Peter I, Duke of Bourbon

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Pierre I de Bourbon, Grand Chamberlain of France, duc de Bourbon, comte de La Marche (1311 - 1356)

French: De Orléans, Grand Chamberlain of France, duc de Bourbon, comte de La Marche
Birthplace: Bourbon-l'Archambault, Allier, Auvergne, France
Death: September 19, 1356 (45)
Bataile de Maupertuis, Nouaillé Maupertuis, Vienne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France (Killed in battle)
Place of Burial: Paris, Île-de-France, France
Immediate Family:

Son of Louis I le Boiteux, duc de Bourbon and Marie d'Avesnes
Husband of Isabella of Valois, Duchess of Bourbon
Father of Louis II "le Bon", duc de Bourbon; Jeanne de Bourbon, reine de France; Blanche de Bourbón, Queen-Consort of Castile; Bonne de Bourbon; Catherine de Bourbon and 3 others
Brother of Jeanne de Forez; Marguerite de Bourbon, Comtesse de Clermont; Beatrice de Bourbon, queen of Bohemia; James I de Bourbon, count of la Marche; Philippa de Clermont and 2 others
Half brother of Guy bâtard de Bourbon; Jeannette bâtarde de Bourbon and Jean bâtard de Bourbon, seigneur de Rochefort en Bourbonnais

Occupation: Chef de la branche ainâee - 2e duc de Bourbon, Hertig, Duke of Bourbon
Managed by: Henn Sarv
Last Updated:

About Peter I, Duke of Bourbon

Peter I of Bourbon (Pierre Ier, Duc de Bourbon in French; 1311 – 19 September 1356) was the second Duke of Bourbon, from 1342 to his death. Read more on Wikipedia

Since 2007, the English Wikipedia page of Peter I, Duke of Bourbon has received more than 148,522 page views. His biography is available in 23 different languages on Wikipedia. Peter I, Duke of Bourbon is the 3,837th most popular politician (down from 3,707th in 2019), the 1,218th most popular biography from France (down from 1,213th in 2019) and the 298th most popular French Politician.

Peter I, Duke of Bourbon is most famous for his role in the French Wars of Religion. He was a leader of the Catholic League and was a member of the House of Bourbon.,_Duke_of_Bourbon

Pierre Ier, né en 1311, mort à Poitiers en 1356, fut duc de Bourbon de 1342 à 1356.

Il était fils de Louis Ier, duc de Bourbon et comte de la Marche, et de Marie d'Avesnes.

Il fit ses premières armes en 1341 sous les ordres du duc de Normandie, le futur roi Jean II de France et combattit en Bretagne, alors en pleine guerre. Il permit notamment au prétendant français Charles de Blois de prendre possession du duché.

En 1346, il combattit à Crécy et y fut blessé. En 1355, il fut envoyé dans le Languedoc avec le titre de lieutenant général du roi, et accomplit sa mission avec succès. Il se battit à la bataille de Poitiers et y fut tué, en faisant rempart de son corps devant son roi.

Famille [modifier]

Il épousa en 1336 Isabelle de Valois (1313-1383), fille de Charles de France, comte de Valois, d'Alençon, de Chartres, d'Anjou, du Maine et de Mahaut de Saint-Pol. Ils eurent huit enfants :

Louis II (1337 † 1410), duc de Bourbon

Jeanne (1337 † 1378), mariée en 1350 à Charles V (1338 † 1380), roi de France

Blanche (1339 † 1361), mariée en 1352 à Pierre Ier le Cruel (1334 † 1369), roi de Castille et de León

Bonne (1341 † 1402), mariée en 1355 à Amédée VI († 1383), comte de Savoie

Catherine (1342 † 1427), mariée en 1359 à Jean VI († 1388), comte d'Harcourt et d'Aumale et baron d'Elbeuf

Marguerite de Bourbon (1344 † ap.1416), mariée en 1359 à Arnaud VIII Amanieu (1338 † 1401), sire d'Albret, comte de Dreux

Isabelle (1345 † )

Marie (1347 † 1401), prieure de Poissy

Précédé par Pierre Ier de Bourbon Suivi par

Louis Ier

duc de Bourbon Louis II

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Peter I of Bourbon (1311 – 19 September 1356, Poitiers) was the second Duke of Bourbon, from 1342 to his death.

Peter was son of Louis I of Bourbon, whom he also succeeded as Grand Chamberlain of France, and Mary of Avesnes.

Duke Peter is reported to have been somewhat mentally unstable, a trait of nervous breakdowns presumably hereditary that showed clearly for example in his daughter Joan of Bourbon, the queen, and in her son, king Charles VI of France, as well as in Peter's only surviving son, Duke Louis II.

Early career

Peter I took part in several of the early campaigns of the Hundred Years War which broke out in 1337.

In the summer of 1339 he took part in Jean de Marigny, Bishop of Beauvais's failed attack on Bordeaux.

In autumn 1341 he took part in the John, Duke of Normandy's campaign in Brittany.

He was present at the coronation of Pope Clement VI at Avignon 19 May 1342.

Summer 1342 he was together with the Raoul I of Brienne, Count of Eu given command of the covering force protecting France from attacks from the north while king Philip VI campaigned in Brittany.

In August 1343 he and the Dauphin of Viennois were the French ambassadors at a peace conference at Avignon, but the negotiations were fruitless as the Edward III of England declined to send any but the most junior member of the embassy.

Lieutenant in Languedoc

On 8 August 1345 Peter I was appointed by Philip VI as his lieutenant on the south-west march. His opponent was to be Henry, Earl of Derby (later Earl and Duke of Lancaster) who completed disembarking his army at Bordeaux the day after Peter I's appointment.

Peter I arrived to take up his lieutenancy in Languedoc in September. By then the Earl of Derby had already opened his campaign, throwing the French defences into disarray with the capture of Bergerac and the destruction of the French army present there the previous month. Bourbon set up headquarters at Angoulême and begun an extensive recruitment campaign to raise a new army, command of which fell to the Duke of Normandy. However on 21 October the Earl of Derby won another crushing victory outside Auberoche over parts of this force. The Duke of Normandy abandoned his campaign once he heard the news. In early November he disbanded his army and left for the north.

The Earl of Derby exploited the absence of a French commander in the field to lay siege to the important fortress-city of La Réole. Bourbon proclaimed the arrière-ban in Languedoc and the march provinces in an attempt to find troops to relieve the siege. However the results were poor as many of the potential recruits were still on their way home from the army just disbanded by John of Normandy. Attempts by John I, Count of Armagnac to raise troops from his domains in the Rouergue also produced little. Early January 1346 the garrison of La Réole marched away under truce.

Winter 1346 Bourbon kept his winter quarters at the provincial capital of Agen, a city which quickly was becoming isolated as many of the lesser towns were captured or defected to the English. Spring however opened with the so far greatest French effort in the south-west. Bourbon and the Bishop of Beauvais raised a new army at Toulouse, in part financed by the Pope whose nephew had been captured by Derby the previous year, while John of Normandy brought with him a substantial number of nobles from the north including such dignitaries as the Eudes IV, Duke of Burgundy, Raoul II of Brienne, Count of Eu the Constable of France, both Marshals and the Master of Crossbowmen. In April Normandy laid siege to the town of Aiguillon which controlled the confluence between the Lot and the Garonne. There they still remained in August when John of Normandy was urgently recalled to the north to help stop Edward III who had landed in Normandy. And so the French 1346 campaign in the south ended having accomplished nothing.

Diplomatic missions

In July 1347 he took part in fruitless negotiations with the English outside Calais in the days just before that city's capitulation.

On 8 February 1354 he was together with the Guy, Cardinal of Boulogne appointed as King John II's commissioners to King Charles II of Navarre, empowered to offer whatever Charles wanted. The two met the King of Navarre in the castle of Mantes, accompanied by the two dowager Queens and droves of courtiers and ministers, most of who more or less openly sympathized with Charles of Navarre. The treaty concluded 22 February granted to Charles of Navarre a considerable part of Lower Normandy which he was to hold with the same rights as the Duke of Normandy.

In January 1355 he was sent together with the Chancellor of France Pierre de la Forêt on a diplomatic mission to Avignon where they were to meet with an English embassy led by Henry of Lancaster and Richard FitzAlan, 10th Earl of Arundel. The purpose of the mission was to formally ratify a peace treaty based on a draft drawn up at Guînes the previous year. However since then French policy had changed, the French ambassadors had only come to reject the English demands and had nothing new to offer. Negotiations therefore quickly broke down and the conference ended having accomplished nothing except prolonging the existing truce a few more months until 24 June.

May 1355 when it became apparent that open war was about to break out between the King of France and a King of Navarre allied to England the Duke of Bourbon belonged to the party fronted by the Dowager Queens who lobbied John II on Charles of Navarre's behalf. In the end John II gave way and on 31 May agreed to pardon Charles of Navarre.

In July the Duke of Bourbon and the Chancellor met with English ambassadors to negotiate the extension of the truce. As both the French and English governments had decided to resume the war these negotiations were naturally quite empty and fruitless.

Peter was killed in the Battle of Poitiers 19 September 1356.


Peter I, Duke of Bourbon

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Peter I of Bourbon (1311 – September 19, 1356, Poitiers) was the second Duke of Bourbon, from 1342 to his death.

Peter was son of Louis I of Bourbon, whom he also succeeded as Grand Chamberlain of France, and Mary of Hainaut.

Duke Peter is reported to have been mentally somewhat instable, a trait of nervous breakdowns presumably hereditary that showed clearly for example in his daughter Jeanne de Bourbon, the queen, and in her son, king Charles VI of France, as well as in Peter's only surviving son, Duke Louis II.

On 25 January 1326 he married Isabella of Valois, daughter of Charles, Count of Valois and his third wife Mahaut of Chatillon. Peter and Isabella had only one son, Louis, and seven daughters. These were:

Jeanne (1338–1378), married King Charles V of France

Blanche (1339–1361, Medina-Sidonia), married King Pedro of Castile in 1353 in Valladolid, poisoned by her husband

Bonne (1341 – January 19, 1402, Château de Mâcon), married Amadeus VI, Count of Savoy in 1355 in Paris

Catherine (1342–1427, Paris), married John VI, Count of Harcourt

Margaret (1344–1416), married Arnaud Amanieu, Viscount of Tartas

Isabelle (b. 1345)

Mary (1347–1401, Poissy), Prioress of Poissy

Peter died in the Battle of Poitiers.


Foundation for Medieval Genealogy Accessed November 17, 2007

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Peter I, Duke of Bourbon's Timeline

April 1311
Bourbon-l'Archambault, Allier, Auvergne, France
February 4, 1337
Bourbon-l'Archambault, Allier, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
February 3, 1338
Vincennes, Val-de-Marne, Île-de-France, France
June 11, 1339
Vincennes, France
Château de Vincennes
Auvergne, France
Auvergne, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France