Avatar: Mayan comparison to Old Cheraw. Chrome 20 pile up area that is Red (C 1 Bodu Tribe Control Group of Brazil, West Asian at level of C and back to Isa of the San.
The Chavis family is from Maternal direct C1 West Asian mothers and far back are from the same ancestry as the control group Test Participants being the Bodu of Brazil, 99% of whom are still C1 and have been isolated and whose contingient of cousins went to the Carib, were enslaved and brought north by the Spanish and by the Dutch West Indies Trade where they married into the port area natives of all port areas.
1648 |
Monkstown, Dublin, Ireland
1650 |
1659 |
April 1659
Surry, Surry, Virginia, United States
1660 |
April 1660
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