Immediate Family
About Peter Wode (Wood), I
About Peter Atte Wode
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Atte_Wode
He was probably born in Coulsdon in Surrey (now Greater London) according to Manning and Bray's History of Surrey. The precise date of his birth is not known, but it is presumed to have been sometime before 1325. His father was Geoffrey Atte Wode (Abt 1297-1346), a Sergeant at Arms to Edward III and his mother was Anisia. Peter and his wife, Laurencia, had at least one son who was also named Peter Atte Wode (Bef 1363-aft 1384) who was a Knight of the Shire and married Petronilla.
On 15 Mar 1351 Peter Atte Wode and John De Roulegh along with seven others were appointed as "keepers" to the "joint commission for the peace and for labourers" in Surrey. This commission was formed in several counties in England to provide an enforcement enforcement for new laws that had been enacted to regulate labor and provide for peace after the Black Death decimated the population in 1348-49. On 15 Sep 1351 de Roulegh and Peter Atte Wode were removed from their positions on the commission as a result of complaints of impropriety by fellow commissioners. They were both tried and Peter Atte Wode was found to be innocent of the charges. De Rouglegh, however, was found guilty of extorting money from laborers, sent to prison and fined heavily.
Peter became associated with William of Wykeham (1320-1404). His association with Wykeham undoubtedly enhanced his stature and helped increase his wealth. Jean Froissart (1337-1405), the famed chronicler of medieval England and France, says in his Chronicles (1395):
"At this time reigned a priest called William of Wykeham. This William of Wykeham was so much in favor with the King of England, that everything was done by him, and nothing was done without him."
Peter was jointly appointed a Justice in Eyre south of the Trent along with Wykeham on 13 Jul 1361, a position he held until about 1367. The Eyre Court was created to hear cases involving forest law in the Royal Forests of England. Wykeham eventually became the Bishop of Winchester, and was also the Chancellor of England under both Edward III and Richard II.
William of Wykeham was appointed the King's Commissioner in charge of rebuilding Windsor Castle and Clerk of all the King's Works in his Manors of Henley-on-Thames (Oxfordshire) and Easthampstead (Berkshire). E. F. Atwood has found a reference in the Rotulorum to Peter acquiring a commission to rebuild a portion of Windsor Castle during this period (there is no indication which Rotulorum records were used by Atwood during his research).
The Atte Wode's had been in the employ of King Edward III since at least 1341. By 1346 three members of the Atte Wode family were serving in his royal bodyguard as Sergeants-at-Arms, including his father Geoffrey Atte Wode, his grand father Sir William Atte Wode (who had been knighted by the king), and his uncle Richard Atte Wode. Jesse's Memorials of London describes his grandfather's service to Edward III as Captain of the Guard, and The London Letter Books describe Richard's role in moving the invasion fleet down the Thames in 1345 during the Hundred Years' War with France. Based on Peter's land transactions after the successful campaign in 1346, the Atte Wode's seem to have acquired a considerable amount of wealth during this time. E. F. Atwood speculates that this family's treasure was gained as a result of the English success during the war. Froissart makes this observation in his Chronicles:
After the battle of Caen "the Englishmen were lords of the town three days and won great riches, the which they sent by barks and barges to Saint-Saviour by the river of Austrehem, two leagues thence, whereas all their navy lay." T
In 1346 Peter Atte Wode and his wife Laurencia recorded the first of many land transactions in Sanderstead in Surrey (now Greater London) and surrounding counties. This would begin a long association with the Atwood family in Sanderstead. While he owned land in several locations (including Woodmansterne acquired in 1360 and Chipstead Manor acquired in 1364), it seems likely that Peter lived at Wood Place in Coulsdon, the ancestral home; in 1350, he was licensed by the Bishop to maintain an oratory (a private chapel) at Wood Place.
On 20 Dec 1382 Laurencia, now a widow, founded a chantry at Newark Priory (which was dissolved in 1538) and endowed a mass for the soul of Peter Atte Wode.
Peter amassed a sizeable estate during his lifetime as the scattered records demonstrate, and he stands an example of the emerging new class of wealthy land owners in England who were not members of the aristocracy but grew wealthy through their association with the royal family. His ancestors would continue to acquire land, particularly in Surrey, construct the large manor house known as Sanderstead Court which is depicted in Neal’s Views, continue serve the royal family in a variety of positions, and also become elected as Knights of the Shire.
View Tree for Peter ATTEWADEPeter ATTEWADE (b. Abt. 1245, d. Aft. 1313) Peter ATTEWADE (son of William ATTEWADE) was born Abt. 1245 in Holley House, Coulsdon, Surrey, England, and died Aft. 1313. He married Alice UNKNOWN.
Children of Peter ATTEWADE and Alice UNKNOWN are: i.+William Geoffrey ATTEWADE, b. Abt. 1270, Holley House, Coulsdon, Surrey, England, d. 1345, Woods Place, Surrey, England.
- Following narrative taken from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanderstead_Court'''
- Sanderstead Court From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- History The building is located next to the All Saint’s Parish Church (c. 1230) in Sanderstead.
The building did not appear on the Tithe map of 1844.[1]
- Sanderstead Court, Surrey
In 1675, the house was a three story, red brick mansion comprising a central core with two large wings at either end which were adorned with decorated chimneys. The central portion of the house had a great room, two stories in height, supported by fluted columns with Corinthian capitals; this great room was probably originally constructed by an earlier Atwood in the 16th century. Many of the rooms in Sanderstead Court were panelled with wood. The Atwood shield with a lion rampant between three acorns, the initials “H.A.” (Harman Atwood) and the date “1675” were once were carved in stone over the main entry to Sanderstead Court.
John Preston Neale described the Sanderstead Court's grounds in 1818 by saying, "The site of the Court House is on an eminence, having in front a spacious lawn, skirted by a shrubbery of rich and varied foliage, separated from the adjoining pleasure grounds by a light range of iron palisades. The Park was enlarged by the addition of an Estate, called Place House; and the whole now forms quite a sequestered residence; the grounds, which are extensive, admit the most beautiful prospects: on one side are seen the counties of Buckinghamshire and Berkshire; and on the other, a fine open country for many miles, over all Bansted Downs" (Neale 1818).
In the early 20th century, Sanderstead Court was converted to a hotel and renamed “Selsdon Court.” During World War II, it was used by the Royal Air Force. Sanderstead Court burned, leaving only the outside walls in 1944. As of 1947, the mansion was still standing but reduced to ruins, on the edge of a little village in what is now the outskirts of London. Part of it still remains as a Grade II listed building.[2] The grounds around the house have now been built on. These include Cedar Court [3] (three blocks of apartments) and a new Sanderstead Court (also three blocks of apartments).
Behind the house, was a stable building, this was used by Selsdon Park Golf Club as a clubhouse.[4] But the club later moved to Selsdon Park Hotel. The stables then formed part of the New Sanderstead Court apartments.
- Owners In 1346 Justice Peter Atte Wood (Atte Wode) and his wife Laurencia purchased land there (Lewis 1894, p. 338). Some time in the 15th century they moved to Sanderstead and began improving the property. (Atwood 1928).
The Atwood family were benefactors to the Sanderstead Parish Church which was adjacent to their home, and John Atwood (Atwodde) and his wife, Denys, have a brass plaque in the church dated 1525. John’s grand son, Nicholas Wood-Atwood, who died in 1586, is identified as “of Sandersted Corte who served quene Elizabeth sens the second yearr of her rayne” on his brass in the church (Stephanson 1919). Several secondary sources cite the story that Queen Elizabeth I spent the night at Sanderstead Court while Nicholas Wood was the owner.
Nicholas Wood lost a portion of Sanderstead Court to Sir John Gresham, Lord Mayor of London. The Atwoods regained control of Sanderstead Court, and Nicholas Wood's son, Harman Atwood, Jr., transformed Sanderstead into a more significant country house when he made renovations in 1675. Harman Atwood left Sanderstead Court to his sister Dame Olivia Atwood. Olivia also died and the house passed through a succession of distant Atwood relations until it passed out of the family line entirely in 1759. Later owners included members of the Wigsell family.
- See also
- Atwood, Charles (1888), History of the Atwood Family in England and the United States, to which is Appended a History of the Tenney Family
- Atwood, Elijah Francis (1928), Ye Atte Wode Annals, Sisseton, SD: Atwood publishing Co
- History of All Saint’s Parish Church, (view online at: http://www.sanderstead-parish.org.uk/html/all_saints_history.html Lewis, Frank B. (1894), Pedes Finium; or, Fines Relating to the County of Surrey, Guildford: Surrey Archaeological Society
- Neale, John Preston (1818), Views of the Seats of Noblemen and Gentlemen in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, London: W. H. Reid
- ”Parishes: Sanderstead', A History of the County of Surrey: Volume 4 (1912), pp. 237–43. (view online at: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.asp?compid=43057.
- Stephanson, M. (1919), A List of Monumental Brasses in Surrey 32, Guildford: Surrey Archaeological Society Walford, Edward (1883), Greater London: A Narrative of Its History, Its People, and Its Places 2, London: Cassell & Company
- References
Jump up ^ http://www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-201147-selsdon-court-cro... Jump up ^ http://www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-201147-selsdon-court-cro... Jump up ^ http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2696110 Jump up ^ http://www.london-footprints.co.uk/wkselsdonroute.htm Coordinates: 51.336°N 0.073°W
Peter Atte Wode on 3/15/1354 along with serveral other where appointed as "Keepers of the peace" and for "cabouners" in Surrey, England to provide an enforcement of the new laws that had been enacted to regulate labor positions on the commission: as a result of complaints of impiety by fellow commissioners Peter Atte Wood was found not guilty of all charges.
The Atte Wood family had been in the employ of King Edward the 3rd. sence 1341. By 1346 3 members of the Atte Wood family were serving Edward's Royal Guard as Sargent at Arms including his father Geffrey Atte Wode and grand father William Atte Wode who had been knighted by the King and his Uncle Richard Atte Wode. His Grandfather William served as Capt. of the guard.
The Atte Wood family acquired a considerable amount of wealth during this time as a result of English success during the hundred year war with France.
Peter Att_Wode was born in Sanderstead, Surrey, England in 1321. He died Nov 30, 1382 in England at age 61. He married ____ Laurence who was born in Woods Place, England in 1324. Peter bought the estates known as Sanderstead and Wodemersthorne, and in 1346 made an application for a private chapel at la Wode. It appears that in 1357 he lived at Coulsdon, also he was associated with William Wickham on the King's Commission, recorded in Rotalarum, and that he engaged in building at Windsor.
About Peter Atte Wode
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Atte_Wode
He was probably born in Coulsdon in Surrey (now Greater London) according to Manning and Bray's History of Surrey. The precise date of his birth is not known, but it is presumed to have been sometime before 1325. His father was Geoffrey Atte Wode (Abt 1297-1346), a Sergeant at Arms to Edward III and his mother was Anisia. Peter and his wife, Laurencia, had at least one son who was also named Peter Atte Wode (Bef 1363-aft 1384) who was a Knight of the Shire and married Petronilla.
On 15 Mar 1351 Peter Atte Wode and John De Roulegh along with seven others were appointed as "keepers" to the "joint commission for the peace and for labourers" in Surrey. This commission was formed in several counties in England to provide an enforcement enforcement for new laws that had been enacted to regulate labor and provide for peace after the Black Death decimated the population in 1348-49. On 15 Sep 1351 de Roulegh and Peter Atte Wode were removed from their positions on the commission as a result of complaints of impropriety by fellow commissioners. They were both tried and Peter Atte Wode was found to be innocent of the charges. De Rouglegh, however, was found guilty of extorting money from laborers, sent to prison and fined heavily.
Peter became associated with William of Wykeham (1320-1404). His association with Wykeham undoubtedly enhanced his stature and helped increase his wealth. Jean Froissart (1337-1405), the famed chronicler of medieval England and France, says in his Chronicles (1395):
"At this time reigned a priest called William of Wykeham. This William of Wykeham was so much in favor with the King of England, that everything was done by him, and nothing was done without him."
Peter was jointly appointed a Justice in Eyre south of the Trent along with Wykeham on 13 Jul 1361, a position he held until about 1367. The Eyre Court was created to hear cases involving forest law in the Royal Forests of England. Wykeham eventually became the Bishop of Winchester, and was also the Chancellor of England under both Edward III and Richard II.
William of Wykeham was appointed the King's Commissioner in charge of rebuilding Windsor Castle and Clerk of all the King's Works in his Manors of Henley-on-Thames (Oxfordshire) and Easthampstead (Berkshire). E. F. Atwood has found a reference in the Rotulorum to Peter acquiring a commission to rebuild a portion of Windsor Castle during this period (there is no indication which Rotulorum records were used by Atwood during his research).
The Atte Wode's had been in the employ of King Edward III since at least 1341. By 1346 three members of the Atte Wode family were serving in his royal bodyguard as Sergeants-at-Arms, including his father Geoffrey Atte Wode, his grand father Sir William Atte Wode (who had been knighted by the king), and his uncle Richard Atte Wode. Jesse's Memorials of London describes his grandfather's service to Edward III as Captain of the Guard, and The London Letter Books describe Richard's role in moving the invasion fleet down the Thames in 1345 during the Hundred Years' War with France. Based on Peter's land transactions after the successful campaign in 1346, the Atte Wode's seem to have acquired a considerable amount of wealth during this time. E. F. Atwood speculates that this family's treasure was gained as a result of the English success during the war. Froissart makes this observation in his Chronicles:
After the battle of Caen "the Englishmen were lords of the town three days and won great riches, the which they sent by barks and barges to Saint-Saviour by the river of Austrehem, two leagues thence, whereas all their navy lay." T In 1346 Peter Atte Wode and his wife Laurencia recorded the first of many land transactions in Sanderstead in Surrey (now Greater London) and surrounding counties. This would begin a long association with the Atwood family in Sanderstead. While he owned land in several locations (including Woodmansterne acquired in 1360 and Chipstead Manor acquired in 1364), it seems likely that Peter lived at Wood Place in Coulsdon, the ancestral home; in 1350, he was licensed by the Bishop to maintain an oratory (a private chapel) at Wood Place.
On 20 Dec 1382 Laurencia, now a widow, founded a chantry at Newark Priory (which was dissolved in 1538) and endowed a mass for the soul of Peter Atte Wode.
Peter amassed a sizeable estate during his lifetime as the scattered records demonstrate, and he stands an example of the emerging new class of wealthy land owners in England who were not members of the aristocracy but grew wealthy through their association with the royal family. His ancestors would continue to acquire land, particularly in Surrey, construct the large manor house known as Sanderstead Court which is depicted in Neal’s Views, continue serve the royal family in a variety of positions, and also become elected as Knights of the Shire.
View Tree for Peter ATTEWADEPeter ATTEWADE (b. Abt. 1245, d. Aft. 1313) Peter ATTEWADE (son of William ATTEWADE) was born Abt. 1245 in Holley House, Coulsdon, Surrey, England, and died Aft. 1313. He married Alice UNKNOWN.
Children of Peter ATTEWADE and Alice UNKNOWN are: i.+William Geoffrey ATTEWADE, b. Abt. 1270, Holley House, Coulsdon, Surrey, England, d. 1345, Woods Place, Surrey, England.
Following narrative taken from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanderstead_Court''' Sanderstead Court From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
History The building is located next to the All Saint’s Parish Church (c. 1230) in Sanderstead.
The building did not appear on the Tithe map of 1844.[1]
Sanderstead Court, Surrey In 1675, the house was a three story, red brick mansion comprising a central core with two large wings at either end which were adorned with decorated chimneys. The central portion of the house had a great room, two stories in height, supported by fluted columns with Corinthian capitals; this great room was probably originally constructed by an earlier Atwood in the 16th century. Many of the rooms in Sanderstead Court were panelled with wood. The Atwood shield with a lion rampant between three acorns, the initials “H.A.” (Harman Atwood) and the date “1675” were once were carved in stone over the main entry to Sanderstead Court.
John Preston Neale described the Sanderstead Court's grounds in 1818 by saying, "The site of the Court House is on an eminence, having in front a spacious lawn, skirted by a shrubbery of rich and varied foliage, separated from the adjoining pleasure grounds by a light range of iron palisades. The Park was enlarged by the addition of an Estate, called Place House; and the whole now forms quite a sequestered residence; the grounds, which are extensive, admit the most beautiful prospects: on one side are seen the counties of Buckinghamshire and Berkshire; and on the other, a fine open country for many miles, over all Bansted Downs" (Neale 1818).
In the early 20th century, Sanderstead Court was converted to a hotel and renamed “Selsdon Court.” During World War II, it was used by the Royal Air Force. Sanderstead Court burned, leaving only the outside walls in 1944. As of 1947, the mansion was still standing but reduced to ruins, on the edge of a little village in what is now the outskirts of London. Part of it still remains as a Grade II listed building.[2] The grounds around the house have now been built on. These include Cedar Court [3] (three blocks of apartments) and a new Sanderstead Court (also three blocks of apartments).
Behind the house, was a stable building, this was used by Selsdon Park Golf Club as a clubhouse.[4] But the club later moved to Selsdon Park Hotel. The stables then formed part of the New Sanderstead Court apartments.
Owners In 1346 Justice Peter Atte Wood (Atte Wode) and his wife Laurencia purchased land there (Lewis 1894, p. 338). Some time in the 15th century they moved to Sanderstead and began improving the property. (Atwood 1928).
The Atwood family were benefactors to the Sanderstead Parish Church which was adjacent to their home, and John Atwood (Atwodde) and his wife, Denys, have a brass plaque in the church dated 1525. John’s grand son, Nicholas Wood-Atwood, who died in 1586, is identified as “of Sandersted Corte who served quene Elizabeth sens the second yearr of her rayne” on his brass in the church (Stephanson 1919). Several secondary sources cite the story that Queen Elizabeth I spent the night at Sanderstead Court while Nicholas Wood was the owner.
Nicholas Wood lost a portion of Sanderstead Court to Sir John Gresham, Lord Mayor of London. The Atwoods regained control of Sanderstead Court, and Nicholas Wood's son, Harman Atwood, Jr., transformed Sanderstead into a more significant country house when he made renovations in 1675. Harman Atwood left Sanderstead Court to his sister Dame Olivia Atwood. Olivia also died and the house passed through a succession of distant Atwood relations until it passed out of the family line entirely in 1759. Later owners included members of the Wigsell family.
See also Atwood, Charles (1888), History of the Atwood Family in England and the United States, to which is Appended a History of the Tenney Family Atwood, Elijah Francis (1928), Ye Atte Wode Annals, Sisseton, SD: Atwood publishing Co History of All Saint’s Parish Church, (view online at: http://www.sanderstead-parish.org.uk/html/all_saints_history.html Lewis, Frank B. (1894), Pedes Finium; or, Fines Relating to the County of Surrey, Guildford: Surrey Archaeological Society
Neale, John Preston (1818), Views of the Seats of Noblemen and Gentlemen in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, London: W. H. Reid ”Parishes: Sanderstead', A History of the County of Surrey: Volume 4 (1912), pp. 237–43. (view online at: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.asp?compid=43057. Stephanson, M. (1919), A List of Monumental Brasses in Surrey 32, Guildford: Surrey Archaeological Society Walford, Edward (1883), Greater London: A Narrative of Its History, Its People, and Its Places 2, London: Cassell & Company
References Jump up ^ http://www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-201147-selsdon-court-cro... Jump up ^ http://www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-201147-selsdon-court-cro... Jump up ^ http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2696110 Jump up ^ http://www.london-footprints.co.uk/wkselsdonroute.htm Coordinates: 51.336°N 0.073°W
Peter Atte Wode on 3/15/1354 along with serveral other where appointed as "Keepers of the peace" and for "cabouners" in Surrey, England to provide an enforcement of the new laws that had been enacted to regulate labor positions on the commission: as a result of complaints of impiety by fellow commissioners Peter Atte Wood was found not guilty of all charges.
The Atte Wood family had been in the employ of King Edward the 3rd. sence 1341. By 1346 3 members of the Atte Wood family were serving Edward's Royal Guard as Sargent at Arms including his father Geffrey Atte Wode and grand father William Atte Wode who had been knighted by the King and his Uncle Richard Atte Wode. His Grandfather William served as Capt. of the guard. The Atte Wood family acquired a considerable amount of wealth during this time as a result of English success during the hundred year war with France. Peter Att_Wode was born in Sanderstead, Surrey, England in 1321. He died Nov 30, 1382 in England at age 61. He married ____ Laurence who was born in Woods Place, England in 1324. Peter bought the estates known as Sanderstead and Wodemersthorne, and in 1346 made an application for a private chapel at la Wode. It appears that in 1357 he lived at Coulsdon, also he was associated with William Wickham on the King's Commission, recorded in Rotalarum, and that he engaged in building at Windsor.
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Peter Wode (Wood), I's Timeline
1321 |
Wood Place, Coulsdon, Middlesex, England (United Kingdom)
1324 |
Woods Place, Surrey, England, England (United Kingdom)
1360 |
Wood's Place, Surrey, England (United Kingdom)
1382 |
November 30, 1382
Age 61
Sanderstead, South Croydon, Middlesex, England (United Kingdom)
1402 |
Clapham, Surrey, England (United Kingdom)
1929 |
December 14, 1929
Age 61
December 14, 1929
Age 61
1931 |
June 22, 1931
Age 61
June 22, 1931
Age 61