of Normandy donated property to Bayeux cathedral[993]. A charter dated to [1090] records donations to the abbey of Saint-Sauveur by "Nigellus vicecomes" and others[994]. same person as…? --- . A charter dated to [1136] records the foundation of the abbey of Saint-Sauveur, first constructed "tempore vetuli Ricardi comitis" (Richard II Duke of Normandy) "et Rogeri vicecomitis", the placing of monks by "Nigellus vicecomes", and the donations by "nepotes autem eius Nigellus…et Rogerius"[995]. The supposed brothers Néel [IV] and Roger [II] were therefore grandsons of Néel [II]. Their father must have been one of the sons of Néel [II]. Although he is not identified, it is reasonable to suppose that he was Néel [III].
m ---. Three children:
a) NEEL [IV] . A charter dated to [1136] records the foundation of the abbey of Saint-Sauveur, first constructed "tempore vetuli Ricardi comitis" (Richard II Duke of Normandy) "et Rogeri vicecomitis", the placing of monks by "Nigellus vicecomes", and the donations by "nepotes autem eius Nigellus…et Rogerius", a later passage clarifying that they were "Nigellus vicecomes…fratre suo Rogero"[996].
b) ROGER [II] (-murdered [1137/38]). A charter dated to [1136] records the foundation of the abbey of Saint-Sauveur, first constructed "tempore vetuli Ricardi comitis" (Richard II Duke of Normandy) "et Rogeri vicecomitis", the placing of monks by "Nigellus vicecomes", and the donations by "nepotes autem eius Nigellus…et Rogerius", a later passage clarifying that they were "Nigellus vicecomes…fratre suo Rogero"[997]. Orderic Vitalis records that Stephen King of England appointed "Guillelmum de Rolmara et Rogerium vicecomitem" in Normandy[998]. Orderic Vitalis records that "Rogerius vicecomes" was murdered in an ambush, dated to [1137/38][999].
m CECILE, daughter of [ENGUERRAND de Port & his wife ---]. A charter dated to [1136] records donations to the abbey of Saint-Sauveur, including that of "Rogerus vicecomes, frater Nigelli, et Cecilia uxor eius"[1000]. Delisle suggests her possible parentage based on a charter dated 1202[1001].
c) --- . m ---. Two children:
i) LETICIE (-after 1178). Her parentage is confirmed by the charter dated to [1180] which records donations to Saint-Sauveur by "Leticia, neptis Rogerii vicecomitis et uxor Jordani Thessonis, jam defuncti"[1002]. "Jordanus Taison et Leticia sponsa mea" donated property to Saint-Sauveur by charter dated 1145, witnessed by "…Roberto de Perceio…Roberto de Vuas, Nicholao fratres illius Roberti"[1003]. "Letitia de Sancto Salvatore, qui fui uxor Jordani Tesson" donated property to the abbey of Hambie, witnessed by "Jordano Tesson filio meo, Roberto de Monte acuto milite, Letitia filia mea uxore Fulconis Paganelli"[1004].
m (before 1145) JOURDAIN Taisson, son of RAOUL & his wife Adelise --- (-1178).
ii) daughter . m ---. One child:
(a) FOULQUES des Prés .
2. ROGER . "Niellus vicecomes" donated six churches on Guernsey to the abbey of Marmoutier, for the souls of and with the consent of "uxore mea Adila…filiis nostris Rotgerio…et Willelmo, alteroque Willelmo et Girardo…cum sororibus eorum Emma, Bilelde atque Mahelde", by charter dated to [1060][1005].
3. GUILLAUME . "Niellus vicecomes" donated six churches on Guernsey to the abbey of Marmoutier, for the souls of and with the consent of "uxore mea Adila…filiis nostris Rotgerio…et Willelmo, alteroque Willelmo et Girardo…cum sororibus eorum Emma, Bilelde atque Mahelde", by charter dated to [1060][1006].
4. GUILLAUME . "Niellus vicecomes" donated six churches on Guernsey to the abbey of Marmoutier, for the souls of and with the consent of "uxore mea Adila…filiis nostris Rotgerio…et Willelmo, alteroque Willelmo et Girardo…cum sororibus eorum Emma, Bilelde atque Mahelde", by charter dated to [1060][1007].
5. GERARD . "Niellus vicecomes" donated six churches on Guernsey to the abbey of Marmoutier, for the souls of and with the consent of "uxore mea Adila…filiis nostris Rotgerio…et Willelmo, alteroque Willelmo et Girardo…cum sororibus eorum Emma, Bilelde atque Mahelde", by charter dated to [1060][1008].
6. EMMA . "Niellus vicecomes" donated six churches on Guernsey to the abbey of Marmoutier, for the souls of and with the consent of "uxore mea Adila…filiis nostris Rotgerio…et Willelmo, alteroque Willelmo et Girardo…cum sororibus eorum Emma, Bilelde atque Mahelde", by charter dated to [1060][1009].
7. BILELDIS . "Niellus vicecomes" donated six churches on Guernsey to the abbey of Marmoutier, for the souls of and with the consent of "uxore mea Adila…filiis nostris Rotgerio…et Willelmo, alteroque Willelmo et Girardo…cum sororibus eorum Emma, Bilelde atque Mahelde", by charter dated to [1060][1010].
8. MATHILDE . "Niellus vicecomes" donated six churches on Guernsey to the abbey of Marmoutier, for the souls of and with the consent of "uxore mea Adila…filiis nostris Rotgerio…et Willelmo, alteroque Willelmo et Girardo…cum sororibus eorum Emma, Bilelde atque Mahelde", by charter dated to [1060][1011].
Neil de St. Sauveur III was born circa 985 in Normandy, France, son of Nigel de St. Sauveur II and Helena (?).
Neil de St. Sauveur III was also known as Nigel III, Viscount of the Cotentin. He revolted with other barons against Duke William of Normandy in 1047. He was defeated and banished by Duke Willliam and settled at d'aubigney in Brittany. Later he was pardoned and his estates restored.1
Neil de St. Sauveur III Still visable today are the foundation walls of Aubigne, an ancient chateau about 25 miles from Cherbourg, France, near Periers. The parish of Aubigne that includes churches St. Martin and St. Christopher surrounds it. Its overload, Neil de Aubigne accompanied William the Conqueror to England and in return for his services received land in two or three English counties, including Derby. The name evolved from de Aubigne to de Aubigny to de Abeney, and finally to Abney about 1500.
Nigel fra Saint- Sauveur, visegreve? av Cotentin
Nigel tok muligens over etter sin far. Nigels kone er ikke kjent, men hans eneste ? sønn Roger ble " viconte" visegreve av Cotentin
911 |
Saint-Sauveur, Ouilly-le-Vicomte, Basse-Normandie, France
945 |
Saint-Sauveur, Ouilly-le-Vicomte, Basse-Normandie, France
972 |
Age 61
Manche, Basse-Normandie, France
???? | |||
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Manche, Basse-Normandie, France