Historical records matching Otto, count of Savoy
Immediate Family
About Otto, count of Savoy
ODDON de Maurienne
From Charles Cawley's Medieval Lands Database:
http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAVOY.htm#_Toc359741802 [see this source for footnotes]
B. COMTES de SAVOIE et de MAURIENNE 1060-1417
ODDON de Maurienne, son of HUMBERT Comte de Maurienne & his wife Auxilia --- ([1017]-1 Mar 1060, bur Turin, cathedral of San Giovanni). "Hubertus comes" donated property to the canons of Saint-Jean and Saint-Urse by charter dated 1040, signed and consented to by "Oddo, Amedeus comes, Aymo Sedunensis episcopus, Brochardus filius Huberti comitis, Petrus marchio filius Odonis marchionis et commitissæ"[66]. Marchese di Susa [1046], by right of his wife, her territories extending between the Alps and the River Po (including Auriate, Turino, Ivrea and Aosta) and to the Mediterranean between Ventimiglia and Albenga, and including control of the Alpine passes of Mont-Cenis and Saint-Bernard[67]. "Odo marchio" subscribed the charter of his presumed nephew dated [1046][68]. He succeeded his brother in [1051] as ODDON Comte de Maurienne et de Chablais. "Odo marchio" donated property to the church of Tarantasia, for the soul of "patris mei Humbertus comes", by charter dated 1051[69]. "Oddo et uxor mea Adalaicis…et filii mei Petrus Admedeus et filie mee" donated churches to Oulx by charter dated May 1057[70]. The importance of the family's role in contemporary European politics is demonstrated by the marriage of Comte Oddon's daughter to the future king of Germany. The necrology of San Andreo di Torino records the death "XIV Kal Feb" of "Dnis Oddonis Marchionis"[71].
m ([1046]%29 as her third husband, ADELAIDA di Susa, Marchesa di Susa, widow firstly of HERMANN IV Duke of Swabia and secondly of ENRICO Marchese di Monferrato, daughter of MANFREDO UDALRICO Marchese di Susa & his wife Berta degli Obertenghi (Turin 1020-Canischio in Canavese 27 Dec 1091, bur Turin, cathedral of San Giovanni). Her first marriage is confirmed by Herimannus who records that "Hermannus quoque dux Alamanniæ" was granted "marcham soceri sui Maginfredi in Italia" by the emperor in 1034[72]. Her second marriage is confirmed by the charter dated 1043 under which "Henricus marchio filius quondam Wilielmi similiter marchioni et Adalena comitissa jugales filia quondam bo. me. Oldrici…Maginfredi…marchioni" donated property to San Antonino[73]. Her third marriage is confirmed by the Annalista Saxo which names "Adelheidis que soror erat comitis qui agnominatus est de Monte Bardonis in Italia et Immule seu Irmingardis" as wife of "Ottonis marchionis de Italia"[74]. "Oddo et uxor mea Adalaicis…et filii mei Petrus Admedeus et filie mee" donated churches to Oulx by charter dated May 1057[75]. She was regent for her son in 1060 after the death of her husband, playing a significant role in support of Heinrich IV King of Germany, her son-in-law, in his disputes with the papacy. "Dominus Petrus Marchio filius quond. bonæ memoriæ Oddonis marchionis…cum domina Adheleida comitissa matre sua" signed a charter dated 31 Jul 1064[76]. "Adelegida…comitissa" donated property to Pinerolo, for the souls of "domni Manfredi marchionis genitoris mei et Adalrici episcopi Barbani mei et Bertæ genetricis meæ et…domni Odonis marchionis viri mei", by charter dated 8 Sep 1064, signed by "Petri, Amedei, Vitelmi qui Bruno vicecomes vocatur…Henrici qui vocatur Marchio…"[77]. "Adalaxia cometissa filia quondam Maginfredus marchio" donated property to Pinerolo by charter dated 23 Jul 1075[78]. Adelaida mediated with Pope Gregory VII when King Heinrich submitted to him at Canossa in 1077, and received in return the town of Bugey for the house of Savoy[79]. "Domna Adelaida comitissa filia…cum filiis suis Petro et Amedeo" donated property to Novalesa, for the soul of "mariti sui Oddonis", by charter dated 16 Jul 1078[80]. "Adalegida cometissa filia Maginfredi marchionis et relicta quond. Oddonis idemque marchionis" donated property to the monastery at Taurini, in the presence of "domne Agnetis comitissæ, filiæ Wilelmi comitis et relictæ quondam Petri marchionis", for the souls of "Maginfredi patris, Adalrici Astensis episcopi patrui, Berthæ matris et Petri marchionis filii predictæ comitissæ Adalegidæ", by charter dated 4 Jul 1079[81]. "Adalasia comitissa cum nuru sua Agneta et filia eius Agnete" donated property to "ecclesiæ S. Mariæ…Astensis episcopatus" by charter dated 18 Jun 1089[82]. The necrology of Schaffhausen records the death "XIV Kal Jan" of "Adelheida Taurinensis comitissa"[83].
Comte Oddon & his wife had five children:
1. PIERRE de Savoie ([1047/49]-killed 9 Aug 1078). "Hubertus comes" donated property to the canons of Saint-Jean and Saint-Urse by charter dated 1040, signed and consented to by "Oddo, Amedeus comes, Aymo Sedunensis episcopus, Brochardus filius Huberti comitis, Petrus marchio filius Odonis marchionis et commitissæ"[84]. "Oddo et uxor mea Adalaicis…et filii mei Petrus Admedeus et filie mee" donated churches to Oulx by charter dated May 1057[85]. He succeeded his father in 1060 as PIERRE I Comte de Savoie, Aosta, Maurienne et Chablais, Marchese di Susa, under the regency of his mother until 1064. "Dominus Petrus Marchio filius quond. bonæ memoriæ Oddonis marchionis…cum domina Adheleida comitissa matre sua" signed a charter dated 31 Jul 1064[86]. "Adelegida…comitissa" donated property to Pinerolo, for the souls of "domni Manfredi marchionis genitoris mei et Adalrici episcopi Barbani mei et Bertæ genetricis meæ et…domni Odonis marchionis viri mei", by charter dated 8 Sep 1064, signed by "Petri, Amedei, Vitelmi qui Bruno vicecomes vocatur…Henrici qui vocatur Marchio…"[87]. "Domna Adelaida comitissa filia…cum filiis suis Petro et Amedeo" donated property to Novalesa, for the soul of "mariti sui Oddonis", by charter dated 16 Jul 1078[88]. He appears to have come to a violent end[89].
m (1064) AGNES d’Aquitaine, daughter of GUILLAUME VII "Acerrimus/l'Aigret" Duke of Aquitaine, [GUILLAUME V Comte de Poitou] & his wife Ermésinde --- ([1052]-after 18 Jun 1089). Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by the charter dated 26 Oct 1078 under which "Agnes filia quondam Guillelmi Pictaviensis comitis et relicta…marchionis Petri" donated property to Pinerolo[90]. Agnes´s father is not identified more precisely in any document which has so far been identified. However, the reference to "quondam" in the 26 Oct 1078 charter excludes Guillaume VIII Duke of Aquitaine who was still alive at that date. Duke Guillaume VI, who died in 1038, is also probably excluded, as Agnes would have been over 26 years old at the time of her marriage if she had been his daughter, which seems improbable as noble girls often married when aged 12 to 15 at the time. Duke Guillaume VII is therefore left as the most likely candidate to be Agnes´s father. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[91], Agnes was the widow of Ramiro I King of Aragon. Szabolcs de Vajay states that the wife of King Ramiro was the daughter of Guillaume VI Duke of Aquitaine not of Duke Guillaume VII, although no source is cited to support this[92]. From an onomastic point of view, it is surprising that a daughter of Duke Guillaume VI would have been named Agnes. The name appears only in the family of the Comtes de Poitou after the third marriage of Duke Guillaume V with Agnes de Mâcon [Bourgogne-Comt%C3%A9], whereas Duke Guillaume VI was the son of Duke Guillaume V's first marriage. "Adalegida cometissa filia Maginfredi marchionis et relicta quond. Oddonis idemque marchionis" donated property to the monastery at Taurini, in the presence of "domne Agnetis comitissæ, filiæ Wilelmi comitis et relictæ quondam Petri marchionis", for the souls of "Maginfredi patris, Adalrici Astensis episcopi patrui, Berthæ matris et Petri marchionis filii predictæ comitissæ Adalegidæ", by charter dated 4 Jul 1079[93]. "Adalasia comitissa cum nuru sua Agneta et filia eius Agnete" donated property to "ecclesiæ S. Mariæ…Astensis episcopatus" by charter dated 18 Jun 1089[94]. Comte Pierre I & his wife had [three] children:
a) AGNES de Savoie ([1066/70]-after 13 Mar 1110). "Adalasia comitissa cum nuru sua Agneta et filia eius Agnete" donated property to "ecclesiæ S. Mariæ…Astensis episcopatus" by charter dated 18 Jun 1089[95]. Her birth date is estimated from the marriage date of her parents, her mother's estimated birth date, and the fact that Agnes herself gave birth to three children before her husband died in 1091. "Agnes filia Petri marchionis et relicta olim Friderici" donated property to the monastery of Cavorre by charter dated 1091[96]. She became a nun after her husband died. She was still alive in 1100[97]. Pope Pascal II confirmed a donation to the monastery of Fruttuaria San Benedetto by "Agnete comitissa, Petri marchionis filia" by charter dated 13 Mar 1110[98]. m (Turin May 1080) FRIEDRICH Graf, Herr von Lützelburg, son of LOUIS de Mousson châtelain de Montbéliard & his wife Sophie of Upper Lotharingia heiress of Bar (-29 Jun 1091, bur [Canossa]). He was a powerful lord in Swabia who supported Rudolf von Rheinfelden as anti-king of Germany. He arrived in Italy and was installed in [1079/May 1080] as Marchese di Susa by his [future] wife's paternal grandmother[99], the installation presumably taking place after the death in Jan 1080 of his wife's uncle Amedée II Comte de Savoie who had succeeded his older brother as Marchese di Susa in 1078.
b) [ALIX de Savoie (-after 21 Dec 1099). "Bonifacius marchio filius Teutonis…marchio…cum Alice cometissa filia qd. d. Petri marchio atque Theotone, Petro, Magnifredo, Hugone et Willielmo filiis eorum" donated property to "monasterio sancti Petri…in…villa Saviliani" by charter dated 21 Dec 1099[100]. Szabolcs de Vajay dismisses this individual as an imaginary person designed to explain the claims of Marchese Bonifazio to Turin, which he in fact inherited through his mother who was the younger sister of Adelaida di Susa, mother of Comte Pierre[101]. It is uncertain whether he was aware of the charter quoted above when he made this suggestion. Even if the charter in question was spurious, it is unclear what purpose would have been served by fabricating the ancestry of Marchese Bonifazio´s wife. It should be noted that Bonifazio´s [second] wife Agnes de Vermandois was considerably younger than her husband. An earlier marriage would therefore be likely. m as his first wife, BONIFACIO di Saluzzo Marchese del Vasto, son of ODDONE Marchese di Liguria Occidentale & his wife Berta di Susa (-after 1127).]
c) [BERTHE ([1075]-before 1111). Szabolcs de Vajay[102] suggests that Berta, second wife of Pedro I King of Aragon, was the daughter of Comte Pierre, although there appears to be no direct proof that this is correct. He further suggests that, when Emperor Heinrich IV captured Tuscany in 1092, Berthe could have taken refuge at her mother's court at Poitiers from where her marriage was arranged, her future husband's first wife having been her mother's first cousin. Zurita who, while in relation to Queen Berta stating that “no se escrive cuya hija fuesse”, comments that “en las historias de Castilla...el Rey Don Alonso que ganó a Toledo tuvo...una [muger] llamada Berta que era natural de Toscana” [third wife of Alfonso VI King of Castile, see the document CASTILE KINGS for the primary sources on which this statement is based], that “el Emperador Henrico avia casado con Berta hija de Otho Marques de Italia”, and that “parece verisimil que esta Reyna Berta sucediesse de aquella casa de los Marqueses de Italia”[103]. Berta is named in charters in Aragon from 16 Aug 1097 to 1105[104]. “Berta...regina” donated “tres campos...et uno orto” in Huesca to “don Bruno mea magistro” by charter dated Jul [1101][105]. Ubieto Arteta points out that “Bruno” was “[un] nombre completamente desconocido en la omomástica aragonesa del siglo XI e importado indudablemente de Italia o de Francia” and suggesting that this could suggest an Italian origin for Queen Berta, although recognising that “el argumento...apenas tiene fuerza, pues se da el nombre de Bruno en el Midi y en las poblaciones de francos”[106]. Szabolcs de Vajay identifies the grantee Bruno as the son of Friedrich Graf, Herr von Lützelburg (see the document BAR) and his wife Agnes de Savoie (who was recorded as the daughter of Pierre Comte de Savoie and therefore would have been the sister of Queen Berta if her Savoy affiliation was correct)[107]. This may appear unlikely considering that the son of Graf Friedrich cannot have been born much earlier than [1086] and therefore would have been no more than 10 years old at the most at the time of King Pedro's marriage in 1097. Pedro I King of Aragon donated “villa...Buniales” to “abbate don Galindo”, at the request of “uxoris mee Berta regina”, by charter dated Jan 1103[108]. “Berta regina” granted “in Sangarren...kasas que fuerunt domni Hormat Ibn Motert Ibn Alabe” to “Enneco Banzones” by charter dated 1105, the dating clause of which records “cognatum meum rege domni Antefonso, me sub gratia domnum meum rege domno Petro...et cum amore...cognatum meum in Auguero et in Moriello, in Arrigolis et in Merquerlo, in Aiierve et in Sangarren et in Kalgen” [Ag%C3%BCero, Murillo, Riglos, Marcuello, Ayerbe, Sangarren and Callén][109]. “Berta regina” donated “almunia...inter Berbegal et Monte Rog” to the monastery of Alaon by charter dated to [1105], the dating clause of which records “Antefonso cognato meo in Pampilona et in Aragona, in Superarvi et in Ripacurcia, me autem regnante in Murello et in Auvero et in Aierb...”[110]. Ubieto Arteta refers to the areas named in these two charters as governed by Queen Berta as “el ‘reino’ que llamamos de los Mallos”, adding that “la existencia del pequeño Estado...fué efimera” and that “antes de 1111...estaba a punto de desaparecer” (he does not cite the primary source on which he bases this date)[111]. Szabolcs de Vajay assumes that it disappeared when the queen died[112]. Although the area is called “reino” and “Estado” by Ubieto Arteta, there appears no reason to suppose from the wording of these two charters that the territory was anything other than a señorío granted by King Pedro as dower for his wife, and that it was governed in the same way as any other señorío in the kingdom of Aragon. Berta would have continued to bear the title queen after her husband´s death, and the phrase “me autem regnante” in the second document should not be interpreted other than as the normal way in which administration of a territory by a queen could be described without implying that the area had become a “kingdom”. m (Huesca 16 Aug 1097) as his second wife, PEDRO I King of Aragon and Navarre, son of SANCHO I Ramírez King of Aragon and Navarre & his first wife Isabel de Urgel ([1066/18 Aug 1068]-Valle de Aran 27 Sep 1104, bur Monastery of San Juan de la Peña).]
2. AMEDEE de Savoie ([1048/50]-26 Jan 1080, bur Saint-Jean de Maurienne). "Oddo et uxor mea Adalaicis…et filii mei Petrus Admedeus et filie mee" donated churches to Oulx by charter dated May 1057[113]. "Adelegida…comitissa" donated property to Pinerolo, for the souls of "domni Manfredi marchionis genitoris mei et Adalrici episcopi Barbani mei et Bertæ genetricis meæ et…domni Odonis marchionis viri mei", by charter dated 8 Sep 1064, signed by "Petri, Amedei, Vitelmi qui Bruno vicecomes vocatur…Henrici qui vocatur Marchio…"[114]. His parentage is confirmed by the Annals of Lambert which record that Heinrich IV King of Germany was in "Cinis" [Mont-C%C3%A9nis] in Italy at Christmas 1077 to meet "socrum suam filiumque eius Amedeum"[115], the latter being the king's brother-in-law. "Domna Adelaida comitissa filia…cum filiis suis Petro et Amedeo" donated property to Novalesa, for the soul of "mariti sui Oddonis", by charter dated 16 Jul 1078[116]. He succeeded his brother in 1078 as AMEDEE II Comte de Savoie, Marchese di Susa. The necrology of Torino San Andreo records the death "VII Kal Feb" of "comes Amedeus de Sabaudia"[117]. m ([1065/70]%29 JEANNE, daughter of --- (-[1095]). The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified. Guichenon names her as the wife of Comte Amedée II referring to various secondary sources[118]. Her origin is not known. Guichenon, referring to "Henninges" (no precise citation), suggests "avec…assurance et…probabilité" that she was Jeanne de Genève, daughter of Gerold Comte de Genève & his first wife Gisela ---[119]. From his discussion, it does not appear that this speculation is based on any surviving primary source and it is not known how accurate it might be. Comte
Amedée II & his wife had [five] children:
a) ADELAIDE de Savoie ([1068/72]-before 1115). Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by the charter dated 1090 under which "Adelais comitissa filia quondam bonæ memoriæ comitis et marchionis Amedei" confirmed the donations by "Manasses dominus de Coloniaco quondam maritus meus" to Nantua, for the soul of "patris sui Manassis", signed by "Humbertus et Manasses filii mei"[120]. Her birth date is estimated from her sons being named in 1090, and bearing in mind her father's estimated birth date. m MANASSES [II] Sire de Coligny, son of MANASSES [I] [Sire de Coligny] & his wife --- (-after 1086).
b) [AUXILIA (-[6 Sep] after 1094). The wife of Humbert [II] Seigneur de Beaujeu is named in three charters: "Auxilia uxor domni Humberti" donated property to Notre-Dame de Beaujeu by undated charter, dated in the compilation to [1090][121]. "Umberti, Auxilie uxoris sue" subscribed the charter dated 1090 which records the donation to Notre-Dame de Beaujeu by "Stephanus"[122]. "Domnus Humbertus et uxor sua…Auxilia et infantes eorum Guicchardus et Humbertus et Guigo et Ugo" confirmed the donation to Notre-Dame de Beaujeu by Herbert de Senecé by charter dated 1094[123]. The necrology of Notre-Dame de Beaujeu records "Humberti et Auxilie uxoris domini Bellijoci" on "VII Id Sep"[124], but it is not clear which death is commemorated. She is named in Europäische Stammtafeln[125] as the daughter of Comte Amedée, but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. Presumably this supposition is based on the undated charter, dated in the compilation to [1080/90], under which "Humbertus Beljocensis", who was married to "filiam Amedei comitis Savoiensis", donated property "Carruptum…[et] Capolerium" to Notre-Dame de Beaujeu[126]. Guichenon suggests that there is confusion between Auxilia and Alix de Savoie, wife of Humbert [III] Seigneur de Beaujeu (see below)[127]. The basis for dating the charter in question to [1080/90] has not been ascertained and, assuming that this does not depend on dating the church dignitaries who are named in the document ("Petri, Guiscardi et Stephani supradictæ ecclesie"), the confusion appears possible. m ([1080]%29 as his second wife, HUMBERT [II] Seigneur de Beaujeu, son of GUICHARD [II] Seigneur de Beaujeu & his wife Richoara [de Salornay] (-[1102/03]).]
c) HUMBERT de Savoie ([1072]- Moûtiers 19 Oct 1103, bur Moûtiers). "Umbertus comes, filius quondam Amedei" donated property to the monastery at Pinerolo by charter dated 29 Nov 1098[128]. He succeeded his father in 1080 as HUMBERT II "le Renforcé" Comte de Maurienne et de Savoie, under the regency of his paternal grandmother.
- see below.
d) [ODDON . He is named in Europäische Stammtafeln[129] as the son of Comte Amedée but the primary source on which this is based has not been identified. He is not named as such by Guichenon[130].]
e) [daughter . The wife of Ulrich [I] de Bâgé was daughter of Amedée I Comte de Maurienne according to Europäische Stammtafeln[131]. This seems difficult to support chronologically, in light of the known dates of death of two of the sons of Ulric de Bâgé (1180 and 1184 respectively) which suggest that they were born after 1100. If her father was a Count of Savoy, it is more likely that he was Amedée II. m ULRIC [I] de Bâgé et de Bresse, son of JOSSERAN [Gaulseran] Seigneur de Bâgé et de Bresse & his wife --- (before 1074-after 1125).]
3. BERTHE de Savoie (21 Sep 1051-Mainz 27 Dec 1087, bur Speyer Cathedral). The Annalista Saxo names "Bertam filiam Ottonis marchionis de Italia et Adelheidis que soror erat comitis qui agnominatus est de Monte Bardonis in Italia et Immule seu Irmingardis" as wife of King Heinrich[132]. Her husband proposed to repudiate her in 1069, but withdrew his demand[133]. The dispute was finally settled in 1077 when Empress Bertha's mother intervened to prevent any repudiation in return for mediating between the emperor and Pope Gregory VII in Canossa[134]. The Annales Sancti Diibodi record the death in 1087 of "Bertha imperatrix" and her burial "apud Moguntiam"[135]. The necrology of Regensburg St Emmeran records the death "VI Kal Jan" of "Berhta imperatrix"[136]. The necrology of Speyer records the death "VI Kal Jan" of "Bertha imperatrix"[137]. m (betrothed Zurich 25 Dec 1055, Tribur[138] 13 Jul 1066) as his first wife, HEINRICH IV King of Germany, son of Emperor HEINRICH III & his second wife Agnès de Poitou ([Goslar] 11 Nov 1050-Liège 7 Aug 1106, bur Speyer Cathedral). He was crowned Emperor at Rome 31 Mar 1084.
4. ADELAIDE ([1052/53]-[Schlo%C3%9F Twiel] early 1079, bur St Blasius). The Annales of Berthold, which record the death in 1079 of "uxor…regis Roudolfi…Adelheit, filia Adelheidæ marchionissæ, soror Berhtæ reginæ uxoris Heinrici", confirm that Adelaide was the daughter of Adelaida di Susa[139]. Adelaide's daughter Adelheid is named with "progenitoribus Rodolfo…rege et Adelheida…regina matertera Heinrici quarti inperatoris" in a charter dated [1079/10 Oct 1086][140]. It is assumed that she was the daughter of her mother's third marriage but this is not certain. Europäische Stammtafeln[141] shows Adelaide's birth date as "after 1052", presumably based on the likelihood that she was born after her sister Berthe, as Heinrich IV King of Germany would presumably have married the older daughter. Concerning her marriage date, it is likely that the marriage took place after the marriage of her sister, assuming that Oddon was her father. She is named "Adalheid coniux Ruodulfi ducis" in the Annales Weissemburgenses, which record that she was accused of being unchaste, was repudiated by her husband two years later, and found asylum at the court of Pope Alexander II[142]. The Annales of Berthold record that "rex…Roudolfus…uxor" was "in partes Burgundiæ a Turego divertens", suffering "iniurias" in "quodam castello suo"[143]. The wife of "Rudolfus rex de Arle" is named "Adelheidis" in a list of founders of the monastery of St Peter in Schwarzwald[144]. The Annales Sancti Blasii record the death in 1079 of "Adelheit uxor Roudolfi regis" and her burial "apud Sanctum Blasium"[145]. The Annales of Berthold record the death in 1079 of "uxor…regis Roudolfi…Adelheit, filia Adelheidæ marchionissæ, soror Berhtæ reginæ uxoris Heinrici" and her burial "ad monasterium Sancti Blasii"[146]. [m firstly (divorced) as his first wife, GUIGUES [IV] "Pinguis" Comte d'Albon, son of GUIGUES [III] "Vetus" [d'Albon] & his wife Adelais --- ([1025/30]-[1075]). According to Europäische Stammtafeln[147], Adelaide married firstly Guigues Comte d'Albon. Another table in Europäische Stammtafeln shows the first wife of Guigues Comte d'Albon as "Adelais (von Turin)" and their son Guigues II Comte d'Albon as co-heir of Adelaida Marchese di Susa in 1091[148]. The basis for this alleged first marriage has not been found, but it is unlikely to be correct considering the estimated birth date of Adelaide.] m ([1061/62]%29 as his second wife, RUDOLF von Rheinfelden Duke of Swabia, son of KUNO Graf & his wife --- (before 1027-killed in battle near Hohenmölsen, Merseburg [15/16] Oct 1080, bur Merseburg Cathedral). He was elected King of Germany in 1077.
5. ODDON de Savoie (-[Jul 1095/1099]). He is named by Guichenon as the son of Comte Oddon and his wife, stating that the parentage is confirmed in "plusieurs titres" although he cites none of these recognisably[149]. None of these primary sources has so far been identified. He was not named in his parents´ charter dated May 1057 under which "Oddo et uxor mea Adalaicis…et filii mei Petrus Admedeus et filie mee" donated churches to Oulx[150], indicating that he was considered too young at the time to be mentioned and suggesting that he was his parents´ youngest child. Bishop of Asti 1073/1079. His last documentary mention is 28 Mar 1095, but his bishopric is still referred to in Jul 1095[151].
Otto von Savoyen (* um 1030; † 1060) war der jüngste Sohn von Humbert I..
1046 heiratete er Adelheid von Susa, eine Tochter Ulrich-Manfreds Markgraf von Turin aus der Familie der Arduine. Dies brachte ihm zahlreiche Territorien im Piemont und den Zugang zum Mittelmeer ein. Nach seinem Tode 1060 übernahm seine Frau Adelheid die Regentschaft. Im Investiturstreit war Adelheid eifrige Verfechterin der Ghibellinen. Nach ihrem Tode 1091 verlor Savoyen die Gebiete östlich der Alpen mit Ausnahme von Susa.
Ihre Kinder:
* Peter I. wird sein Nachfolger. Seine Mutter Adelheid überlebte ihn und übte einen starken Einfluss auf ihn aus.
* Amadeus II. ? Johanna von Genf, nach dem Tode seines Bruders Peter I. 1078 führt diese Linie des Hauses Savoyen weiter.
* Bertha ?1066 Kaiser Heinrich IV.
* Adelheid ? 1066 Rudolf von Schwaben. (Gegenkaiser von Heinrich IV.)
* Otto, wurde Bischof von Asti.
Otto (or Othon in French, Oddone in Italian), (1010 or 1020 – c. 1057) was Count of Savoy from 1051 (or 1056) until his death. He was son of Humbert I, the first Count of Savoy, and his wife Ancilla, and ascended the throne after the death of his elder brother, Amadeus I of Savoy.
Otto substantially enlarged his lands through his marriage with Adelaide of Susa, countess of Turin and Lady of the Italian Mark, a title she had inherited from her father Olderico Manfredi. After this acquisition the House of Savoy concentrated their expansion efforts towards Italy instead of outside the Alps as they had done before. Savoy's lands occupied much of modern Savoy and Piedmont, although several other small states could be found between them.
[edit] Family
In 1046 he married Adelaide, heiress of Turin and Susa. They had five children.
1. Peter I, Count of Savoy
2. Amadeus II, Count of Savoy
3. Otto, Bishop of Asti
4. Bertha of Savoy, Countess of Moriana (d. 1087) married Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor.
5. Adelaide, (d. 1080) married Rudolf of Swabia (Rodolphe de Rheinfelden)
Otto (or Othon in French, Oddone in Italian), (1010 or 1020 – c. 1057) was Count of Savoy from 1051 (or 1056) until his death. He was son of Humbert I, the first Count of Savoy, and his wife Ancilla, and ascended the throne after the death of his elder brother, Amadeus I of Savoy.
Otto substantially enlarged his lands through his marriage with Adelaide of Susa, countess of Turin and Lady of the Italian Mark, a title she had inherited from her father Olderico Manfredi. After this acquisition the House of Savoy concentrated their expansion efforts towards Italy instead of outside the Alps as they had done before. Savoy's lands occupied much of modern Savoy and Piedmont, although several other small states could be found between them.
Otto (or Othon in French, Oddone in Italian), (1010 or 1020 – c. 1057) was Count of Savoy from 1051 (or 1056) until his death. He was son of Humbert I, the first Count of Savoy, and his wife Ancilla, and ascended the throne after the death of his elder brother, Amadeus I of Savoy.
Otto substantially enlarged his lands through his marriage with Adelaide of Susa, countess of Turin and Lady of the Italian Mark, a title she had inherited from her father Olderico Manfredi. After this acquisition the House of Savoy concentrated their expansion efforts towards Italy instead of outside the Alps as they had done before. Savoy's lands occupied much of modern Savoy and Piedmont, although several other small states could be found between them.
Count of Savoy
The family of Odo de SAVOIE and Adelheid MARKGRAFIN
[133758] SAVOIE (de), Odo (Humbert Ier & Auxilia de LENZBURG [133759]), comte de Chablais
- married about 1046
MARKGRAFIN, Adelheid (Udalrich Manfred & Berta degli OBERTENGHI [134961])
1) Amédée II, comte de Savoie, married about 1065 Jeanne de GENÈVE
Bibliographie : Europaische Stammtafeln
Otto (or Othon in French, Oddone in Italian), (1010 or 1020 – c. 1057) was Count of Savoy from 1051 (or 1056) until his death. He was son of Humbert I, the first Count of Savoy, and his wife Ancilla, and ascended the throne after the death of his elder brother, Amadeus I of Savoy.
Otto substantially enlarged his lands through his marriage with Adelaide of Susa, countess of Turin and Lady of the Italian Mark, a title she had inherited from her father Olderico Manfredi. After this acquisition the House of Savoy concentrated their expansion efforts towards Italy instead of outside the Alps as they had done before. Savoy's lands occupied much of modern Savoy and Piedmont, although several other small states could be found between them.
[edit] Family
In 1046 he married Adelaide, heiress of Turin and Susa. They had five children.
1. Peter I, Count of Savoy
2. Amadeus II, Count of Savoy
3. Otto, Bishop of Asti
4. Bertha of Savoy, Countess of Moriana (d. 1087) married Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor.
5. Adelaide, (d. 1080) married Rudolf of Swabia (Rodolphe de Rheinfelden)
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Preceded by
Amadeus I Count of Savoy
1051 (or 1056)- c. 1057 Succeeded by
Peter I
Otto of Savoy Count of Maurienne
Marquis of Susa, Count of Chablais, Oddone, Eudes
Comte de Savoie, Margrave de Turin et de Suse
Otto, Count of Savoy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Otto or Oddone in Italian, (1010 or 1020 – c. 1057) was Count of Savoy from 1051 (or 1056) until his death. He ascended the throne after the death of his elder brother, Amedeo.
Otto substantially enlarged his lands through his marriage with Adelaide of Susa, countess of Turin and Lady of the Italian Mark, a title she had inherited from her father Olderico Manfredi. After this acquisition the House of Savoy concentrated his expansion efforts towards Italy instead of outside the Alps as they had done before. Savoy's lands occupied much of modern Savoy and Piedmont, although several other small states could be find between them.
In 1046 he married Adelaide, heiress of Turin and Susa. They had five children.
Otto, Bishop of Asti
Bertha of Savoy, Countess of Moriana (d. 1087) married Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor.
Adelaide, (d. 1080) married Rudolf of Swabia (Rodolfo di Svevia in Italian)
Otto or Oddone in Italian, (1010 or 1020–c. 1057) was Count of Savoy from 1051 (or 1056) until his death. He ascended the throne after the death of his elder brother, Amedeo.
He married Adelaide, heiress of Turin and Susa, and had five children.
Otto, Bishop of Asti
Bertha of Savoy, Countess of Moriana (d. 1087) married Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor.
Adelaide, (d. 1080) married Rudolf of Swabia (Rodolfo di Svevia in Italian)
Otto or Oddone in Italian, (1010 or 1020–c. 1057) was Count of Savoy from 1051 (or 1056) until his death. He ascended the throne after the death of his elder brother, Amedeo.
He married Adelaide, heiress of Turin and Susa, and had five children.
Otto, Bishop of Asti
Bertha of Savoy, Countess of Moriana (d. 1087) married Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor.
Adelaide, (d. 1080) married Rudolf of Swabia (Rodolfo di Svevia in Italian)
Otto, count of Savoy's Timeline
1023 |
Maurienne, Savoie, Champagne, France
1046 |
Maurienne, Savoie, Rhone-Alpes, France
1048 |
Savoy, France
Age 25
Count of, Savoy, Maurienne, France
Age 25
Count of, Savoy, Maurienne, France
Age 25
Count of, Savoy, Maurienne, France
1049 |
1051 |
September 21, 1051
Maurienne, Savoie, France
Age 28
Count of Savoy