Pepin II Born: c 635, probably in (Héristal), modern Belgium. Died: 16 December 714, at Jupille (in modern Belgium).
Parents: Pepin I's daughter Begga and Ansegisel, son of Arnulf of Metz & Doda
Wife: c 670 Plectrude Children by Plectrude:
- 1. Drogo, Duke of Champagne (670-780) married Anstrude or Adeltrude (daughter or grandaughter of Ansflede and Waratton, andeither former wife or daughter of Berthar)
- 2. Grimoald (d 714) m Theudesinda
Mistress: Alpaida (or Chalpaida)
Children by Alpaida
- 3.Charles
- 3.1Carloman
- 3.2Pippin the Younger
- 3.3Grifo
- Childebrand m Emma of Austrasia
- Nibelung, count of the Vexin.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pepin (also Pippin, Pipin, or Peppin) of Herstal (c. 635 – 16 December 714) was the Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia from 680 to his death and of Neustria and Burgundy from 687 to 695. He was also the first mayor of the palace to "reign" as Duke and Prince of the Franks and he by far overshadowed the Merovingian rois fainéants.
Pepin, sometimes called Pepin II, was the grandson and namesake of Pepin I the Elder by the marriage of Pepin I's daughter Begga and Ansegisel, son of Arnulf of Metz. That marriage united the two houses of the Pippinids and the Arnulfings which created what would be called the Carolingian dynasty. Pepin II was probably born in Herstal (Héristal), modern Belgium (where his centre of power lay), whence his byname (sometimes "of Heristal").
As mayor of Austrasia, Pepin and Martin, the duke of Laon, fought the Neustrian mayor Ebroin, who had designs on all Frankland. Ebroin defeated the Austrasians at Lucofao (Bois-du-Fay, near Laon) and came close to uniting all the Franks under his rule; however, he was assassinated in 681, the victim of a combined attack by his numerous enemies. Pepin immediately made peace with his successor, Waratton.
However, Waratton's successor, Berthar, and the Neustrian king Theuderic III, who, since 679, was nominal king of all the Franks, made war on Austrasia. The king and his mayor were decisively defeated at the Battle of Tertry (Textrice) in the Vermandois in 687. Berthar and Theuderic withdrew themselves to Paris, where Pepin followed and eventually forced on them a peace treaty with the condition that Berthar leave his office. Pepin was created mayor in all three Frankish kingdoms (Austrasia, Neustria, and Burgundy) and began calling himself Duke and Prince of the Franks (dux et princeps Francorum). In the ensuing quarrels, Berthar killed his mother-in-law Ansfled and fled. His wife Anstrude married Pepin's eldest son Drogo, Duke of Champagne, and Pepin's place in Neustria was secured.
[Another version - using more contemporaneous sources - says that in order to negotiate peace with Pépin, Anseflede had her son-in-law murdered and married either her daughter, Anstrudis (widow of Berthechar), or her granddaughter, Adaltrudis (daughter of Berthechar and Anstrudis) to Drogo, eldest son of Pépin.See Anseflede, Anstrudis, Adaltrudis & the Mayors of the Palace of Neustria Project Sharon 2015]
Over the next several years, Pepin subdued the Alemanni, Frisians, and Franconians, bringing them within the Frankish sphere of influence. He also began the evangelisation of Germany. In 695, he placed Drogo in the Burgundian mayorship and his other son, Grimoald, in the Neustrian one.
Around 670, Pepin had married Plectrude, who had inherited substantial estates in the Moselle region. She was the mother of Drogo of Champagne and Grimoald, both of whom died before their father. However, Pepin also had a mistress named Alpaida (or Chalpaida) who bore him two more sons: Charles and Childebrand. Just before Pepin's death, Plectrude convinced him to disinherit his bastards in favour of his grandson, Theudoald, the son of Grimoald, who was still young (and amenable to Plectrude's control). Pepin died suddenly at an old age on 16 December 714, at Jupille (in modern Belgium). His legitimate grandchildren claimed themselves to be Pepin's true successors and, with the help of Plectrude, tried to maintain the position of mayor of the palace after Pepin's death. However, Charles had gained favor among the Austrasians, primarily for his military prowess and ability to keep them well supplied with booty from his conquests. Despite the efforts of Plectrude to silence her rival's child by imprisoning him, he became the sole mayor of the palace and de facto ruler of Francia after a civil war which lasted for more than three years after Pepin's death.
Carolingian dynasty
* Pippin the Elder (c. 580–640)
* Grimoald (616–656)
* Childebert the Adopted (d. 662)
* Arnulf of Metz (582–640)
* Chlodulf of Metz (d. 696 or 697)
* Ansegisel (c.602–before 679)
* Pippin the Middle (c.635–714)
* Grimoald II (d. 714)
* Drogo of Champagne (670–708)
* Theudoald (d. 714)
* Charles Martel (686–741)
* Carloman (d. 754)
* Pepin the Short (714–768)
* Carloman I (751–771)
* Charlemagne (d. 814)
* Louis the Pious (778–840)
After the Treaty of Verdun (843)
* Lothair I, Holy Roman Emperor (795–855)
(Middle Francia)
* Charles the Bald (823–877)
(Western Francia)
* Louis the German (804–876)
(Eastern Francia)
Pedigree Resource File
name: Pepino de /Heristal/
sexo: male
nacimiento: aproximadamente 0635
defunción: 0714
matrimonio: aproximadamente 0689
Padre: Ansegisa //
madre: Santa Begga //
Matrimonios (1)
cónyuge: Alpaide de /Saxe/
matrimonio: aproximadamente 0689
Ocultar hijos (1)
hijo 1: Carlos /Martel/
sexo: male
nacimiento: aproximadamente 0690
defunción: 22 October 0741
Cita de este registro "Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/SPMK-Z8P : accessed 2014-05-10), entry for Pepino de /Heristal/.
679 bis 714 der tatsächliche Machthaber im Frankenreich, seit 679 Hausmeier von Austrasien, seit 680 als dux (Herzog) von Austrasien, ab 688/689 als Hausmeier von Neustrien (principale regimine majorum domus) und seit 688 Hausmeier von Burgund
Began to call himself the Prince and Duke of the Franks after 687, after he was created the mayor of Austrasia, Neustria and Burgundy.
Pepin of Heristol (Liege, Belgium); Mayor Of The Palace Of Austrasia.
Pepin of Herstal (635?-714), Carolingian mayor of the palace, who reunited the Frankish realms in the late Merovingian period. A grandson of Pepin the Elder, he succeeded to his position in the kingdom of Austrasia around 680. In 687 he extended Carolingian rule to the other Frankish kingdoms, Neustria and Burgundy, but retained members of the Merovingian dynasty as figurehead monarchs in all three. Two years later he extended his control over the Frisians, a pagan people living on the North Sea coast. Pepin's death was followed by a civil war and the succession of his illegitimate son Charles Martel. Source: 'Pepin of Herstal,' Microsoft (R) Encarta. Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation. Copyright (c) 1993 Funk & Wagnall's Corporation 'Royalty for Commoners', Roderick W. Stuart, 1993, p 129.
Duke of Brabant Duke of the Austrasian Franks After defeating the nobles of Neustria at the battle of Tertry (687), Pepin made himself mayor, or ruler, of all the Frankish kingdoms except Aquitaine, with the Merovingian dynasty retaining the nominal kingship. He defeated the Frisians, the Alemanni, and the Bavarians and established a strong government, thus laying the foundation for the empire of his descendants, the Carolingian mayors and kings. or 640 Pippin the Younger, was Charlemagne's great-grandfather. He was the grandson of Pippin the Elder from the marriage of Ansegisel and Begga, the daughter of the Elder. As the Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia, Neustria and Burgundy from 680 to 714, he gradually controlled the Frankish court. The Merovingian king Theuderic III attempted to oust Pepin from his post, but he was defeated at Tertry in 687. Pepin then became the actual ruler of Austrasia, keeping a strong influence over the other Frankish kingdoms. His descendants continued to serve as Mayors of the Palace, eventually becoming the legal rulers of the Frankish kingdoms. Around 670, Pippin II married Plectrude for her inheritance of substantial estates in the Moselle region. They produced at least two children and through them at least two significant grandchildren. These legitimate children and grandchildren claimed themselves to be Pepin's true successors and with the help of his widow Plectrude tried to maintain the position of Mayor of the Palace after Pepin II's death on December 16, 714. However, Charles Martel, Pippin's son by his mistress, Alpaida (or Chalpaida), had gained favour among the Austrasians, primarily for his military prowess and ability to keep them well supplied with booty from his conquests. Despite the efforts of Plectrude to silence her rival's child by imprisoning him, he became the sole Mayor of the Palace and de facto ruler of Francia. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Defeated the Muslims at the Battle of Poitiers or Tours in October 732. Defeated the Saxons in 738.
Carolingian mayor of the palace, who reunited the Frankish realms in the late Merovingian period. A grandson of Pepin the Elder, he succeeded to his position in the kingdom of Austrasia around 680. In 687 he extended Carolingian rule to the other Frankish kingdoms, Neustria and Burgundy, but retained members of the Merovingian dynasty as figurehead monarchs in all three. Two years later he extended his control over the Frisians, a pagan people living on the North Sea coast. Pepin's death was followed by a civil war and the succession of his illegitimate son Charles Martel.
SOURCES: Pepin II d'Heristal (Andre Roux: Scrolls from his personal genealogicaL research. The Number refers to the family branch numbers on his many scrolls, 191.)
(Paul Auge, Nouveau Larousse Universel (13 a 21 Rue Montparnasse et Boulevard Raspail 114: Librairie Larousse, 1948).)
(Roderick W. Stuart, Royalty for Commoners in ISBN: 0-8063-1344-7 (1001 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, MD 21202, USA: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1992), Page 129, Line 171-44.)
(Alain Decaux Andre Castelot, Marcel Jullian et J. Levron, Histoire de La France et des Francais au Jour le Jour (Librairie Academique Perrin, 1976), Tome 1, Page 369).
Born: circa 635 in Liege, Luik, Liege, Belgium, son of Ansegis=Ansegisus, Duke d'Austrasie and Sainte Begge=Begga de Landen . Note - between 679 and 714: The services of the Palace were ensured by the Greats [nobles] , known as "Optimates", frequently brought up at a very young age within the King's entourage. Because the Canerarii's task was to watch over the King's chamber and the precious treasure kept in it, it was logical that he should be given financial attributes. Since the eldest officer was the seneschal [senescallus] he was given the task of overseeing the army. The Comes Stabuli' job was to watch over the King's stables. There were others based on various tasks. The most singular office was that of Major Domus, frequently called Mayor of the Palace. Originally, this was only an attendant whose job was to maintain appropriate levels of stocks and supplies, and to coordinate the activities of other personnel in the King's palace. In early 679, Dagobert II, who had returned form an exile in Ireland, attempted to govern Austrasia with the help of his Mayor of the Palace, Goufaud. The Greats prefer Pepin II, grand-son of Pepin de Landen. By the end of 679, Dagobert II is killed in a hunting "accident". Pepin II was the Mayor-of-the-Palace of Austrasie from 679 to 714. In 680, Ebroin and Thierry III of Neustria fight and force Pepin II to flee at Leucofao, near Bois-du-Fay in the Ardennes. When Pepin II recognizes Thierry III as the only King of Gaule, the war between the two is suspended for about 3 years. At Tertry three leagues from Saint-Quentin, Pepin II fought and beat Thierri III, King of Neustrie and in 687 took that kingdom. It is at that time that he begins to be known as Pepin de Herstal or d'Heristal. It is also clear that by that time, the office of Major Domus had become essentially hereditary and that it grew in power as that of the King's declined. Pepin II directed a number of expeditions against the Frisons [defeating Duke Radbod in 689 and sending them Willibrod to convert them to Christianity] , the Alamanians [whom he defeats near Lake Constance in 690] and the Bavarois [who submitted to Pepin II in 691] . When Norbert, Mayor of Neustria and of Burgundy died [whom Pepin II had designated in 688] , circa 700, Pepin installed his own son, Grimoald=Grimaud. Married before 685: Plectrud d'Echternach, daughter of Hugobert=Humbert d'Echternach and Irmina. Married before 686: Aupais=Alpaide. Historians recognize Alpais as Pepin II's one concubine, which seems rather modest for a personage of his status at that time. Died: on 16 Dec 714 in Jupile-sur-Meuse, Belgium.
andra användbara länkar är http://www.suku.fi/genos/34/34_9.htm
Pépin II de Herstal ou Pépin le Jeune (vers 653- 16 décembre 714) est maire du palais d'Austrasie. Il est le fils d'Ansegisèle (lui-même fils de Saint Arnoul) et de Begga, fille de Pépin Ier.
Gros propriétaire terrien, il jouit d'un grand nombre de fidèles qui vont faire sa force et celle de ses successeurs. Il se montre plus prudent que son oncle Grimoald Ier et ne tente pas de placer sa famille au lieu des Mérovingiens.
Mais après l'assassinat de Dagobert II par Ebroïn, il prend la tête de l'aristocratie austrasienne. Contre les prétentions hégémoniques du maire du Palais Ébroïn, il attaque la Neustrie et se fait battre près de Laon.
Après la mort d'Ébroïn en 681, il se reconcilie avec le maire du palais de Neustrie Waratton, reconnaît pour roi Thierry III, puis se brouille avec Berchaire, gendre et successeur de Waratton, et bat définitivement les Neustriens à Tertry en 687.
Pépin II reconnaît alors de nouveau Thierry III mais s'établit comme maire du Palais du royaume franc entier, qu'il gouverne jusqu'à sa mort. Il impose alors l'autorité franque sur les Alamans, les Frisons et les Franconiens, et apporte son aide aux premières missions d'évangélisation en Germanie.
Sa succession est difficile, ses fils Drogon de Champagne et Grimoald II étant morts avant lui : plutôt que ses petit-fils Thibaut, Arnoul et Hugues, que soutient leur grand-mère Plectrude, c'est un fils illégitime de Pépin, Charles Martel, qui prend le pouvoir. Charles Martel, grand-père de Charlemagne était né de l'union adultère de Pépin II de Herstal et d'Alpaïde.
Cette union est à l'origine de l'assassinat de Lambert, évêque de Tongres-Maastricht, futur saint Lambert, patron de Liège. En septembre d'une année dont les historiens ne parviennent pas à se mettre d'accord, 696 ou 705, Pépin II convie l'évêque dans son palais de Jupille, près de Liège, dans le but de lui demander de l'unir à Alpaïde. Pépin venait de répudier Plectrude mais l'évêque avait eu vent qu'un enfant était né hors mariage. Il refusa donc de les marier. Quelques jours plus tard, le 17 septembre, Lambert et ses neveux, Pierre et Andolet, sont assassinés par Dodon, frère d'Alpaïde, en représailles à son refus. Le 17 septembre est aujourd'hui la fête de la Saint-Lambert, évêque martyr.
Pippin the Elder (c. 580–640)
Grimoald (616–656)
Childebert the Adopted (d. 662)
Arnulf of Metz (582–640)
Chlodulf of Metz (d. 696 or 697)
Ansegisel (c.602–before 679)
Pippin the Middle (c.635–714)
Grimoald II (d. 714)
Drogo of Champagne (670–708)
Theudoald (d. 714)
Charles Martel (686–741)
Carloman (d. 754)
Pepin the Short (714–768)
Carloman I (751–771)
Charlemagne (d. 814)
Louis the Pious (778–840)
After the Treaty of Verdun (843)
Lothair I, Holy Roman Emperor (795–855)
(Middle Francia)
Charles the Bald (823–877)
(Western Francia)
Louis the German (804–876)
(Eastern Francia)
This box:
Pepin (also Pippin, Pipin, or Peppin) of Herstal, or Heristal, (635/45 – 16 December 714) was the Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia from 680 to his death and of Neustria and Burgundy from 687 to 695. He was also the first mayor of the palace to "reign" as Duke and Prince of the Franks and he by far overshadowed the Merovingian rois fainéants. [edit] Biography
Pepin, sometimes called Pepin II and Pepin the Middle was the grandson and namesake of Pepin I the Elder by the marriage of Pepin I's daughter Begga and Ansegisel, son of Arnulf of Metz. That marriage united the two houses of the Pippinids and the Arnulfings which created what would be called the Carolingian dynasty. Pepin II was probably born in Herstal (Héristal), modern Belgium (where his centre of power lay), whence his byname (sometimes "of Heristal").
As mayor of Austrasia, Pepin and Martin, the duke of Laon, fought the Neustrian mayor Ebroin, who had designs on all Francia. Ebroin defeated the Austrasians at Lucofao (Bois-du-Fay, near Laon) and came close to uniting all the Franks under his rule; however, he was assassinated in 681, the victim of a combined attack by his numerous enemies. Pepin immediately made peace with his successor, Waratton.
However, Waratton's successor, Berthar, and the Neustrian king Theuderic III, who, since 679, was nominal king of all the Franks, made war on Austrasia. The king and his mayor were decisively defeated at the Battle of Tertry (Textrice) in the Vermandois in 687. Berthar and Theuderic withdrew themselves to Paris, where Pepin followed and eventually forced on them a peace treaty with the condition that Berthar leave his office. Pepin was created mayor in all three Frankish kingdoms (Austrasia, Neustria, and Burgundy) and began calling himself Duke and Prince of the Franks (dux et princeps Francorum). In the ensuing quarrels, Berthar killed his mother-in-law Ansfled and fled. His wife Anstrude married Pepin's eldest son Drogo, Duke of Champagne, and Pepin's place in Neustria was secured. Base silver coin of Nemfidius, patriarch of Provence, 700-710, minted at Marseille during the reign of Pepin of Herstal.
Over the next several years, Pepin subdued the Alemanni, Frisians, and Franconians, bringing them within the Frankish sphere of influence. He also began the evangelisation of Germany. In 695, he placed Drogo in the Burgundian mayorship and his other son, Grimoald, in the Neustrian one. St Hubert of Liège offers his services to Pepin of Heristal.
Around 670, Pepin had married Plectrude, who had inherited substantial estates in the Moselle region. She was the mother of Drogo of Champagne and Grimoald II, both of whom died before their father. However, Pepin also had a mistress named Alpaida (or Chalpaida) who bore him two more sons: Charles and Childebrand. Just before Pepin's death, Plectrude convinced him to disinherit his bastards in favour of his grandson, Theudoald, the son of Grimoald, who was still young (and amenable to Plectrude's control). Pepin died suddenly at an old age on 16 December 714, at Jupille (in modern Belgium). His legitimate grandchildren claimed themselves to be Pepin's true successors and, with the help of Plectrude, tried to maintain the position of mayor of the palace after Pepin's death. However, Charles had gained favour among the Austrasians, primarily for his military prowess and ability to keep them well supplied with booty from his conquests. Despite the efforts of Plectrude to silence her rival's child by imprisoning him, he became the sole mayor of the palace—and de facto ruler of Francia—after a civil war which lasted for more than three years after Pepin's death. [edit] Sources
Oman, Charles. The Dark Ages 476–918. London: Rivingtons, 1914.
Wallace-Hadrill, J. M., translator. The Fourth Book of the Chronicle of Fredegar with its Continuations. Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1960.
Bachrach, Bernard S., translator. Liber Historiae Francorum. 1973.
Pepin II Born: c 635, probably in (Héristal), modern Belgium. Died: 16 December 714, at Jupille (in modern Belgium).
Parents: Pepin I's daughter Begga and Ansegisel, son of Arnulf of Metz & Doda
Wife: c 670 Plectrude Children by Plectrude:
1. Drogo, Duke of Champagne (670-780) married Anstrude or Adeltrude (daughter or grandaughter of Ansflede and Waratton, andeither former wife or daughter of Berthar) 1.1Hugh – entered a monastry 1.2 Arnulf (c. 690–c. 721), inherited Duchy of Champagne 1.3 Godfrey 1.4 Pepin 2. Grimoald (d 714) m Theudesinda 2.1 Theudoald 2.2 Arnold Mistress: Alpaida (or Chalpaida) Children by Alpaida
3.Charles 3.1Carloman 3.2Pippin the Younger 3.3Grifo Childebrand m Emma of Austrasia Nibelung, count of the Vexin. Pepin of Herstal:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pepin (also Pippin, Pipin, or Peppin) of Herstal (c. 635 – 16 December 714) was the Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia from 680 to his death and of Neustria and Burgundy from 687 to 695. He was also the first mayor of the palace to "reign" as Duke and Prince of the Franks and he by far overshadowed the Merovingian rois fainéants.
Pepin, sometimes called Pepin II, was the grandson and namesake of Pepin I the Elder by the marriage of Pepin I's daughter Begga and Ansegisel, son of Arnulf of Metz. That marriage united the two houses of the Pippinids and the Arnulfings which created what would be called the Carolingian dynasty. Pepin II was probably born in Herstal (Héristal), modern Belgium (where his centre of power lay), whence his byname (sometimes "of Heristal").
As mayor of Austrasia, Pepin and Martin, the duke of Laon, fought the Neustrian mayor Ebroin, who had designs on all Frankland. Ebroin defeated the Austrasians at Lucofao (Bois-du-Fay, near Laon) and came close to uniting all the Franks under his rule; however, he was assassinated in 681, the victim of a combined attack by his numerous enemies. Pepin immediately made peace with his successor, Waratton.
However, Waratton's successor, Berthar, and the Neustrian king Theuderic III, who, since 679, was nominal king of all the Franks, made war on Austrasia. The king and his mayor were decisively defeated at the Battle of Tertry (Textrice) in the Vermandois in 687. Berthar and Theuderic withdrew themselves to Paris, where Pepin followed and eventually forced on them a peace treaty with the condition that Berthar leave his office. Pepin was created mayor in all three Frankish kingdoms (Austrasia, Neustria, and Burgundy) and began calling himself Duke and Prince of the Franks (dux et princeps Francorum). In the ensuing quarrels, Berthar killed his mother-in-law Ansfled and fled. His wife Anstrude married Pepin's eldest son Drogo, Duke of Champagne, and Pepin's place in Neustria was secured.
[Another version - using more contemporaneous sources - says that in order to negotiate peace with Pépin, Anseflede had her son-in-law murdered and married either her daughter, Anstrudis (widow of Berthechar), or her granddaughter, Adaltrudis (daughter of Berthechar and Anstrudis) to Drogo, eldest son of Pépin.See Anseflede, Anstrudis, Adaltrudis & the Mayors of the Palace of Neustria Project Sharon 2015]
Over the next several years, Pepin subdued the Alemanni, Frisians, and Franconians, bringing them within the Frankish sphere of influence. He also began the evangelisation of Germany. In 695, he placed Drogo in the Burgundian mayorship and his other son, Grimoald, in the Neustrian one.
Around 670, Pepin had married Plectrude, who had inherited substantial estates in the Moselle region. She was the mother of Drogo of Champagne and Grimoald, both of whom died before their father. However, Pepin also had a mistress named Alpaida (or Chalpaida) who bore him two more sons: Charles and Childebrand. Just before Pepin's death, Plectrude convinced him to disinherit his bastards in favour of his grandson, Theudoald, the son of Grimoald, who was still young (and amenable to Plectrude's control). Pepin died suddenly at an old age on 16 December 714, at Jupille (in modern Belgium). His legitimate grandchildren claimed themselves to be Pepin's true successors and, with the help of Plectrude, tried to maintain the position of mayor of the palace after Pepin's death. However, Charles had gained favor among the Austrasians, primarily for his military prowess and ability to keep them well supplied with booty from his conquests. Despite the efforts of Plectrude to silence her rival's child by imprisoning him, he became the sole mayor of the palace and de facto ruler of Francia after a civil war which lasted for more than three years after Pepin's death.
Carolingian dynasty Pippinids
Oman, Charles. The Dark Ages 476–918. London: Rivingtons, 1914. Wallace-Hadrill, J. M., translator. The Fourth Book of the Chronicle of Fredegar with its Continuations. Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1960. Bachrach, Bernard S., translator. Liber Historiae Francorum. 1973. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pippin_of_Herstal
Pedigree Resource File
name: Pepino de /Heristal/
sexo: male
nacimiento: aproximadamente 0635
França defunción: 0714
França matrimonio: aproximadamente 0689
França Padres
Padre: Ansegisa //
madre: Santa Begga //
Matrimonios (1)
cónyuge: Alpaide de /Saxe/
matrimonio: aproximadamente 0689
França Ocultar hijos (1) hijo 1: Carlos /Martel/
sexo: male
nacimiento: aproximadamente 0690
França defunción: 22 October 0741
Quierzy-sur-Dise,,França Cita de este registro "Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/SPMK-Z8P : accessed 2014-05-10), entry for Pepino de /Heristal/.
679 bis 714 der tatsächliche Machthaber im Frankenreich, seit 679 Hausmeier von Austrasien, seit 680 als dux (Herzog) von Austrasien, ab 688/689 als Hausmeier von Neustrien (principale regimine majorum domus) und seit 688 Hausmeier von Burgund
Began to call himself the Prince and Duke of the Franks after 687, after he was created the mayor of Austrasia, Neustria and Burgundy.
Pepin of Heristol (Liege, Belgium); Mayor Of The Palace Of Austrasia.
Pepin of Herstal (635?-714), Carolingian mayor of the palace, who reunited the Frankish realms in the late Merovingian period. A grandson of Pepin the Elder, he succeeded to his position in the kingdom of Austrasia around 680. In 687 he extended Carolingian rule to the other Frankish kingdoms, Neustria and Burgundy, but retained members of the Merovingian dynasty as figurehead monarchs in all three. Two years later he extended his control over the Frisians, a pagan people living on the North Sea coast. Pepin's death was followed by a civil war and the succession of his illegitimate son Charles Martel. Source: 'Pepin of Herstal,' Microsoft (R) Encarta. Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation. Copyright (c) 1993 Funk & Wagnall's Corporation 'Royalty for Commoners', Roderick W. Stuart, 1993, p 129.
Duke of Brabant Duke of the Austrasian Franks After defeating the nobles of Neustria at the battle of Tertry (687), Pepin made himself mayor, or ruler, of all the Frankish kingdoms except Aquitaine, with the Merovingian dynasty retaining the nominal kingship. He defeated the Frisians, the Alemanni, and the Bavarians and established a strong government, thus laying the foundation for the empire of his descendants, the Carolingian mayors and kings. or 640 Pippin the Younger, was Charlemagne's great-grandfather. He was the grandson of Pippin the Elder from the marriage of Ansegisel and Begga, the daughter of the Elder. As the Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia, Neustria and Burgundy from 680 to 714, he gradually controlled the Frankish court. The Merovingian king Theuderic III attempted to oust Pepin from his post, but he was defeated at Tertry in 687. Pepin then became the actual ruler of Austrasia, keeping a strong influence over the other Frankish kingdoms. His descendants continued to serve as Mayors of the Palace, eventually becoming the legal rulers of the Frankish kingdoms. Around 670, Pippin II married Plectrude for her inheritance of substantial estates in the Moselle region. They produced at least two children and through them at least two significant grandchildren. These legitimate children and grandchildren claimed themselves to be Pepin's true successors and with the help of his widow Plectrude tried to maintain the position of Mayor of the Palace after Pepin II's death on December 16, 714. However, Charles Martel, Pippin's son by his mistress, Alpaida (or Chalpaida), had gained favour among the Austrasians, primarily for his military prowess and ability to keep them well supplied with booty from his conquests. Despite the efforts of Plectrude to silence her rival's child by imprisoning him, he became the sole Mayor of the Palace and de facto ruler of Francia. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Defeated the Muslims at the Battle of Poitiers or Tours in October 732. Defeated the Saxons in 738.
Carolingian mayor of the palace, who reunited the Frankish realms in the late Merovingian period. A grandson of Pepin the Elder, he succeeded to his position in the kingdom of Austrasia around 680. In 687 he extended Carolingian rule to the other Frankish kingdoms, Neustria and Burgundy, but retained members of the Merovingian dynasty as figurehead monarchs in all three. Two years later he extended his control over the Frisians, a pagan people living on the North Sea coast. Pepin's death was followed by a civil war and the succession of his illegitimate son Charles Martel.
SOURCES: Pepin II d'Heristal (Andre Roux: Scrolls from his personal genealogicaL research. The Number refers to the family branch numbers on his many scrolls, 191.)
(Paul Auge, Nouveau Larousse Universel (13 a 21 Rue Montparnasse et Boulevard Raspail 114: Librairie Larousse, 1948).)
(Roderick W. Stuart, Royalty for Commoners in ISBN: 0-8063-1344-7 (1001 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, MD 21202, USA: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1992), Page 129, Line 171-44.)
(Alain Decaux Andre Castelot, Marcel Jullian et J. Levron, Histoire de La France et des Francais au Jour le Jour (Librairie Academique Perrin, 1976), Tome 1, Page 369).
Born: circa 635 in Liege, Luik, Liege, Belgium, son of Ansegis=Ansegisus, Duke d'Austrasie and Sainte Begge=Begga de Landen . Note - between 679 and 714: The services of the Palace were ensured by the Greats [nobles] , known as "Optimates", frequently brought up at a very young age within the King's entourage. Because the Canerarii's task was to watch over the King's chamber and the precious treasure kept in it, it was logical that he should be given financial attributes. Since the eldest officer was the seneschal [senescallus] he was given the task of overseeing the army. The Comes Stabuli' job was to watch over the King's stables. There were others based on various tasks. The most singular office was that of Major Domus, frequently called Mayor of the Palace. Originally, this was only an attendant whose job was to maintain appropriate levels of stocks and supplies, and to coordinate the activities of other personnel in the King's palace. In early 679, Dagobert II, who had returned form an exile in Ireland, attempted to govern Austrasia with the help of his Mayor of the Palace, Goufaud. The Greats prefer Pepin II, grand-son of Pepin de Landen. By the end of 679, Dagobert II is killed in a hunting "accident". Pepin II was the Mayor-of-the-Palace of Austrasie from 679 to 714. In 680, Ebroin and Thierry III of Neustria fight and force Pepin II to flee at Leucofao, near Bois-du-Fay in the Ardennes. When Pepin II recognizes Thierry III as the only King of Gaule, the war between the two is suspended for about 3 years. At Tertry three leagues from Saint-Quentin, Pepin II fought and beat Thierri III, King of Neustrie and in 687 took that kingdom. It is at that time that he begins to be known as Pepin de Herstal or d'Heristal. It is also clear that by that time, the office of Major Domus had become essentially hereditary and that it grew in power as that of the King's declined. Pepin II directed a number of expeditions against the Frisons [defeating Duke Radbod in 689 and sending them Willibrod to convert them to Christianity] , the Alamanians [whom he defeats near Lake Constance in 690] and the Bavarois [who submitted to Pepin II in 691] . When Norbert, Mayor of Neustria and of Burgundy died [whom Pepin II had designated in 688] , circa 700, Pepin installed his own son, Grimoald=Grimaud. Married before 685: Plectrud d'Echternach, daughter of Hugobert=Humbert d'Echternach and Irmina. Married before 686: Aupais=Alpaide. Historians recognize Alpais as Pepin II's one concubine, which seems rather modest for a personage of his status at that time. Died: on 16 Dec 714 in Jupile-sur-Meuse, Belgium. -------------------- Pipin Heristalilainen (Pipin II eli Pipin Keskimmäinen) (640/650–16. joulukuuta 714) oli Austrasian, Neustrian ja Burgundin major domus 680–714. Pipinistä tuli Austrasian todellinen hallitsija, kun hän voitti merovingikuningas Teoderik III:n Tertryssä 687. Pipin Heristalilaisen voidaan katsoa luoneen perustan karolingien valtakunnalle. Hän kuitenkin antoi merovingikuninkaiden jäädä nukkehallitsijoiksi. http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pipin_Heristalilainen -------------------- n 635-714. Major Domus, Hertig av Brabant. Död 714-12-16. Pippin av Heristal major domus, hertig av Brabant, son till Ansegisel, död 16 december 714. Blev dux och princeps francorum. Gift 2) med Alpheid, "den sköna Chalpaida". Barn: Karl Martell. Den här artikeln är hämtad från http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pippin_av_Heristal
andra användbara länkar är http://www.suku.fi/genos/34/34_9.htm
Pépin II de Herstal ou Pépin le Jeune (vers 653- 16 décembre 714) est maire du palais d'Austrasie. Il est le fils d'Ansegisèle (lui-même fils de Saint Arnoul) et de Begga, fille de Pépin Ier.
Gros propriétaire terrien, il jouit d'un grand nombre de fidèles qui vont faire sa force et celle de ses successeurs. Il se montre plus prudent que son oncle Grimoald Ier et ne tente pas de placer sa famille au lieu des Mérovingiens.
Mais après l'assassinat de Dagobert II par Ebroïn, il prend la tête de l'aristocratie austrasienne. Contre les prétentions hégémoniques du maire du Palais Ébroïn, il attaque la Neustrie et se fait battre près de Laon.
Après la mort d'Ébroïn en 681, il se reconcilie avec le maire du palais de Neustrie Waratton, reconnaît pour roi Thierry III, puis se brouille avec Berchaire, gendre et successeur de Waratton, et bat définitivement les Neustriens à Tertry en 687.
Pépin II reconnaît alors de nouveau Thierry III mais s'établit comme maire du Palais du royaume franc entier, qu'il gouverne jusqu'à sa mort. Il impose alors l'autorité franque sur les Alamans, les Frisons et les Franconiens, et apporte son aide aux premières missions d'évangélisation en Germanie.
Sa succession est difficile, ses fils Drogon de Champagne et Grimoald II étant morts avant lui : plutôt que ses petit-fils Thibaut, Arnoul et Hugues, que soutient leur grand-mère Plectrude, c'est un fils illégitime de Pépin, Charles Martel, qui prend le pouvoir. Charles Martel, grand-père de Charlemagne était né de l'union adultère de Pépin II de Herstal et d'Alpaïde.
Cette union est à l'origine de l'assassinat de Lambert, évêque de Tongres-Maastricht, futur saint Lambert, patron de Liège. En septembre d'une année dont les historiens ne parviennent pas à se mettre d'accord, 696 ou 705, Pépin II convie l'évêque dans son palais de Jupille, près de Liège, dans le but de lui demander de l'unir à Alpaïde. Pépin venait de répudier Plectrude mais l'évêque avait eu vent qu'un enfant était né hors mariage. Il refusa donc de les marier. Quelques jours plus tard, le 17 septembre, Lambert et ses neveux, Pierre et Andolet, sont assassinés par Dodon, frère d'Alpaïde, en représailles à son refus. Le 17 septembre est aujourd'hui la fête de la Saint-Lambert, évêque martyr.
read more
Parents: Pepin I's daughter Begga and Ansegisel, son of Arnulf of Metz & Doda
Wife: c 670 Plectrude Children by Plectrude:
1. Drogo, Duke of Champagne (670-780) married Anstrude or Adeltrude (daughter or grandaughter of Ansflede and Waratton, andeither former wife or daughter of Berthar) 1.1Hugh – entered a monastry 1.2 Arnulf (c. 690–c. 721), inherited Duchy of Champagne 1.3 Godfrey 1.4 Pepin 2. Grimoald (d 714) m Theudesinda 2.1 Theudoald 2.2 Arnold Mistress: Alpaida (or Chalpaida) Children by Alpaida
3.Charles 3.1Carloman 3.2Pippin the Younger 3.3Grifo Childebrand m Emma of Austrasia Nibelung, count of the Vexin. Pepin of Herstal:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pepin (also Pippin, Pipin, or Peppin) of Herstal (c. 635 – 16 December 714) was the Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia from 680 to his death and of Neustria and Burgundy from 687 to 695. He was also the first mayor of the palace to "reign" as Duke and Prince of the Franks and he by far overshadowed the Merovingian rois fainéants.
Pepin, sometimes called Pepin II, was the grandson and namesake of Pepin I the Elder by the marriage of Pepin I's daughter Begga and Ansegisel, son of Arnulf of Metz. That marriage united the two houses of the Pippinids and the Arnulfings which created what would be called the Carolingian dynasty. Pepin II was probably born in Herstal (Héristal), modern Belgium (where his centre of power lay), whence his byname (sometimes "of Heristal").
As mayor of Austrasia, Pepin and Martin, the duke of Laon, fought the Neustrian mayor Ebroin, who had designs on all Frankland. Ebroin defeated the Austrasians at Lucofao (Bois-du-Fay, near Laon) and came close to uniting all the Franks under his rule; however, he was assassinated in 681, the victim of a combined attack by his numerous enemies. Pepin immediately made peace with his successor, Waratton.
However, Waratton's successor, Berthar, and the Neustrian king Theuderic III, who, since 679, was nominal king of all the Franks, made war on Austrasia. The king and his mayor were decisively defeated at the Battle of Tertry (Textrice) in the Vermandois in 687. Berthar and Theuderic withdrew themselves to Paris, where Pepin followed and eventually forced on them a peace treaty with the condition that Berthar leave his office. Pepin was created mayor in all three Frankish kingdoms (Austrasia, Neustria, and Burgundy) and began calling himself Duke and Prince of the Franks (dux et princeps Francorum). In the ensuing quarrels, Berthar killed his mother-in-law Ansfled and fled. His wife Anstrude married Pepin's eldest son Drogo, Duke of Champagne, and Pepin's place in Neustria was secured.
[Another version - using more contemporaneous sources - says that in order to negotiate peace with Pépin, Anseflede had her son-in-law murdered and married either her daughter, Anstrudis (widow of Berthechar), or her granddaughter, Adaltrudis (daughter of Berthechar and Anstrudis) to Drogo, eldest son of Pépin.See Anseflede, Anstrudis, Adaltrudis & the Mayors of the Palace of Neustria Project Sharon 2015]
Over the next several years, Pepin subdued the Alemanni, Frisians, and Franconians, bringing them within the Frankish sphere of influence. He also began the evangelisation of Germany. In 695, he placed Drogo in the Burgundian mayorship and his other son, Grimoald, in the Neustrian one.
Around 670, Pepin had married Plectrude, who had inherited substantial estates in the Moselle region. She was the mother of Drogo of Champagne and Grimoald, both of whom died before their father. However, Pepin also had a mistress named Alpaida (or Chalpaida) who bore him two more sons: Charles and Childebrand. Just before Pepin's death, Plectrude convinced him to disinherit his bastards in favour of his grandson, Theudoald, the son of Grimoald, who was still young (and amenable to Plectrude's control). Pepin died suddenly at an old age on 16 December 714, at Jupille (in modern Belgium). His legitimate grandchildren claimed themselves to be Pepin's true successors and, with the help of Plectrude, tried to maintain the position of mayor of the palace after Pepin's death. However, Charles had gained favor among the Austrasians, primarily for his military prowess and ability to keep them well supplied with booty from his conquests. Despite the efforts of Plectrude to silence her rival's child by imprisoning him, he became the sole mayor of the palace and de facto ruler of Francia after a civil war which lasted for more than three years after Pepin's death.
Carolingian dynasty Pippinids
Oman, Charles. The Dark Ages 476–918. London: Rivingtons, 1914. Wallace-Hadrill, J. M., translator. The Fourth Book of the Chronicle of Fredegar with its Continuations. Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1960. Bachrach, Bernard S., translator. Liber Historiae Francorum. 1973. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pippin_of_Herstal
Pedigree Resource File
name: Pepino de /Heristal/
sexo: male
nacimiento: aproximadamente 0635
França defunción: 0714
França matrimonio: aproximadamente 0689
França Padres
Padre: Ansegisa //
madre: Santa Begga //
Matrimonios (1)
cónyuge: Alpaide de /Saxe/
matrimonio: aproximadamente 0689
França Ocultar hijos (1) hijo 1: Carlos /Martel/
sexo: male
nacimiento: aproximadamente 0690
França defunción: 22 October 0741
Quierzy-sur-Dise,,França Cita de este registro "Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/SPMK-Z8P : accessed 2014-05-10), entry for Pepino de /Heristal/.
679 bis 714 der tatsächliche Machthaber im Frankenreich, seit 679 Hausmeier von Austrasien, seit 680 als dux (Herzog) von Austrasien, ab 688/689 als Hausmeier von Neustrien (principale regimine majorum domus) und seit 688 Hausmeier von Burgund
Began to call himself the Prince and Duke of the Franks after 687, after he was created the mayor of Austrasia, Neustria and Burgundy.
Pepin of Heristol (Liege, Belgium); Mayor Of The Palace Of Austrasia.
Pepin of Herstal (635?-714), Carolingian mayor of the palace, who reunited the Frankish realms in the late Merovingian period. A grandson of Pepin the Elder, he succeeded to his position in the kingdom of Austrasia around 680. In 687 he extended Carolingian rule to the other Frankish kingdoms, Neustria and Burgundy, but retained members of the Merovingian dynasty as figurehead monarchs in all three. Two years later he extended his control over the Frisians, a pagan people living on the North Sea coast. Pepin's death was followed by a civil war and the succession of his illegitimate son Charles Martel. Source: 'Pepin of Herstal,' Microsoft (R) Encarta. Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation. Copyright (c) 1993 Funk & Wagnall's Corporation 'Royalty for Commoners', Roderick W. Stuart, 1993, p 129.
Duke of Brabant Duke of the Austrasian Franks After defeating the nobles of Neustria at the battle of Tertry (687), Pepin made himself mayor, or ruler, of all the Frankish kingdoms except Aquitaine, with the Merovingian dynasty retaining the nominal kingship. He defeated the Frisians, the Alemanni, and the Bavarians and established a strong government, thus laying the foundation for the empire of his descendants, the Carolingian mayors and kings. or 640 Pippin the Younger, was Charlemagne's great-grandfather. He was the grandson of Pippin the Elder from the marriage of Ansegisel and Begga, the daughter of the Elder. As the Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia, Neustria and Burgundy from 680 to 714, he gradually controlled the Frankish court. The Merovingian king Theuderic III attempted to oust Pepin from his post, but he was defeated at Tertry in 687. Pepin then became the actual ruler of Austrasia, keeping a strong influence over the other Frankish kingdoms. His descendants continued to serve as Mayors of the Palace, eventually becoming the legal rulers of the Frankish kingdoms. Around 670, Pippin II married Plectrude for her inheritance of substantial estates in the Moselle region. They produced at least two children and through them at least two significant grandchildren. These legitimate children and grandchildren claimed themselves to be Pepin's true successors and with the help of his widow Plectrude tried to maintain the position of Mayor of the Palace after Pepin II's death on December 16, 714. However, Charles Martel, Pippin's son by his mistress, Alpaida (or Chalpaida), had gained favour among the Austrasians, primarily for his military prowess and ability to keep them well supplied with booty from his conquests. Despite the efforts of Plectrude to silence her rival's child by imprisoning him, he became the sole Mayor of the Palace and de facto ruler of Francia. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Defeated the Muslims at the Battle of Poitiers or Tours in October 732. Defeated the Saxons in 738.
Carolingian mayor of the palace, who reunited the Frankish realms in the late Merovingian period. A grandson of Pepin the Elder, he succeeded to his position in the kingdom of Austrasia around 680. In 687 he extended Carolingian rule to the other Frankish kingdoms, Neustria and Burgundy, but retained members of the Merovingian dynasty as figurehead monarchs in all three. Two years later he extended his control over the Frisians, a pagan people living on the North Sea coast. Pepin's death was followed by a civil war and the succession of his illegitimate son Charles Martel.
SOURCES: Pepin II d'Heristal (Andre Roux: Scrolls from his personal genealogicaL research. The Number refers to the family branch numbers on his many scrolls, 191.)
(Paul Auge, Nouveau Larousse Universel (13 a 21 Rue Montparnasse et Boulevard Raspail 114: Librairie Larousse, 1948).)
(Roderick W. Stuart, Royalty for Commoners in ISBN: 0-8063-1344-7 (1001 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, MD 21202, USA: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1992), Page 129, Line 171-44.)
(Alain Decaux Andre Castelot, Marcel Jullian et J. Levron, Histoire de La France et des Francais au Jour le Jour (Librairie Academique Perrin, 1976), Tome 1, Page 369).
Born: circa 635 in Liege, Luik, Liege, Belgium, son of Ansegis=Ansegisus, Duke d'Austrasie and Sainte Begge=Begga de Landen . Note - between 679 and 714: The services of the Palace were ensured by the Greats [nobles] , known as "Optimates", frequently brought up at a very young age within the King's entourage. Because the Canerarii's task was to watch over the King's chamber and the precious treasure kept in it, it was logical that he should be given financial attributes. Since the eldest officer was the seneschal [senescallus] he was given the task of overseeing the army. The Comes Stabuli' job was to watch over the King's stables. There were others based on various tasks. The most singular office was that of Major Domus, frequently called Mayor of the Palace. Originally, this was only an attendant whose job was to maintain appropriate levels of stocks and supplies, and to coordinate the activities of other personnel in the King's palace. In early 679, Dagobert II, who had returned form an exile in Ireland, attempted to govern Austrasia with the help of his Mayor of the Palace, Goufaud. The Greats prefer Pepin II, grand-son of Pepin de Landen. By the end of 679, Dagobert II is killed in a hunting "accident". Pepin II was the Mayor-of-the-Palace of Austrasie from 679 to 714. In 680, Ebroin and Thierry III of Neustria fight and force Pepin II to flee at Leucofao, near Bois-du-Fay in the Ardennes. When Pepin II recognizes Thierry III as the only King of Gaule, the war between the two is suspended for about 3 years. At Tertry three leagues from Saint-Quentin, Pepin II fought and beat Thierri III, King of Neustrie and in 687 took that kingdom. It is at that time that he begins to be known as Pepin de Herstal or d'Heristal. It is also clear that by that time, the office of Major Domus had become essentially hereditary and that it grew in power as that of the King's declined. Pepin II directed a number of expeditions against the Frisons [defeating Duke Radbod in 689 and sending them Willibrod to convert them to Christianity] , the Alamanians [whom he defeats near Lake Constance in 690] and the Bavarois [who submitted to Pepin II in 691] . When Norbert, Mayor of Neustria and of Burgundy died [whom Pepin II had designated in 688] , circa 700, Pepin installed his own son, Grimoald=Grimaud. Married before 685: Plectrud d'Echternach, daughter of Hugobert=Humbert d'Echternach and Irmina. Married before 686: Aupais=Alpaide. Historians recognize Alpais as Pepin II's one concubine, which seems rather modest for a personage of his status at that time. Died: on 16 Dec 714 in Jupile-sur-Meuse, Belgium. -------------------- Pipin Heristalilainen (Pipin II eli Pipin Keskimmäinen) (640/650–16. joulukuuta 714) oli Austrasian, Neustrian ja Burgundin major domus 680–714. Pipinistä tuli Austrasian todellinen hallitsija, kun hän voitti merovingikuningas Teoderik III:n Tertryssä 687. Pipin Heristalilaisen voidaan katsoa luoneen perustan karolingien valtakunnalle. Hän kuitenkin antoi merovingikuninkaiden jäädä nukkehallitsijoiksi. http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pipin_Heristalilainen -------------------- n 635-714. Major Domus, Hertig av Brabant. Död 714-12-16. Pippin av Heristal major domus, hertig av Brabant, son till Ansegisel, död 16 december 714. Blev dux och princeps francorum. Gift 2) med Alpheid, "den sköna Chalpaida". Barn: Karl Martell. Den här artikeln är hämtad från http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pippin_av_Heristal
andra användbara länkar är http://www.suku.fi/genos/34/34_9.htm
Pépin II de Herstal ou Pépin le Jeune (vers 653- 16 décembre 714) est maire du palais d'Austrasie. Il est le fils d'Ansegisèle (lui-même fils de Saint Arnoul) et de Begga, fille de Pépin Ier.
Gros propriétaire terrien, il jouit d'un grand nombre de fidèles qui vont faire sa force et celle de ses successeurs. Il se montre plus prudent que son oncle Grimoald Ier et ne tente pas de placer sa famille au lieu des Mérovingiens.
Mais après l'assassinat de Dagobert II par Ebroïn, il prend la tête de l'aristocratie austrasienne. Contre les prétentions hégémoniques du maire du Palais Ébroïn, il attaque la Neustrie et se fait battre près de Laon.
Après la mort d'Ébroïn en 681, il se reconcilie avec le maire du palais de Neustrie Waratton, reconnaît pour roi Thierry III, puis se brouille avec Berchaire, gendre et successeur de Waratton, et bat définitivement les Neustriens à Tertry en 687.
Pépin II reconnaît alors de nouveau Thierry III mais s'établit comme maire du Palais du royaume franc entier, qu'il gouverne jusqu'à sa mort. Il impose alors l'autorité franque sur les Alamans, les Frisons et les Franconiens, et apporte son aide aux premières missions d'évangélisation en Germanie.
Sa succession est difficile, ses fils Drogon de Champagne et Grimoald II étant morts avant lui : plutôt que ses petit-fils Thibaut, Arnoul et Hugues, que soutient leur grand-mère Plectrude, c'est un fils illégitime de Pépin, Charles Martel, qui prend le pouvoir. Charles Martel, grand-père de Charlemagne était né de l'union adultère de Pépin II de Herstal et d'Alpaïde.
Cette union est à l'origine de l'assassinat de Lambert, évêque de Tongres-Maastricht, futur saint Lambert, patron de Liège. En septembre d'une année dont les historiens ne parviennent pas à se mettre d'accord, 696 ou 705, Pépin II convie l'évêque dans son palais de Jupille, près de Liège, dans le but de lui demander de l'unir à Alpaïde. Pépin venait de répudier Plectrude mais l'évêque avait eu vent qu'un enfant était né hors mariage. Il refusa donc de les marier. Quelques jours plus tard, le 17 septembre, Lambert et ses neveux, Pierre et Andolet, sont assassinés par Dodon, frère d'Alpaïde, en représailles à son refus. Le 17 septembre est aujourd'hui la fête de la Saint-Lambert, évêque martyr.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepin_of_Herstal -------------------- Pepin of Herstal From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "Pepin II" redirects here. For the king of Aquitaine, see Pepin II of Aquitaine. Carolingian dynasty Pippinids
Pippin the Elder (c. 580–640) Grimoald (616–656) Childebert the Adopted (d. 662) Arnulfings
Arnulf of Metz (582–640) Chlodulf of Metz (d. 696 or 697) Ansegisel (c.602–before 679) Pippin the Middle (c.635–714) Grimoald II (d. 714) Drogo of Champagne (670–708) Theudoald (d. 714) Carolingians
Charles Martel (686–741) Carloman (d. 754) Pepin the Short (714–768) Carloman I (751–771) Charlemagne (d. 814) Louis the Pious (778–840) After the Treaty of Verdun (843)
Lothair I, Holy Roman Emperor (795–855) (Middle Francia) Charles the Bald (823–877) (Western Francia) Louis the German (804–876) (Eastern Francia) This box:
view talk edit Pepin (also Pippin, Pipin, or Peppin) of Herstal, or Heristal, (635/45 – 16 December 714) was the Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia from 680 to his death and of Neustria and Burgundy from 687 to 695. He was also the first mayor of the palace to "reign" as Duke and Prince of the Franks and he by far overshadowed the Merovingian rois fainéants. [edit] Biography
Pepin, sometimes called Pepin II and Pepin the Middle was the grandson and namesake of Pepin I the Elder by the marriage of Pepin I's daughter Begga and Ansegisel, son of Arnulf of Metz. That marriage united the two houses of the Pippinids and the Arnulfings which created what would be called the Carolingian dynasty. Pepin II was probably born in Herstal (Héristal), modern Belgium (where his centre of power lay), whence his byname (sometimes "of Heristal").
As mayor of Austrasia, Pepin and Martin, the duke of Laon, fought the Neustrian mayor Ebroin, who had designs on all Francia. Ebroin defeated the Austrasians at Lucofao (Bois-du-Fay, near Laon) and came close to uniting all the Franks under his rule; however, he was assassinated in 681, the victim of a combined attack by his numerous enemies. Pepin immediately made peace with his successor, Waratton.
However, Waratton's successor, Berthar, and the Neustrian king Theuderic III, who, since 679, was nominal king of all the Franks, made war on Austrasia. The king and his mayor were decisively defeated at the Battle of Tertry (Textrice) in the Vermandois in 687. Berthar and Theuderic withdrew themselves to Paris, where Pepin followed and eventually forced on them a peace treaty with the condition that Berthar leave his office. Pepin was created mayor in all three Frankish kingdoms (Austrasia, Neustria, and Burgundy) and began calling himself Duke and Prince of the Franks (dux et princeps Francorum). In the ensuing quarrels, Berthar killed his mother-in-law Ansfled and fled. His wife Anstrude married Pepin's eldest son Drogo, Duke of Champagne, and Pepin's place in Neustria was secured. Base silver coin of Nemfidius, patriarch of Provence, 700-710, minted at Marseille during the reign of Pepin of Herstal.
Over the next several years, Pepin subdued the Alemanni, Frisians, and Franconians, bringing them within the Frankish sphere of influence. He also began the evangelisation of Germany. In 695, he placed Drogo in the Burgundian mayorship and his other son, Grimoald, in the Neustrian one. St Hubert of Liège offers his services to Pepin of Heristal.
Around 670, Pepin had married Plectrude, who had inherited substantial estates in the Moselle region. She was the mother of Drogo of Champagne and Grimoald II, both of whom died before their father. However, Pepin also had a mistress named Alpaida (or Chalpaida) who bore him two more sons: Charles and Childebrand. Just before Pepin's death, Plectrude convinced him to disinherit his bastards in favour of his grandson, Theudoald, the son of Grimoald, who was still young (and amenable to Plectrude's control). Pepin died suddenly at an old age on 16 December 714, at Jupille (in modern Belgium). His legitimate grandchildren claimed themselves to be Pepin's true successors and, with the help of Plectrude, tried to maintain the position of mayor of the palace after Pepin's death. However, Charles had gained favour among the Austrasians, primarily for his military prowess and ability to keep them well supplied with booty from his conquests. Despite the efforts of Plectrude to silence her rival's child by imprisoning him, he became the sole mayor of the palace—and de facto ruler of Francia—after a civil war which lasted for more than three years after Pepin's death. [edit] Sources
Oman, Charles. The Dark Ages 476–918. London: Rivingtons, 1914. Wallace-Hadrill, J. M., translator. The Fourth Book of the Chronicle of Fredegar with its Continuations. Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1960. Bachrach, Bernard S., translator. Liber Historiae Francorum. 1973. read more
Pepin, sometimes called Pepin II and Pepin the Middle, was the grandson and namesake of Pepin I the Elder through the marriage of Pepin I's daughter Begga to Ansegisel, son of Arnulf of Metz. He was also the grandfather of Pepin the Short and great-grandfather of Charlemagne. That marriage united the two houses of the Pippinids and the Arnulfings which created what would be called the Carolingian dynasty. Pepin II was probably born in Herstal (Héristal), modern Belgium (where his centre of power lay), whence his byname (sometimes "of Heristal").
maire du Palais d'Austrasie. mort à Jupille, 16 décembre 714. Fils d'Ansegisel, fils de l'évêque de Metz Arnoul, et de Béga, fille de Pépin I. Gros propriétaire terrien, il jouit d 'un grand nombre de fidèles qui vont faire sa force et celle de ses successeurs. Il se montre plus prudent que son oncle Grimaud et ne tente pas de placer sa famille au lieu des Mérovingiens.
Mais, après l'assassinat de Dagobert II (679), il prend la tête de l'aristocratie austrasienne. Contre les prétentions hégémoniques du maire du Palais de Neustrie, Ébroïn, il attaque la Neustrie et se fait battre près de Laon. Après la mort d 'Ébroïn (681), il se réconcilie avec le maire du Palais de Neustrie Waraton, reconnaît pour roi Thierry III, puis se brouille avec Berchaire, successeur de Waraton, et bat définitivement les Neustriens à Tertry (687). Pépin II reconnaît alors de nouveau Thierry III mais s'établit comme maire du Palais du royaume franc entier, qu'il gouverne jusqu'à sa mort. Il impose alors l'autorité franque sur les Alamans, les Frisons et les Franconiens, et apporte son aide aux premières missions d'évangélisation en Germanie. Sa succession sera difficile, ses fils Drogon et Grimaud étant morts avant lui : plutôt que ses petits-fils Thibaut, Arnoul et Hugues, que soutient leur grand-mère Plectrude, c 'est un fils illégitime de Pépin, Charles Martel, qui prendra le pouvoir.
[emprunt%C3%A9 du Dictionnaire de la France médiévale [https://www.babelio.com/livres/Favier-Dictionnaire-de-la-France-med...] ]
Pipin II var rikshovmester i Austrasia fra 680 og av Neustria og Burgund fra 687 til han døde i 714.
Han tok gradvis over kontrollen av det frankiske hoffet.
Han ble født i Héristal i Belgia. Han var rikshovmester i Austrasia fra 680 og av Neustria og Burgund fra 687 til han døde i 714. Han tok gradvis over kontrollen av det frankiske hoffet.
Gjennom nesten hele sin karriere kjempet han mot den neustriske rikshovmesteren, Ebroin, som ønsket å kontrollere hele det frankiske riket. Da Ebroin døde i 681, inngikk han fred med dennes etterfølger, Warraton. Men Warratons etterfølger, Berthar, og den merovingiske kong Teoderik III, gikk til krig og ble endelig beseiret ved Tertry i 687. Pipin ble da de facto hersker av Austrasia. Han beholdt en sterk innflytelse over de andre frankiske kongedømmene, som han nå også var rikshovmester over. Han var den første rikshovmester over alle kongedømmene og kalte seg «hertug og prins av frankerne» (dux et princeps Francorum). Han underla seg alemannerne, friserne og Franken og førte disse områdene inn i frankernes innflytelsessfære. Han begynte også evangeliseringen av Tyskland. I 695 plasserte han sin sønn Drogo i det burgundiske embetet og hans sønn Grimoald i det neustriske. Han døde 16. desember 714 i Jupille (i dagens Belgia). Hans etterkommere fortsatte å tjene som rikshovmestere, og slekten ble til slutt de lovlige herskerne av det frankiske kongedømmet
Rundt 670 giftet Pipin seg med Plektrude for å få kontroll over hennes arv av betydelige eiendommer i Moselle-regionen. De fikk minst to barn, som begge døde før Pipin, og gjennom dem fikk han minst to betydelige barnebarn. Disse legitime barnebarna ble Pipins etterfølgere, og med hjelp fra hans enke Plektrude forsøkte de å beholde embetet som rikshovmestre etter Pipins død. Pipins sønn med en elskerinne, Alpaida (eller Chalpaida), Karl Martell, skaffet seg støtte blant austrasierne, hovedsakelig for sin militære dyktighet og evne til å holde dem godt forsynt med bytte fra hans erobringer. Plektrude fengslet ham, men han alene ble rikshovmester og de facto hersker av frankerriket.
Med sin kone Plektrude fikk han to barn: Drogo (ca. 670-708), hertug av Champagne og rikshovmester av Burgund Grimoald II (d. 714), rikshovmester av Neustria
Med sin elskerinne Alpaida fikk han også to barn: Karl Martell (23. august 686-22. oktober 741), hertug av frankerne Childebrand (d. 751), hertug av Burgund
640 |
Herstal, Liège, Walloon Region, Belgium
673 |
Heristal, Leige Province, Belgium
674 |
Heristal, Liege, Belgium
676 |
August 23, 676
Herstal, Liège, Vallonia, Belgium
This place is now Belgium. The book, 'The Dark Ages', states that Charles was 26 yrs. old at the time of his father's death. |
680 |
- 714
Age 40
- 700
Age 40
687 |
- 714
Age 47
- 695
Age 47