Señor de Derruña y San Román
PEDRO Núñez de Guzmán, son of GUILLÉN Pérez de Guzman & his wife Elvira Rodríguez (-after 1264). The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "D. Pedro Nuñez de Guzman, D. Maria Guillen de Guzman" as the children of "D. Guillen Perez de Guzman" and his wife "D. Elvira Rodriguez"[1276]. Señor de Guzmán. He took part in the conquest of Murcia 1242 and Seville 1248. Señor de Gaçullorva near Aznalfarache 1252, which became the nucleus of the estates of Guzmán in Andalucía. Alfonso X King of Castile settled a claim by "donna Berenguella Lopez ffija de don Lop Diaz et de donna Urraca" against "Roy Gonçaluez et Gonçalo Royz, fijos de Gonçalo Gonçaluez Giron et Gonçalo Royz, fijo de don Gonçalo Royz Giron" relating to property which "don Rodrigo Gonçaluez" bought from "donna Sancha Perez et del arçidiano Gonçalo Perez so ffijo", by charter dated 1258[1277]. "Don Pero Guzmán" exchanged properties "en el término de Ocón e de Villiella" with "doña Sancha Gil mi hermana", with the consent of "don Alffonsso López mi marido", by charter dated 6 Jun 1261[1278]. Governor of Pernia 1264.
m firstly BERENGUELA Alfonso, illegitimate daughter of ALFONSO X "le Sabio" King of Castile & his mistress María Alfonso de León. The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "D. Berenguera" as the child of King Alfonso X and "D. Maria Alonso su tia", adding that she was childless[1279]. Her marriage is given by Szabolcs de Vajay[1280]. This marriage is not shown in Europäische Stammtafeln[1281], although the latter does show the marriage of Urraca Alfonso, half-sister of Berenguela, to Pedro Núñez de Guzman.
m secondly as her second husband, URRACA Alfonso de León, widow of GARCÍA Romeu [II] Señor de Tormos, Pradilla and El Frago, illegitimate daughter of ALFONSO IX King of León & his mistress Teresa Gil de Soverosa (1228-after 1252). The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "Martin Alonso, D. Maria Alonso, Sancha Alonso, Urraca Alonso" as the children of King Alfonso IX and "D. Teresa Gil de Soverosa", adding that Urraca married "D. Garcia Romero en Aragon", and in a later passage that "D. Pedro Nuñez de Guzman" married firstly "D. Urraca Alonso sin hijos"[1282].
m thirdly TERESA Rodríguez, daughter of ---. The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos records that "D. Pedro Nuñez de Guzman" married secondly "D. Teresa Roiz"[1283].
Mistress (1): ---. The name of Pedro´s mistress is not known.
Pedro & his third wife had one child:
Pedro had one illegitimate child by Mistress (1):
Don Pero Nuñez de Guzman Adelantado mayor de Caftilla (de cuyos grandes hechos en la conquifta de Sevilla con el Sancto Rey don Fernando haze particular memoria el Conde don Pedro) fue cafado con doña Vrraca Alfonfo hermana del Rey don Fernando. Del ay memoria en el repartimieto de Sevilla hecho por el Rey don Alonfo en el año de 1253 onde fue heredado como Rico hõbre. Fue padre de don Alonfo Perez de Guzman el Bueno, de quien dize el Conde don Pedro, que fue muy preciado en toda Caftilla, y en Leon, y en toda la frontera, y q fue muy buen Cavallero en armas. NOBLEZA DEL ANDALVZIA Por Gonçalo Argote de Molina, Sevilla 1588. Libro Segundo. De el Principio de el Linaie de Guzman, y de fus Armas. Cap. XXXI. Pág. 169