from Charles Cawley:
NEEL [III] (-[before 1092]).
m ---. Three children:
a) NEEL [IV] . A charter dated to [1136] records the foundation of the abbey of Saint-Sauveur, first constructed "tempore vetuli Ricardi comitis" (Richard II Duke of Normandy) "et Rogeri vicecomitis", the placing of monks by "Nigellus vicecomes", and the donations by "nepotes autem eius Nigellus…et Rogerius", a later passage clarifying that they were "Nigellus vicecomes…fratre suo Rogero"[1435].
b) ROGER [II] (-murdered [1137/38]). A charter dated to [1136] records the foundation of the abbey of Saint-Sauveur, first constructed "tempore vetuli Ricardi comitis" (Richard II Duke of Normandy) "et Rogeri vicecomitis", the placing of monks by "Nigellus vicecomes", and the donations by "nepotes autem eius Nigellus…et Rogerius", a later passage clarifying that they were "Nigellus vicecomes…fratre suo Rogero"[1436]. Orderic Vitalis records that Stephen King of England appointed "Guillelmum de Rolmara et Rogerium vicecomitem" in Normandy[1437]. Orderic Vitalis records that "Rogerius vicecomes" was murdered in an ambush, dated to [1137/38][1438]. m CECILE, daughter of [ENGUERRAND de Port & his wife ---]. A charter dated to [1136] records donations to the abbey of Saint-Sauveur, including that of "Rogerus vicecomes, frater Nigelli, et Cecilia uxor eius"[1439]. Delisle suggests her possible parentage based on a charter dated 1202[1440].
c) [Name Unknown] --- . m ---. Two children:
i) LETICIE (-after 1178). Her parentage is confirmed by the charter dated to [1180] which records donations to Saint-Sauveur by "Leticia, neptis Rogerii vicecomitis et uxor Jordani Thessonis, jam defuncti"[1441]. "Jordanus Taison et Leticia sponsa mea" donated property to Saint-Sauveur by charter dated 1145, witnessed by "…Roberto de Perceio…Roberto de Vuas, Nicholao fratres illius Roberti"[1442]. "Iordanus Taisson et Lætitia uxor mea cum filiis nostris Radulfo, Rogerio et Iordano" donated property to Saint-Sauveur by undated charter[1443]. "Letitia de Sancto Salvatore, qui fui uxor Jordani Tesson" donated property to the abbey of Hambie, witnessed by "Jordano Tesson filio meo, Roberto de Monte acuto milite, Letitia filia mea uxore Fulconis Paganelli"[1444]. m (before 1145) JOURDAIN Taisson, son of RAOUL & his wife Adelise --- (-1178).
ii) daughter . m ---. One child:(a) FOULQUES des Prés .
During the period 1050 - 1100, Neel IV St Sauveur and
Eudo his son held the honours.
Neel IV St Sauveur Ist lord of Halton, Constable of
Chester married Adela daughter of William de Vernon
and Emma (daughter of William Fitz Osbern Earl of
Hereford and Lord of Isle of Wight) Their ten children
included Neel V, Eudo, two Williams, Girard, Roger,
Richard, Emma, Bilhelda, and Maheldis.
Neel IV held considerable properties no doubt won in
recognition of his services during the 1066 campaign,
and thereafter against the Welsh. What is significant
is the number of Contentin families that participated
in the 1066 invasion. One has the impression that many
families had strong links which continued thereafter
in family relationships. Pegot-Ogier in his "Histoire
des Isles de la Manche" lists the families involved in
William's attack upon England:
The Corps of Nigel (Neel) Viscount of Sanit Sauveur,
Count of the Contentin and the Isles included Mowbray,
fief in Jersey, Sark, and Aldernay, Viscount Nigel,
Lord of half Guernsey, Guy Neehou, Hue Pigot, John
Pirou, Roger le Bigot, Roger Pigot, Du Homet, de la
Haye du Puys (fief in Jersey and Guernsey), Captains
without fiefs in the Isles but holding enobling lands,
de Montfiquet, du Val de Saire or de See, Dorival,
Brehal, de Brix, des Soules, S.Sever, Rosel, and
The Corps of Robert Bertrand de Briquebec Viscount of
Bayeux included Robert Bertrand de Briquebec, de Bohun
(fief in Guernsey), Hubert Paisoul, Onfroi de
Carteret, Richard d'Averanches, de Reviers, de
Vanville, Mauger de Cartine, de Val du Sairq,
l'Espine, des Moutiers, Sire de Moion, Oglandes,Wace.
Wace in "Roman de Rou" mentions Nigel Saint Sauveur in
the battle of Senlac. And the Monasticon speaks of
Nigel and his five brothers (presumably not
individuals directly related to Nigel), in the train
of Hugh who was subsequently created Earl of Chester.
Neel received the Barony of Halton, and appointed
Marshall to stabilise the Welsh borders.
Domesday provides evidence that Nigel received
considerable rewards for his services; his son William
being recorded holding the barony of Halton and many
1060: Charter 1166 Neel IV confirms gift of six
churches in Guernsey by Duke William Count of Normans
free of any claim by him to St Martin Marmoutier and
monks. Neel's wife Adela, sons Roger, two Williams,
Gerard, and sisters Emma, Bilhelde, and Mahildis
consenting to the grant. The deed was witnessed by his
wife, Roger (son), William, Ingulf dapifer, Roger Fitz
Turold, Humphrey Fitz Ansquitil, Reginals Foliot,
Richard de Storavilla, Geoffrey Fitz Robert venator,
Nigel de Glanvilla, Rudolf the Chamberlain, Ranulf the
Chaplain, Serid Fitz Alured, and Richard Fitz Briteso.
1067: Roger St Sauveur commenced the foundation of the
transfer of the Collegiate Church within the enceine
of the Castle of St Sauveur.
1067: Charter 82 (CDF Round) Notification William de
Vernon son of Hugh and wife Emma received fellowship
of Abbay Holy Trinity, freedom of toll of property
including Castle of Vernon. Agreement made with Abbot
Rainer. Witness: William and Emma.
1072/73: Neel IV died. Although he was Viscount of the
Contentin, he appears to have been continuously
engaged in military operations against the Welsh. Wace
reported that Neel IV was killed near Cardiff 1074.
1073: Charter 1174 (CDF Round) Notification by King
William and Neel V (Nigel son of Nigel) confirmed his
father's gift to St Martin Marmoutier of six churches
in Guernsey at Prayer of Abbot Bartholomew, and from
the Abbot himself benefits of the house and a goodly
1075: Neel V St Sauveur Viscount of the Contentin laid
claim to the Castle of Le Hulme as his hereditary
right. This claim was repudiated by Countess Adelize.
1075: Charter 421 (CDF Round) Countess Adelize
daughter of Count Richard, sister to Count Robert,
bought from Count Robert Castle of Hulme (Contentin),
and gave it to the Abbay Holy Trinity Caen.
1076: Neel V acts as justice in Duchy Court (Delisle)
1077: Neel V Witness to William's grant to St Stephen
Caen (Delisle)
1080: Neel V converts the monastery of St Sauveur the
Viscount into an Abbay, and endows it with tithes of
Salsoif Forest and grants in Henneville; also the
Forest of Columba and the tithe of Columba and Roche
Castle (Delisle).
1080/1104: Eudo St Sauveur succeeded Neel V as Baron
of St Sauveur and Viscount of the Contentin. His name
appears in many charters (Delisle)
1086 Charter 1117 (CDF Round) Monks of Mount St
Michael claim Ceaux as theirs.
1088/99: Charter 429 (CDF Round) Vernon lists
aggressions against Abbey Holy Trinity Rouen by Count
Henry son William son William Ist after William's
(took toll of chotel Hulmus and whole of Contentin)
Witness Eudo (vic), Rainult (vic), Nigel de Oillez.
1092 August Neel III died as a monk at Mount
S.Michael. A relative Geoffrey de Moubray Bishop of
Coutances attended the funeral.
During the forthcoming period 1100-1150, Neel V and
Neel VI hold the honours.
Sincerely Yours,
Paul Bulkley
Jim Weber writes: "Paul Reed, citing Rev. Statham's 'The Descent of the family of Statham' (London, 1925), only mentions Adele, daughter of William de Vernon as a wife of Niel. However the charter witnessed by Niel and his wife Adele, along with nearly all of their children, took place after all of the children were born. Thus any prior wife would not be indicated. The dates of Niel's 1st children would indicate an earlier wife. The charter did not mention the son Ivo (only sons Roger, William, another William, and Gerard), but did mention two other daughters besides Bilelde (Emma and Mahildis, either one of which could be the daughter that married Robert Bigod)."
1.Type: Web Site
Author: Jim Weber Title: The Phillips, Weber, Kirk & Staggs Famlies URL: RootsWeb Family Trees Date: Feb 5, 2006 Detail: Jim Weber cites numerous sources for his data. See his posting for details.
1070 |
St Sauveur, Manche, Normandy, France
1074 |
near Cardiff, Wales
1909 |
September 7, 1909
September 7, 1909
1910 |
December 9, 1910
1912 |
March 15, 1912
June 21, 1912
1915 |
March 10, 1915
1960 |
October 14, 1960