Niccolò III d'Este, marchese di Modena e Ferrara

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Niccolò III d'Este e di Modena

Also Known As: "Miklos Estei"
Birthplace: Ferrara, Province of Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Death: December 26, 1441 (58)
Milan, Province of Milan, Lombardy, Italy (poisoning)
Immediate Family:

Son of Alberto V d'Este and Isotta Albaresani
Husband of Gigliola d'Este; Laura d'Este, "Parisina" and Ricciarda di Saluzzo
Ex-partner of Stella de' Tolomei; Caterina Abaresani; N.N. N.N.; Filippa della Tavola and Anna de Roberti
Father of Margherita d'Este; Baldassarre Estense, da Reggio; Margherita d'Este; Camilla da Varano; Ugo d'Este and 15 others

Occupation: marchese di Ferrara
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Niccolò III d'Este, marchese di Modena e Ferrara

Niccolò III. d’Este

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Niccolò III. d’Este (* 1383 oder 1384; † 26. Dezember 1441) war das einzige Kind des Markgrafen Alberto I. d’Este von Ferrara, Modena und Reggio, dem er 1393 nachfolgte.

Niccolò heiratete dreimal:

   * im Juni 1397 Cecilia di Carrara († 1416), eine Tochter Francescos di Carrara,

* am 2. April 1418 Parasina Malatesta († 1425), eine Tochter Malatesta Malatestas,
* 1431 Ricarda di Saluzzo († 1474), eine Tochter von Tommaso III, Markgraf von Saluzzo
Aus diesen drei Ehen und aus einer Reihe außerehelicher Verbindungen hatte er mindestens 24 Kinder:

  1. Camilla d’Este ∞ 1448 Rodolfo von Camerino († 1464),
  2. Fulco d’Este († 1433),
  3. Alberto d’Este († 1450),
  4. Isotta d’Este (1403–1404),
  5. Ugo d’Este (1405–1425),
  6. Meliaduso d’Este (1406–1452), Abt in Pomposa und Ferrara, tritt 1425 zurück,
  7. Leonello d’Este (1407–1450) ∞ 1) 1435 Margherita Gonzaga († 1439), Tochter Francesco Gonzagas, ∞ 2) 1444 Maria († 1449), uneheliche Tochter König Alfons’ V. von Aragón,
  8. Margherita d’Este ∞ 1427 Galeotto Roberto Malatesta,
  9. Margherita d’Este († 1452) ∞ Galasso Pio,
  10. Margherita d’Este ∞ Franceschino zu Verona,
  11. Borso d’Este (1413–1471), Herzog von Modena und Reggio 1452, Herzog von Ferrara 1471,
  12. Viridis d’Este, Nonne,
  13. Alberto d’Este (1415–1502),
  14. Gurone d’Este († 1484),
  15. Lucia d’Este (1419–1437) ∞ 1437 Carlo Gonzaga († 1456), Sohn Gianfrancesco Gonzagas,
  16. Ginevra d’Este (1419–1440) ∞ 1433 Sigismondo Malatesta (1417–1468),
  17. Alberto Carlo d’Este (*/† 1421),
  18. Isotta d’Este (1425–1456) ∞ 1) 1444 Oddo Antonio da Montefeltro (1426–1444), ∞ 2) 1446 Stefano Frangipani,
  19. Beatrice d’Este (1427–1497) ∞ 1) 1448 Niccolò von Correggio († 1449), ∞ 2) 1451 Tristano Sforza († 1477)
  20. Ercole I. d’Este (1431–1505), Herzog 1471, ∞ 1473 Eleonora von Neapel (1450–1493), Tochter König Ferdinands I.,
  21. Sigismondo d’Este (1433–1507), Markgraf von San Martino seit 1501,
  22. Rinaldo d’Este (um 1435–1503) ∞ 1472 Lucrezia von Montferrat († nach 1481), Tochter des Markgrafen Wilhelm X.,
  23. Bianca d’Este (1440–1506) ∞ 1468 Galeotto Pico, Herr von Mirandola († 1499),
  24. Orsina d’Este ∞ 1) Aldobrandino Ragnoni († nach 1454), ∞ 2) NN Malatesta, ∞ 3) 1469 Andrea Gualengo.

Ein Vierteljahr nach seiner Thronbesteigung im Frühjahr 1433 bestätigte der römisch-deutsche Kaiser Sigismund am 17. September 1433 dem Markgrafen Niccolò III. d'Este die Grafschaft Comacchio als zusätzliches Reichslehen, nachdem er bereits am 13. September dessen Söhne zu Rittern geschlagen hatte.[1]


Alberto I. d’Este

Herr von Modena

1393–1441 Nachfolger

Leonello d’Este

Einzelnachweise [Bearbeiten]

  1. ↑ Joseph Aschbach: Geschichte Kaiser Sigmunds, 4. Band: Sigmunds letzte Regierungsjahre zur Zeit des Baseler Konzils, Hamburg 1845, S. 469 .

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Estei Miklos őrgróf az Esta fejedelmi család tagja.

Naturális lánya Estei Isotta.

Born in Ferrara, the son of Alberto d'Este and Isotta Albaresani, he inherited the rule of the city when he was still 10 years old, under the protection of the Republics of Venice, Florence and Bologna. He was attacked by his relative Azzo X d'Este, a general of Gian Galeazzo Visconti, Duke of Milan, a descendant of Obizzo II d'Este who contested Niccolò the right to rule in Ferrara due to his illegitimate birth[1]. Azzo was however taken prisoner by Astorre I Manfredi in the ensuing war, and any menace over Niccolò's rule disappeared. In 1397 he married Gigliola da Carrara, daughter of Francesco II da Carrara, lord of Padua. In 1403 he joined the league formed against the Duke of Milan, being appointed commander-in-chief of the Papal Army by Pope Boniface IX. In 1405 he ceded the ancestral family lands near Este to Venice. In 1410 he commissioned three copies of Fior di Battaglia. This manuscript is a large part of the foundation of modern attempts to rebuild the Western martial arts. In 1413 he made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. In 1418 he remarried to Parisina Malatesta, daughter of Andrea Malatesta. Fearing the ambitions of Filippo Maria Visconti, two years later he ceded him the possession of Parma. In 1425 Niccolò had both his wife Parisina and his illegitimate son Ugo executed on charges of adultery. In that year he was again commander-in-chief of the anti-Visconti league. In 1429 his illegitimate son was named heir of the Marquisate. The role of Niccolò as a prestigious leader in Italy was confirmed when his city was chosen as the seat of a council in 1438. [edit] Marriages and children He married first Gigliola da Carrara, daughter of Francesco II da Carrara, lord of Padua in June, 1397. She died of the plague in 1416. They had no known children. He married secondly Parisina Malatesta, daughter of Andrea Malatesta. He had her executed on 21 May 1425 for allegedly having an affair with his illegitimate son Ugo. They had three children: Ginevra d'Este (born 1419). Married her maternal relative Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta. Luzia d'Este (24 March 1419 - 28 June 1437). Married Carlo Gonzaga of Milan, Lord of Sabbioneta. Alberto Carlo d'Este (born and deceased in 1421). He married thirdly Ricciardia of Saluzzo in 1429. She was a daughter of Thomas III of Saluzzo and Marguerite of Roussy. They had two children: Ercole d'Este I ((October 26, 1431 – June 15, 1505). Sigimondo d'Este (1433 - 1 April 1507). He also had eleven illegitimate children: Ugo d'Este. Executed by his father on 21 May 1425 for allegedly having an affair with his stepmother Parisina Malatesta Meliaduse d'Este, Abbot of Pomposa and Ferrara, (1406 - 1452). Son by Caterina of Medici. Leonello d'Este (1407 - 1450). Son by Stella de' Tolomei. Borso d'Este (1413 - 1471). Son by Stella de' Tolomei. Alberto d'Este (1415 - 8 April 1502). Son by Filippa della Tavola. Isotta d'Este (1425 - 1456). Daughter by Filippa della Tavola. Married first Oddantonio da Montefeltro , Duke of Urbino and secondly Stephen Frangipani, Count of Segni. Beatrice d'Este (1427 - 1497). Married Niccolò of Correggio. Rinaldo d'Este, Lord of Ostellato (c. 1435 - 1535). Son by Anna de Roberti. Branca Maria d'Este (18 December 1440 - 12 January 1506). Daughter by Anna de Roberti. Married Galeotto I Pico, Lord della Mirandola. Gurone d'Este (d. 1484). An Abbot. Camilla d'Este. Married Rodolfo da Varano of Camerino.

Aldobrandino II d'Este, Signore di Modena (1308-26), +1326; m.1289 Alda (+1325), dau.of Cte Tobia Rangoni; They had issue:

  • ...
  • A2. Obizzo III d'Este, Signore di Ferrara (1317/44-52) and Modena (1335-52), Signore di Rovigo (1335-52), Signore di Parma (1344-46), *14.7.1294, +Ferrara 20.2.1352; 1m: V.1317 Giacomina (Giacoma) Pepoli (+1341), dau.of Romeo Signore di Bologna by Biagia Tettasini; 2m: 1347 Lippa Ariosti, his mistress (+27.11.1347) dau.of Giacomo Ariosti; his issue by this second marriage were legitimized 1346
    • ...
    • B11. [2m.] Alberto I, Signore di Ferrara, Modena e Reggio (1361/88-93), *Ferrara 1347, +there 30.7.1393; 1m: 1388 Giovanna di Roberti (+ca 1390; 2m: 1393 Isotta Albaresani (+Ferrara V.1393)
      • C1. [by 2m. before parents marriage] Niccolo III, Signore di Ferrara, Modena e Reggio (1393-1441), legitimized 1393, *Ferrara 9.11.1383, +of poisoning at Milano 26.12.1441; 1m: VI.1397 Gigliola di Carrara (*ca 1382, +of the plague +1416); 2m: 1418 Parasina Malatesta (*1404, +beheaded at Ferrara 21.5.1425); 3m: 1429 Ricciarde di Saluzzo (+16.8.1474)
        • D1. [2m.] Alberto Carlo, *1421, +aged 21 days
        • D2. [2m.] Ginevra, *1419; m.12.10.1440 Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta
        • D3. [2m.] Luzia, *24.3.1419, +28.6.1437; m.1437 Carlo Gonzaga, Signore di Sabbioneta (+21.12.1456)
        • D4. [3m.] Ercole I d'Este, Duke of Modena and Ferrara (1471-1505), *26.10.1431, +25.1.1505; m.Ferrara 4.7.1473 Eleonore of Naples (*22.6.1450 +11.10.1493); for his descendants see HERE
        • D5. [3m.] Sigimondo, sn di San Martino, *1433, +Ferrara 1.4.1507; m.Pizzocara N
          • ...
      • Niccolo had the following illegitimate issue:
        • D6. Ugo, +beheaded at Ferrara 21.5.1425
        • D7. [by Stella dell´Assassino] Lionello d'Este, legitimised 1429, Signore ereditario di Modena, Ferrara e Reggio (1441-50), etc, *Ferrara 21.12.1407, +Palazzo di Belriguarde 1.10.1450; 1m: Ferrara 1.1.1435 Margherita Gonzaga (+7.7.1439); 2m: 20.5.1444 Maria (+9.12.1449), an illegitimate dau.of King Alfonso V of Aragon
          • ...
        • D8. [by Stella dell´Assassino] Borso d'Este, Duke of Modena & Ferrara (1450-71), Duke in Modena from 1452, in Ferrara in 1471, *1413, +Ferrara 19.8.1471
        • D9. [by Caterina del Medici] Meliaduse, Abbot of Pomposa and Ferrara, *1406, +1452
          • ...
        • D10. [by Anna de Roberti] Rinaldo, abbot of S.Maria della Pomposa, Signore di Ostellato, *Ferrara ca 1435, +Ferrara 1503; m.1495 Lucrezia of Montferrato (*1468 +1508)
          • ...
        • D11. [by Filippa della Tavola] Alberto, *1415, +8.4.1502
          • ...
        • D12. Gurone, an Abbot, +1484
          • ...
        • D13. Camilla; m.1448 Rodolpho Varano di Camarino (+1464)
        • D14. [by Filippa della Tavola] Isotta, *Ferrara 1425, +Pest 1456; 1m: Oddantonio da Montefeltro, Cte d'Urbino (*1427 +1444); 2m: 1446 Stefano Frangipani, Cte di Segni (+1481)
        • D15. Beatrice, *1427, +before 29.11.1497; m.1448 Niccolo di Correggio
        • D16. [by Anna de Roberti] Branca Maria, *18.12.1440, +Mirandola 12.1.1506; m.1468 Galeotte I Pico, sn della Mirandola (+7.4.1499)
    • ...
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Niccolò III d'Este, marchese di Modena e Ferrara's Timeline

November 9, 1383
Ferrara, Province of Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
November 17, 1405
Ferrara, Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
September 21, 1407
March 24, 1419
Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
March 24, 1419