Philip V, king of Spain

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Philip V de Bourbon, king of Spain (1683 - 1746)

French: Philippe V de Bourbon, roi d'Espagne, Spanish: Don Felipe V 'el Animoso' de Borbon, rey de España
Also Known As: "Philip V of Spain"
Birthplace: Versailles, Île-de-France, France
Death: July 09, 1746 (62)
Escorial, Madrid, Spain
Place of Burial: Royal Palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso
Immediate Family:

Son of Louis de France, le Grand Dauphin and Maria Anna Victoria von Bayern
Husband of Princess Maria Luisa of Savoy and Elisabeth Farnese, queen consort of Spain
Father of La Infanta Fantilina of Spain; Louis I, king of Spain; Infante Phillip de Borbón, Infante de España; Felipe Pedro Gabriel de Borbón, Infante de España; Ferdinand VI, king of Spain and 7 others
Brother of Louis de France, duc de Bourgogne and Charles Louis de Bourbon, duc de Berry
Half brother of Charlotte De La Jonchere; Anne-Louise, Mme d'Avaugour; Charlotte, Mme de La Jonchère; (No Name) and (No Name)

Occupation: duc d'Anjou (1683-1700), King of España (1700-1724, 1724-1746), King of Naples, King of Sicile (Filippo IV, 1700-1713), Duc d'Anjou puis Roi d'Espagne (1700-1746), King of Spain 1700-January 1724, September 1724-1746, Fils de France, Duke of Anjou, Rey
Managed by: Henn Sarv
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About Philip V, king of Spain

Predecessor:Charles II Successor: Louis I

  • Reign: 6 September 1724 – 9 July 1746 2. period

Predecessor: Louis I Successor: Ferdinand VI

Filip V oli syntyperältään Philippe de France eli Ranskan prinssi. Hän oli Espanjan kuningas vuosina 1700–1746 vuoden 1724 lyhyttä ajanjaksoa lukuun ottamatta. Filip V oli Espanjan ensimmäinen Bourbon-sukuinen hallitsija. Wikipedia

Syntyi: 19. joulukuuta 1683, Versailles’n palatsi, Versailles, Ranska
Kuoli: 9. heinäkuuta 1746, Madrid, Espanja Puoliso: Elisabeth Farnese (v. 1714)

Lapset: Kaarle III, Ferdinand VI, Ludvig I, Philip, Duke of Parma, Infante Luis, Count of Chinchón, Mariana Victoria of Spain, Infanta Maria Teresa Rafaela of Spain, Maria Antonia Ferdinanda of Spain, Infante Philip of Spain Vanhemmat: Duchess Maria Anna Victoria of Bavaria, Ludvig

Espanjan perimys[muokkaa wikitekstiä]

Espanjan perimys: Vuosisadan lopulla, vuodesta 1690 Espanjan perimysongelma tuli ajankohtaiseksi. Hallitseva monarkki Kaarle II. Jo ennen hänen kuolemaansa eurooppalaiset suurvallat koettivat saada eri keinoin haltuunsa hänen kuningaskuntansa. Peli oli kovaa ja tärkeää, sillä jos Espanja olisi joutunut Ranskalle ja Bourbon-suvulle, se olisi lisännyt jo ennestäänkin mahtavan Ludvig XIV:n suunnatonta vaikutusvaltaa. Mikäli Espanjan kruunu olisi tullut Itävallan Habsburg-sukuun, se olisi merkinnyt Kaarle V:n valtakunnan uudelleenmuodostumista. Kuolema kohtasi Kaarle II:n 1. marraskuuta vuonna 1700. Ludvig XIV esitteli pojanpoikansa Filipin uutena Espanjan kuninkaana. Kaikki tahot eivät tätä kuitenkaan hyväksyneet ja alkoi Espanjan perimyssota.

Espanjan perimyssota Taustaa:Espanjan Habsburg-sukuinen kuningas Kaarle II oli lapseton. Kaksi Euroopan mahtimiestä saattoi esittää vaatimuksia Espanjan kruunuun: Ranskan kuningas Ludvig XIV, jonka äidin isä oli Espanjan kuningas Filip III. Lisäksi Ludvigin puoliso oli Espanjan kuningas Filip IV:n tytär. Ludvig halusi nostaa Espanjan kuninkaaksi pojanpoikansa Anjoun herttua Filipin. Toinen kruununtavoittelija oli Pyhän saksalais-roomalaisen keisarikunnan keisari Leopold I, jonka äidin isä oli Filip III ja jonka puoliso oli Filip IV:n tytär. Leopold halusi nostaa Espanjan kuninkaaksi poikansa Itävallan arkkiherttua Kaarlen. Alankomaat ja Englanti eivät halunneet Espanjan yhdistyvän Itävallan tai Ranskan kanssa.

Utrechtin rauhan vuonna 1713. Sopimuksessa Ludvig XIV:n pojanpoika pysyi Espanjan kuninkaana hallitsijanimellä Filip V. Sama hallitsija ei kuitenkaan saisi hallita Ranskaa ja Espanjaa. Espanja luovutti Itävallalle Espanjan Alankomaat ja kaikki alueensa Italiassa. Ranska tunnusti Englannin protestanttiset kruununperimyksen ja luovutti Englannille New Foundlandin ja osia Kanadasta. Espanja luovutti Savoijille Sisilian ja alueita Pohjois-Italiassa. Sopimuksessa Preussi tunnustettiin kuningaskuntana ja Portugalin Etelä-Amerikan rajoihin tehtiin sille suosiollisia tarkistuksia.

Philip V of Spain (December 19, 1683 - July 9, 1746), born Philippe de France, fils de France and duc d'Anjou, was king of Spain from 1700 to 1724 and 1724 to 1746, the first of the Bourbon dynasty in Spain.

Philip was the second son of Louis, le Grand Dauphin and Maria Anna of Bavaria, known as Dauphine Victoire. He was a younger brother of Louis, duc de Bourgogne and an uncle of Louis XV of France.

His paternal grandparents were Louis XIV of France and Maria Theresa of Spain. His maternal grandparents were Ferdinand Maria, Elector of Bavaria and Adelaide Henriette of Savoy, the daughter of Victor Amadeus I, Duke of Savoy.

Philip was born at the Palace of Versailles in France. His older brother, Louis de France, duc de Bourgogne, was in line to the throne right after his father, Le Grand Dauphin, thus leaving him and his younger brother, Charles de France, duc de Berry little expectation to ever rule over France.

Philip and his family with his second wife, Queen Elizabeth FarneseIn the year 1700, the King of Spain, Charles II, died. Charles' will named the 17-year old Philip, the grandson of Charles' sister Maria Theresa of Spain, as his successor. Upon any possible refusal the Crown of Spain would be offered next to Philip's younger brother Charles, duc de Berry, or, next, to Archduke Charles of Austria.

Both claimants had a legal right due to the fact that Philip's grandfather, King Louis XIV of France and Charles's father, Holy Roman Emperor Leopold, were both the husbands of Charles' older half sisters and sons of Charles' aunts.

Philip had the better claim because his grandmother and great-grandmother were older than Leopold's. However, the Austrian branch claimed that Philip's grandmother had renounced the Spanish throne for her descendants as part of her marriage contract. This was countered by the French branch's claim that it was on the basis of a dowry that had never been paid.

After a long council meeting where the Dauphin spoke up in favour of his son's rights, it was agreed that Philip would ascend the throne but would forever renounce his claim to the throne of France for himself and his descendants. It was not difficult to see whether Louis would have refused, as a Habsburg ruler in Spain would have put a possible enemy on three frontiers.

After the Royal Council decided to accept Charles' will naming Philip King of Spain, the Spanish ambassador was called in and introduced to his new King. The ambassador, along with his son, knelt before Philip and made a long speech in Spanish which Philip did not understand, although Louis XIV did. Ironically, Philip had only begun taking Spanish lessons that day.

However, the other powers of Europe contested the idea, eventually leading to the War of Spanish Succession (1701-1714). Although Philip was allowed to remain on the Spanish throne, Spain was forced to cede Minorca and Gibraltar to Great Britain; the Spanish Netherlands, Naples, Milan, and Sardinia to the Austrian Habsburgs; and Sicily and parts of the Milanese to Savoy.

These losses greatly diminished the Spanish Empire in Europe, which had already been in decline. Throughout his reign, Philip sought to reverse the decline of Spanish power as Great Britain increasingly began to dominate at sea.

He married his double-second cousin Maria Louisa of Savoy (17 September 1688–February 14, 1714) on November 3, 1701 and they had 4 sons.

On January 14, 1724, Philip abdicated the throne to his eldest son, Louis I, but resumed it later that year when Louis died of smallpox.

Philip helped his Bourbon relatives to make territorial gains in the War of the Polish Succession and the War of the Austrian Succession by reconquering Naples and Sicily from Austria and Oran from the Ottomans. Finally, at the end of his reign Spanish forces also successfully defended their American territories from a large British invasion during the War of Jenkins' Ear.

During his reign Spain began to recover from the stagnation it had suffered during the twilight of the Spanish Habsburg dynasty. Ferdinand VI of Spain, his son by his first queen Maria Luisa of Savoy, succeeded him.

Philip was afflicted by fits of manic depression and increasingly fell victim to a deep melancholia. His second wife, Elizabeth Farnese, completely dominated her passive husband. She bore him further sons, including another successor, Charles III of Spain. He was later helped with his affliction by the castrato singer Carlo Broschi, famously known as Farinelli, who, for twenty years, sang the same four arias each night to the king before he went to sleep.

Philip died on July 9, 1746 and was buried in his favorite Royal Palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso.


Rey de Espaa Duque de Anjou Caballero de la Insigne Orden del Toisn de Oro

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Philip V, king of Spain's Timeline

December 19, 1683
Versailles, Île-de-France, France
Age 3
August 25, 1707
Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, España (Spain)
July 2, 1709
El Escorial, Madrid, Madrid, Spain
June 7, 1712
El Escorial, Madrid, Madrid, Spain
September 23, 1713
Real Alcazar, Madrid, España (Spain)