Nathan Huddlestone

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Nathan Huddlestone

Death: September 20, 1758 (58)
Immediate Family:

Son of Stephen Huddlestone and Videtta Huddlestone
Husband of Patience Huddlestone
Father of Patience Fisher; Alice Huddleston and Sarah Huddleston
Brother of William Huddlestone and Eli Huddlestone

Managed by: Private User
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About Nathan Huddlestone

Nathan Huddlestone was born on Dec. 25, 1699. He married Patience La Mott on November 22, 1730. He and his wife were killed by Catholics on September 20, 1758, Their children came to America with his youngest brother's family, Eli, in 1752.

Eli Huddlstone was Nathan's youngest brother. Eli was born on April 22, 1705. Married Eline Miley on December 3 (possibly 8th), 1736. He died on the ocean while coming to America on September 20, 1752. His offspring settled primarily in TN.

The middle brother, William Huddlestone, was born on Feb. 27, 1701. Married Elizabeth Heibs on May 14, 1721. They immigrated to the United States soon after and settled in Virginia.

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Nathan Huddlestone's Timeline

December 25, 1699
March 5, 1748
September 20, 1758
Age 58