Historical records matching Pierre Jacobs, SV/PROG
Immediate Family
About Pierre Jacobs, SV/PROG
Pierre Jacob from Vieille-Église, Picardie (c1640-<1698)
s/o Fremin (Firmin) Jacob & Margueritte Denis /de Nyelle
x 12/07/1667 Guînes, Suzanne de Vos (c1647 in Vieille-Église or Calais, France d/o Jean de Vos & Suzenne Absolon)
- Suzanne ( 9 Sep 1671-16960
- Daniel (14 Sep 1673 -1712)
- Sara Jacob (7 Oct 1677-)
An excerpt from ‘The History of the Huguenot family Jacob(s) in France, ca. 1588 to 1688’ Cornelius Johannes Jacobs, 2024.
The marriage of his father Fremin Jacob to Margueritte Denis/deNielle/DeNyelle), dated 3 March 1635, was mentioned in the Minutes de Me Jean GUILLEMET, notaire royal à Calais, AD62, 4 E 55/51. The original document was found by the French Genealogist Philippe Chapelin and translated by Jean François Viel in June 2022 (see Appendix 2). Three years later in 2025, this CM remained the oldest document in my procession pertaining to my Jacob ancestry. This important script poses several intriguing questions and facts:
However, after this period the name faded and was never seen again in any of our Jacob's genealogical records. From his CM, it can be concluded that Fremin was born in ca. 1610. Fremin's grandson, born on 17 December 1668, was baptized as Pierre Jacob (see Page 2), suggesting that Fremin should rather have been named 'Pierre' in conformity with French naming conventions of the 16th to 17th centuries (see above). Therefore, it is possible that Fremin was simply a nickname rather than his given name at baptism. If Fremin was indeed baptised as Pierre, the following birth certificate from Births (Meuse, France) Ancestry.com, might be applicable:
Fremin’s CM stated that his wife was Margueritte Denis and not DeNiel or DeNyelle as mentioned later in his children’s Marriage certificates. In French the ‘s’ in Denis is not pronounced, so it becomes Deni which is very close to DeNiel. It might also be a feminized form of Denis (-elle or -yelle). This, as well as the fact both Fremin and his wife signed their CM by marks rather than signatures (Fig. 16) indicate that both were illiterate as was common in those days and could not write or correct the Notary when drawing up their contract [15]. Geneanet.org (accessed April 2022) identifies many Denis families who lived around Calais before France reclaimed the territory from England in 1558. It is also noted that the inverted V (^) sign, which Fremin used as mark on his own CM also appears on two of the marriage contracts of his children, Pierre and Jeanne Jacob which confirms that he was indeed their father and the husband of Marguerite (Fig. 17, 18, 19).
Contrat de mariage entre Pierre JACOB et Suzenne DEVOS, le 03/07/1667, à Guînes
Wedding. Folio 35. In front of the notaries and royal tabellions resident and established in Guisnes and countries reconquisited undersigned. Pierre Jacob, husbandman, residing at Offequerque, son of Fremin Jacob and Margueritte de Nyelle, was his father and mother, a native of Vieille Esglise, and about twenty-seven years of age, on the one hand; And Suzenne Devos, a young girl to marry, daughter of Jean de Vos and Suzenne Absolon, her father and mother, a native of [N ...] / Esglise and aged about twenty-one years old ; Assisted, knowing, the said Pierre Jacob: of his said father and mother, of Jean Denin on account of Marie Jacob, and of his sister Jeanne Jacob; And the said Suzenne de Vos, similarly assisted by her father and mother, of Jean, Marie and Eslizabeth de Vos, her brothers and sisters, and Pierre de Vos, her uncle on the paternal side. The above-named Pierre Jacob and Suzenne de Vos, with their good intentions, without constraint, inductions or seductions, acknowledged and declared, with the consent of their said relatives and friends, and they, on this well advised and warned, that to arrive at the Treaty and marriage alliance among themselves talks, having made, will make and make by agreement the agreements, treaties, gifts and / ports and marriage benefits that ensue. That is to say, that the future bride and bridegroom have promised and promised each other, by their solemn faith and oath, to take as husband and wife, wife and loyal wife, at the first will and requisition of the other, One or the other, provided that it is the pleasure of God. For which marriage to come, and previously no bond in it, it was declared on the part of the said Pierre Jacob, future spouse, and declared that it belongs to him and that it has in his possession the value of five hundred livres, Have been appraised several movable goods, consisting of cattle, green grains, and other things, which serve him in his household as a plowman, to which he is now occupied, which he promises to bring to the said marriage. And on behalf of the said Suzenne Devos, the said Jean de Vos and Suzenne Absolon, his father and mother, in favor of the said marriage, submitted themselves and obliged to pay by advance of hoard and on their future estates to their said daughter, The sum of two hundred and seventy livres, as soon as the said marriage is completed, besides clothed it and other things, thus and as they will wish to have honor. By means of which the married shall be and shall remain united and common in all movable property, acquests, and real conquests, which they shall make and acquire during the said marriage. And when the said marriage was dissolved by the death of the said Jacob, formerly the said of Vos, in this case, whether there be children or not of the said marriage, it shall have by precipitate and without debt charges all his clothes, linen, and jewels serving his body; And by renouncing to the said community the sum of ninety pounds to be taken from the clearest property and moneys of the said community, with his customary right of dower over the inheritances and immovables of the said Jacob, To take and apprehend her right and half of the said community by paying half the debts thereof. And, on the contrary, when the said De Vos predeceases her future husband by death, or that there are children or the name of the marriage, he will also have all his clothes, arms, and a cavalry which he will have for that moment . All of these conditions have been accepted by the said bride and groom; And ceasing which one or the other of such marriage would not take perfection or accomplishment, at the cost of all costs, damages and interest; Promising and so on, obliging and so forth, giving up and so on.
Done, passed and acknowledged at Guisnes, on Sunday, the third of July, MVIc, sixty-seven, and signed. Pierre Jacob. Mark of said Suzenne de Vos. Mark of the said Jacob Fremin. Mark of the said Jean Devos. Jan Denai [n]. Mar. Jacob. Mark of the said Jeanne Jacob. Mark of said Suzenne Absolon. Mark of the said Devos Stone. Jean of Vos. Mark of said Eslizabette de Vos. Mark of the said Marie de Vos. Saarland. Denoeufville.
Contrat de mariage Jean FOLQUE Jeanne JACOB AD62, 4 E 76/50, 4 avril 1671
Minutes de Me Jean Sébastien SARRE, notaire royal à Guînes
Translation : "Jean FOLQUE, young man to be married, living in Viellesglise, native of André, son of the deceased Leurens FOLQUE with Nicolle ANDRIEU, his father and mother, the aforementioned Jean FOLQUE assisted and accompanied by his mother, Jacob FOLQUE, his brother, young man to be married, [crossreference in the margin #] Sarra FOLQUE, his sister, [also crossed out : also] his wife, on the one hand, and Jeanne JACOB, young girl to be married, residing at the said Viellesglise, [ deleted: girl] native of the said place, daughter of Fremin JACOB, ploughman residing at the said place, and Margueritte DENYELLE, his wife, his father and mother, and [assisted] by Pierre JACOB, his brother, and Suzeanne DE VOSSE, his wife, on the other hand. And the said Jean FOLQUE and Jeanne JACOB, future brides, have acknowledged that [in order] to arrive at the treaty and alliance of marriage to speak of and which at God's pleasure will be made between them as soon as possible 8, and before any bond and promise in it, the gifts, declarations, ports and conveniences both on one side and on the other as follows. That is to say, on the part of the said FOLQUE, the future husband, he said and declared that he was in possession of money made and coined up to the sum of two hundred and forty livres tournois coming from his savings and work, which sum he promised to bring to the present future marriage in order to enter into community with the said JACOB, his future wife. And on behalf of the latter, his father and mother have said and declared that they are hereby donating to him in contemplation of the said future marriage up to the sum of one hundred and twenty livres [reference in margin # : "from Jean HAIGNERAY, her brother-in-law, because of"] --- tournois to be paid in one year from today, and in addition they have promised to clothe and dress her, even to provide her with a bed for the day of her wedding, as they wish to do in honour and without being taken to task. Furthermore, the said JACOB, future bridegroom, has declared that she owns and belongs to a cow of red hair [blerre : white spotted], which was given to her by Chrestienne DENIELE, her aunt, which is at present with the said JACOB, her said brother. The aforementioned declarations and donations, both on the one hand and on the other, have been pleasantly accepted by the future spouses, who will be one and the same in all the goods they have and will acquire during and during their marriage, and to regulate them on the dissolution of the marriage, in the event that there are no legitimate children [ deleted : in the said marriage] and if the said FOLQUE dies before the said JACOB, his future wife, she will have and take by precipitacy and before share, frankly and without charges of debts, his clothes, rings and jewels, his bed, his linen serving his body, with the sum [ deleted: eighty] of eighty-two pounds tournois which she shall have and take out of the clearest goods and money of their said community and before all things, whether she apprehends or renounces the said community, at her choice and option. And in such a case, if the said [ deleted: FOLQUE] [in interlining: JACOB] should die before the said FOLQUE, her future husband, he will have and will carry away in the same way by precipitate and before share his clothes, linen and weapons serving his body. And [deleted: also] in addition as well as if there are children, they will follow in all the custom of this reconquered country. And under these conditions the said parties have concluded and agreed to the said future marriage [reference at the end of the act ##], promising by their faith and oaths to take each other as wife, husband and wife at the first will of them. And to what to do and to all that above is said, the said parties have obliged all their goods and heritages.
Done and passed at Guînes, present the undersigned notary, on the 4th day of April MVIC seventy-one, and have signed, the edicts notified. [Thus signed: Jan FOLQUE, with initials / Mark of the said JACOB / Mark of the said Margueritte DENIELLE / Mark of the said Nicolle ANDRIEU / Mark of the said Fremin Jacob FOLQUE / Pierre JACOB, with initials / Mark of the said Suzeanne DE VOSSE / Jean HAIGNERÉ / Mark of the said Sarra FOLQUE / COLLÉE, with initials / SARRE, notary, with initials. 8This will be on 10 May 1671 at the Guînes temple. Philippe Chapelin – Genealogist – pchapelin@gefrance.com - Jean François Viel paleography
Pierre Jacob & Suzanne de Vos and their children Suzanne, Daniel, and Sara left France for the Cape in 1688, probably on 'De Schelde'
Pierre Jacob with his wife Suzanne de Vos and their children Suzanne, Daniel, and Sara left France in 1688, probably on 'De Schelde' from Vieille-Église (Oudekerke) in Artois. In the registers of the Protestant church at Guisnes will be found the baptismal entries of the children of a Jacob and his wife Suzanne de Vos ; several of them died in Europe. [See below] while they were living in the Calais region of Flanders.
Pierre received the farm Goede Hoop in Groot-Drakenstein, adjoining farm "Bossendal" of Jean le Long, where he lived till he died in 1693: [French Refugees of the Cape p 71, 72 French Speakers of the Cape p 253 S A Genealogies Vol 4 p 33] He had little success as a farmer, according to the tax rolls. Pierre of Calais, with wife and three children, received assistance in 1690.
Four years after Pierre’s death in 1693, Suzanne married Nicolas de Lanoy, from the neighboring farm Bossendal. Also, from the Calais region, he was 28 years younger than her. The Jacob line was continued by Suzanne’s only son, Daniel Jacob and Louisa Cordier who married in 1702. The couple had five children. The youngest was still a baby when Daniel died in 1712. In 1714, Louisa married Jacques Pinard jnr. She had seven more children and lived to the age of 92." From the Huguenot Memorial Site.
After Pierre Jacob died before 1698, and his widow married Nicolas de Lanoy, q.v.. and in the inventory of her estate in 1708 she gives the names of her three children as above.
- Suzanne /Susan / Susanna of Calais, b 9 Sep 1671 Vieille Eglize, near Calais, gedoopt te Guînes op 27 september 1671, married Gerrit van Vuuren first owner of Bellingham, and died about 1696.
- Daniel of Calais, born 14th September, 1673, at Vieille Eglise, not far from Calais. Gedoopt te Guînes op 15 oktober 1673 (doopgetuigen waren Abraham Lategoute en Jeanne le Clerq). A farmer at Drakenstein, he married x 1702 Louise Cordier, daughter of the Refugee Louis Cordier, and settled at Lions Park, Wamakersvallei q.v. Their son Pieter was baptised at Drakenstein on 14th October, 1703. According to the inventory in his estate in 1713 he left six children.
- Sara of Calais, born 7th October, 1677, at Vieille Eglise.(Guines), gedoopt te Guînes op 31 oktober 1677 (doopgetuigen waren Jean Folque en Sara de Vosse) x 1692 Daniel Terrier, q.v. ; three children baptised at Drakenstein, a son Pierre in 1699 ; no descendants in male line. xx 1700 Jean du Buys q.v.
All of their children were:
- 1. Pierre * 17 Dec 1668, baptized 20 Dec 1668 Guines died in Frankryk: Pierre, geboren te Offekerque (62-Guînes) op 17 december 1668, gedoopt te Guînes op 20 december 1668 (doopgetuigen waren Jean de Vos en Jeanne Jacob), overleden te Offekerque (62-Guînes) op 4 januari 1669.
- ?? Etienne Jacob b 1668 to Pierre Jacob & Suzanne de Vos bap 20 décembre 1668, Guînes, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
- 2. Pierre * 21 Jul 1670, Guines baptism 22 Nov 1670, died in Frankryk: Pierre, (tweeling), geboren te Vieille Eglize op 21 juli 1670, gedoopt te Calais op 22 juli 1670 (doopgetuigen waren Pierre Denier en Anne le Roux), overleden te Vieille Eglize op 14 augustus 1670.
- 3. Daniel * 21 Jul 1670, Guines baptism 22 Nov 1670, died in Frankryk: Daniel, (tweeling), geboren te Vieille Eglize op 21 juli 1670, gedoopt te Calais op 22 juli 1670 (doopgetuigen waren Daniel Jacob en Marie de Vos), overleden te Vieille Eglize op 9 augustus 1670.
- 4. Susan (Susanna) * 9 Sep 1671 Calais x Gerrit van Vuuren first owner of Bellingham, around 1696: Suzanne, geboren te Vieille Eglize op 9 september 1671, gedoopt te Guînes (62) op 27 september 1671
- 5. Daniel *14 Sep 1673 Calais, farmer Drakenstein x 1702 Louise Cordier d / o Louis, settled at Lions Park, Wamakersvallei / Daniel, geboren te Vieille Eglise (Guines) op 14 september 1673, gedoopt te Guînes (62) op 15 oktober 1673 (doopgetuigen waren Abraham Lategoute en Jeanne le Clerq).
- 6. Sara * Calais 7 Oct 1677 x 1692 Daniel Terrier, xx 1700 Jean du Buys: Sara, geboren te Vieille Eglise (Guines) op 7 oktober 1677, gedoopt te Guînes (62) op 31 oktober 1677 (doopgetuigen waren Jean Folque en Sara de Vosse).
- 7. Pierre, geboren te Guemps (62-Guînes) op 14 oktober 1680, gedoopt te Calais {dtb Guines} op 7 november 1680 (doopgetuigen waren Pierre de Vosse en Suzanne Lagache).
- 8 . Abraham, geboren te Offekerque (62-Guînes) op 4 mei 1683, gedoopt te Guines {dtb Guines} op 23 mei 1683 (doopgetuigen waren Abraham de Vosse en Marie le Cocq).
- ?* Elsie. An Elsie Jacob stood sponsor at a baptism in Drakenstein church on 9th March, 1697, and on several occasions thereafter. The French Refugees at the Cape BY COLIN GRAHAM BOTHA
Pierre JACOBSZ SV 1 was born ±1648 in Calais, Frankryk, Europa. He died 1 1693 in Kaapkolonie, Suid Afrika. Pierre married Suzanne DE VOS SM on <1668 in Frankryk, Europa.
Suzanne DE VOS SM 1 was born ±1650 in Frankryk, Europa. She died >1733 in Kaapkolonie, Suid Afrika. Suzanne married Pierre JACOBSZ SV on <1668 in Frankryk, Europa.
They had the following children:
F i Suzanne (Susanna) JACOB SM was born 9 Sep 1671 and died ±1696.
M ii Daniël JACOBSZ was born 14 Sep 1673 and died 1712.
F iii Sara JACOBS SM was born 7 Oct 1677 and died >1701.
Pierre JACOB van Calais was 'n Franse Hugenoot wat in 1688 op De Schelde met sy vrou Suzanne de VOS en 3 kinders, Daniel, Sara en Suzanne in SA aangekom het. Hy het in 1690 finansieele hulp ontvang. Hy was gevestig op De Goede Hoop (1688), Groot Drakenstein, en is oorlede in 1693. Hy het een seun en twee dogters nagelaat ('n paar ander is jonk oorlede in Frankryk).
1. Pierre * 17 Des 1668, doop Guines 20 Des 1668, dood in Frankryk
2. Pierre * 21 Jul 1670, doop Guines 22 Nov 1670, dood in Frankryk
3. Daniel * 21 Jul 1670, doop Guines 22 Nov 1670, dood in Frankryk
4. Suzanne (Susanna) * 9 Sep 1671 Calais x Gerrit van Vuuren eerste eienaar van Bellingham, + omstreeks 1696
5. Daniel * 14 Sep 1673 Calais, boer in Drakenstein, x 1702 Louise Cordier d/v Louis, vestig te Leeuwen Tuin, Wamakersvallei
6. Sara * Calais 7 Okt 1677 x 1692 Daniel Terrier, xx 1700 Jean du Buys.
De Villiers/Pama
Verwysingsmateriaal, Boksburg biblioteek
Verwysingsmateriaal, Springs LDS FHC biblioteek
Saamgestel deur:
Martina Louw (nee van Breda)
Pierre Jacob
gebore ca 1643 or 1647, Vieille Eglise, Calais, Pas-DE-Calais, Frankryk
sterf 1693
trou or - 1672 te Calais, , Frankryk
Suzanne de Vos circa 1651-1708
Kinders van Pierre Jacob en Suzanne de Vos
Suzanne Jacob 1671-1696
gebore 9 September 1671, Vieille Eglise, Calais, Pas-DE-Calais, Frankryk
gedoop September 1671
sterf 1696
trou circa 1689 Frankryk
Gerrit J. van Vuuren circa 1660-1700
Sara Jacob gebore 1677
gebore 7 Oktober 1677, Vieille Eglise, Calais, Pas-DE-Calais, Frankryk
gedoop 7 Oktober 1677, Guines, Frankryk
trou (1) circa 1692
Daniel Terrier circa 1665-1699
trou (2) >1688 Kaapstad
Jean du Buis gebore 1670
Daniel Jacob 1673-1712
gebore 14 September 1673, Vielle Eglise, Calais, Frankryk
gedoop 5 Oktober 1673, Guines, Frankryk
sterf 1712, Paarl
trou 1702
Louise Cordier circa 1685-1774
Jan van Vuuren gebore circa 1644 F
father of
Gerrit J. van Vuuren
gebore circa 1660, Nederland
sterf 1700
trou circa 1689 te Frankryk
Suzanne Jacob 1671-1696
Kinders van Gerrit J. van Vuuren en Suzanne Jacob
Johannes van Vuuren gebore circa 1691
gebore circa 1691
trou 29 Oktober 1713
Catharina Maree gebore circa 1692
Susanna van Vuuren gebore 1691
gebore 1691, Frankryk
trou 7 Februarie 1706 Drakenstein
Ignace Mare gebore circa 1684
gebore circa 1684, Calabria, Frankryk
Pierre Jacob 1643-1693 father Suzanne de Vos circa 1651-1708 mother
Parents of
Sara Jacob
gebore 7 Oktober 1677, Vieille Eglise, Calais, Pas-DE-Calais, Frankryk
gedoop 7 Oktober 1677, Guines, Frankryk
trou (1) circa 1692
Daniel Terrier
gebore circa 1665, Frankryk
sterf 1699
trou (2) >1688 te Kaapstad
Jean du Buis
gebore 1670
Kinders van Sara Jacob en Jean du Buis
Marie du Buis
trou 1725
Cornelis van Leeuwen gebore circa 1700
Jean du Buis gebore 1644 F Isabeau Or Elizabeth de le Becque gebore 1648 M
Parents of
Jean du Buis
gebore 6 September 1670, Paris, Frankryk
trou >1688 te Kaapstad
Sara Jacob
gebore 1677
Kinders van Jean du Buis en Sara Jacob
Marie du Buis
trou 1725
Cornelis van Leeuwen gebore circa 1700
Pierre Jacob 1643-1693 F Suzanne de Vos circa 1651-1708 M
Parents of
Daniel Jacob
gebore 14 September 1673, Vielle Eglise, Calais, Frankryk
gedoop 5 Oktober 1673, Guines, Frankryk
sterf 1712, Paarl
trou 1702
Louise Cordier
circa 1685-1774
Kinders van Daniel Jacob en Louise Cordier
Pieter Jacobs
gedoop 14 Oktober 1703, , Drakenstein, Cp
trou 12 Augustus 1736
Anna Fourie
Louis Cordier gebore 1624 F m Jeanne Blessebois gebore 1628 M
Parents of
Louis Cordier F
who marries 1656-1702 Francoise Martinet circa 1650-1698 M
Parents of
Louise Cordier
gebore circa 1685, Frankryk
gedoop circa 1685
sterf 22 November 1774, Drakenstein
trou (1) 1702
Daniel Jacob
trou (2) 21 Januarie 1714 te Stellenbosch
Jacques Pienaar
gebore 1692
gedoop circa 1692, Franschoek ??
sterf 22 November 1774
Kinders van Louise Cordier en Daniel Jacob
Pieter Jacobs
gedoop 14 Oktober 1703, , Drakenstein, Cp
trou 12 Augustus 1736
Anna Fourie
Pierre Jacobs, SV/PROG's Timeline
1640 |
Vieille-Église (Ouderkerke), Picardie, France
1668 |
December 17, 1668
Vieielle-Egliese, Nord de Pas, France
1671 |
September 9, 1671
Vieille-Église, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
1673 |
September 14, 1673
Saint-Vincent-de-Cosse, Dordogne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
1677 |
October 7, 1677
Vieille-Église, Picardie, France
1683 |
May 4, 1683
Offekerque, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
1688 |
February 19, 1688
Age 48
Vieille Eglise, Calais, France
1695 |
Age 55
Drakenstein, Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa