PHILIPPE de Flandre
(-Acre 1 Jul 1191, bur Acre St Nicholas, transferred to Abbaye de Clairvaux, Jura). The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names (in order) "Philippum, Matheum, Petrum et tres filias" as the children of "Theodericus filius ducis Alsatie [et] Sibillam"[402]. He was installed as count of Flanders in 1157 when his father left for Palestine, and continued to handle most administrative matters after his father returned in 1159[403]. He succeeded in [1167] as Comte de Vermandois, by right of his wife. He succeeded his father in 1168 as PHILIPPE Count of Flanders. He was in Palestine in 1173, and landed at Acre again in Sep 1177 when his primary aim was to arrange marriages between the daughters of Amaury I King of Jerusalem and the sons of one of his vassals Robert de Béthune. He took part in the siege of Hama with Raymond Count of Tripoli and in the siege of Harenc with Bohémond III Prince of Antioch, but left Palestine for Constantinople in [May] 1178[404]. He was adviser to Philippe II King of France in 1180 after the latter's accession, and arranged the king's marriage to his niece Isabelle de Hainaut, giving Artois as her dowry. According to Kerrebrouck, Count Philippe was never appointed regent of France nor guardian of the young French king[405]. On the death of his first wife, Count Philippe refused to relinquish the counties of Vermandois and Valois to her successor, which triggered war with France, settled by the transfer of the territories under the Treaty of Boves in Jul 1185, ratified at Amiens 20 Mar 1186, although Count Philippe was permitted to retain the title Comte de Vermandois for life[406]. He returned to Palestine in 1189, and died of plague during the course of the siege of Acre. He designated his brother-in-law Baudouin V Comte de Hainaut as his successor but Philippe II King of France claimed that Flanders had escheated to the French crown in default of male heirs[407]. His final illness and death are recorded by William of Tyre (Continuator)[408]. The Annales Blandinienses record the death in 1191 of "Philippus Flandrie et Viromandie comes magnificus"[409]. The Flandria Generosa records his death "Kal Iulii 1191" at Acre, his burial in the "basilica sancti Nicholai" in Acre, and the repatriation of his body, arranged by his widow, to "Claramvallem"[410]. m firstly (Beauvais 1156) ELISABETH de Vermandois, daughter of RAOUL I "le Vaillant" Comte de Vermandois et de Valois & his second wife Aélis [Petronelle] d'Aquitaine (1143-Arras 28 Mar 1183, bur Amiens Cathedral). The Annales Blandinienses record the marriage of "Philippus filius suus [=Theodericus comes]" and "filiam Rodulfi comitis Peronensis"[411]. The Flandria Generosa names "Ysabelem filiam comitis Viromandensis" as wife of "Philippus"[412]. She succeeded her brother in [1167] as Ctss de Vermandois et de Valois on his resignation of the county due to illness[413]. Ralph de Diceto records that "Philippus comes Flandrensis" killed "Walterum de Fontibus…II Id Aug", in 1175 from the context, "so it is said" for having committed adultery with "Isabella comitissa"[414]. The Flandria Generosa records the death in 1182 of "Elisabeth comitissa" specifying that she was buried "Attrebati in ecclesia beate Maria"[415]. m secondly (Aug 1183) as her first husband, Infanta dona MAFALDA de Portugal, Senhora de Montemayor el Viejo e Ourem, daughter of dom AFONSO I King of Portugal & his wife Mathilde de Savoie (1157-drowned off Furnes, Flanders 6 May 1218, bur Abbaye de Clairvaux, Jura). The De Rebus Hispaniæ of Rodericus Ximene s names "Sancium et Urracam…et aliam filiam…Tarasia" as the children of "Aldefonsum" & his wife, specifying that Teresa married "Philippo Comiti Flandriæ et Hannoniæ" and died childless[416]. Known as TERESA from birth, she adopted the name MAFALDA in [1173/74] after the death of her older sister of that name, and was later known as MATHILDE. The Flandria Generosa specifies that on her marriage she was given "Insulam et Duacum et plures…villas…iacentes, Caslethuin, Watenes, Bergas, Burburgium, totamque maritimmam regionem"[417]. The Flandria Generosa names "Mathildis regine Portusequalis" as wife of Count Philippe, specifying that she arranged the repatriation of her husband's body to "Claramvallem"[418]. After the death of her husband, she received her widow's portion in southern and coastal Flanders but increased taxes so much that she provoked rebellions at Veurne [Furnes] and the castellany of Bourbourg[419]. She married secondly (1193, separated 1195) as his first wife, Eudes III Duke of Burgundy [Capet]. A charter dated 1195 records an agreement between the French king and "M. regina comitissa Flandrie" which records that the latter promised not to remarry after separating from "Odone duce Burgundie"[420]. The Flandria Generosa records that she was "amita" of "Fernando filio regis Portusequalis" and instrumental in arranging his marriage to her first husband's great-niece Jeanne Ctss of Flanders[421]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records the death in 1218 of "comitissa vetus de Flandria relicta comitis Philippi" and her burial next to her husband at Clairvaux[422]. She died when her carriage accidentally fell into a marsh near Furnes[423]. Mistress (1): ---. The name of Count Philippe's mistress is not known. Count Philippe had one illegitimate son by Mistress (1):
a) THIERRY de Flandre (-after 1207). Thierry was one of the leaders of the Flemish contingent in the Fourth Crusade. Villehardouin records that "Comte Philippe de Flandre's son Thierry" left with the fleet from Flanders and arrived at Marseille end-1202[424]. William of Tyre (Continuator) names "Bauduins chevalier d'Amienz qui estoit parent de l'empereor" when recording his departure on crusade and marriage at Marseille in 1203[425]. According to the Continuator of William of Tyre, when he arrived in Cyprus, Thierry requested Aimery I King of Cyprus to transfer the island to him, by right of his wife, but he was expelled and left for Armenia[426]. Villehardouin records that "Emperor Henri" placed "his nephew Thierry de Flandre" in charge of a company at Constantinople to fight against the Bulgarians in Jul 1207[427]. m (Marseille 1203) as her second husband, --- Komnene "la Damsel de Chypre", divorced wife of RAYMOND VI Comte de Toulouse, daughter of ISAAKIOS Dukas Komnenos ex-Emperor of Cyprus & his first wife --- of Armenia [Rupenid] ([1177/78]-after 1204). She is referred to as "fille de l'empereor de Chypre" by William of Tyre (Continuator) when he records her presence at Marseille where she met and married her husband en route to the Crusade[428].
Dictionnaire de la noblesse, Tome 1
1136 |
Flanders, France
1181 |
Age 45
1191 |
July 1, 1191
Age 55
Ptolemais or Acre, Hazafon, Palestine
???? | |||
???? |