Immediate Family
About Odo I, count of Blois
Eudes I (Odo), Comte de Blois
Son of Thibaut 'le Tricheur' and Luitgarde de Vermandois
- http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eudes_Ier_de_Blois
- http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CENTRAL%20FRANCE.htm#_Toc216787121
EUDES de Blois (-Châteaudun [12 Feb/4 Jul][47] 995, bur Tours, Abbaye de Saint-Martin, Marmoutier). "Odonis comitis filii Theobaldi comitis" subscribed the charter dated 950 under which Ragnfred Bishop of Chartres donated property to Chartres Saint-Père[48]. Rodulfus Glaber names "Odo…filius Tetbaldi Carnotensis cognomento fallacis", recording that he was "chief among the rebels…who rebelled against the king [Robert I] from positions that should have made them humble"[49]. Rodulfus Glauber names "Odonem" son of "Tetbaldus [et] sororem [Heribertum Trecorum comitem]"[50]. Ademar names "Odonis Campanensis" as brother of "Emma", mother of Guillaume Duke of Aquitaine[51]. Odalric Archbishop of Reims granted him Coucy after recovering it from Eudes's father[52]. He succeeded his father as EUDES I Comte de Blois, de Chartres, de Châteaudun, de Tours, de Beauvais et de Dreux. "Odo comes…" signed a charter dated Feb 977 of Chartres Saint-Père[53]. "Odoni comitis…" signed a charter dated Oct 977 relating to Bourgeuil[54]. "Ledgardis" donated property to "Sancti Petri Carnotensis ecclesiam", for the souls of "senioris mei…comitis Tedbaldi…patris mei Heirberti, Trecassini comitis", with the consent of "archipresule…Hugone et…comite Odone, filiis meis", by charter dated 5 Feb 978, signed by "…Emma comitissa Pictavæ urbis…"[55]. Seigneur de Chinon et de Saumur. "Odo comes" restored "villam…Culturas" to the abbey of Marmoutier by charter dated 3 May 983, signed by "Berte comitisse uxoris eius, majoris filii eius Teutboldi, minoris filii eius Odonis adhuc in cunabulo quiescentis"[56]. A letter of Gerbert dated 983 records that "Heriberti Trecassini et Oddonis comitis filii Tedbaldi" were enemies of "Adelbero Remonis archiepiscopus"[57], while a letter dated to mid-985 records that "Ottonem, Heribertum" made peace with the archbishop[58]. A letter of Gerbert dated to [late 986/early 987] records that "O et Heribertus comites" were part of the council of Emma Queen of France[59]. It is assumed that "Oddonis/Ottonem/O" all refer to the same person. Rodolfus Glaber records his place of burial when stating that his son Eudes II was buried next to his father[60]. m ([978/80]%29 as her first husband, BERTHE of Burgundy, daughter of CONRAD I “le Pacifique” King of Burgundy [Welf] & his second wife Mathilde de France [Carolingian] ([964/965]-16 Jan after 1010). The Liber Modernorum Regum Francorum names "Berta filia Conradi regis Burgundiæ" wife of "Odone comite Carnotensium"[61]. Rodulfus Glauber names "Odo natus ex filia Chuonradi regis Austrasiorum, Berta nomine"[62]. The date of her marriage is suggested by the charter dated 3 May 983 under which "Odo comes" restored "villam…Culturas" to the abbey of Marmoutier, signed by "Berte comitisse uxoris eius, majoris filii eius Teutboldi, minoris filii eius Odonis adhuc in cunabulo quiescentis"[63]. "Hugonis ducis, Odonis comitis, Hugonis sanctæ Bituricensis archipræsulis, Letgardis comitissæ, Bertæ comitissæ, Gauzfridi vicecomitis…" subscribed the charter dated 985 under which "Robertus" donated property to "Sancti Petri Carnotensis", on the advice of "Odonem, simul cum sua matre Ledgarde, pariterque dominam meam Bertam, ipsius æque coniugem"[64]. A charter dated 996 records the confirmation by "comitissæ Berthæ" of the donation by "Odo comes" of property for the construction of the abbey of Bourgeuil, with the consent of "filiorum suorum Teobaldi…atque Odonis"[65]. She married secondly ([late 996/early 997], divorced [1003/05]) as his second wife, Robert II King of France. Richer records that King Robert married "Berta Odonis uxor"[66]. "Bertæ reginæ, Odonis comitis filii eius…" subscribed the charter dated 1004 under which "Gislebertus prepositus" recorded a donation[67]. "Odonis comitis, Ermengardis uxoris eius, Bertæ reginæ…" subscribed the charter dated after 1005 under which "comitem Odonem" donated property "in comitatu Dunensi…Boscus Medius" to "Sancti Petri"[68]. The necrology of Chartres cathedral records the death "XVII Kal Feb" of "Berta mater Odonis comitis"[69]. Comte Eudes I & his wife had [six] children:
a) [ROBERT de Blois (-[989/95]). "Odonis comitis, Rotberti filii eius, Tetbaldi filius eius, Odonis alterius filius, Hugonis vicecomitis Castridunensis, Raherii de Montigniaco" subscribed the charter dated 989 under which "Robert Vicomte de Blois" donated property to the abbey of Evron[70]. Lex suggests that this document was a 12th century falsification and that that this supposed eldest son Robert did not exist[71]. This position is supported by the charter dated 3 May 983 under which "Odo comes" restored "villam…Culturas" to the abbey of Marmoutier, signed by "Berte comitisse uxoris eius, majoris filii eius Teutboldi, minoris filii eius Odonis adhuc in cunabulo quiescentis"[72].]
b) THIBAUT de Blois ([979/81]-11 Jul 1004, bur Chartres Saint-Père). "Odo comes" restored "villam…Culturas" to the abbey of Marmoutier by charter dated 3 May 983, signed by "Berte comitisse uxoris eius, majoris filii eius Teutboldi, minoris filii eius Odonis adhuc in cunabulo quiescentis"[73]. "Odonis comitis, Rotberti filii eius, Tetbaldi filius eius, Odonis alterius filius, Hugonis vicecomitis Castridunensis, Raherii de Montigniaco" subscribed the charter dated 989 under which "Robert Vicomte de Blois" donated property to the abbey of Evron[74]. He succeeded his father in 995 as THIBAUT II Comte de Blois. A charter dated 996 records the confirmation by "comitissæ Berthæ" of the donation by "Odo comes" of property for the construction of the abbey of Bourgeuil, with the consent of "filiorum suorum Teobaldi…atque Odonis"[75]. He resigned in favour of his younger brother and became a priest. A charter dated to before 1024 records that "comes Tedbaldus" was buried "in capitulo Sancti Petri" at the feet of "fratris sui Teoderici"[76].
c) EUDES de Blois ([982/83]-15 Nov 1037). "Odo comes" restored "villam…Culturas" to the abbey of Marmoutier by charter dated 3 May 983, signed by "Berte comitisse uxoris eius, majoris filii eius Teutboldi, minoris filii eius Odonis adhuc in cunabulo quiescentis"[77]. He succeeded his brother as EUDES II Comte de Blois, de Chartres, de Châteaudun, de Tours, de Beauvais.
d) AGNES de Blois . "La reine Berthe et ses enfants Thibaud, Eudes et Agnès" confirmed a donation to Bourgeuil by Emma Ctss de Poitiers dated Sep 1001[78]. A charter dated to before 1024 records that "Odonis comitis, Bertæ matris suæ, Agnetis filiæ ipsius" subscribed a charter dated to before 1024 recording a donation to Chartres Saint-Père "in capitulo Sancti Petri" at the feet of "fratris sui Teoderici"[79]. [A fragmentary chronicle of the dukes of Aquitaine records that "Wido…comes de Thoarcio, vicecomitis Ebles filius" married "Agnete" who brought him "terram…de Salmuriaco" from "Odone patre comite Turonensi"[80]. It should be noted that the genealogy of the vicomtes de Thouars which is included in this document cannot be fitted into the family which has been reconstructed from other primary sources and is shown in the document AQUITAINE NOBILITY. Its accuracy is therefore open to doubt. m GUY Vicomte de Thouars, son of EBLES Vicomte de Thouars & his wife Altrude de Limoges.]
e) THIERRY de Blois (-[996/Sep 1101], bur Chartres Saint-Père). A charter dated to before 1024 records that "comes Tedbaldus" was buried "in capitulo Sancti Petri" at the feet of "fratris sui Teoderici"[81].
f) LANDRY de Blois (-after 27 Sep 1007). A charter of Robert II King of France dated 1007 confirmed the properties of "ecclesia B. Mariæ Bellimontis…sita a castro Patris Martini" near Tours including the donation of "Liuziam" [Luz%C3%A9] with the consent of "Odonis comitis et fratris sui Landrici"[82].
Eudes I, Comte de Champagne (1) M, #3934, d. 1037
Last Edited=11 Jul 2005
Eudes I, Comte de Champagne married Bertha de Bourgogne, daughter of Conrad, Roi de Jurane Bourgogne and Elfgifu (?), circa 983. He died in 1037. (1)
Eudes I, Comte de Champagne was a member of the House of Blois. (1) He succeeded to the title of Comte de Champagne in 1021. (1) Children of Eudes I, Comte de Champagne and Bertha de Bourgogne -1. Stephen II, Comte de Champagne+ d. 1048 -2. Thibaud III, Comte de Blois+1 b. c 1019, d. c 1089
Forrás / Source: http://www.thepeerage.com/p394.htm#i3934
Odo I, Count of Blois From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Odo I (also spelled Eudes, c. 950 – 12 March 996), Count of Blois, Chartres, Reims, Provins, Châteaudun, and Omois, was the son of Theobald I of Blois and Luitgard, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. He received the title of count palatine, which was traditional in his family, from King Lothair. Like his relations, the counts of Vermandois, he remained faithful to the Carolingians against the Capetians. Following the war between his father and Odalric, Archbishop of Reims, over the castle of Coucy, he received the castle to hold it from the archbishop. In the 970s, in the wars for control of Brittany, he subjugated the county of Rennes, Duke Conan I affirmed the rights of his family in the region. Around 977, his father died and he succeeded in his counties. In 988, he assisted Charles of Lorraine in taking Laon. In 991, he abandoned the Lorrainers at Dreux and besieged Melun, belonging to Bouchard the Venerable, a vassal of Hugh Capet. Hugh, with Richard I of Normandy and Fulk Nerra, assembled against him and he had to lift his siege. Near 995, he enterred into a war against Fulk, who was already at war with Conan of Brittany. Odo allied with his brother-in-law William IV of Aquitaine and Baldwin IV of Flanders. Even his old enemy, Richard of Normandy joined in the war on Fulk. In the winter of 995 – 996, they besieged Langeais, but the arrival of the forces of the king forced their retreat. [edit]Family
He married (c. 983) Bertha of Burgundy, daughter of King Conrad of Burgundy and Matilda of France. Their children were: Robert (died between 980 and 996) Theobald II (c. 985–1004) Odo II (c. 990–1037) Thierry (died 996) Agnes, married Viscount Guy of Thouars Roger
Odo I (also spelled Eudes, c. 950 – 12 March 996), Count of Blois, Chartres, Reims, Provins, Châteaudun, and Omois, was the son of Theobald I of Blois and Luitgard, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. He received the title of count palatine, which was traditional in his family, from King Lothair.
Like his relations, the counts of Vermandois, he remained faithful to the Carolingians against the Capetians. Following the war between his father and Odalric, Archbishop of Reims, over the castle of Coucy, he received the castle to hold it from the archbishop.
In the 970s, in the wars for control of Brittany, he subjugated the county of Rennes, Duke Conan I affirmed the rights of his family in the region. Around 977, his father died and he succeeded in his counties.
In 988, he assisted Charles of Lorraine in taking Laon. In 991, he abandoned the Lorrainers at Dreux and besieged Melun, belonging to Bouchard the Venerable, a vassal of Hugh Capet. Hugh, with Richard I of Normandy and Fulk Nerra, assembled against him and he had to lift his siege.
Near 995, he enterred into a war against Fulk, who was already at war with Conan of Brittany. Odo allied with his brother-in-law William IV of Aquitaine and Baldwin IV of Flanders. Even his old enemy, Richard of Normandy joined in the war on Fulk. In the winter of 995 – 996, they besieged Langeais, but the arrival of the forces of the king forced their retreat. He married (c. 983) Bertha of Burgundy, daughter of King Conrad of Burgundy and Matilda of France. Their children were:
Robert (died between 980 and 996) Theobald II (c. 985–1004) Odo II (c. 990–1037) Thierry (died 996) Agnes, married Viscount Guy of Thouars Roger
Eudes CHAMPAGNE I7,64,98,117,564 was born before 950 in Mormonteir, France. He died on 12 Mar 994/95 in Mormonteir. Parents: Luitgarda DE VERMANDOIS. Parents: Count Of Blois Theobald CHAMPAGNE I and Luitgarda DE VERMANDOIS. Spouse: Princess Of Burgundy Bertha BURGUNDY. Eudes CHAMPAGNE I and Princess Of Burgundy Bertha BURGUNDY were married in . Children were: Eudes II Of BLOIS, Gilbert De VENABLES, Heloise De BLOIS.
Odo I (also spelled Eudes, c. 950 – 12 March 996), Count of Blois, Chartres, Reims, Provins, Châteaudun, and Omois, was the son of Theobald I of Blois and Luitgard, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. He received the title of count palatine, which was traditional in his family, from King Lothair.
Like his relations, the counts of Vermandois, he remained faithful to the Carolingians against the Capetians. Following the war between his father and Odalric, Archbishop of Reims, over the castle of Coucy, he received the castle to hold it from the archbishop.
In the 970s, in the wars for control of Brittany, he subjugated the county of Rennes, Duke Conan I affirmed the rights of his family in the region. Around 977, his father died and he succeeded in his counties.
In 988, he assisted Charles of Lorraine in taking Laon. In 991, he abandoned the Lorrainers at Dreux and besieged Melun, belonging to Bouchard the Venerable, a vassal of Hugh Capet. Hugh, with Richard I of Normandy and Fulk Nerra, assembled against him and he had to lift his siege.
Near 995, he enterred into a war against Fulk, who was already at war with Conan of Brittany. Odo allied with his brother-in-law William IV of Aquitaine and Baldwin IV of Flanders. Even his old enemy, Richard of Normandy joined in the war on Fulk. In the winter of 995 – 996, they besieged Langeais, but the arrival of the forces of the king forced their retreat.
[edit] Family He married (c. 983) Bertha of Burgundy, daughter of King Conrad of Burgundy and Matilda of France. Their children were:
Robert (died between 980 and 996) Theobald II (c. 985–1004) Odo II (c. 990–1037) Thierry (died 996) Agnes, married Viscount Guy of Thouars Roger Preceded by Theobald I Count of Blois 975–995 Succeeded by Theobald II
This biography of a French peer or noble is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. v • d • e Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odo_I,_Count_of_Blois" Categories: Counts of Blois | Counts of Chartres | Counts of Châteaudun | Counts of Tours | Counts of Reims | Counts of Provins | Counts of Omois | 950s births | 996 deaths | French nobility stubs
Eudes I of BLOIS [Parents] 1 was born 950 in Blois, Loir-et-Cher, France. He died 12 Mar 996 in Blois, Loir-et-Cher, France. Eudes married Bertha of BURGUNDY on 983 in Blois, Loir-et-Cher, France.
Bertha of BURGUNDY [Parents] 1 was born 967 in Arles, Bouches-du-Rhone, France. She married Eudes I of BLOIS on 983 in Blois, Loir-et-Cher, France.
Other marriages:
FRANCE, Robert II "The Pious" of King of France
They had the following children:
M i Eudes II of BLOIS Count of Blois was born 990 and died 15 Nov 1037.
Source: Weis, Frederick Lewis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700 (7th ed., Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1992.), 101-21, 136-20, 159-20, Los Angeles Public Library, Gen 974 W426 1992.
Odo I (also spelled Eudes, c. 950 – 12 March 996), Count of Blois, Chartres, Reims, Provins, Châteaudun, and Omois, was the son of Theobald I of Blois and Luitgard, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. He received the title of count palatine, which was traditional in his family, from King Lothair.
Like his relations, the counts of Vermandois, he remained faithful to the Carolingians against the Capetians. Following the war between his father and Odalric, Archbishop of Reims, over the castle of Coucy, he received the castle to hold it from the archbishop.
In the 970s, in the wars for control of Brittany, he subjugated the county of Rennes, Duke Conan I affirmed the rights of his family in the region. Around 977, his father died and he succeeded in his counties.
In 988, he assisted Charles of Lorraine in taking Laon. In 991, he abandoned the Lorrainers at Dreux and besieged Melun, belonging to Bouchard the Venerable, a vassal of Hugh Capet. Hugh, with Richard I of Normandy and Fulk Nerra, assembled against him and he had to lift his siege.
Near 995, he enterred into a war against Fulk, who was already at war with Conan of Brittany. Odo allied with his brother-in-law William IV of Aquitaine and Baldwin IV of Flanders. Even his old enemy, Richard of Normandy joined in the war on Fulk. In the winter of 995 – 996, they besieged Langeais, but the arrival of the forces of the king forced their retreat. He married (c. 983) Bertha of Burgundy, daughter of King Conrad of Burgundy and Matilda of France. Their children were:
Robert (died between 980 and 996) Theobald II (c. 985–1004) Odo II (c. 990–1037) Thierry (died 996) Agnes, married Viscount Guy of Thouars Roger
Comte de Blois, de Troyes et de Tours
Comte de Chartres
Eudes I (Odo) de Blois comte de Blois-16651 was born 950 in Marmoutier, Alsace, France. He died 12 Mar 996 in Marmoutier, Alsace, France and was buried in Tours, , France.
Eudes married (MRIN:9145) Berthe (bertha) de Bourgogne Reine consort de France-16652, daughter of Conrad "the Peaceful" 'le Pacifique' de Bourgogne King of Burgundy ( Roi de Bourgogne)-16654 and Mathilde de France-16653 (MRIN:8614). Berthe was born 964. She died circa January 16, 1010.
They had the following children:
2 F i. Helois de Blois-17523 was born 976. Helois married (MRIN:9144) Renart Bardoul-17524. Renart was born 936.
3 M ii. Eudes (Odo) II de Blois Count of Blois, Champagne and Chartres-16632 was born circa 989 in of Blois, Loire-et-Cher, France. He died 15 Nov 1037 in Bar-le-Duc, Meuse, Lorraine, France (killed in battle) and was buried in Tours, Abbaye de Saint-Martin, Marmoutier. Eudes married (1-MRIN:8603) Ermengarde d'Auvergne-16633, daughter of Guillaume IV comte d'Auvergne-16635 and Humberge (Umberga) [-?-]-16634 (MRIN:8604). Ermengarde was born circa 990 in Auvergne, Aquitaine, France. She died Mae 12 1042 in Auvergne, Aquitaine, France. Eudes also married (2-MRIN:8702) Amelia of Swabia-Brunswick-16793. Amelia was born circa 1019.
From the Geni profile ...
- Added by: "Skip" Bremer on June 11, 2007
- Managed by: Margaret, (C) and 133 others
- Curated by: Jason Wills Eudes I (Odo), Comte de Blois
Son of Thibaut 'le Tricheur' and Luitgarde de Vermandois
LINKS http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CENTRAL%20FRANCE.htm#_Toc216787121 http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eudes_Ier_de_Blois
---------------------------------- MEDIEVAL LANDS
EUDES de Blois (-Châteaudun [12 Feb/4 Jul][47] 995, bur Tours, Abbaye de Saint-Martin, Marmoutier). "Odonis comitis filii Theobaldi comitis" subscribed the charter dated 950 under which Ragnfred Bishop of Chartres donated property to Chartres Saint-Père[48]. Rodulfus Glaber names "Odo…filius Tetbaldi Carnotensis cognomento fallacis", recording that he was "chief among the rebels…who rebelled against the king [Robert I] from positions that should have made them humble"[49]. Rodulfus Glauber names "Odonem" son of "Tetbaldus [et] sororem [Heribertum Trecorum comitem]"[50]. Ademar names "Odonis Campanensis" as brother of "Emma", mother of Guillaume Duke of Aquitaine[51]. Odalric Archbishop of Reims granted him Coucy after recovering it from Eudes's father[52]. He succeeded his father as EUDES I Comte de Blois, de Chartres, de Châteaudun, de Tours, de Beauvais et de Dreux. "Odo comes…" signed a charter dated Feb 977 of Chartres Saint-Père[53]. "Odoni comitis…" signed a charter dated Oct 977 relating to Bourgeuil[54]. "Ledgardis" donated property to "Sancti Petri Carnotensis ecclesiam", for the souls of "senioris mei…comitis Tedbaldi…patris mei Heirberti, Trecassini comitis", with the consent of "archipresule…Hugone et…comite Odone, filiis meis", by charter dated 5 Feb 978, signed by "…Emma comitissa Pictavæ urbis…"[55]. Seigneur de Chinon et de Saumur. "Odo comes" restored "villam…Culturas" to the abbey of Marmoutier by charter dated 3 May 983, signed by "Berte comitisse uxoris eius, majoris filii eius Teutboldi, minoris filii eius Odonis adhuc in cunabulo quiescentis"[56]. A letter of Gerbert dated 983 records that "Heriberti Trecassini et Oddonis comitis filii Tedbaldi" were enemies of "Adelbero Remonis archiepiscopus"[57], while a letter dated to mid-985 records that "Ottonem, Heribertum" made peace with the archbishop[58]. A letter of Gerbert dated to [late 986/early 987] records that "O et Heribertus comites" were part of the council of Emma Queen of France[59]. It is assumed that "Oddonis/Ottonem/O" all refer to the same person. Rodolfus Glaber records his place of burial when stating that his son Eudes II was buried next to his father[60]. m ([978/80]%29 as her first husband, BERTHE of Burgundy, daughter of CONRAD I “le Pacifique” King of Burgundy [Welf] & his second wife Mathilde de France [Carolingian] ([964/965]-16 Jan after 1010). The Liber Modernorum Regum Francorum names "Berta filia Conradi regis Burgundiæ" wife of "Odone comite Carnotensium"[61]. Rodulfus Glauber names "Odo natus ex filia Chuonradi regis Austrasiorum, Berta nomine"[62]. The date of her marriage is suggested by the charter dated 3 May 983 under which "Odo comes" restored "villam…Culturas" to the abbey of Marmoutier, signed by "Berte comitisse uxoris eius, majoris filii eius Teutboldi, minoris filii eius Odonis adhuc in cunabulo quiescentis"[63]. "Hugonis ducis, Odonis comitis, Hugonis sanctæ Bituricensis archipræsulis, Letgardis comitissæ, Bertæ comitissæ, Gauzfridi vicecomitis…" subscribed the charter dated 985 under which "Robertus" donated property to "Sancti Petri Carnotensis", on the advice of "Odonem, simul cum sua matre Ledgarde, pariterque dominam meam Bertam, ipsius æque coniugem"[64]. A charter dated 996 records the confirmation by "comitissæ Berthæ" of the donation by "Odo comes" of property for the construction of the abbey of Bourgeuil, with the consent of "filiorum suorum Teobaldi…atque Odonis"[65]. She married secondly ([late 996/early 997], divorced [1003/05]) as his second wife, Robert II King of France. Richer records that King Robert married "Berta Odonis uxor"[66]. "Bertæ reginæ, Odonis comitis filii eius…" subscribed the charter dated 1004 under which "Gislebertus prepositus" recorded a donation[67]. "Odonis comitis, Ermengardis uxoris eius, Bertæ reginæ…" subscribed the charter dated after 1005 under which "comitem Odonem" donated property "in comitatu Dunensi…Boscus Medius" to "Sancti Petri"[68]. The necrology of Chartres cathedral records the death "XVII Kal Feb" of "Berta mater Odonis comitis"[69]. Comte Eudes I & his wife had [six] children:
a) [ROBERT de Blois (-[989/95]). "Odonis comitis, Rotberti filii eius, Tetbaldi filius eius, Odonis alterius filius, Hugonis vicecomitis Castridunensis, Raherii de Montigniaco" subscribed the charter dated 989 under which "Robert Vicomte de Blois" donated property to the abbey of Evron[70]. Lex suggests that this document was a 12th century falsification and that that this supposed eldest son Robert did not exist[71]. This position is supported by the charter dated 3 May 983 under which "Odo comes" restored "villam…Culturas" to the abbey of Marmoutier, signed by "Berte comitisse uxoris eius, majoris filii eius Teutboldi, minoris filii eius Odonis adhuc in cunabulo quiescentis"[72].]
b) THIBAUT de Blois ([979/81]-11 Jul 1004, bur Chartres Saint-Père). "Odo comes" restored "villam…Culturas" to the abbey of Marmoutier by charter dated 3 May 983, signed by "Berte comitisse uxoris eius, majoris filii eius Teutboldi, minoris filii eius Odonis adhuc in cunabulo quiescentis"[73]. "Odonis comitis, Rotberti filii eius, Tetbaldi filius eius, Odonis alterius filius, Hugonis vicecomitis Castridunensis, Raherii de Montigniaco" subscribed the charter dated 989 under which "Robert Vicomte de Blois" donated property to the abbey of Evron[74]. He succeeded his father in 995 as THIBAUT II Comte de Blois. A charter dated 996 records the confirmation by "comitissæ Berthæ" of the donation by "Odo comes" of property for the construction of the abbey of Bourgeuil, with the consent of "filiorum suorum Teobaldi…atque Odonis"[75]. He resigned in favour of his younger brother and became a priest. A charter dated to before 1024 records that "comes Tedbaldus" was buried "in capitulo Sancti Petri" at the feet of "fratris sui Teoderici"[76].
c) EUDES de Blois ([982/83]-15 Nov 1037). "Odo comes" restored "villam…Culturas" to the abbey of Marmoutier by charter dated 3 May 983, signed by "Berte comitisse uxoris eius, majoris filii eius Teutboldi, minoris filii eius Odonis adhuc in cunabulo quiescentis"[77]. He succeeded his brother as EUDES II Comte de Blois, de Chartres, de Châteaudun, de Tours, de Beauvais.
d) AGNES de Blois . "La reine Berthe et ses enfants Thibaud, Eudes et Agnès" confirmed a donation to Bourgeuil by Emma Ctss de Poitiers dated Sep 1001[78]. A charter dated to before 1024 records that "Odonis comitis, Bertæ matris suæ, Agnetis filiæ ipsius" subscribed a charter dated to before 1024 recording a donation to Chartres Saint-Père "in capitulo Sancti Petri" at the feet of "fratris sui Teoderici"[79]. [A fragmentary chronicle of the dukes of Aquitaine records that "Wido…comes de Thoarcio, vicecomitis Ebles filius" married "Agnete" who brought him "terram…de Salmuriaco" from "Odone patre comite Turonensi"[80]. It should be noted that the genealogy of the vicomtes de Thouars which is included in this document cannot be fitted into the family which has been reconstructed from other primary sources and is shown in the document AQUITAINE NOBILITY. Its accuracy is therefore open to doubt. m GUY Vicomte de Thouars, son of EBLES Vicomte de Thouars & his wife Altrude de Limoges.]
e) THIERRY de Blois (-[996/Sep 1101], bur Chartres Saint-Père). A charter dated to before 1024 records that "comes Tedbaldus" was buried "in capitulo Sancti Petri" at the feet of "fratris sui Teoderici"[81].
f) LANDRY de Blois (-after 27 Sep 1007). A charter of Robert II King of France dated 1007 confirmed the properties of "ecclesia B. Mariæ Bellimontis…sita a castro Patris Martini" near Tours including the donation of "Liuziam" [Luz%C3%A9] with the consent of "Odonis comitis et fratris sui Landrici"[82].
Eudes I, Comte de Champagne (1) M, #3934, d. 1037
Last Edited=11 Jul 2005
Eudes I, Comte de Champagne married Bertha de Bourgogne, daughter of Conrad, Roi de Jurane Bourgogne and Elfgifu (?), circa 983. He died in 1037. (1) Eudes I, Comte de Champagne was a member of the House of Blois. (1) He succeeded to the title of Comte de Champagne in 1021. (1)
Children of Eudes I, Comte de Champagne and Bertha de Bourgogne -1. Stephen II, Comte de Champagne+ d. 1048 -2. Thibaud III, Comte de Blois+1 b. c 1019, d. c 1089
Forrás / Source: http://www.thepeerage.com/p394.htm#i3934
Odo I, Count of Blois From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Odo I (also spelled Eudes, c. 950 – 12 March 996), Count of Blois, Chartres, Reims, Provins, Châteaudun, and Omois, was the son of Theobald I of Blois and Luitgard, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. He received the title of count palatine, which was traditional in his family, from King Lothair. Like his relations, the counts of Vermandois, he remained faithful to the Carolingians against the Capetians. Following the war between his father and Odalric, Archbishop of Reims, over the castle of Coucy, he received the castle to hold it from the archbishop. In the 970s, in the wars for control of Brittany, he subjugated the county of Rennes, Duke Conan I affirmed the rights of his family in the region. Around 977, his father died and he succeeded in his counties. In 988, he assisted Charles of Lorraine in taking Laon. In 991, he abandoned the Lorrainers at Dreux and besieged Melun, belonging to Bouchard the Venerable, a vassal of Hugh Capet. Hugh, with Richard I of Normandy and Fulk Nerra, assembled against him and he had to lift his siege. Near 995, he enterred into a war against Fulk, who was already at war with Conan of Brittany. Odo allied with his brother-in-law William IV of Aquitaine and Baldwin IV of Flanders. Even his old enemy, Richard of Normandy joined in the war on Fulk. In the winter of 995 – 996, they besieged Langeais, but the arrival of the forces of the king forced their retreat. [edit]Family
He married (c. 983) Bertha of Burgundy, daughter of King Conrad of Burgundy and Matilda of France. Their children were: Robert (died between 980 and 996) Theobald II (c. 985–1004) Odo II (c. 990–1037) Thierry (died 996) Agnes, married Viscount Guy of Thouars Roger
Odo I (also spelled Eudes, c. 950 – 12 March 996), Count of Blois, Chartres, Reims, Provins, Châteaudun, and Omois, was the son of Theobald I of Blois and Luitgard, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. He received the title of count palatine, which was traditional in his family, from King Lothair.
Like his relations, the counts of Vermandois, he remained faithful to the Carolingians against the Capetians. Following the war between his father and Odalric, Archbishop of Reims, over the castle of Coucy, he received the castle to hold it from the archbishop.
In the 970s, in the wars for control of Brittany, he subjugated the county of Rennes, Duke Conan I affirmed the rights of his family in the region. Around 977, his father died and he succeeded in his counties.
In 988, he assisted Charles of Lorraine in taking Laon. In 991, he abandoned the Lorrainers at Dreux and besieged Melun, belonging to Bouchard the Venerable, a vassal of Hugh Capet. Hugh, with Richard I of Normandy and Fulk Nerra, assembled against him and he had to lift his siege.
Near 995, he enterred into a war against Fulk, who was already at war with Conan of Brittany. Odo allied with his brother-in-law William IV of Aquitaine and Baldwin IV of Flanders. Even his old enemy, Richard of Normandy joined in the war on Fulk. In the winter of 995 – 996, they besieged Langeais, but the arrival of the forces of the king forced their retreat. He married (c. 983) Bertha of Burgundy, daughter of King Conrad of Burgundy and Matilda of France. Their children were:
Robert (died between 980 and 996) Theobald II (c. 985–1004) Odo II (c. 990–1037) Thierry (died 996) Agnes, married Viscount Guy of Thouars Roger
Eudes CHAMPAGNE I7,64,98,117,564 was born before 950 in Mormonteir, France. He died on 12 Mar 994/95 in Mormonteir. Parents: Luitgarda DE VERMANDOIS. Parents: Count Of Blois Theobald CHAMPAGNE I and Luitgarda DE VERMANDOIS. Spouse: Princess Of Burgundy Bertha BURGUNDY. Eudes CHAMPAGNE I and Princess Of Burgundy Bertha BURGUNDY were married in . Children were: Eudes II Of BLOIS, Gilbert De VENABLES, Heloise De BLOIS.
Odo I (also spelled Eudes, c. 950 – 12 March 996), Count of Blois, Chartres, Reims, Provins, Châteaudun, and Omois, was the son of Theobald I of Blois and Luitgard, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. He received the title of count palatine, which was traditional in his family, from King Lothair.
Like his relations, the counts of Vermandois, he remained faithful to the Carolingians against the Capetians. Following the war between his father and Odalric, Archbishop of Reims, over the castle of Coucy, he received the castle to hold it from the archbishop.
In the 970s, in the wars for control of Brittany, he subjugated the county of Rennes, Duke Conan I affirmed the rights of his family in the region. Around 977, his father died and he succeeded in his counties.
In 988, he assisted Charles of Lorraine in taking Laon. In 991, he abandoned the Lorrainers at Dreux and besieged Melun, belonging to Bouchard the Venerable, a vassal of Hugh Capet. Hugh, with Richard I of Normandy and Fulk Nerra, assembled against him and he had to lift his siege.
Near 995, he enterred into a war against Fulk, who was already at war with Conan of Brittany. Odo allied with his brother-in-law William IV of Aquitaine and Baldwin IV of Flanders. Even his old enemy, Richard of Normandy joined in the war on Fulk. In the winter of 995 – 996, they besieged Langeais, but the arrival of the forces of the king forced their retreat.
[edit] Family He married (c. 983) Bertha of Burgundy, daughter of King Conrad of Burgundy and Matilda of France. Their children were:
Robert (died between 980 and 996) Theobald II (c. 985–1004) Odo II (c. 990–1037) Thierry (died 996) Agnes, married Viscount Guy of Thouars Roger Preceded by Theobald I Count of Blois 975–995 Succeeded by Theobald II
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v • d • e Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odo_I,_Count_of_Blois" Categories: Counts of Blois | Counts of Chartres | Counts of Châteaudun | Counts of Tours | Counts of Reims | Counts of Provins | Counts of Omois | 950s births | 996 deaths | French nobility stubs
Eudes I of BLOIS [Parents] 1 was born 950 in Blois, Loir-et-Cher, France. He died 12 Mar 996 in Blois, Loir-et-Cher, France. Eudes married Bertha of BURGUNDY on 983 in Blois, Loir-et-Cher, France.
Bertha of BURGUNDY [Parents] 1 was born 967 in Arles, Bouches-du-Rhone, France. She married Eudes I of BLOIS on 983 in Blois, Loir-et-Cher, France.
Other marriages:
FRANCE, Robert II "The Pious" of King of France
They had the following children:
M i Eudes II of BLOIS Count of Blois was born 990 and died 15 Nov 1037.
Source: Weis, Frederick Lewis, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700 (7th ed., Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1992.), 101-21, 136-20, 159-20, Los Angeles Public Library, Gen 974 W426 1992.
Odo I (also spelled Eudes, c. 950 – 12 March 996), Count of Blois, Chartres, Reims, Provins, Châteaudun, and Omois, was the son of Theobald I of Blois and Luitgard, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. He received the title of count palatine, which was traditional in his family, from King Lothair.
Like his relations, the counts of Vermandois, he remained faithful to the Carolingians against the Capetians. Following the war between his father and Odalric, Archbishop of Reims, over the castle of Coucy, he received the castle to hold it from the archbishop.
In the 970s, in the wars for control of Brittany, he subjugated the county of Rennes, Duke Conan I affirmed the rights of his family in the region. Around 977, his father died and he succeeded in his counties.
In 988, he assisted Charles of Lorraine in taking Laon. In 991, he abandoned the Lorrainers at Dreux and besieged Melun, belonging to Bouchard the Venerable, a vassal of Hugh Capet. Hugh, with Richard I of Normandy and Fulk Nerra, assembled against him and he had to lift his siege.
Near 995, he enterred into a war against Fulk, who was already at war with Conan of Brittany. Odo allied with his brother-in-law William IV of Aquitaine and Baldwin IV of Flanders. Even his old enemy, Richard of Normandy joined in the war on Fulk. In the winter of 995 – 996, they besieged Langeais, but the arrival of the forces of the king forced their retreat. He married (c. 983) Bertha of Burgundy, daughter of King Conrad of Burgundy and Matilda of France. Their children were:
Robert (died between 980 and 996) Theobald II (c. 985–1004) Odo II (c. 990–1037) Thierry (died 996) Agnes, married Viscount Guy of Thouars Roger
Comte de Blois, de Troyes et de Tours
Comte de Chartres
Eudes I (Odo) de Blois comte de Blois-16651 was born 950 in Marmoutier, Alsace, France. He died 12 Mar 996 in Marmoutier, Alsace, France and was buried in Tours, , France.
Eudes married (MRIN:9145) Berthe (bertha) de Bourgogne Reine consort de France-16652, daughter of Conrad "the Peaceful" 'le Pacifique' de Bourgogne King of Burgundy ( Roi de Bourgogne)-16654 and Mathilde de France-16653 (MRIN:8614). Berthe was born 964. She died circa January 16, 1010.
They had the following children:
2 F i. Helois de Blois-17523 was born 976. Helois married (MRIN:9144) Renart Bardoul-17524. Renart was born 936.
3 M ii. Eudes (Odo) II de Blois Count of Blois, Champagne and Chartres-16632 was born circa 989 in of Blois, Loire-et-Cher, France. He died 15 Nov 1037 in Bar-le-Duc, Meuse, Lorraine, France (killed in battle) and was buried in Tours, Abbaye de Saint-Martin, Marmoutier. Eudes married (1-MRIN:8603) Ermengarde d'Auvergne-16633, daughter of Guillaume IV comte d'Auvergne-16635 and Humberge (Umberga) [-?-]-16634 (MRIN:8604). Ermengarde was born circa 990 in Auvergne, Aquitaine, France. She died Mae 12 1042 in Auvergne, Aquitaine, France. Eudes also married (2-MRIN:8702) Amelia of Swabia-Brunswick-16793. Amelia was born circa 1019.
Om Odo I, count of Blois (Norsk)
Odo I Greve av Blois
Odo I (også stavet Eudes) (c. 950-12 mars 996), greve av Blois, Chartres, Reims, Provins, Châteaudun og Omois, var sønn av Theobald Blois og Luitgard, datter av Herbert II av Vermandois. Han fikk tittelen Greven av Palatine, som var en tradisjon i hans familie fra kong Lothair av Vest Frankerriket.
Som hans slekting, greven av Vermandois, var han trofast til karolingerne mot huset Capet. Etter krigen mellom hans far og Odalric, erkebiskopen av Reims, om slottet Coucy, fikk han slottet for å holde det fra erkebiskopen.
I 970 årene kriger han for å få kontroll av Bretagne, tok han fylket Rennes og greven Conan I, hertug av Brittania og bekreftet rettighetene til familien i regionen. Rundt 977 døde hans far og han overtok hans fylker etter han I 988 hjalp han Charles av Lorraine når han var i Laon. I 991 forlot han Lorrainers på Dreux og beleiret Melun, som tilhørte Bouchard den ærverdige, vasall av Hugh Capet.
Hugh, med Rikard I av Normandie og Fulko Nerra, samlet mot Odo og han måtte gi avkall på beleiringen. Ca. 995, gikk han inn i en krig mot Fulko, som allerede var krig med Geoffrey av Bretagne. Odo allierte seg med sin svoger William IV av Aquitaine og Balduin IV av Flandern. og med sin gamle fiende, Richard av Normandie i krigen mot Fulko. Vinteren 995 - 996, beleiret de Langeais, men Odo ble syk og ble tatt til klosteret Marmoutier av Tours hvor han døde 12 mars 996.
Han giftet seg med (c. 983) Bertha av Burgund, datter av kong Conrad av Matilda av Frankrike. deres barn var: Robert (død mellom 980 og 996), Theobald II (c. 985-1004) Odo II (c. 990-1037) Thierry (død 996) Agnes, gift med Gay ( Goeffrey) visegreve av Thouars
Odo I, count of Blois's Timeline
950 |
Marmoutier, Alsace, France
980 |
Normandy, France
Blois, Loir Et Cher, Orleanais Centre, France
983 |
Blois, Loir-et-Cher, Centre-Val de Loire, France
985 |
Venables, Eure, Upper Normandy, France
990 |
Plessis, Calvados, Normandy, France
996 |
March 12, 996
Age 46
Marmoutier, Alsace, France
Thouars, Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, France