Peter Wolf (born Peter W. Blankfield; March 7, 1946) is an American rhythm and blues, soul and rock and roll musician, best known as the lead vocalist for the J. Geils Band from 1967 to 1983.
Family background from Peter Wolf Historical Bio, Written & Researched by Bryan Wiser, and Sheila Warren, with Mimi Fox
From the Leader Times of Kittaning, Pennsylvania, Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1974:
Faye Dunaway to wed
Santa Monica, Calif. (UPI) - Actress Faye Dunaway and composer Peter Wolf applied for a marriage license Monday. (Presumably Aug. 5, although the date of record on the registration was apparently Aug. 1.)
Miss Dunaway, 33, and Wolf, 28, whose real name is Peter Blankfield, did not give any date for the ceremony.
From The Daily Inter Lake of Kalispell, Montana, Sunday, Aug. 18, 1974:
First Vows
Beverly Hills, Calif. (AP) - Actress Faye Dunaway and rock singer Peter Wolf have been married but they won't have time for a honeymoon.
Wolf, lead singer with the J. Geils band, is about to go on tour. Miss Dunaway is on call for her next movie, "The Towering Inferno."
From The Delaware County (Pa.) Daily Times of Friday, August 23, 1974:
When Peter Wolf clerked in a record shop, he saved his money for a meal at the Stage deli Saturday nights: now that he's head of the J. Geils Group, married to Faye Dunaway, making big money, he doesn't have time to eat there anymore.
1946 |
March 7, 1946
The Bronx, New York City, Bronx County, New York, United States