Matching family tree profiles for Petronella van Meerhof
Immediate Family
About Petronella van Meerhof
Alternate first name: Pieternella / Petronella
Alternate surname: Meerhof / van Meerhof
Please note not even FFY has a proven baptism record for her.
Van 1669-1677 is Pieternella is opgegroeid bij Jan Reyniers. Samen met haar broer Salamon zijn ze in 1677 getransporteerd naar Mauritius (samen met nog een zusje en broer Jacobus volgens Stamouers.com). Meegenomen door vrijburger Bartholomeus Borms en zijn vrouw Theuntje (de voogdouders), met de hoeker de Boode om "om de armen te ontlasten van 2 onmondige kinderen":
"Vrijdagh desen 23en Julij 1677 ....Verders door de diaconij en besorgers der arme deser residentie in Rade overgetransporteert sijnde seeker request van den vrijman Bartolomeus Borms en sijn vrouw, aan haer E. vertoont, luijdende aldus van woorde tot woord:
Verthonen mits desen aen diakonen en besorgers der armen aen de Caep d' Goede Hoope Bartholomeus Borms nevens sijne huijsvrouw Theuntje ... [5] ingesetenen alhier te kennen gevende hoe dat aen hun beijde bij hooger macht passagie verleent zijnde om eerstes daegs met God de voorste per de hoecker de Boode naer Mauritius eijlandt te mogen vervaeren, wel genegen zouden wesen den armen te releveren en t' ontlasten van twee onmondige kinderen van wijlen Sr. Pieter meerhoff zaligen, naemens Pieternella en Salamon ende deselve in haer geselschap en voorsorge naer 't gemelde eijlant mede te nemen....."
[5] Volgens G. G. Kloeke was Bartholomeus Borns (die van word met 'n n gespel) getroud met Theuntje Bartholomeuz Elders; in 1663, word sy Theunken Bartholomeus van der Linden genoem.
[Resolutions of the Council of Policy of Cape of Good Hope Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa Reference code: C. 11, pp. 45-50. op http://databases.tanap.net/cgh/]
Vermelding in de archieven:
31-12-1712 Monsterrol Stellenbosch, p. 247 "Daniel Zaaijman & Pieternella Meerhof"
Zie ook de historische roman "Pieternella van die Kaap"
Auteur: Dalene Matthee
Zie ook het boek "Islands"
Auteur: Dan Sleigh
Vertaling: Andre Brink
Pieternella MEERHOF (ook bekend as Pieternella VAN DIE KAAP) is op Mauritius getroud met Daniel ZAAIJMAN (afkomstig uit Vlissingen), die VOC se groenteboer. Hul het later na die Kaap gekom. Haar ouers was Pieter VAN MEERHOF (Ned. vir Peter HAVGARD, wat as 22-jarige soldaat en sjirurgyn op 22 MAR 1659 aan boord van die 'Princes Roijael' uit Kopenhagen in die Kaap aangekom het, later ontdekkingsreisiger, vermoor op Madagaskar in 1667) en Krotoa (ook bekend as Eva).
Broer - Jacobus VAN MEERHOF
Broer - Salamon VAN MEERHOF
Bron: Die Geslagsregister van die familie PELSER, PELSTER, PELSZER, PELTSER, PELTZER en PELZER in Suid-Afrika sedert 1708 deur R. DE V. PIENAAR, Stellenbosch, 2004. Bl. 8
(Y. DROST, 23 NOV 2009)
She [her mother, Eva] lapsed into such a dissolute and immoral life, however, that the V.O.C. again sent her to Robben Island on 26th March 1669, and placed the three children in the care of the free burgher, Jan Reyniersz.
In 1677 the free burgher, Bartholomeus Borns recieved permission from the Council of Policy to take two of Eva's children, Pieternella (Petronella) and Salamon van Meerhoff, with him to Mauritius.
There Pieternella van Meerhoff married Daniel Zaayman (from Vlissingen), and, on 26th January 1709, arrived with her husband at the Cape, where she became an ancestor of the Zaayman family in South Africa.
There were eight children born of this marriage, four sons and four daughters, of whom most (or all) were probably born on Mauritius.
The family has descended in the male line from the eldest son, Pieter Zaayman; two sons were baptized in Cape Town on 17 February 1709; two daughters were apparently married at the Cape (to Diodati and Bockelberg). A third daughter, Maria Zaayman, had already arrived at the Cape from Mauritius in 1708 with her husband, Hendrik Abraham de Vries, of Amsterdam (one of the four De Vries ancestors in South Africa) there being with her four children, of whom three boys were baptized simultaneously in Cape Town on 4 November 1708.
A fourth daughter, Eva Zaayman, date of birth unrecorded, was married (apparently at the Cape) first to Hubert Jansz van der Meyden, and later (20 September 1711) at Stellenbosch, to Johannes Smit of Delft. As far as is known no children resulted from these marriages.
Eva (Krotoa) van die Kaap
Source: SESA (Standard Encyclopedia of Southern Africa)
Scridb filter
More information: http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/p8002.htm
Dan Sleigh's book
'Islands' (translated from the Afrikaans by Andre Brink) - tells the story of Krotoa/ Eva; the Hottentot chief Autshumao/Harry/Herrie; & Pieternella, Krotoa's daughter - amongst others.
Dalene Matthee's book
Pieternella daughter of Eva - tells Pieternella's story.
The VOC abandoned its post on Mauritius in 1708.
Pieternella and her husband and children came to the Cape where they settled at Stellenbosch. They both died at the Cape before 1 Dec 1714. Her daughter Catharina married Roelof Diodati and died in Batavia. Her son Daniel died in Asia.
See http://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/bosmandevriesbuys/I057.html contributed by Jansi Syfert in this [Discussion http://www.geni.com/discussions/125703?msg=884243] about whether there are still family of Pieternella in Mauritius.
Bio notes: SV/PROG Daniel Zaayman v. Vlissingen. Hy het 'n kontrak gehad met die Kommandeur v. Mauritius om daar patattas te plant en gaan later na die Kaap. Aank, 26.1.1709; † 1714, x Petronella Meerhoff. Die van het later veralgemeen ma Saayman. Prior to coming to the Cape around 1708, he had lived with his family on the island of Mauritius, then a Dutch East India Company Settlement, where they had grown sweet potatotes on the Lemoenboomvlakte. In 1696 he had two slaves to help him and they were expected to plant out 1000 half-aums of sweet potatoes each year and then dig up the crop.
The Commander at Mauritius suggests that for this they really need about 30 or 40 slaves.
Upon the abandonment of the settlement on Mauritius, he was one of the freemen who elected to go to the Cape (rather than to Batavia).
Extract from Biography of Krotoa of the //Ammaqua by Patric Tariq Mellet ( https://camissapeople.wordpress.com/profiles/ ). See complete article on Geni.com profile for Krotoa.
NOTE: The term GORINGHAICONA is a derogatory reference and does not identify a social group. It should not be used to identify Krotoa. It means "Deserter, Outcast, Drifter. Her social group were the ?Ammaqua (Watermans or Water People) and Jan van Riebeeck notes that Autshumao preferred that they were called Watermans. All social group names end with "qua" or "koa". This immediately indicates the incorrect usage of goringhaicona or !Uri?'ae|ona
Krotoa of the ?Ammaqua (Watermans or Water People)''
(1642 - 1674)
"Pieternella was to return to the Cape with her husband Daniel Saayman after the Dutch East India Company (VOC) abandoned Mauritius. She died aged 50 in Stellenbosch in that fateful year of the smallpox epidemic in 1713. Daniel died the following year. Krotoa's descendants can be traced through four of Petronella's 8 children, through the Diodata girls in Indonesia, and the Bockelenberg, de Vries and the Zaaiman (Zaayman or Saayman) lines in the Cape.
Catharina Zaaiman who was born in 1678 in Mauritius. She married Roelof Diodata and had two children, Elizabeth and Agnita. The family moved from Mauritius to settle in Batavia (Jakarta).
Magdalena Zaayman who was born in 1682 in Mauritius and married Johannes Bockelenberg and they had four children - Petronella, Johannes, Anna Elizabeth and Susanna Bocklenberg.
Maria Martha Maryke Zaaiman who was born in 1683 in Mauritius and married Hendrik Abraham de Vries who had 4 children Daniel, Jacob, and Izak de Vries.
Pieter Zaaiman who was born in 1686 in Mauritius and married Anna Koopman who had 8 children - Pieternella, Daniel, Bartholomeus, Engela, Francina, Barend, Cornelis, and Christiaan Zaaiman
These descendants in turn married into many other families in South Africa and it is through thousands of these descendants carrying many different surnames that the old ?Ammaqua, Goringhaiqua, Gorachoqua, and Cochoqua lines of the Khoena people still live on. No children are recorded for the other four of Pieternella's children. These were: Eva Zaaiman who was born in 1680 in Mauritius and died in the Cape. Daniel Zaaiman who was born in 1692 in Mauritius and died in the Cape. Johannes Zaaiman who was born in 1704 in Mauritius and died aged 21 in the Cape. Christiaan Zaaiman who was born in 1708 in Mauritius and died 9 months later in Cape Town.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: HB Thom edt; Journal of Jan van Riebeeck 1652 - 1662; Van Riebeeck Society; AA Balkema, Cape Town / Amsterdam (1958) - Anna Jacoba Böeseken; Die dagregister en briewe van Zacharias Wagenaer 1662 - 1666; (1973) - Anna Jacoba Böeseken; Memoriën en instruction 1657 - 1699; (1966) - Mansell Upham; Made or Marred by Time; www.e-family.co.za/remarkablewriting/MadeorMarred.pdf - Karel Schoeman; Seven Khoi lives; - Cape biographies of the seventeenth century; Protea; Pretoria (2009) Alan Mountain; First People of the Cape; David Philip; Cape Town (2003) - Riaan Voster and Alan Hall; The Waters of Table mountain; http://dev.webdesignbytanya.com/hike-tm/the-waters-of-table-mountain/ - Nicolaas Vergunst; Hoerikwaggo - Images of Table mountain; SA National gallery Iziko Museums; Cape town (2000) - Nigel Worden, Elizabeth van Heningen, Vivian Bickford-Smith; Cape Town Making of a City; David Philip; Cape Town (1998) - Adrien Delmas & Nigel Penn; Written culture in a Colonial context: Africa and the Americas 1500 - 1900; Written culture and the Cape KhoiKhoi - From travel writing to 'full description; UCT Press (2011) - William Crooke edt; Tavanier: Travels in India; transl V Ball; (1925) - Sir Richard Carnac-Temple; The travels of Peter Mundy in Europe and Asia 1608 - 1667; (1967) - JP Cortemünde; Adventures at the Cape of Good Hope; (1962) - HCV Leibbrandt; Precis of the archives of the Cape of Good Hope; Journal 1662-70, 1671-74; WA Richards & Sons (1901, 1902) - John Cope; King of the Hottentots; Howard Timmins; Cape Town (1967) - Richard Elphick; KhoiKhoi and the founding of White South Africa; Raven Press; Johannesburg (1985) - O Schapera edt; Dictionary of South African Biography: The Early Cape Hottentots - Willem ten Rhijne; (1933)
© Patric Tariq Mellet (https://camissapeople.wordpress.com/profiles/)
As per Krorta's profile on Geni.com : Krotoa 'Eva'
(Bygevoeg deur Y. DROST op 26 JULIE 2024)
Petronella van Meerhof's Timeline
1663 |
Caap de Goede Hoop, South Africa
Kratoa has a third child with Pieter van Meerhof. The child Pieternella was baptized on the mainland. The couple had two more children who did not survive. |
Kratoa has a another child with Pieter van Meerhof. The child Pieternella was baptized on the mainland. The couple had two more children who did not survive. |
1678 |
September 27, 1678
1682 |
June 10, 1682