Matching family tree profiles for Pierre Thibodeau
Immediate Family
About Pierre Thibodeau
- Sources:
- 1671 Acadie Census - shown to be 40 years old which estimates birth c.1631.
- Drouin Institute (Archived death and burial record - see attached in Media tab)
Parents Unknown. Parents of Mathurin Thibodeau & Marie Delbeau appears to be speculation.
http://www.wikitree.com/photo.php/3/37/Thibodeau-30.jpg death cert....
- Location info: Aulnay, Sénéchausée de Loudun, Anjou, France (birth), Acadie (marriage,death)
- NOTE about place of birth: Several alternatives are given in different sources: 1) Aulnay in Loudunais (Anjou); 2) Marans (Aunis); 3) "province of Poitou" (Poitou). We selected Aulnay in Anjou because of the relationship with Charles d'Aulnay, an active colonizer of Acadie. The fields in the profile are locked to prevent changing back-and-forth. If you have sources that a different location is better, please start a discussion with the profile managers.
- Pionnier de la Nouvelle-France. Arrive en Acadie la fin mai 1654.
- Il a été un meunier prospère.
A Biography of Pierre Thibodeau from Genealogy.com
Descendants of Pierre Thibodeau
Generation No. 1
1. PIERRE2 THIBODEAU (MATHURIN RHIBAUDA1) was born Abt. 1631 in Marans, Saintonge(now Charente-Maritime), France, and died December 26, 1704 in Port Royal, Acadia, Canada. He married JEANNE THERIOT, daughter of JEHAN THERIOT and PERRINE REAU. She was born 1643 in Port Royal, Acadia, Canada, and died December 08, 1726 in Port Royal, Acadia, Canada.
1 Pierre Thibeaubeau was born in 1631 in France. He was from Martaize',parish of the domain of Aulnay, in Loudunais, Haut-Poitou, province ofVienne or from Saint Etienne de Marans, near the famous port of LaRochelle in the west of France. He could also have come from St-Jacquesles Moutiers les Mauxfaits, in the Vendee region. the Chateaufort, which is armed for war, with an other merchant of LaRochelle, Sieur Guibeau, and ordered by this last. Pierre has beencommitted by Le Borgne as a stable settler and was under contract forthree years at a wage of 100 livres per year (this information iscontained in the "Catalogue des Immigrants" by Marcel Trudel). Theyarrived in Acadia at the end of May 1654. Le Borgne, main creditor ofCharles d'Aulnay, one of the main colonizers of the Acadia and deceasedfor two years, seizes several establishments and takes possession thesame year, Port Royal. near Port Royal. The site wars the name of Pre' Ronde or Village desThibeaudeau. It is situated to ten kilometers of the mouthpiece of theriver, in the heart of the valley of Port Royal. The site is known todayas Round Hill, Nova Scotia. brookside holdings. There he soon became prosperous. Jehan and Perrine Reau of Port Royal, Acadia. Jehanne's father was bornin 1601in Martaize' France. In 1635 he married and in 1637 arrived inAcadia. Their son Pierre, brother of Jehanne, is behind the establishmentof Grand Pre (St-Charles les Mines et St-Joseph de la riviere auxCanards). know he was a merchant of furs, colonizer, miller, and sawyer. It alsostates that he had 12 head of cattle and 11 sheep. Pierre moved hisfamily from Port Royal to Pree Ronde (Round Hill) which was upstream onthe Port Royal River. Frontenac, on June 20, 1695, a concession of the domain of Kaouaskagouche(Vraskagache), between Mont Desert and Majois in Acadia (today in thestate of Maine, near Bangor). This territory is situated alongside theriver kennebec and measures 2 leagues (8 km) of depth and 1 league (2 km)of each side of the river, including islands. Pree Ronde, decided to found a new colony in the area of Chipoudy (todayRiverside Albert, New Brunswick) at the mouth of that very dangerous Bayof Fundy, then called Baie Francaise. That was not a small trip, nor asmall enterprise. He left aboard a boat with his sons, Pierre, Jean,Antoine, and Micheal, and neighboring colonists Guillaume Blanchard andtwo of his sons, then settled on the Petitcodiac. They found a beautifulplace near the water, and with the permission of Mr. de la Vallieres, thegovernor, and his relative, Claude-Sebastien de Villieu, who wasadministrator of these regions, he went to clear the land and decided tobuild a church. Today that site is known as Church Creek. In 1699,Pierre bought a saw mill in Boston. he installs it in 1700 in Chipoudy.The concession that it claims in there measures 2.5 km each side of theriver and 10 km in depth. A legal dispute arose which threatened his planwhen Claude-Sebastien de Villieu, asserted that the domains claimed byThibaudeau and Blanchard formed part of the fief belonging to hisfather-in-law, Michel Leneuf de la Vallieres (the elder). Difficultieswith the lord of Beaubassin, the case was referred to Paris, but this didnot stop Pierre Thibaudeau from carrying on with the task of beginning asettlement. The final verdict did not reach Acadia until after thepioneer's death. A decree of the conseil d'Etat dated June 2, 1705,defining more precisely that of March 20, 1703, confirmed La Valliere'sclaims. The dream of a seigneurty at Chipoudy was dispelled.Nevertheless, the pioneers retained possession of their "lands andinheritances," and the settlement was able to develop: the 1706 censuslisted 55 persons at Chipoudy, and that of 1752 listed 359. Many found their way to Louisiana. mention her. She has to be deceased before this date. in 1680 in Port Royal, to antoin Landry, son of Rene and Marie Bernard. She marries Pierre Lejeune dit Briard in 1680 in Port Royal. Robichaud, son of Etienne and Francoise Boudrto, in Port Royal in 1686. Michel and Micheline Aucoin, in Grand Pre in 1682. and Marie Bernard in 1684 in Grand Pre. daughter of Jehan and Marguerite Martin. Des Goutins, naval commissary at Port Royal and civila administrator.Their grandson, the abbot Francois Bailley de Messein is bory in Varennesin Nouvelle France in 1740. Orderly priest in Quebec in 1767, he coversduring several years after the deportation all the ancient Acadia so asto provide to dispersed residents, religious services. les Mines. He married in Port Royal on February 17, 1703, MargueriteHebert, daughter of Emmanuel and Andre Brun.. Andre Savoye on October 8, 1703 in Port Royal. Marie Daigre, daughter of Olivier and Marie Gaudet and on November 25,1706 Anne Marie Magdeleine Aucoin, daughter of Martin and Marie Gaudet. married in Port Royal on November 13, 1704, Agnes Dugas, daughter ofClaude and Francoise Bourgeois. Alexandre and Marie St Etienne de Latour, in 1697 in Port Royal. Charles d'Amour de Louviere, son of Mathieu d'Amour de Freneuse and MarieMarsolet, in 1698 in Port Royal. of Germain and Magdeleine Belliveau, on February 17, 1705 in Port Royal. Elisabeth Comeau, daughter of Pierre and Jeanne Bourg. St Jean, marries in Port Royal, on December 19, 1715, Francoise Comeau,the sister of Elisabeth. mention him. He could have died before this date. Pierre's funeral records states: "Citizen and miller at the top of thePort Royal River and at the place called Pree' Rounde. he received theLast Sacraments and was buried the 27th of the said month of this year(December 1704), in the cemetary of this parish, with ordinaryceremonies. It was signed by padre Justin Durand, recollect and cure' ofPort Royal." His wife Jehanne Terriau, died 22 years later on December8, 1726. Michel and Antoine, their sons, stayed at the grave until theday after her death, with the cure' of Breslay. One more time, theentire colony of Pree' Ronde had the burden of transporting the body toPort Royal in snow and cold of December, and one can imagine the emotionat the long family funeral procession. Martin, who furnished the plaque, and by the joing efforts of theHistorical Association of Annapolis Royal, and La Societe HistoriqueAcadienne de la Baie Sainte-Marie, honoring our ancestor Pierre Thibodeau. Minas Basin in the vicinity of Grand Pre until the deportation by theEnglish in 1755. Some members of the 2nd generation were deported toMassachusetts and later found their way back to New Brunswick. It wasthe children and grandchildren of four of Pierre and Jehanne's sevensons, Pierre L'Aine, Pierre LeJeune, Michel, and Charles, who found theirway to Louisiana, eventually settling in the Bayou LaFourche area and atthe Opelousas and Attakapas Posts. Still others fled to the woods to NewBrunswick where they hid for years. Press and Maurice Thibaudeau's web site of Thibodeau's.
i. MARIE THIBODEAU3 L'AINEE, b. Abt. 1661, Pre Ronde de Port Royal, le village des Thibeaudeau, Canada; d. Bef. February 16, 1710/11, St. Charles des Mines, Acadia, Canada. She married Antoine Landry s/o Rene "l'jeune" Landry & Marie Reine Bernard.
ii. MARIE THIBODEAU LA CADETTE, b. 1663, Pre Ronde de Port Royal, le village des Thibeaudeau, Canada; d. Bet. 1704 - 1757. She married Pierre LeJeune s/o Pierre Lejeune dit Briard & Doucet daughter (d/o Germain Doucet Sr. & unknown Mi'kmac woman)
iii. MARIE JEANNE THIBODEAU LA BENJAMINE, b. 1664, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. Bef. June 09, 1703. She married after census 1686 to Charles Robichaud dit Cadet s/o Etienne Robichaud & Francoise Boudrot.
iv. ANNE-MARIE THIBODEAU L'AINEE, b. 1666, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. Bet. 1698 - 1700, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada. She married Claude Boudreau.
v. MARIE-CATHERINE THIBODEAU, b. 1667, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. Bef. November 11, 1721, St. Gabriel, Louisiana USA. She married abt. 1684 to Claude Landry.
vi. PIERRE THIBODEAU L'AINEE, b. Abt. 1670, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. November 22, 1723, Pisquit, Acadia, Canada. He married Anne Marie Bourg.
vii. JEANNE THIBODEAU, b. 1672, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. April 07, 1741, Louisbourg, Ile Royale, Cape Breton Island, Canada. She married abt. 1689 to Mathieu de Goutin.
viii. JEAN THIBODEAU, b. 1674, Riviere Aux Canards, Acadia, Canada; d. December 09, 1746, St. Charles des Mines, Acadia, Canada. He married Port Royal, Acadia Feb 17, 1703 to Marguerite Hebert.
ix. ANTOINE THIBODEAU, b. 1676, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. Bet. November 19, 1753 - November 06, 1758. He married Port Royal, Acadia on Oct. 8, 1703 to Marie Pregent.
x. PIERRE THIBODEAU LE CADETTE OU LE JEUNE, b. 1678, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. Bef. October 14, 1734, Chipoudie, Acadia, Canada. He married Port Royal to Marie Anne Aucoin on Nov. 25, 1706.
xi. CECILE THIBODEAU, b. 1680, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. Bet. 1704 - 1774. She married Emmanuel Leborgne abt. 1698.
xii. MICHEL THIBODEAU, b. 1680, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. November 27, 1734, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada. He married Agnes Dugas on Nov. 13, 1704 in Port Royal, Acadia.
xiii. ANNE MARIE THIBODEAU LA CADETTE, b. 1682, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. September 02, 1720, Quebec, Quebec, PQ, Canada. She married Charles D'amour de Louviere.
xiv. CLAUDE THIBODEAU, b. 1685, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. August 26, 1756, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada. He married Elizabeth Comeau on Nov. 5, 1709 in Port Royal, Acadia.
xv. CATHERINE-JOSEPHE THIBODEAU, b. 1686, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. Bet. 1729 - 1780. She married Guillaume (William in English) Bourgeous in Port Royal, Acadia on Feb 17, 1705.
xvi. CHARLES THIBODEAU, b. 1689, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. August 26, 1756, Port LaJolie, Ille Jean, Prince Edward Island. He married Francoise Comeau in Port Royal, Acadia on Dec. 19, 1715.
The family of Pierre THIBODEAU and Jeanne THÉRIAULT
[85617] THIBODEAU, Pierre (..), ploughman (laboureur), born about 1631 (rec. 1671, rec. 1686), 1634 (rec. 1693), 1633 (rec. 1698, rec. 1699) or 1630 (rec. 1701), died 1704-12-26 prée La Ronde, buried 1704-12-27 Port-Royal (Acadie)
Him : Origin : would be from Martaizé (860149) (nom existe), but records are missing and there is no trace of that person
(Origine : serait de Martaizé (860149) (nom existe), mais registres lacunaires et aucune trace de lui)
- married about 1660, from .. (Acadie)
THÉRIAULT, Jeanne (Jean & Perrine RAU [84038]), born about 1644 (rec. 1671), 1643 (rec. 1686, rec. 1698) or 1642 (rec. 1699, rec. 1701) Port-Royal (Acadie), died 1726-12-07, buried 1726-12-08 Port-Royal (Acadie)
1) Anne Marie1, married about 1682 Claude BOUDREAU
2) Anne Marie2, married about 1697 Charles D'AMOUR de LOUVIÈRE
3) Antoine, married Port-Royal (Acadie) 1703-10-08 Marie PRÉGENT
4) Catherine Josèphe, married Port-Royal (Acadie) 1705-02-17 Guillaume BOURGEOIS
5) Cécile, married about 1698 Emmanuel LEBORGNE
6) Charles, married Port-Royal (Acadie) 1715-12-19 Françoise COMEAU
7) Claude, married Port-Royal (Acadie) 1709-11-05 Élisabeth COMEAU
8) Jean, married Port-Royal (Acadie) 1703-02-17 Marguerite HÉBERT
9) Jeanne, married about 1689 Mathieu de GOUTIN
10) Marie Catherine, married about 1684 Claude LANDRY
11) Marie1, married about 1681 Antoine LANDRY
12) Marie2, born about 1661 (rec. 1671, rec. 1686), 1663 (rec. 1693), 1661 (rec. 1698), 1662 (rec. 1699) or 1667 (rec. 1701) Port-Royal (Acadie), died after 1712-09-12 Pisiquit (Acadie), married before census 1678 Pierre LEJEUNE dit BRIARD
13) Marie3, married after census 1686 Charles ROBICHAUD dit CADET
14) Michel, married Port-Royal (Acadie) 1704-11-13 Agnès DUGAS
15) Pierre, married Port-Royal (Acadie) 1706-11-25 Marie Anne AUCOIN
16) Pierre dit l'aîné, born about 1670 (rec. 1671), 1671 (rec. 1678) or 1668 (rec. 1693) Port-Royal (Acadie), died after 1725-05-28 Pisiquit (Acadie), married about 1690 Anne Marie BOURG
Arrived in Port Royal, Nova Scotia from Poitou, France in 1654.
Last name also given as "Tibodeau" or "Tibaudeau"
From merging profiles:
Alternate birth location: Vendee, Anjou, France
Alternate death location: Pree Rondee, Nova Scotia, Canada
Thibodeau, Thibeaudeau or Tibeaudault
Pierre and Jeanne had 13 children (16 reported but 1st 3 are all Maries)
! Marie abt 1661,63 and 64
2 Ann Marie abt1664
5 Catharine abt1666
6 Pierre abt 1670
7Jeanne abt1671
8 Jean abt1673
9 Antoine abt1674
10 Pierre abt 1676
11Michel abt 1678
12 Cecile abt1680
13 Catharine abt 1686
14 Charles abt1689
15Marie Anne Louise abt1682
16 Claude abt1684
1671 Census
Pierre THIBEAUDEAU, 40, wife, Jeanne TERRIAU 27; Children: Pierre 1 and 5 daughters; cattle 12, sheep 11.
1678 Census
12 acres 30 cattle
3 boys 11 1669
7 1671
5 1673
5 girls 12 1666
8 1670
4 1674
3 1675
1 1677
1686 Census
Pierre TIBAUDEAU 55, Jeanne TERRIOT: 43; children: Marie 25, Marie 23, Marie 21, Catherine 19,
Anne-Marie 16, Pierre 16, Jeanne 14, Jean 13, Antoine 12, Pierre 10, Michel 8, Cecille 6, Anne-Marie 4, Claude 2; 1 gun, 10 arpents, 14 cattle, 5 sheep, 7 hogs.
1693 Census
Pierre TIBAUDEAU 59, Jeanne TERRIOT 50, Anthoine 17, Pierre 15, Michel 13, Cecille 11, Marie 10, Claude 8, Catherine Josephe 7, Charles 4; 20 cattle, 30 sheep, 12 pigs, 30 arpents, 2 guns
1700 Census
Pierre THIBAUDEAU 66; Jeanne TERRIOT (wife) 57; Anthoine 26; Pierre 22; Michel 20; Claude 15; Charles 11; Marie 17; Catherine 14; 30 cattle, 28 sheep, 30 arpents, 3 guns.
1701 Census
Pierre TIBAUDEAU 71, Jeanne TERRIOT (wife) 50; Jean TIBAUDEAU 27, Anthoine 23, Pierre 21, Michel 19, Claude 16, Charles 13, Cecile 19, Catherine 14; 7 guns, 30 cattle. 25 sheep, 12 hogs, 19 arpents.
1703 Census
Pierre THIBAUDAU, his wife. 4 boys, 2 girls, 4 arms bearers.
1707 Census (though says he died in 1704, may be son?)
Pierre THIBEAUDEAU and his wife; 1 arpent. 7 cattle, 13 sheep, 8 hogs, 1 gun.
Fondateur de Chipoudie (Hopewell NB) en 1698. Meunier à Pré-ronde, Port-Royal. Arrive en Acadie à Port-Royal en 1654. Retourne vivre à Port-Royal en 1700. Il y est encore en 1704.
Pierre de Poitou France. arrive en Acadie vers 1659 se marie à Port-Royal Acadie avec Jeanne Thériault vers 1660
1671 Acadian census
@R300473034@ Millennium File Heritage Consulting Ancestry.com Operations Inc The Millennium File 1,7249::0 1,7249::10529747
@R300473034@ Canada, Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. Find A Grave 1,60527::0 1,60527::3753880
@R300473034@ Millennium File Heritage Consulting Ancestry.com Operations Inc The Millennium File 1,7249::0 1,7249::10529747
@R300473034@ Canada, Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. Find A Grave 1,60527::0 1,60527::3753880
@R300473034@ Millennium File Heritage Consulting Ancestry.com Operations Inc The Millennium File 1,7249::0 1,7249::10529747
@R300473034@ Canada, Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. Find A Grave 1,60527::0 1,60527::3753880
@R-2138817487@ Quebec, Genealogical Dictionary of Canadian Families (Tanguay Collection), 1608-1890 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,2177::0
Volume: Vol. 7 Sect. 1 : Rob-Tra; Page: 290 1,2177::292185
@R-2138817487@ Quebec, Genealogical Dictionary of Canadian Families (Tanguay Collection), 1608-1890 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,2177::0
Volume: Vol. 7 Sect. 1 : Rob-Tra; Page: 290 1,2177::292185
@R-2138817487@ Quebec, Genealogical Dictionary of Canadian Families (Tanguay Collection), 1608-1890 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,2177::0
Volume: Vol. 7 Sect. 1 : Rob-Tra; Page: 290 1,2177::292185
@R-2138817487@ Public Member Trees Ancestry.com Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.Original data - Family trees submitted by Ancestry members.Original data: Family trees submitted by Ancestry members. This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created.
Ancestry Family Trees http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=983211&pid=675
Fix the list of kids.
@R703549614@ Quebec, Genealogical Dictionary of Canadian Families (Tanguay Collection), 1608-1890 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. Tanguay, Cyprien. <i>Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu'à nos jours</i>. Québec, Canada: Eusèbe Senécal, 1871-1890. Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1,2177::0
Volume: Vol. 7 Sect. 1 : Rob-Tra; Page: 290 1,2177::292185
@R703549614@ Quebec, Genealogical Dictionary of Canadian Families (Tanguay Collection), 1608-1890 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. Tanguay, Cyprien. <i>Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu'à nos jours</i>. Québec, Canada: Eusèbe Senécal, 1871-1890. Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1,2177::0
Volume: Vol. 7 Sect. 1 : Rob-Tra; Page: 290 1,2177::292185
@R703549614@ Quebec, Genealogical Dictionary of Canadian Families (Tanguay Collection), 1608-1890 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. Tanguay, Cyprien. <i>Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu'à nos jours</i>. Québec, Canada: Eusèbe Senécal, 1871-1890. Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1,2177::0
Volume: Vol. 7 Sect. 1 : Rob-Tra; Page: 290 1,2177::292185
@R703549614@ Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. <i>GenealogieOnline</i>. Coret Genealogie. http://www.genealogieonline.nl/en/: accessed 31 August 2015. 1,9289::0
@R703549614@ Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. <i>GenealogieOnline</i>. Coret Genealogie. http://www.genealogieonline.nl/en/: accessed 31 August 2015. 1,9289::0
@R703549614@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=159754148&pi...
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Pierre Thibodeau, person ID MVC7-4LK. 3
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: Name: Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);;;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Pierre Thibodeau, person ID MVC7-4LK. 3
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: Name: Name: Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);;;;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Pierre Thibodeau, person ID MVC7-4LK.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: Name: Name: Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);;;;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Marie Madeleine Dupuis, person ID L5VP-TRP. 3
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Pierre Thibodeau, person ID MVC7-4LK. 3
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: Name: Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);;;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Pierre Thibodeau, person ID MVC7-4LK. 3
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: Name: Name: Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);;;;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Pierre Thibodeau, person ID MVC7-4LK.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: Name: Name: Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);;;;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Marie Madeleine Dupuis, person ID L5VP-TRP. 3
Merge Master Profile: Pierre Thibodeau
Prénom: Pierre
Nom: Thibodeau Thibaudeau Sexe: M Occupation: meunier en haut de la rivière, appelée prée La Ronde Naissance: 1631 vers Paroisse/ville: Pays: Bapt./Source: Vers 1631 (RcPR 1671 40 ans, 1686 55 ans, 1693 59 ans (sic), 1698 65 ans, 1700 80 ans (sic) S. White Décès: 26 décembre 1704 - âge: 73 Paroisse/ville: Port-Royal, Acadie Pays: Canada Inh./Source: D/S Rg PR 26/27 décembre 1704, 80 ans (sic) S. White et lien vers acte B. Guindon Information, autres enfants, notes, etc. Il est meunier en haut de la rivière, appelée prée La Ronde (S. White)
Enfants mariés de Thibodeau Pierre et/ou Theriault Jeanne
Nom Naissance Décès Père Mère Époux(se)
Marie Thibodeau 1661 16 fév 1711 Pierre Thibodeau Jeanne Theriault Landry Antoine
Marie Thibodeau 1663 Pierre Thibodeau Jeanne Theriault Lejeune Pierre
Marie-Jeanne Thibodeau 1664 Pierre Thibodeau Jeanne Theriault Robichaud Charles
Anne-Marie Thibodeau 1666 Pierre Thibodeau Jeanne Theriault Boudreau Claude
Anne-Catherine Thibodeau 1667 Pierre Thibodeau Jeanne Theriault Landry Claude
Pierre Thibodeau 1670 Pierre Thibodeau Jeanne Theriault Bourg Anne
Jeanne Thibodeau 1672 07 avr 1741 Pierre Thibodeau Jeanne Theriault Goutin Mathieu
Jean Thibodeau 1674 09 déc 1746 Pierre Thibodeau Jeanne Theriault Hebert Marguerite
Antoine Thibodeau 1676 Pierre Thibodeau Jeanne Theriault Pregent Marie
Pierre Thibodeau 1678 Pierre Thibodeau Jeanne Theriault Aucoin Anne-Marie
Cecile Thibodeau 1680 Pierre Thibodeau Jeanne Theriault Leborgne Emmanuel
Michel Thibodeau 1680 27 nov 1734 Pierre Thibodeau Jeanne Theriault Dugas Agnes
Marie-Anne Thibodeau 1682 02 sept 1720 Pierre Thibodeau Jeanne Theriault D'Amours Charles
Claude Thibodeau 1685 26 août 1756 Pierre Thibodeau Jeanne Theriault Comeau Elizabeth
Catherine-Josephe Thibodeau 1686 Pierre Thibodeau Jeanne Theriault Bourgeois Guillaume
Charles Thibodeau 1689 26 août 1756 Pierre Thibodeau Jeanne Theriault Comeau Francoise
Marie Thibodeau Marie Thibodeau Marie Thibodeau Anne-Marie Thibodeau Catherine Anne Marie Thibodeau Pierre Thibodeau Jeanne Thibodeau Jean Pierre Thibodeau Antoine Thibodeau Pierre Thibodeau Michel Thibodeau Cecile Thibodeau Marie Anne Louise Thibodeau Claude Thibodeau Catherine Josephe Thibodeau Charles Thibodeau
<p>Married on 1660</p><p>Married at CA</p>
Category:Chipoudy, Acadie
Category:Port-Royal, Acadie
Category: Millers
Category: Acadia, Immigrants from France
{{Migrating Ancestor
| origin = France
| origin-flag = Flags.png
| destination = Acadia
| destination-flag = Acadie-1.png
}}NOTICE: this profile is protected by the Acadian Project because of frequent duplication, variant name spelling, attempts to add unsourced parents or is an historically important person, and is in the Top 100 highly viewed Acadian profiles. Please contact the Acadian Project before making any substantive changes. Thanks for helping make WikiTree the best site for accurate information.
None of the prominent Acadian historians and genealogical researchers name his parents, though many trees name Mathurin Rhibauda & Marie Dolbeau. No source has been found so far.
The Acadian Thibodeau family stems from one man, Pierre Thibodeau. He was a miller who was born in France around 1631. He was also a settler. ≤ref name=CORMIER>Clément Cormier, “TIBAUDEAU, PIERRE,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 2, University of Toronto/Universit Laval, 2003–, accessed September 17, 2019, http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/tibaudeau_pierre_2E.html. En Français.≤/ref> His origins and date of arrival in Acadia are unknown.≤ref name=DGFA>White, Stephen A., Patrice Gallant, and Hector-J Hébert. Dictionnaire Généalogique Des Familles Acadiennes. Moncton, N.-B.: Centre D’études Acadiennes, Université De Moncton, 1999, Print. p. 1508.≤/ref>≤ref name=SW94>White, Stephen A. La généalogie des trente-sept familles hôtesses des “”Retrouvailles94””, Les Cahiers de la Société historique acadienne, vol. 25, nos 2 et 3 (1994). THIBODEAU, 37 Families ≤/ref>
Around 1660 Pierre married Jeanne Thériot, daughter of Jean Thériot and Perrine Reau,≤ref name=DGFA/> in Port-Royal Acadia≤ref name=mass/>(today Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada).
Between about 1661 and 1689, the couple had 16 children:≤ref name=DGFA/>
- Marie (1661 - 1711)
- Marie (1663 - )
- Marie Jeanne (1664 - 1703)
- Anne-Marie (1666 - )
- Anne Catherine (1667 - )
- Pierre (1670 - )
- Jeanne (1672 - 1741)
- Jean (1674 - 1746)
- Antoine (1676 - )
- Pierre (1678 - )
- Michel (1680 - )
- Cécile (1680 - )
- Marie Anne (1682 - 1720)
- Claude 1685 - 1756)
- Catherine Josèphe (1686 - )
- Charles (1689 - 1756)
Pierre was a founder of Chipoudy::"In 1698 Pierre Thibaudeau, a resident of Port Royal, began his settlement at Shepody... A miller of Pré Ronde... he and his sons exploredthe Shepody area in the first year... The first wintering by three ofthe Thibaudeau's sons was in 1699/1700, when they did very well trading furs with the Indians. De Villieu heard of the activity and immediately protested that they were on his father-in-law's seigneurie without permission, although the precise boundaries of La Vallière's grant are almost impossible to determine from the wording of the concession.Thibaudeau had dreamed of a seigneurie of his own, like that of his old friend Mathieu Martin at Cobequid... but showed a willingness to compromise which de Villieu declined. When in 1702 de Villieu himself was willing to compromise, the Thibaudeau group, beleiving that a petition of their own to Paris would succeed, in turn refused. Indeed they were confident enough of success to invest a great deal of effort in dyking, building sluices (aboiteaux), and even erecting a grist-and-saw mill with machinery from New England. In 1703 they had their lands confirmed but "without prejudice" to the rights of La Vallière. The old man died thinking himself a true seigneur but, in an arrêt of June 2,1705, the Thibaudeau's right to the land was expressly granted as a concession from La Vallière's seigneurie. Officially, the Thibaudeaus could not extend their lands, nor could others settle without assumingthe legal position and charges consequent to being censitaires of theseigneur of Beaubassin. In 1702 there appear to have been seven households at Shepody (roughly thirty-three people)."≤ref name=Clark> Clark, Andrew Hill, Acadia; the geography of early nova Scotia to 1760. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1968. p145 (Thibodeau founder ofChipoudy-Shepody)≤/ref>
Thibodeau’s land holdings and possessions varied greatly through theyears as shown in the Port-Royal censuses of 1678,≤ref>Tim Hebert; 1678 Port Royal Acadian Census noting that the correlations for this census were done by Rev. Clarence J. d'Entremont, Fairhaven, Massachusetts.1678 Census≤blockquote>Pierre Thibaudeau & Jeanne Terriot-12 acres, 30 cattle, 3 boys: age 11- born 1669, 7-1671, 5-1673: and 5 girls: 12-1666, 8-1670, 4-1674, 3-1675, 1-1677.≤br/>Ages from this census: Pierre TIBAUDEAU 55, Jeanne TERIOT 43, Marie 25, Marie 23, Marie 21, Catherine 19, Anne Marie 17, Pierre 16, Jeanne 14, Jean 13, Antoine 12, Pierre 10, Michel 8, Cecille 6, Anne Marie 4, Claude 2.≤/blockquote>≤/ref> 1686,≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1686 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie 1686 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 15-60.≤blockquote>Pierre TIBAUDEAU 55, Jeanne TERRIOT: 43; children: Marie 25, Marie 23, Marie 21, Catherine 19, Anne-Marie 16, Pierre 16, Jeanne 14, Jean 13, Antoine 12, Pierre 10, Michel 8, Cecille 6, Anne-Marie 4, Claude 2; 1 gun, 10 arpents, 14 cattle, 5 sheep, 7 hogs. ≤/blockquote>≤/ref> 1693,≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcriptionof the 1693 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie 1693 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 62-108≤blockquote>Pierre TIBAUDEAU 59, Jeanne TERRIOT 50, Anthoine 17, Pierre 15, Michel 13, Cecille 11, Marie 10, Claude 8, Catherine Josephe 7, Charles 4; 20 cattle, 30 sheep, 12 pigs, 30 arpents, 2 guns≤/blockquote>≤/ref> 1698,≤ref> Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1698 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie1698 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 110-166≤blockquote>Pierre TIBAUDEAU 65; Jeanne TERRIOT (wife)57; Jean 24; Antoine 22; Pierre 21; Michelle 19; Claude 13; Catherine11; Charles 7; 20 cattle, 20 sheep, 8 hogs, 32 arpents, 20 fruit trees, 4 guns≤/blockquote>≤/ref> 1700,≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1700 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie 1700 Census Transcribed.The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752, Images 167-173.≤blockquote>Piere THIBAUDEAU 66; Jeanne TERRIOT (wife) 57; Anthoine 26; Piere 22; Michel 20; Claude 15; Charles 11; Marie 17; Catherine 14; 30 cattle, 28 sheep, 30 arpents, 3 guns.≤/blockquote>≤/ref> and 1701.≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1701 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie 1701 Census Transcription. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 174-211.≤blockquote>Pierre TIBAUDEAU 71, Jeanne THIRIOT [Terriot] (wife) 50;Jean TIBAUDEAU 27, Anthoine 23, Pierre 21, Michel 19, Claude 16, Charles 13, Cecile 19, Catherine 14; 7 guns, 30 cattle, 25 sheep, 12 hogs,19 arpents.≤/blockquote>≤/ref>
At the time of his death≤ref name=DGFA/>, Pierre was living at Prée Ronde Marsh≤ref name=homestead>1707 homestead location of their children at Pré Rond Marsh. In Au Coeur de l'Acadie Acadian Settlement on the Annapolis River 1707 Map Parks Canada≤/ref> on the south bank of the Annapolis (Dauphin) River east of the fort.
Pierre passed away at Port-Royal on December 26 1704 at the age of about 80.≤ref>Library and Archives Canada, Fonds de la paroisse catholique Saint-Jean-Baptiste (Port-Royal, N.-É.)-1870 C-1870 (image 186) http://heritage.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.lac_reel_c1869/186?r=0&s=5≤/ref>≤ref name=death>Nova Scotia Archives, "An Acadian Parish Remembered - The Registers of St. Jean-Baptiste, Annapolis Royal, 1702-1755," register I volume 26 page 340; online database with images, Pierre Tibaudeau burial, accessed 15 Sep 2019≤/ref> ≤ref name=DGFA/>
:c1631 birth, in France
:1632 Treaty Saint-Germain-en-Laye cedes Acadia to France; Razilly brings ~300 elite men≤ref>George MacBeath, “RAZILLY (Rasilly), ISAAC DE,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 1, University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003–, accessed November 20, 2013 http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/razilly_isaac_de_1E.html.≤/ref>:1636 Arrival of the first French families to settle permanently≤refname=mass>Massignon, Geneviève. "Les parlers français d'Acadie, enquête linguistique", Librairie Klincksieck, Paris, 1962, 2tomes. p. 32 (first French families in Acadia) p. 51 (Thibaudeau family; marriage in Port Royal≤/ref>
:1654 British capture Port-Royal; French settlement ceases≤ref>William I. Roberts, 3rd, “SEDGWICK, ROBERT,” in Dictionary of CanadianBiography, vol. 1, University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003–, accessed November 20, 2013, http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/sedgwick_robert_1E.html≤/ref>
:c1660 marriage to Jeanne Thériot
:c1661 birth, daughter Marie
:c1663 birth, daughter Marie
:c1664 birth, daughter Marie
:c1666 birth, daughter Anne-Marie
:c1667 birth, daughter Marie-Catherine
:1667-70 Treaty of Breda cedes Acadia to the French; settlement resumes≤ref>In collaboration, “MORILLON DU BOURG,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 1, University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003–, accessed November 20, 2013, http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/morillon_du_bourg_1E.html≤/ref>:1670’s-1690’s Available farmland decreases; some leave Port-Royal to establish new villages: Beaubassin (1671); Grand-Pré and Pigiguit (1680); Chipoudie (1698), and Cobeguit and Petcoudiac (1699).≤ref>Pioneer Families, in 1755 l'Histoire et les Histoires, University of Moncton≤/ref>
:c1670 birth, son Pierre the elder:1671 residence, in Port-Royal≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1671 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie. 1671 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752 Images 3-14.≤blockquote>Pierre THIBEAUDEAU, 40, wife Jeanne TERRIAU27; Children: Pierre 1, Marie 10, Marie 9, Marie 7, Anne Marie 6, Catherine 4; cattle 12, sheep 11.≤/blockquote>≤/ref>
:c1672 birth, son Jeanne
:c1674 birth, son Jean, in Port-Royal
:c1676 birth, son Antoine
:1678 residence, in Port-Royal
:c1678 birth, son Pierre the younger
:c1680 birth, son Michel
:c1680 birth, daughter Cécile
:c1682 birth, daughter Anne-Marie
:c1685 birth, son Claude
:1686 residence, in Port-Royal
:c1686 birth, daughter Catherine-Josèphe
:1687 War of the League of Augsburg (King William’s War) starts between England and France≤ref name=Griffiths2005>Griffiths, Naomi E.S.,From migrant to Acadian : a North-American border people, 1604-1755, Montreal (Québec), McGill-Queen's University Press, 2005, p147-151 (King William’s War); p 267-268 (oaths of allegiance)≤/ref>
:c1689 birth, son Charles
:1690 Phipps captures and sacks Port-Royal, coerces inhabitants' oaths of allegiance to English Crown, sets up local Peacekeeping Council and leaves within 12 days.≤ref name=biophips>C. P. Stacey, “PHIPS, SIR WILLIAM,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 1, Universityof Toronto/Université Laval, 2003–, accessed November 20, 2013, http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/phips_william_1E.html. ≤/ref>≤ref name=biowikiphips>Biography of William Phipps≤/ref>≤ref name=biotourasse>In collaboration with C. Bruce Fergusson, “LA TOURASSE, CHARLES,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 1, University of Toronto/Universit Laval, 2003–, accessed November 20, 2013, http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/la_tourasse_charles_1E.html.≤/ref> Seaman from two ships later loot and burn between 28 and 35 homes/habitations including the parish church.≤ref name=Dunn/>”
:1693 residence, in Port-Royal
:1693 Port-Royal raid with looting and burning.≤ref name=Dunn>Dunn, Brenda. A History of Port Royal / Annapolis Royal 1605-1800. Nimbus Publishing, p vii,ix,1-12 (early European settlement); p13 (1629 Food abundance Scottish settlement); p32 (Church and School 1686));p 40,43 (1693 PR raid); p44-45 (1697 Treaty of Ryswick); p52-53(1702 Queen Anne’s War); p61-62 (Blockade of PR); p 71-73(1707 Attack on PR); p82-85(1710 Siege of PR).≤/ref>:1697 Treaty of Ryswick restores Acadia to France; Port-Royal is itscapital≤ref name=Dunn/>
:1698 residence, in Port-Royal
:1698 founder, Chipoudy
:1700-1701 residence, in Port-Royal
:1702 War of the Spanish Succession (Queen Anne’s War) starts between England and France≤ref name=Dunn/>
:1703 residence, in Port-Royal≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1703 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie 1703 Census Transcription. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 ofthe National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 212-220.≤blockquote>Pierre THIBAUDOT, his wife, 4 boys, 2 girls, 4 arms bearers. ≤/blockquote>≤/ref>
:1704 Blockade of Port Royal; no destruction of houses but some inhabitants taken prisoner≤ref name=Dunn/>
:1704 death, in Port-Royal
"L'ancêtre des Thibodeau acadiens fut le meunier Pierre, qui est né en France vers 1631. Nous ne connaissons ni son origine précise, ni la date de son arrivée en Acadie".≤ref name=DGFA/>≤ref name=SW94/> Sa date de naissance est estimée en fonction de son âge lors des recensements :
:1671 40 ans (né 1631)
:1686 55 ans (né 1631)
:1693 59 ans (sic) (né 1634)
:1698 65 ans (né 1633)
:1700 80 ans (sic) (né 1630)
Il était meunier en haut de la rivière à Port-Royal, à l’endroitappelé La Prée Ronde. ≤ref name=DGFA/>≤ref name=death/>
Pierre épousa Jeanne Thériot vers 1660. Les parents de Jeanne étaient Jean Thériot et Perrine Reau.≤ref name=DGFA/>
Entre 1661 et 1689, Jeanne Thériot et Pierre Thibodeau eurent seizeenfants, 9 filles et 7 garçons. ≤ref name=DGFA/>
"Colonisateur, il fonda Chipoudy."≤ref name=DGFA/>≤ref name=CORMIER/>
Avant 1794, leur ferme était située a l'est du fort au marais Prée Ronde sur la rive sud de la rivière du Dauphin (Annapolis).≤ref name=homestead/>
Pierre est décédé à Port-Royal le 26 décembre 1704 à l’âge denviron 80 ans et fut inhumé le lendemain.≤ref name=death/>≤ref name=DGFA/>≤ref>Sépulture / Burial Pierre Thibodeau.≤/ref>
Research Notes==*The following statement and source are in error:≤br/> Father MathurinThibodeau Mother Marie Dolbeau http://www.nosorigines.qc.ca/GenealogieQuebec.aspx?genealogy=Pierre...
- The only source cited on NosOrigines (which is a repository and not an actual source) is Tanguay dictionary, which does NOT name any parents for him. That can be viewed here under the letter T : http://bibnum2.banq.qc.ca/bna/dicoGenealogie/ Liard-1 20:40, 6 March 2016 (EST)
≤references />*"Pierre Thibodeau — The Albert County Museum & RB Bennett Centre". 2020 accessed at https://www.albertcountymuseum.com/pierre-thibodeau.*Find A Grave, database and images (accessed 21 December 2019), memorial page for Pierre Thibodeau (1631–26 Dec 1704), Find A Grave Memorial no. 54724426, citing Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Port Royal, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, Canada ; Maintained by Yvonne Roger Arabie (contributor 46487787) 54724426 .
FamilySearch: Family Tree
Pierre Thibodeau
Birth 1631 • Les Moutiers-les-Mauxfaits, Vendée, Pays de la Loire, France
Death 26 December 1704 • Port-Royal, Acadia, New France
Parents Francois-Marie Debeau dit Dolbeau • Mathurin Thibodeau
Spouse Jeanne Thériot
Children Anne-Marie Thibodeau • Anne-Marie Thibodeau (2) • Antoine Thibodeau • Catherine Josephe Thibodeau • Charles Thibodeau • Claude Thibodeau • Cécile Thibodeau • Jean Thibodeau • Jeanne Thibodeau • Joseph Thibodeau • Marie Catherine Thibodeau • Marie Jeanne Thibodeau • Marie Thibodeau • Marie Thibodeaux • Michel Jean Thibodeau • Pierre Thibodeau l'aîné • Pierre Thibodeau le jeune • Pierre l'aîné Thibaudeau • Pierre le jeune Thibodeau
Lead confidence: 5
Pierre Thibodeau
Birth 1631 • Anjou, France
Death Dec 26, 1704 • Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada
Parents Dolbeau • Thibodeau
Siblings Catherine Thibodeau • Marguerite Thibodeau • Mathurin Thibodeau
Spouse Jeanne Theriot Theriault
Children Anne Thibodeau • Antoine Thibodeau • Catherine Thibodeau • Catherine Thibodeaux • Cecile Thibodeau • Charles Thibodeau • Claude Thibodeau • Jean Thibodeau Baptiste • Jeanne Thibodeau • Joseph Thibodeau • Marie Elizabeth Thibodeau • Marie Jeanne Thibodeau • Marie Thibodeau • Mathurin Thibodeau • Michel Thibodeau • Pierre Lejeune • Pierre Thibodeau • Pierre Thibodeau Lejeune
Lead confidence: 1
Pierre Thibodeau
Pierre Thibodeau
Spouse Jeanne Theriault
Children J B Thibodeau
Pierre Thibodeau
FamilySearch: Find A Grave Index
Pierre Thibodeau, "Find A Grave Index"
Lead confidence: 5
pierre thibodeau
Birth 1631 • Marans, Charente-Maritime, France
Death Dec 26, 1704 • Port Royal, Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
Marriage 1660 • Port Royal, Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
Spouse jeanne theriot
Pierre Thibodeau
Birth 1631 • Poitou, France
Death Dec 26, 1704 • Nova Scotia, Canada
Marriage 1660 • Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada
Parents Francoise Marie Delbeau • Mathurin Rhibaude Thibodeau
Spouse jeanne theriot
!Sources: Le Grand Arrangement du Acadien au Quebec, A. Bergeron Tanguay Histoire et Genealogie des Acadiens - B. Ausenault !Arrieved in Acadia in 1654 !Pierre THIBEAUDEAU, 40, wife Jeanne TERRIAU 27;Children: Pierre 1, Marie 10, Marie 9, Marie 7, Anne Marie 6, Catherine 4; cattle 12, sheep 11. [1671 Census] !(St.John Telegraph Journal, Wed.Aug.10,1994;p.A8) Pierre was born in 1630 in Marans, a village near LaRochelle, France. He went to Acadia in the 1650's. Jeanne Theriault, his wife, gave birth to 17 children. Pierre settle in Pree-Ronde, 17 kilometers from the mouth of the Port Royal river. There he built his house, his farm and his flour and grist mill. At the age of 67, he founded a new community on the northern part of Fundy, called Chipoudie, now Hopewell Cape. He also traded furswith the Indians.
!BIRTH: "Generations...Past to Present",by Phobe Chauvin Morrison: p. 384 Published by Terrebonne Genealogical Society, Houma, LA. Book located in main public library in Dallas, Texas. !MARRIAGE: "Generations...Past to Present",by Phobe Chauvin Morrison: p. 384 Published by Terrebonne Genealogical Society, Houma, LA. Book located in main public library in Dallas, Texas. !DEATH: "Generations...Pastto Present",by Phobe Chauvin Morrison: p. 384 Published by Terrebonne Genealogical Society, Houma, LA. Book located in main public library in Dallas, Texas.
!BIRTH: Information in the St. John, New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal newspaper, 12 August 1994 edition at page A8; available on the internet at http://degaulle.hil.unb.ca/genealogy/acadian4/html. !CHRISTENING: Information based on birth data. !MARRIAGE: Information in the St. John, New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal newspaper, 12 August 1994 edition at page A8; available on the internet at http://degaulle.hil.unb.ca/genealogy/acadian4/html. !DEATH: Information in the St. John, New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal newspaper, 12 August 1994 edition at page A8; available on the internet at http://degaulle.hil.unb.ca/genealogy/acadian4/html. !BURIAL: Information based on death date; assumed that burial occurred the day after death.
A miller by trade. Thibodeau derives from the much earlierFrench/Gallic name of Thibault, meaning 'bold'. the -eau e nding on atitle-name usually denoted the eldest son of the one bearin g thename. SoThibodeau, in all its variations, derives from the elde stson of some known as "bold." Pierre Thibodeau was the founder o fChipoudie, Acadia. Variations of the name, common across Louisiana and otherp laces,include: Thibodot, Thebodeau, Thibodeaux, Thebodault, Thib odo, Tibodo.
Telegraph-Journal, Wednesday, August 10, 1994; p. A8 The ancestor of this family in Acadia, Pierre Thibodeau, is believed to have been born in 1630 in Marans, a village near La Rochelle,France. He followed Emmanuel LeBorgne de Belle-Isle to Acadia as a young man during the middle of the 1650s. Shortly after his arrival he married a young Acadian girl, Jeanne Theriault, who gave birth to 17 children. Pierre Thibodeau settled approximately 17 kilometres from the mouth ofthe Port-Royal river in a lovely spot called Pree-Ronde. There he built his house, his farm and his flour and grist mill. Pierre was undoubtedly prosperous but he had larger ambitions. On June 20, 1695, Governor de Frontenac granted him on the Kennebec river (Maine), a seigniory two leagues deep and a league on each bank of the Kennebec river along with the islands. At the age of 67, the enterprising Pierre Thibodeau decided to found a new community on the northern part of Baie Francaise (Fundy) called Chipoudie, now Hopewell Cape. He associated his sons and a few neighbors for this new foundation and had the necessary machinery for a flour and grist mill brought over from Boston. In addition to his occupations as a farmer and a miller, Pierre Thibodeau was also a merchant. He traded furs with the Indians. Pierre Thibodeau died at Pree-Ronde and was buried at Port-Royal on December 27, 1704. His children settled at Port-Royal, Grand-Pre and Chipoudie. In 1755, the Thibodeaus were deported to Massachussets, Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. Several of them escaped deportation and found refuge in Quebec while others ended up in France or in Louisiana. One of Pierre Thibodeau's grandchildren, Olivier, married to Elisabeth Melanson, abandoned all of his properties at the time of the Deportation and fled to Quebec. Once there an epidemic of measles decimated his family including Olivier and his wife. They left behind three orphans: one of them Urbain, married Anastasie Deblois in 1777. He was father to Pierre-Chrysologue Thibaudeau who settled at Cap-Sante (Quebec) and fathered 16 children, several of whom became merchants and politicians. The Madawaska Thibodeaus are descended from Jean-Baptiste Thibodeauand Marie LeBlanc from Grand-Pre. Jean-Baptiste sought refuge with his family on the Saint John river, then at Quebec after the destruction of the community of Sainte-Anne (Fredericton) in 1759. He returned to the Saint John river during the 1770s and settled at Saint-Basile after the arrival of the Loyalists. There he died in1795. The Thibodeaus of the Tracadie and Miramichi areas are descended from Alexis, son of Rene, son of Pierre. Alexis Thibodeau was deported to Massachusetts where he married Marguerite Dupuis in 1763. In 1767, he managed to get closer to Acadia by moving to Trois-Rivieres (Quebec). In 1777, he migrated to the St. John Rivers. After the arrival of the Loyalists, members of his family moved to Baie-Sainte-Anne and to Tracadie. Contributed by Fidele Theriault of Fredericton, New Brunswick.
Info from GEDCOM
GIVN Pierre
SURN Thibodeaux
TITL Seigneur de Chipoudy [Guidry.GED]
Pierre THIBODEAU, of the Province of Poitou, France, was about 23 years old when he came to Acadia in 1654. He was indentured to Emmanuel LEBORGNE, a merchant from LaRochelle, France. Thibodeaux sought his fortune in the new land. After his indenture was completed, he married Jeanne TERRIOT, whose family had come to Acadia much earlier. The census of 1671 lists Thibodeau, a "ploughsman," age 40, as having removed from Port Royal to Pre Ronde. He and his wife had five daughters and one son. In time he added a gristmill to his marshland farm and a sawmill to his brookside holdings. His family grew to 16 children -- seven sons and nine daughters. He had 159 grandchildren, more than half of whom were descendents of the seven Thibodeau brothers. Four of the boys -- Pierre l'Aisne, Pierre, Michel and Charles -- were part of the "Grand Derangement" or deportation of the Acadians in 1755. They eventually settled in the Bayou LaFourche area and the Opelousas
!INFORMATION: was taken from Historire ET Généalogie Des Acadiens by Bona ARSENAULT, Tome1 page 518. THIBAUDEAU et THIBODAUX aussi: THIBODEAU, THIBODEAUX. Pierre THIBODEAU, [Il était meunier à la PréeRonde dans le haut de la rívière Port-Royal En 1698, il fonda Chipoudy (Hopewell, N.-B.] né en 1631, originaire du Poitou, arrivé en Acadie avec Emmanuel LeBorgne de Belle-Isle, en 1654, marié vers 1660, à Jeanne TERRIOT, fille de Jean et de Perrine Bourg. ENFANTS: Marie 1661; Marie 1662; Marie 1664; Anne-Marie 1665; Catherine 1667; Pierre 1670; Jeanne 1672; Jean 1673; Antoine 1674; Pierre 1676; Michel 1678; Cécile 1780; Anne-Marie 1682; Claude 1684; Joseph 1691; Charles 1694. Pierre THIBODEAU a été inhumé à Port-Royal, le 26 Décembre 1704. Jeanne TERRIOT, sa veuve, a été inhuimé au même endroit, le 8 Décembre 1726. !INFORMATION: was obtained from LDS website FamilySearch.com on 19 Aug 2000, records searched was Ancestral File & the IGI Record. !INFORMATION: was obtained from Hubert J. THIBODEAUX at hught@flash.net on 15 Jul 2001. !INFORMATION: the following was obtained on ww.vcaa.com/genealogy/devalvourt - !INFORMATION: from Vic Jeter at estelle@phrimp.com on 18 Aug 2002 - Pierre THIBODEAUX was 40 years old on the 1671 Census of Port Royal & was 55 years old on the 1686 Census of Port Royal; St. Martin Parish History found on page 32(d) & (e) of Vic Jeter's Book; Pierre THIBODEAUX a native of Poitou, France. Came to Acadia somethime between 1651 & 1654. Pierre THIBODEAUX was a farmer & operated a grist mill at Pre'Ronde. Pierre THIOBODEAUX had 17 childern. Pierre THIBODEAUX was so popular with the Governor of Acadia & his co-settlers that he (Pierre THIBODEAUX) was given the role of "Sieur"- a sort of semi-nobility . In 1981, a monument to Pierre THIBODEAUX, the first white settler to live in the Round Hill (Annapolis County, Nova Scotia), was unveiled there (see Sec 1 page 32b,f,g of Vic Jeter's Book). Pierre THIBODEAUX was married to Jeanne (T ERRIOT) TERRIAU about1660 in Port Royal, Acadia, Quebec, Acadia. !TRANSLATION OF WORDS: à = at; au = to the, at the; Août = August; cette = this, that; de = of; dècèdè = deceased; déportée = ? deport; des = some, any, ofthe; deuxiemes = second; du = of the; en = in, into, to, as; est = is; et = and; établir = establish; été = summer; famille = family; femme = woman, wife; Février = February; fille = daughter, girl; fils = son; il = he, it; ils = they; Janvier = January; le = the; leurs = their; marié = bridgegroom or groom; membre(s) = member; né = born; oû = where; père = father; sa = his, her, its; secondes = second; sont = are; sur = on, over, upon; vers = toward; veuve = widow;
Arrived in Acadie with Emmanuel Le BORGNE of Belle-Isle, in 1654. "The famous miller of la Pree-Ronde", located at the mouth of the riviere Port-Royal. Concession of the seigneurie of Kaouaskagouche (between Monts-Deserts and Majais) 20 Jun 1695. Pioneer of Chipoudy, Petitcoudiac, Memramcouk in 1698.
!BIRTH: Information in the St. John, New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal newspaper, 12 August 1994 edition at page A8; available on the internet at http://degaulle.hil.unb.ca/genealogy/acadian4/html; but see this person's burial record which says he was age 80 years at time of death in December 1704.
!CHRISTENING: Information based on birth data.
!MARRIAGE: Information in the St. John, New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal newspaper, 12 August 1994 edition at page A8; available on the internet at http://degaulle.hil.unb.ca/genealogy/acadian4/html.
!DEATH: Information from the parish records of St. Jean-Baptiste Catholic Church, Annapolis Royal [Port Royal, Acadia], Nova Scotia; volume 26, page 339; available on line at the Public Archives of Nova Scotia web site at http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/ (says death was 26 December 1704 and burial was on 27 December 1704 at age eighty years; gives no spouse's name; says he was a "habitant and miller of the river heights of Port Royal"); see also information in the St. John, New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal newspaper, 12 August 1994 edition at page A8; available at http://degaulle.hil.unb.ca/genealogy/acadian4/html.
!BURIAL: Information from the parish records of St. Jean-Baptiste Catholic Church, Annapolis Royal [Port Royal, Acadia], Nova Scotia; volume 26, page 339; available on line at the Public Archives of Nova Scotia web site at http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/ (says death was 26 December 1704 and burial was on 27 December 1704 at age eighty years; gives no spouse's name; says he was a "habitant and miller of the river heights of Port Royal").
Pierre arrived in Acadie in 1654 in the company of Emmanuel LeBourgne de Belle Isle. Pierre was the famous "Miller of the Pree--Ronde." He was a pioneer of Chipoudy, Petitcoudiac, and Memramcock.
!Acadian Census 1671: Pierre Thibeaudeau age 40, wife Jeanne Terriau(Terriot, Theriault) ; children: Pierre age 1 and 5 daughters; cattle 12,sheep 11.
REF: Maxine DiGrappa, TX 4/2/95. REF: Doryl@freeway.net - on Internet to LA-CAJUN Roots; Pierre Thibaudeau d 26 Dec 1704 Port Royal, Acadia / 11-30-96. http://www.umoncton.ca/etudeacadiennes/centre/white/thibodo.html THIBODEAU L'ancetre des Thibodeau acadiens fut le meunier Pierre, qui est ne en France vers 1631. Nous ne connaissons ni son origine precise, ni la date de son arrivee en Acadie. Vers 1660, il pousa Jeanne Theriot, fille de Jean Theriot et de Perrine Reau, qui lui donna seize enfants, c'est-'-dire sept garcons et neuf filles. Colonisateur, il fonda Chipoudy. Il est decede a Port-Royal le 26 decembre 1704. Son fils Pierre Thibodeau, dit l'aine pour le distinguer d'un autre frere du meme prenom, naquit vers 1670. Celui-ci epousa vers 1690 a Anne-Marie Bourque, fille de Jean Bourque et de Marguerite Martin. Peu apres leur mariage, Pierre l'aine et Anne-Marie s'etablirent sur la riviere Sainte-Croix, a Pisiguit. Philippe etait l'aine de leurs cinq fils. Il naquit a Pisiguit vers 1693. Il contracta mariage au meme endroit, vers 1715, avec Isabelle Vincent, fille de Michel Vincent et de Marie-Josephe Richard. En 1755, Philippe Thibodeau fut deporte avec sa famille au Massachusetts. Vers cette poque, son fils Germain, qui etait ne vers 1734, se maria en premieres noces a Madeleine-Blanche Prejean, fille de Jean-Baptiste Prejean et de Marie Gaudet. Apres le trait de Parisde 1763, Germain Thibodeau revint en Acadie. Ayant perdu sa femme, il convola en secondes noces vers 1767 avec Marie Babineau, fille de Jean Babineau et d'Isabelle Breau, et veuve de Charles Maillet.Germain Thibodeau est decede dans la paroisse de Memramcook le 2 janv 1809.
Arrived in Acadie 1654 Founder of Thibodeau Village on the River of Annapolis Royal
Many daughters named MARIE in this family cause confusion!
Per Stephen A. White, the first 3 daughters in this family were named just "Marie" and there are 3 other daughters with Marie in their names which can cause lots of confusion:
1. Marie, b. about 1661, m abt 1681 to Antoine LANDRY (son of Rene & Marie BERNARD), d. 1711.
2. Marie, b. about 1663, m Pierre LeJEUNE dit BRIARD (son of Pierre & ____ DOUCET).
3. Marie, b. about 1664, m. after 1686 to Charles ROBICHAUD dit CADET (sone of Etienne & Francoise BOUDROT, d. before 9 Jun 1703;
4. Anne-Marie, b. about 1666, m about 1682 to Claude BOUDROT (sone of Mechel & Micelle AUCOIN, d. between 11698-1700;
5. Marie-Catherine, b. about 1667, m about 1684 to Claude LANDRY (son of Rene & Marie BERNARD), d. before 11 Nov 1721;
6. Anne-Marie, b. about 1682, m about 1697 to Charles D'AMOURS de LOUVIERES (son of Mathieu & Marie MARSOLET).
Accourding to White, there were 16 children in all born to Pierre THIBODEAU and JEanne THERIOT.
See White, Stephen A.; Hébert, Hector-J.; Gallant, Patrice, 1909-; Université de Moncton. Centre d'études acadiennes, pp 1508-9.
!BIRTH-CENSUS-OCCUPATION-MARRIAGE-CHILDREN-DEATH-BURIAL: Stephen A. White, DICTIONNAIRE GENEALOGIQUE DES FAMILLES ACADIENNES; 1636-1714; Moncton, New Brunswick, Centre d'Etude s Acadiennes, 1999, 2 vols.; p. 1508; own copy. #1: Pierre THIBODEAU, born around 1631, laborer, miller, coloniser. He married around 1660 (Tanguay; vol. VII, p.290) to Jeanne THE'RIOT, daughter of Jean & Perrine RAU; sixteen children. He died/was buried (Port Royal Register) on 26/27 Dec 1704, at age 80 years (sic). He was "habitant et Meunier en haut de la riviere, appele' pre'e La Ronde." !BIRTH-IMMIGRATION-OCCUPATION-MARRIAGE-CHILDREN-RESIDENCES- DEATH: Web page of Univ. of Moncton, Centre d'etudes acadiennes, by Stephen White, on the 37 Acadian families hosting the 1994 World Congress; orig. published by La Societe historique acadienne, CAHIERS; vol. 25, no. 2&3 (Apr-Sep 1994 ), at (http://www.umoncton.ca/etudeacadiennes/centre/white/ sha.html). Pierre was a miller, colonist who founded Chipoudy. He died atPort-Royal on 26 Dec 1704. !NAME: Also spelled THIBODEAUX. !PARENTS: Listed father Mathurin RHIBAUDA (THIBODEAUX), mother Marie DEBEAU, on Ancestor Chart of Arthur O. KOHN, sent in Jan 1995. !PARENTS: Web page of Cyndie DUPUIS, found by doing an Altavista--Hobbies--Genealogy--T surnames--THIBODEAUX search in Jan 1998. She lists parents of Pierre THIOBODEAUX (1631-1 704) as Mathurin RHIBAUDA THIBODEAUX, who married about 1660 [?] to Marie DOLBEAU. !BIRTH-IMMIGRATION-MARRIAGE-CHILDREN-BURIAL: Arsenault, H&G , p. 807 (Port Royal), Originally from Poitou [where found?], he arrived in Acadia in 1654, in the company of Emmanue l LE BORGNE of Belle-Isle. He married around 1660, was buried at Port Royal. !BIRTH-IMMIGRATION-MARRIAGE-CHILDREN-RESIDENCES-OCCUPATION- DEATH: Reginald L. Olivier, YOUR ANCIENT CANADIAN FAMILY TIES; p. 311; Sutro. Pierre THIBODEAU, born 1631, settled at Port-Royal, Acadia where he married in 1660 to to Jeanne TERRIOT, daughter of Jean & Perrine REAU; fourteen children on 1671 [sic, on the 1686] census. He was the founder of Chipody (today Shipody, Albert county, New Brunswick). He died at his mill in Port-Royal known as Pree-Ronde on 26 Dec 1704. !RESIDENCES: Bona Arsenault, HISTORY OF THE ACADIANS; 1600- 1800; Ottawa, Lemeac, 1978; p. 50; own copy. Chipoudy (today Hopewell Hill) was founded by Pierre THIBODEAU around 1698. Pierre had come to Acadia with Emmanuel LeBORGNE. He arrived with five sons and a number of other citizens from Port-Royal, built a church on a site known today as Church Creek, and a flour mill at a place now called Mill Creek. !OCCUPATION: According to translation of Arsenault, "he was a miller at the Pree Ronde near the source of the river Port Royal." !CENSUS-NAME: 1671, Port Royal, Acadia, Pierre THIBEAUDEAU , "Laboureur," age40 years, living with wife Jeanne TERRIAU and 6 children. They have 12 cattle and 11 sheep, on 7 arpents workable land. !CENSUS: 1678, Clarence J. d'Entremont, "Recensement de Por t-Royal," in MEMOIRES DE LA SOCIETE GENEALOGIQUE CANADIENNE -FRANCAISE; vol. 22, no. 4; p. 233; sent by PERSI in Jun 1999. On Folio 20: Pierre THIBAUDEAU & Jeanne TERRIOT, with three boys and five girls. They have 12 arpents of land, with 30 head of cattle. !CENSUS: 1686, Port Royal, Acadia, age 55 years. Pierre TIBAUDEAU with wife Jeanne TERIOT, 43 and their 14 children. They owned 1 gun, 10 arpents of workable land, 14 horned animals, 5 sheep, and 7 pigs. !CENSUS: 1693, Port Royal, Acadia, age 59 years (sic), name spelled TIBAUDEAU. Living with wife Jeanne TERRIOT, age 5 0, and 8 children, age 17 to 4. They have 20 cattle, 30 sheep, 12 pigs, on 30 arpents of land, with 2 guns. !CENSUS: 1698, Port Royal, Acadia, age 65 years. !RESIDENCES: "In 1698 he founded Chiboudy, according to Hopewell N.M. . . came to Acadia with Emmanuel Le BORGNE of Belle Isle in 1654." "1698--Pierre Thibaudeau, a miller, persuades members of the Blanchard family to join him in establishing settlements along the Petitcodiac estuary in what is now New Brunswick. In a well-protected cove of the Bay of Fundy, these settlements eventually grow into what is now metropolitan Moncton...now the center of Canadian Acadian culture." (Rushton, The Cajuns, p. 311.) !CENSUS: 1700, Port Royal, Acadia, age 66 years (sic). !CENSUS: 1701, age 71 years. !DEATH-FATHER-BIRTH: Bulletin Board posting on AOL "T" surn ames by (Birdsnest4@aol.com). Pierre THIBODEAUX, son of Mathurin RHIBAUDA, born in 1630 in Marans near La Rochelle, Fr ance, came to Acadia in 1654. He died in Dec 1704 in Pre-Ro nde [sic], Canada; buried 26 Dec [sic] at Port Royal, Acadia.
Pierre Thibodeau was born in 1631 in France. He was from Martaize,France On March 25 1654, Emmanuel Le Borgne de Belle Isle, chartered a ship, the Chateaufort, which is armed for war, with an other merchant of La Rochelle, Sieur Guibeau, and ordered by this last, Pierre has been committed by Le Borgne as a stable settler and was under contract for three years at a wage of 100 !livres per year (this information is contained in the "Catalogue des Immigrants" by Marcel Trudel). They arrived in Acadia at the end of May 1654. Le Borgne, Main creditor of Charles d'Aulnay, one of the main colonizers of the Acadia and deceased for two years, seizes several establishments and takes possession the same year, Port Royal. Pierre acquires in 1554, a large land concession on the river du Dauphin, near Port Royal. The site was the name of pre Ronde or Village des Thibeardeau. It is situated to ten kilometers of the mouthpiece of the river in the heart of the valley of Port Royal. The site is known today as Round Hill, Nova Scotia. He built a grist mill on his marshland farm and a sawmill on his brookside holdings. There he soon became prosperous. In 1659, Pierre married Jeanne Terriot born in 1644 and the daughter of Jehan and Perrine Reau of Port Royal, Acadia. Jeanne's father was born in 1601 in Martaize, France. In 1635 he married and in 1637 arrived in Acadia. Their son Pierre of Jeanne, is behind the establishment of Grand Pre (St Charles les mines et St Joseph de la Riviere aux Canards). The Port Royal census of 1671 lists Pierre as a ploughman, but we also know he was a merchant offurs, colonizer, miller, and sawyer. It also states that he had 12 head of cattle and 11 sheep. Pierre moved !his family from port Royal to Pree Ronde (Round Hill) which was upstream on the Port Royal River. Pierre obtained from the governor of the Nouvelle France, Mr de Frontenac,on June 20 1695, a concession of the domain of Kaouaskagouche (Vraskagache), between Mont Desert and Majois in Acadia(today in the state of Maine, near Bangor). This territory is situated alongside the river Kennebec and !measures 2 leagues (8 km) of depth and 1 league (2 km) of each side of the river, including islands. In 1698, Pierre Thibodaux, then 67 years old and known as the miller of Pree Ronde, decided to found a new colony in the area of Chipoudy (today Riverside Albert, New Brunswick) at the mouth ofthat very dangerous Bay of Fundy, then called Baie Francaise. That was not a small trip, nor a small enterprise. He left aboard a boat with his sons, Pierre, Jean, Antoine, and Micheal, and neighboring colonists Guillaume Blanchard and two of his sons, then settled on the Petitcodiac. They found a beautiful place near the water, and with the permission of Mr. de la Vallieres, the governor, and his relative, Claude Sebastien de Villeu, who was administrator of these regions, he went to clear the land and decided to build a church. Today that site is known as Church Creek. In 1699, Pierre bought a saw mill in Boston. he installs it in 1700 in Chipoudy. The concession that it claims in there measures 2.5 km each side of the !river and 10 km in depth. A legal dispute arose which threatened his plan when Claude Sebastien de Vellieu, asserted that the domains claimed by Thibodeau and Blanchard formed part of the fief belonging to his father in law, Michel Leneuf de la Vallieres (the elder).Difficulties with the lord of Beaubassin, the case was referred to Paris, but this did not stop Pierre Thibodeau from carrying on with the task of beginning a settlement. The final verdict did not reach Acadia until after the pioneer's death. A decree of !the conseil d'Etat dated June 2 1705 defining more precisely that of March 20 1703, confirmed La Valliere's claims. The dream of a seigneurty at Chipoudy was dispelled. Nevertheless, the pioneers retained possession of their "lands and inheritances," and the settlement was able to develop: the 1706 census listed 55 persons at Chipoudy, and that of 1752 listed 359. Pierre and Jeanne had at least eighteen children and 159 Grandchildren. Many found their way to Louisiana.
PIERRE THIBODEAU (MATHURIN RHIBAUDA) was born 1631 in POITOU, FRANCE, and died December 26, 1704 in PORT ROYAL, ACADIA. He married JEANNE TERRIOT Abt. 1660 in PORT ROYAL, ACADIA, daughter of JEAN TERRIOT and PERINNE (Rau, Breau or Bourg). Notes for PIERRE THIBODEAU: PIERRE and JEANNE had a total of 18 known children. He arrived about 1654 to Acadia. He was a miller (UN MEUNIER), owned a grist millat Pree' Ronde, on upper Port Royal River, 1671 census listed him "a plowman having 7 arpents of cleared land." He founded Chipoudy (Hopewell Hill, New Brunswick) in 1698. He was listed as a farmer. He settled 4 of his sons and several of his compatriots at Chipoudy. There is much documents about Pierre because one of his daughters married the secretary of the then governor of Acadia. He was so popular with the governor and his co-settlers that he was given the role of "Sieur"-a sort of semi-nobility. In 1981 a monument was unveiled at Round Hill, Nova Scotia, which honored PIERRe as the first white settler that lived there. Source: Volume 25 #'s 2 & 3 of "Les Cahiers" The Genealogy of 37 families by Stephen White 1686 Census Port Royal, Acadia Pierre Thibaudeau 55, Jeanne Teriot 43: Children: Marie 25, Marie 23,Marie 21(sic,sic,sic !),Catherine 19, Anne-Marie 17, Pierre 16, Jeanne 14, Jean 13, Antoine 12, Pierre 10, Michel 8, Cecile 6, Anne-Marie 4, Claude 2,; 1 gun, 14 cattle, 5 sheep, 7 hogs, 10 arpents.
indentured to Emmanuel LeBorgne
was indentured to Emmanuel LeBorgne, who was a rich merchant of La Rochelle France. Married when term ended. Census of 1671- Port Royal shows Pierre as ploughsman- had 12 cattle, 11 sheep . Moved fromPort Royal to Prie Ronde- upstream from river. Built grist mill and saw mill. In 1698 (at 68) he founded coony of Chipoudy- with 5 sons. Pierre and Jeanne had 16 children and 159 grandchildren. Many found way to Louisiana- Bayou Lafourche, Opelousas and Attakapas Founder of Thibodeaux Village in Port Royal area of Annapolis River. Born in France 1631, married at Port Royal to Jeanne Terriot; he died in Dec 1704 leaving 14 children. Son Blaise and his wife Catherine Daigle in Poiton project at La Grand Ligne
Pierre arrived in Acadia in 1645 with Emmanuel le Borgne de Belle Isle. He
was a miller at Pree Ronde on the Port Royal River above the town. He
founded the town of Chipoudy, New Brunswick, present day Hopewell.
Data on this Thibodeau family can be found in Arsenault, pp 666,516.
Pierre Thibodeau & Jeanne Theriot had 20 children . In 1704 Pierre's occuption was Miller at Pree Roude?
He was a farmer, miller & merchant
Pierre Thibodeau's Family Crest Blazon Arms Quarterly Azure and Gules the Acadian Deportation Cross of Grand-Pré issuant from the base Argent; Crest Issuant from a circle of mullets Or, a fleur-de-lisAzure; Supporters Two Canada geese standing on a grassy mount set with garbs and a millstone proper above barry wavy Argent and Azure; Motto MESSIS QUIDEM MULTA; Symbolism Arms The red, blue and white are taken from the Acadian flag. The Deportation Cross, erected near Grand-Pré, Nova Scotia, alludes to the Great Upheaval of 1755, which saw Acadians dispersed. It honours the memory of Pierre Thibodeau, the common ancestor of the Thibodeau families, who came to Acadia in 1654. Crest The fleur-de-lis symbolizes France, the homeland of the ancestor Pierre Thibodeau. The star is taken from the Acadian national flag and alludes to Our Lady of the Assumption, the Saint patron of Acadians. Supporters A migratory bird, the Canada goose symbolizes the Deportation of 1755 and the subsequent migrations of Acadians back to their homeland. It also honours Pierre Thibodeau as a colonizer and labourer. The millstone symbolizes Pierre Thibodeau's mills used to grind wheat, first in Port-Royal (1654),then in Chipoudy (1698). The green compartment refers to "Prée-Ronde" in Nova Scotia, where Pierre Thibodeau (ca. 1631-1704) settled. The colour green and the sheaves of wheat symbolize agriculture. The wavy lines evoke the Dauphin River, today the Annapolis River, as well as the stream known as "Des-Loups-Marins" (i.e., "of the seals"), where Pierre Thibodeau settled near Port-Royal. Motto Meaning "The harvest is plentiful," this Latin phrase comes from Matthew 9:37 and Luke 10:2. It refers to Pierre Thibodeau's occupation as well as the growth of his family, which today numbers between one and two million members, including 20,000 in North America.
Descendants of Pierre THIBODEAU Born 1631 in France Descendants of Pierre THIBODEAU* Generation No. 1 1. PIERRE1 THIBODEAU* was born 1631 in Poitou, France. He married JEANNE TERRIOT* 1660, daughter of JEAN TERRIOT* and PERRINE BREAU*. She was born 1644 in Port Royal, Acadia. Notes for PIERRE THIBODEAU*: Source: "The History of The Acadians" by Bona Arsenault Vol. 2, p. 807, 804 Arrived in Acadia in 1654 with Emmanuel LeBorgne de Belles Isle Source: "The Acadian Miracle" by Dudley LeBlanc p. 23 Port Royal Census of 1671 Pierre Thibeaudeau 40; wife, Jeanne terriau; children; Pierre 1, and 5 daughters; cattle 12 , sheep 11 Children of PIERRE THIBODEAU* and JEANNE TERRIOT* are: i. MARIE2 THIBODEAU, b. 1661, Port Royal, Acadia; m. ANTOINE LANDRY, 1681; b. 1660, Port Royal, Acadia. 2. ii. MARIETHIBODEAU, b. 1663, Port Royal, Acadia. 3. iii. MARIE THIBODEAU, b. 1664, Port Royal, Acadia. 4. iv. ANNE MARIE THIBODEAU*, b. 1665, Port Royal, Acadia. v. CATHERINE THIBODEAU, b. 1667, Port Royal, Acadia; m. CLAUDE LANDRY, 1684; b. 1663, Port Royal, Acadia. 5. vi. PIERRE THIBODEAU*, b. 1670, Port Royal, Acadia. vii. JEANNE THIBODEAU, b. 1672, Port Royal, Acadia; m. cMATHIEU DESGOUTTINS, 1689; b.1663. viii. JEAN THIBODEAU, b. 1673, Port Royal, Acadia; m. MARGUERITE HEBERT, February 17, 1702/03, Port Royal, Acadia; b. 1681, Port Royal, Acadia. 6. ix. ANTOINE THIBODEAU, b. 1674, Port Royal, Acadia. 7. x. PIERRE THIBODEAU, b. 1676, Port Royal, Acadia. 8. xi. MICHEL THIBODEAU, b. 1678, Port Royal, Acadia. xii. CECILE THIBODEAU, b. 1680, Port Royal, Acadia; m. EMMANUEL LEBORGNE, 1698; b. 1675, Port Royal, Acadia. xiii. MARIE ANNE LOUISE THIBODEAU, b. 1682, Port Royal, Acadia; m. CHARLES D'AMOURS, 1697; b. 1662, Ile Saint-Jean, Acadia. 9. xiv. CLAUDE THIBODEAU, b. 1684, Port Royal, Acadia.xv. CATHERINE JOSEPHE THIBODEAU, b. 1686, Port Royal, Acadia; m. GUILLAUME BOURGEOIS, April 17, 1705, Port Royal, Acadia; b. 1674, Port Royal, Acadia. xvi. CHARLES THIBODEAU, b. 1689, Port Royal, Acadia; m. FRANCOISE COMEAU, December 19, 1715, Port Royal, Acadia; b. 1693, Port Royal, Acadia. Generation No. 2 2. MARIE2 THIBODEAU (PIERRE1 THIBODEAU*) was born 1663 in Port Royal, Acadia. She marriedPIERRE LEJEUNE 1682. He was born 1656. Children of MARIE THIBODEAU and PIERRE LEJEUNE are: i. MARIE3 LEJEUNE, b. 1686, Port Royal, Acadia. ii. PIERRE LEJEUNE, b. 1689, Port Royal, Acadia; m. JEANNE ANNE BENOIT, September 12, 1712, Grand Pre, Acadia; b. 1692, Pisiguid, Acadia. iii. JEANNE LEJEUNE, b. 1690, Port Royal, Acadia. iv. GERMAIN LEJEUNE, b. 1693, Port Royal, Acadia. v. MARGUERITE LEJEUNE,b. 1695, Port Royal, Acadia. vi. ANNE LEJEUNE, b. 1696, Port Royal, Acadia. vii. JEAN LEJEUNE, b. 1697, Port Royal, Acadia; m. FRANCOISE GUEDRY, 1725; b. 1703, Port Royal, Acadia. 10. viii. CATHERINELEJEUNE, b. 1699, Port Royal, Acadia. 2 ix. JOSEPH LEJEUNE, b. 1704, Port Royal, Acadia. 3. MARIE2 THIBODEAU (PIERRE1 THIBODEAU*) was born 1664 in Port Royal, Acadia. She married CHARLES ROBICHAUD 1686, son of ETIENNE ROBICHEAUX* and FRANCOISE BOUDROT*. He was born 1667 in Port Royal, Acadia. Children of MARIE THIBODEAU and CHARLES ROBICHAUD are: i. ANGELIQUE3 ROBICHAUD, b. 1687, Port Royal, Acadia. ii. CHARLES AUGUSTIN ROBICHAUD, b. 1690, Port Royal, Acadia. iii. PIERRE RENE ROBICHAUD, b. 1690, Port Royal, Acadia. iv. ANTOINE ROBICHAUD, b. 1692, Port Royal, Acadia. v. AUGUSTIN ROBICHAUD, b. 1693, Port Royal, Acadia. vi. JEAN ROBICHAUD, b. 1694, Port Royal, Acadia; m. MARIE LEGER, November 23, 1717, Port Royal, Acadia; b. 1698, Port Royal, Acadia. vii. ALEXANDRE ROBICHAUD, b. 1696, Port Royal, Acadia. viii. JOSEPH ROBICHAUD, b. 1697, Port Royal, Acadia; m. MADELEINE DUPUIS, May 24, 1725, St Charles Mines, Bellechasse, Acadia; b. 1705, Grand Pre, Acadia. ix. FRANCOIS ROBICHAUD, b. 1698, Port Royal, Acadia; m. AGATHE TURPIN, 1728; b. 1710, Cobequid, Acadia. x. JEAN ROBICHAUD, b. 1700, Port Royal, Acadia. 4. ANNE MARIE2 THIBODEAU* (PIERRE1) was born 1665 in Port Royal, Acadia. She married CLAUDE BOUDROT* 1685, son of MICHEL BOUDROT* and MICHELLE AUCOIN*. He was born 1663 in Port Royal, Acadia, and died March 07, 1739/40 in St. Charles-des-mines, Acadia. Notes for CLAUDE BOUDROT*:Source: "The History of the Acadians" by Bona Arsenault Vol. 3, pp, 1108, 1109, 1110. Vol. 2, p 807 Children of ANNE THIBODEAU* and CLAUDE BOUDROT* are: i. CLAUDE3 BOUDROT, b. 1686, Grand Pre, Acadia; m. CATHERINE HEBERT, 1706; b. 1686, Grand Pre, Acadia. 11. ii. MICHEL BOUDROT, b. 1687, Grand Pre, Acadia. iii. JACQUES BOUDROT, b. 1688, Grand Pre, Acadia. iv. FRANCOISE BOUDROT, b. 1690, Grand Pre, Acadia. v. MADELEINE BOUDROT, b. 1692, Grand Pre, Acadia. vi. JOSEPH BOUDROT, b. 1693, Grand Pre, Acadia; m. FRANCOISE COMEAU, July 27, 1712, St. Charles-desmines, Acadia. 12. vii. ANNE MARIE BOUDROT*, b. 1694, Grand Pre, Acadia. viii. MARGUERITE BOUDROT, b. 1695, Grand Pre, Acadia; m. FRANCOIS LEBLANC, September 19, 1712, St Charles Mines, Bellechasse, Acadia; b. 1688, Grand Pre, Acadia. 5. PIERRE2 THIBODEAU* (PIERRE1) was born 1670 in Port Royal, Acadia. He married ANNE BOURG* 1690, daughter of JEAN BOURG* and MARGUERITE MARTIN*. She was born 1668 in Cobequid, Acadia. Children of PIERRE THIBODEAU* and ANNE BOURG* are: i. ANNE3 THIBODEAU, b. 1691, Pisiguid, Acadia; m. JEAN BAPTISTE COMEAU, November 06, 1713, Grand Pre, Acadia; b. 1683, Port Royal, Acadia. ii. PHILIPPE THIBODEAU, b. 1693, Pisiguid, Acadia; m. ELIZABETH VINCENT, 1715; b. 1694, Pisiguid, Acadia. iii. ALEXANDRE THIBODEAU, b. 1694, Pisiguid, Acadia; m. FRANCOISE BENOIT, 1716; b. 1694, Pisiguid, Acadia. iv. PIERRE THIBODEAU, b. 1696, Pisiguid, Acadia; m. MARIE JOSEPHE BOUDROT, October 02, 1719, Grand Pre, Acadia; b. 1701, Pisiguid, Acadia. 13. v. ANTOINE THIBODEAU*, b. 1699, Pisiguid, Acadia. vi. JOSEPH THIBODEAU, b. 1700, Pisiguid, Acadia; m. MARIE-J. BOURGEOIS, October 26, 1725, Port Royal, Acadia. vii. JEAN BAPTISTE THIBODEAU, b. 1702, Pisiguid, Acadia; m. MARGUERITE BOUDROT, 1723; b. 1708, Pisiguid, Acadia. 14. viii. ANGELIQUE THIBODEAU, b. 1704, Pisiguid, Acadia. 3 ix. RENE THIBODEAU, b. 1706, Pisiguid, Acadia. x. FRANCOISE THIBODEAU, b. 1708, Pisiguid, Acadia. xi. ELIZABETH THIBODEAU, b. 1712, Pisiguid, Acadia. xii. ALEXIS THIBODEAU, b. 1715, Pisiguid, Acadia. 6. ANTOINE2 THIBODEAU (PIERRE1 THIBODEAU*) was born 1674 in Port Royal, Acadia. He married MARIE PREJEAN October 08, 1703 in Port Royal, Acadia, daughter of JEAN PREJEAN* and ANDREE SAVOIE*. She was born 1684 in Port Royal, Acadia. Children of ANTOINE THIBODEAU and MARIE PREJEAN are: i. CATHERINE3 THIBODEAU, b. 1704, Port Royal, Acadia; m. JEAN BRAU, December 27, 1729, Port Royal, Acadia; b. 1706, Grand Pre, Acadia. Notes for JEAN BRAU: Jean of Chipoudy Source: "The History of the Acadians" by Bona Arsenault Vol. 3, pp 1125, 1127 ii. ANNE MARIE THIBODEAU, b. 1705, Port Royal, Acadia; m. FRANCOIS BOUDROT, October 20, 1730, Port Royal, Acadia; b. 1709, Grand Pre, Acadia. iii. ANTOINE THIBODEAU, b. 1707, Port Royal, Acadia; m. MARIE JOSEPHE LANDRY, November 13, 1743, Port Royal, Acadia; b. 1727, Port Royal, Acadia. iv. MARIE JOSEPHE THIBODEAU, b. 1709, Port Royal, Acadia; m. GUILLAUME HEBERT, April 26, 1731, St Charles Mines, Bellechasse, Acadia; b. 1709, Grand Pre, Acadia. v. AGATHE THIBODEAU, b. 1711, Port Royal, Acadia; m. JEAN BOUDROT, October 04, 1731, Port Royal, Acadia; b. 1710, Grand Pre, Acadia. vi. MARGUERITE THIBODEAU, b. 1714, Port Royal, Acadia. vii. 1717 port royal MADELEINE THIBODEAU, b. 1717, Port Royal, Acadia. viii. ZACHARIE THIBODEAU, b. 1719, Port Royal, Acadia; m. MARIE JOSEPHE GIROUARD, February 11, 1754, Port Royal, Acadia; b. 1710, Port Royal, Acadia. ix. CECILE THIBODEAU, b. 1721, Port Royal, Acadia. x. ANNE THIBODEAU, b. 1723, Port Royal, Acadia. xi. CHARLES THIBODEAU, b. 1724, Port Royal, Acadia. xii. JOSEPH THIBODEAU, b. 1727, Port Royal, Acadia. 7. PIERRE2 THIBODEAU (PIERRE1 THIBODEAU*) was born 1676 in Port Royal, Acadia. He married ANNE MARIE AUCOIN November 25, 1706 in Port Royal, Acadia, daughter of MARTIN AUCOIN* and MARIE GAUDET*. She was born 1687 in Beaubassin, Acadia. Children of PIERRE THIBODEAU and ANNE AUCOIN are: i. MARGUERITE3 THIBODEAU, b. 1707, Port Royal, Acadia. ii.PAUL THIBODEAU, b. 1708, Port Royal, Acadia. iii. ROSE THIBODEAU, b. 1710, Port Royal, Acadia; m. JEAN BLANCHARD, 1733; b. 1709, Port Royal, Acadia. iv. BRIGITTE THIBODEAU, b. 1711, Port Royal, Acadia. v. OLIVIER THIBODEAU, b. 1713, Port Royal, Acadia. vi. ELIZABETH THIBODEAU, b. 1717, Port Royal, Acadia; m. COME BRASSEUX, January 07, 1737/38, St Charles Mines, Bellechasse, Acadia; b. 1712, GrandPre, Acadia. vii. JEANNE THIBODEAU, b. 1719, Port Royal, Acadia. viii. CATHERINE JOSEPHE THIBODEAU, b. 1721, Port Royal, Acadia. ix. URSULE THIBODEAU, b. 1723, Port Royal, Acadia. x. PIERRE THIBODEAU, b. 1724, Port Royal, Acadia. 8. MICHEL2 THIBODEAU (PIERRE1 THIBODEAU*) was born 1678 in Port Royal, Acadia. He married AGNES DUGAS November 13, 1704 in Port Royal, Acadia, daughter of CLAUDE DUGAS and BOURGEOIS FRANCOISE. She was born 1686 in Port Royal, Acadia. Children of MICHEL THIBODEAU and AGNES DUGAS are: i. MARGUERITE3 THIBODEAU, b. 1705, Port Royal, Acadia; m. ALEXANDRE BROSSARD, February 07, 1723/24, Port Royal, Acadia; b. 1703, Port Royal, Acadia; d. September 18, 1765, St Martinville, St Martin, Louisiana. ii. AGNES THIBODEAU, b. 1706, Port Royal, Acadia; m. JOSEPH BROSSARD, September 11, 1725, Port Royal, 4 Acadia; b. 1702, Port Royal, Acadia; d. September 05, 1765, St Martinville, St Martin, Louisiana. iii. MICHEL THIBODEAU, b. 1708, Port Royal, Acadia; m. ANNE MARIE RICHARD; b. 1709, Port Royal, Acadia. iv. PIERRE THIBODEAU, b. 1710, Port Royal, Acadia. v. JOSEPH THIBODEAU, b. 1711, Port Royal, Acadia. vi. CHARLES THIBODEAU, b. 1713, Port Royal, Acadia. vii. MARIE MADELEINE THIBODEAU, b. 1714, Port Royal, Acadia; m. CHARLES GIROUARD, May 06, 1739, Port Royal, Acadia; b. 1716, Port Royal, Acadia. viii. MARIE JOSEPHE THIBODEAU, b. 1716, Port Royal, Acadia. ix. ELIZABETH THIBODEAU, b. 1718, Port Royal, Acadia; m. JOSEPH BRAU, 1737; b. 1706, Grand Pre, Acadia. x. FRANCOIS THIBODEAU, b. 1720, Port Royal, Acadia. xi. BENJAMIN THIBODEAU, b. 1721, Port Royal, Acadia. xii. JEAN BAPTISTE THIBODEAU, b. 1723, Port Royal, Acadia. xiii. AMAND GREGOIRE THIBODEAU, b. 1724, Port Royal, Acadia. xiv. CLAIRE THIBODEAU, b. 1726, Port Royal, Acadia; m. OLIVIER AUCOIN; b. 1725, Grand Pre, Acadia. xv. ANNE THIBODEAU, b. 1728, Port Royal, Acadia. 9. CLAUDE2 THIBODEAU (PIERRE1 THIBODEAU*) was born 1684 in Port Royal, Acadia. He married ELIZABETH COMMEAU November 05, 1709 in Port Royal, Acadia, daughter of PIERRE COMEAU* and JEANNE BOURG*. She was born 1692 in Port Royal, Acadia. Children of CLAUDE THIBODEAU and ELIZABETH COMMEAU are: i. ELIZABETH3 THIBODEAU, b. 1710, Port Royal, Acadia. ii. MARIE JOSEPHE THIBODEAU, b. 1712, Port Royal, Acadia. iii. JEAN BAPTISTE THIBODEAU, b. 1713, Port Royal, Acadia; m. MARIE JOSEPHE DOUCET, August 11, 1744, Port Royal, Acadia; b. 1722, Port Royal, Acadia. iv. MARGUERITE THIBODEAU, b. 1715, Port Royal, Acadia. v. FRANCOIS THIBODEAU, b. 1717, Port Royal, Acadia. vi. PIERRE THIBODEAU, b. 1719, Port Royal, Acadia. vii. CHARLES THIBODEAU, b. 1721, Port Royal, Acadia. viii. MARGUERITE THIBODEAU, b. 1724, Port Royal, Acadia. ix. ANNE THIBODEAU, b. 1724, Port Royal, Acadia. x. CHARLES ELISEE THIBODEAU, b. 1726, Port Royal, Acadia. xi. PAUL THIBODEAU, b. 1728, Port Royal, Acadia. xii. JOSEPH THIBODEAU, b. 1731, Port Royal, Acadia. xiii. GREGOIRE THIBODEAU, b. 1733, Port Royal, Acadia. Generation No. 3 10. CATHERINE3 LEJEUNE (MARIE2 THIBODEAU, PIERRE1 THIBODEAU*) was born 1699 in Port Royal, Acadia. She married ANTOINE LABAUVE October 10, 1718 in St Charles Mines, Bellechasse, Acadia, son of LOUIS LABAUVE and MARIE RIMBAULT. He was born 1690 in Grand Pre, Acadia, and died April 27, 1733 in Louisbourg, Acadia. Child of CATHERINE LEJEUNE and ANTOINE LABAUVE is: i. EUPHROSINE4 LABAUVE, m. NICOLAS PREJEAN, January 08, 1760, St Servan, St Malo, France; b. 1704, Port Royal, Acadia. 11. MICHEL3 BOUDROT (ANNE MARIE2 THIBODEAU*, PIERRE1) was born 1687 in Grand Pre, Acadia. He married (1) CECILE LEBLANC 1708, daughter of JACQUES LEBLANC and CATHERINE HEBERT. She was born 1686 in Grand Pre, Acadia. He married (2) ANNE PREJEAN April 16, 1732 in Port Royal, Acadia, daughter of JEAN PREJEAN* and ANDREE SAVOIE*. She was born 1687 in Port Royal, Acadia. Child of MICHEL BOUDROT and CECILE LEBLANC is: i. FRANCOISE4 BOUDROT, b. 1712, Grand Pre, Acadia; m. CHARLES PREJEAN, August 18, 1732, Grand Pre, Acadia; b. 1706, Port Royal, Acadia. 12. ANNE MARIE3 BOUDROT* (ANNE MARIE2 THIBODEAU*, PIERRE1) was born 1694 in Grand Pre, Acadia. She married RENE AUGUSTIN HEBERT* 1707, son of JEAN HEBERT* and ANNE DOUCET*. He was born 1688 in 5 Grand Pre, Acadia. Notes for RENE AUGUSTIN HEBERT*: Source: "The History of the Acadians" by Bona Arsenault Vol. 3, pp, 1184, 1188, 1189 Called Rene Augustin Hebert dit Groc Children of ANNE BOUDROT* and RENE HEBERT* are: 15. i. JEAN4 HEBERT*, b. 1708, Grand Pre, Acadia; d. April 02, 1774. ii. PIERRE HEBERT, b. 1710. iii. JOSEPH HEBERT, b. 1711. iv. MARIE M. ALEXANER HEBERT, b. 1714. v. JUDITH M. FABIEN HEBERT, b. 1721. vi. OLIVIER HEBERT, b. 1723. vii. JACQUES HEBERT, b. 1725. viii. FRANCOIS HEBERT, b. 1727. ix. JEAN BAPTISTE HEBERT, b. 1728. x. AMAND HEBERT, b. 1731. 13. ANTOINE3 THIBODEAU* (PIERRE2, PIERRE1) was born 1699 in Pisiguid, Acadia. He married SUZANNE COMEAU* May 28, 1725 in Port Royal, Acadia, daughter of PIERRE COMEAU* and SUZANNE BEZIER*. She was born 1705 in Port Royal, Acadia. Notes for ANTOINE THIBODEAU*: Source: "The History of The Acadians" by Bona Arsenault Vol. "Acadians in France by Rieder, Expeditions p. 56 Children of ANTOINE THIBODEAU* and SUZANNE COMEAU* are: 16. i. MARGUERITE4 THIBODOT*, b. 1737, Pisiguid, Acadia; d. February 14, 1831, Thibodeaux, Lafourche, Louisiana. ii. AMBROISE THIBODOT, b. 1726. iii. BLAISE THIBODOT, b. 1729; m. CATHERINE DAIGUE. iv.SIMON THIBODOT, b. 1732. v. SYLVAIN THIBODOT, b. 1734. vi. BONAVENTURE THIBODOT, b. 1737. vii. MARIE-SUZANNE THIBODOT, b. 1739. viii. ELIZABETH THIBODOT, b. 1742. ix. ANNE THIBODOT, b. 1746. x. DOROTTE THIBODOT, b. 1750. 14. ANGELIQUE3 THIBODEAU (PIERRE2 THIBODEAU*, PIERRE1) was born 1704 in Pisiguid, Acadia. She married ANTOINE BARRILOT 1721, son of NICOLAS BARRILOT* and MARTINE HEBERT*. He was born 1697 in Pisiguid, Acadia. Children of ANGELIQUE THIBODEAU and ANTOINE BARRILOT are: i. ROSE4 BARILLOT, b. 1722, Pisiguid, Acadia; m. PIERRE VINCENT, May 08, 1752, Ile Saint-Jean, Port- Lajoie, Acadia; b. 1723, Pisiguid, Acadia. ii. EULALIE BARILLOT, b. 1723, Pisiguid, Acadia. iii. FRANCOIS BARILLOT, b. 1725, Pisiguid, Acadia. iv. ANTOINE BARILLOT, b. 1726, Pisiguid, Acadia. v. FELICITE BARILLOT, b. 1728, Pisiguid, Acadia. vi. JEAN BAPTISTE BARILLOT, b. 1730, Pisiguid, Acadia. vii. SIMON BARILLOT, b. 1731, Pisiguid, Acadia. viii. MARIE BARILLOT, b. 1733, Pisiguid, Acadia. ix. JEAN CHARLES BARILLOT, b. 1736, Pisiguid, Acadia. x. EUSTACHE BARILLOT, b. 1738, Pisiguid, Acadia. xi. MARIE BLANCHE BARILLOT, b. 1740, Pisiguid, Acadia. xii. MARGUERITE JOSEPHE BARILLOT, b. 1742, Pisiguid, Acadia. 6 Generation No. 4 15. JEAN4 HEBERT* (ANNE MARIE3 BOUDROT*, ANNE MARIE2 THIBODEAU*, PIERRE1) was born 1708 in Grand Pre, Acadia, and died April 02, 1774. He married (1) MARIE MADELEINE DOIRON* 1731,daughter of CHARLES DOIRON* and FRANCOISE GAUDET*. She was born 1710 in Pisiguid, Acadia. He married (2) VERONIQUE CYR January 20, 1752. Notes for JEAN HEBERT*: Source: "The History of the Acadians" by Bona Arsenault Vo. 3, p. 1187 In "Acaians in France" vol. 1, p. 34, at Rochefort, 1772, he was laborer and wife spins JEAN HEBERT, 64, widoweer of Veronique Sire, father of the folllowing: Joseph Ignace, paralysed, at St. Malo Source: "The ACADIANS IN FRANCE Vol. 1" edited by Milton P. Rieder, Jr., and Norma Gaudet Rieder p. 67 Children of JEAN HEBERT* and MARIE DOIRON* are: i. CATHERINE JOSEPHE5 HEBERT, b. 1732, Grand Pre, Acadia. ii. PIERRE HEBERT, b. 1735, Grand Pre, Acadia. 17. iii. MARIE HEBERT*, b. 1736, Grand Pre, Acadia. iv. MARGUERITE BLANCHE HEBERT, b. 1737, Grand Pre, Acadia; d. 1758, at sea. v. ANNE HEBERT, b. 1743, Grand Pre, Acadia. vi. ROSE HEBERT, b. 1745, Grand Pre, Acadia. vii. JEAN BAPTISTE HEBERT, b. 1747, Grand Pre, Acadia. viii. JOSEPH IGNACE HEBERT, b. 1748, GrandPre, Acadia. 16. MARGUERITE4 THIBODOT* (ANTOINE3 THIBODEAU*, PIERRE2, PIERRE1) was born 1737 in Pisiguid, Acadia, and died February 14, 1831 in Thibodeaux, Lafourche, Louisiana. She married ETIENNE BOUDREAU* May 08, 1764, son of ETIENNE BOUDROT and MARIE AUCOIN. He was born 1742 in Grand Pre, Acadia, and died January 24, 1825 in Thibodeaux, Lafourche, Louisiana. Notes for MARGUERITE THIBODOT*: Source: "Southwest Louisiana REcords" by Rev. Hebert VOl 2, p. 507 Thibodeau Court House year 1831 Notes for ETIENNE BOUDREAU*: Source: Nantes, # 33, p. 18 "Seven Acadian Expeditions of 1785" by Milton Rieder, Jr. "Acadians in France, VOl. 1, p. 23, 37, 42, 109 St. Malo 1772 ETIENNE BOUDROT, 28, laborer, of St. Malo Margueritte Thibodeau, his wife, sews and spins Joseph Marie, 7, their son Blaise Julien, 3, their son Cirille Margite., 5, their daughter Anne Henriette, 3 mos. their daughter 7 Source: "The ACADIANS IN FRANCE" 1762-1776 edited by Milton P. Rieder, Jr. and Norma Gaudet Rieder, page 42 Had brothers Blaise and Joseph This family was on the ship "L'Amitie", pg. 56 according to the "Seven Acadian Expeditions of 1785" Etienne Boudreau 42, laborer Marguerite Thibaudeau, 40, wife Joseph, 19, son, joiner Blaise*, 16, son Yves, son , nursing infant Etienne, 5 son Cecille, 17, daughter Anne, 14, Daughter Margueritte, 3, daughter Departed France Aug. 12, 1785, arrived New Orleans, Nov.7, 1785 Source: "Southwest LOuisiana Records" by Rev. Hebert p 83 Children of MARGUERITE THIBODOT* and ETIENNE BOUDREAU* are: i. JOSEPH MARIE5 BOUDROT, b. September 30, 1765, Mordreux, Pleudihen, France. ii. CECILE MARGUERITE BOUDROT, b. March 14, 1767, Mordreux, Pleudihen, France. 18. iii. BLAISE JULIAN BOUDREAUX*, b. January 01, 1769, Mordreux, Pleudihen, France; d. March 12, 1816, Thibodeaux, Lafourche, Louisiana. iv. ANNE HENRIETTE BOUDROT, b. May 08, 1771, Mordreux, Pleudihen, France. Generation No. 5 17. MARIE5 HEBERT* (JEAN4, ANNE MARIE3 BOUDROT*, ANNE MARIE2 THIBODEAU*, PIERRE1) was born 1736 in Grand Pre, Acadia. She married PIERRE ARSEMENT* 1757, son of PIERRE ARSEMENT* and MARIE TERRIOT*. He was born 1731 in Pisiguid, Acadia. Notes for PIERRE ARSEMENT*: Source: "The ACADIANS INFRANCE" 1762-1776, edited by Milton P. Rieder, Jr., and Norma Gaudet Rieder Sent from Acadia to France by the ship (du Supply) PIERRE ARSEMAN, 29 yrs. (at the hospital Nov 3, 1762 to Nov 19, 1762) atSt. Suliac, Fr. Marie Hebert, 27 yrs., his wife Pierre Arseman, 4 yrs.,, their son Marguerite Arseman, born in 1760, their daughter Marie Josephe Arseman, born Oct 24, 1762, their daughter Source: "The ACADIANS IN FRANCE" "ROLE OF THE TRULY ACADIAN FAMILIES - September 15, 1772 page 34 PIERRE ARSEMAN, 39, Laborer, of Rochefort Marie Hebert, 37 his wife, spins and cuts * Pierre, 14, their son Charles Julien, 8, their son Tranquile Foix., 6, their son Guillaume, 7 mo., their son Marguerite, 11, their daughter Marie Josephe, 11, their daughter Victoire Helene, 4, their daughter 8 Perrine Madne.,2 their daughter "HISTORY & GENEALOGY OF THE ACADIANS" Book, 4, p. 1319 "The Seven Acadian Expeditions" pg 76, family #48 Pierre Arcement, 52 Marie Hebert, 50 wife Marguerite Arcement 24, daughter (did not embark) Marie Arcement* 22 daughter Victoire Arcement, 18, daughter Perine Arcement, 16, daughter Guillaume Arcement, 13 son Julie Arcement, 12, daughter Francoise Arcement, 9, daughter On ShipLa Ville d'Archangel ship 600 tons Departed France August 12, 1785 Arrived Louisiana December 3, 1785 Children of MARIE HEBERT* and PIERRE ARSEMENT* are: i. PIERRE6 ARCEMENT, b. 1758. Notes for PIERRE ARCEMENT: Pierre ARSEMAN, 29 years, (at the hospital Nov 3, 1762 to November 19, 1762 from Ship (du Supply) Marie Hebert, 27 years., his wife Pierre Arseman, 4 yrs., their son Marguerite Arseman, born in 1760, their daughter Marie Josephe Arsemen, born Oct. 24, 1762 Source: Acadians in France, 1762-1776 edited by Milton P. Pieder, Jr., and Norma Gaudet Rieder ii. MARGUERITE LUDIVINE ARCEMENT, b.September 16, 1760, St Suliac, France. 19. iii. MARIE JOSEPHE ARSEMENT*, b. October 24, 1762, St Suliac, France; d. July 25, 1838. iv. CHARLES JULIEN ARCEMENT, b. August 15, 1764, St Suliac, France. v. TRANQUILE FRANCOIS ARCEMENT, b. June 09, 1766, St Suliac, France. vi. VICTORIE HELENE ARCEMENT, b. March 04, 1768, St Suliac, France; m. LOUIS AUCOIN, August 11, 1789; b. Plattenville, Assumption, Louisiana. vii. PERRINE MADELEINE ARCEMENT, b. May 12, 1770, St Suliac, France; m. (1) JEAN CHARLES RICHARD; b. September 07, 1789; m. (2) JOSEPH THIBODEAUX. viii. GUILLAUME ROMAIN ARCEMENT, b. January 06, 1772, St Suliac, France; d. July 23, 1850; m. MARIANE AUSSENE, February 14, 1803. ix. JULIA ARCEMENT, b. 1775; m. PIERRE OLIVIER GAUTRAU. x. FRANCOISE ARCEMENT, b. 1777; m. PIERRE DUGAS. 18. BLAISE JULIAN5 BOUDREAUX* (MARGUERITE4 THIBODOT*, ANTOINE3 THIBODEAU*, PIERRE2, PIERRE1) was born January 01, 1769 in Mordreux, Pleudihen, France, and died March 12, 1816 in Thibodeaux, Lafourche, Louisiana. He married PERINE BARRIAU* February 20, 1792, daughter of JEAN BARRILLOT* and MARIE DAIGRE*. She was born March 1772 in France, and died August 25, 1825 in Thibodeaux, Lafourche, Louisiana. Notesfor BLAISE JULIAN BOUDREAUX*: Source: Catholic Church BIrth or Marriage Certificates "Southwest Louiaiana Records" by Rev. Hebert p. 79 Thibodeaux Court House Succ. (1816) Notes for PERINE BARRIAU*: Source: "Southwest Louisiana Records" by Rev. Hebert p. 35 shows death, plus all children Children of BLAISE BOUDREAUX* and PERINE BARRIAU* are: 20. i. ANNE ROSALIE6 BOUDREAUX*, b. March 09, 1805, Plattenville, Assumption, Louisiana; d. June 09, 1884, New Iberia, Iberia, Louisiana. 9 ii. MARIE JOSEPHE BOUDREAUX, b. January 14, 1794; m. GIL BOURET, June 07, 1813. iii. EMILIE MARIE BOUDREAUX, b. 1796. iv. JEAN BAPTISTE BOUDREAUX, b. 1799. v. FRANCOISE MARIE BOUDREAUX, b. 1801; m. MARIE BOUDREAUX, February 07, 1825. vi. EUPHROSINE BOUDREAUX, b. March 01, 1807; m. VALERY GOURGEOIS, June 08, 1829. vii. THEOTISTE BOUDREAUX, b. 1809. viii. MARIE LOUISE BOUDREAUX, b. 1813; m. JEAN CHARLES FOREST; d. February 07, 1835. ix. BASILE MATHURIN BOUDREAUX, m. CLEMENCE DUGAS, April 15, 1825. Generation No.6 19. MARIE JOSEPHE6 ARSEMENT* (MARIE5 HEBERT*, JEAN4, ANNE MARIE3 BOUDROT*, ANNE MARIE2 THIBODEAU*, PIERRE1) was born October 24, 1762 in St Suliac, France, and died July 25, 1838. She married JOSEPH JACQUES NAQUIN* April 17, 1787, son of AMBROISE NAQUIN* and ELIZABETH BOURQUE*. He was born January 21, 1766 in St Suliac, France, and died February 21, 1837. Notes for MARIE JOSEPHE ARSEMENT*: Source: Southwest Louisiana Records by Rev. Hebert p 12 Thibodeau Church Vol 1, #522 Notes for JOSEPH JACQUES NAQUIN*: Source: "Msgr Bodin Acadian Records", p. 180 "Acadians in France, 1772" by Rieder, p.82 "So La. Records" by Hebert, Vol. I & II "Acadians in France, Nantes", pg 138 Family #251 Twin brother Pierre, came to La in 1785 Children of MARIE ARSEMENT* and JOSEPH NAQUIN* are: 21. i. JOSEPH AMBROISE7 NAQUIN*, b. December 13, 1790, Donaldsonville, Ascension, Louisiana; d. September 30, 1840. ii. MARIE NAQUIN, b. 1788; m. PIERRE GROS. iii. AMBROISE NAQUIN, b. 1797; m. CARMELITA BOUDREAUX, April 18, 1825. Notes for AMBROISE NAQUIN: Source: "Southwest Lousiana Records" By Rev. Hebert p. 407 Thibodeau Court House Mar. v. 1, # 104 iv. CONSTANCE NAQUIN, b. 1802; d. August 01, 1834; m. JACQUES MARMILLON. 20. ANNE ROSALIE6 BOUDREAUX* (BLAISE JULIAN5, MARGUERITE4 THIBODOT*, ANTOINE3 THIBODEAU*, PIERRE2, PIERRE1) was born March 09, 1805 in Plattenville, Assumption, Louisiana, and died June 09, 1884 in New Iberia, Iberia, Louisiana. She married ELIE LANDRY* November 07, 1825, son of AIMABLE LANDRY* and URSULE PITRE*. He was born December 08, 1802 in Plattenville, Assumption, Louisiana, and died October 01, 1888 in New Iberia, Iberia, Louisiana. Notes for ANNE ROSALIE BOUDREAUX*: Baptism Certificate 1 July 1805, daughter of Blas Boudraux and Perina Bariot Assumption CHurch, Plattenville, La. ASM-9 Marriage Certificate 7 Nov 1825 Son of Aimable Landry and Ursule Pitre dughter of Blaise Boudreau and Perie Barriau Assumption Church, Plattenville, La ASM-7, page 145 Notes for ELIE LANDRY*: 10 Source: "Selected Acadian & La. Church Records" # 11 Baptism Certificate # 2661. Elias Landry # 896 Marriage certificate Assumption Church, Plattenville, ASM-7, page 145 Children of ANNE BOUDREAUX* and ELIE LANDRY* are: 22. i. MARIE LOUISE EUGENIE7 LANDRY*, b. August 25, 1836. ii. ARMOGENE LANDRY, b. April 23, 1828. Notes for ARMOGENE LANDRY: Source: "Southwest Louisiana Records" by Rev. Hebert Thibodeaux Church iii. EUGENE BAZILE LANDRY, b. December 12, 1829. iv. HERMOGENE LANDRY, b. January 20, 1850. Generation No. 7 21. JOSEPH AMBROISE7 NAQUIN* (MARIE JOSEPHE6 ARSEMENT*, MARIE5 HEBERT*, JEAN4, ANNE MARIE3 BOUDROT*, ANNE MARIE2 THIBODEAU*, PIERRE1) was born December 13, 1790 in Donaldsonville, Ascension, Louisiana, and died September 30, 1840. He married CELESTE PREJEAN* July 27,1812, daughter of BASILIO PREJEAN* and ROSALIE LACHAUSSE*. She was born March 06, 1795 in St James, St James, Louisiana. Notes for JOSEPH AMBROISE NAQUIN*: Baptism 27 Aptil 1791 at Donaldsonville, La. Book ASC-5, page 195 Marriage Certificate 27 July 1812 son of Joseph Naquin and Josefa Arsement daughter of Basilio Prechant and Rosalie St. Julien Asssumption Church, Plattenville, La. ASM-2, page 195 Death: "Southwest Louisiana Records" by Rev. Hebert p 407 Thibodeau Church v. s, #928 Notes for CELESTE PREJEAN*: Baptism Certificate 19 March 1796 daughter of Basilio Prejean
About Pierre Thibodeau (Français)
Pierre Thibaudeau, Thibodeau ou Thibeaudeau1 né vers 1631, mort le 26 décembre 1704 à la Prée-Ronde - Port-Royal)2 est un pionnier de l'Acadie historique (1604-1755). Le titre de meunier de la Prée-Ronde fit sa renommée3.
Ses parents ne sont pas connus4
Ses descendants en Amérique du Nord prendront une des 44 formes du nom de famille dont les plus fréquentes sont : Thibaudeau, Thibodeau, Thibodaux, Thibaudeault, Thibidau, Thibadau, etc.
Arrivée de Pierre Thibaudeau en Acadie[modifier | modifier le code] Pierre a été engagé par Emmanuel Le Borgne de Belle-Isle à titre de colon stable. Il déclare alors avoir 23 ans. Le Borgne lui verse une avance de 30 livres tournois avant le départ de La Rochelle. L'aller et le retour étant payés, Pierre s'engage pour trois ans moyennant 80 livres tournois (16$) par année.
Le 25 mars 1654, Louis II de Vendôme met à la disposition d'Emmanuel Le Borgne, un navire de 300 tonneaux, le Châteaufort, armé en guerre. Un marchand de La Rochelle, le Sieur Guibeau commande le navire. Celui-ci est chargé de provisions, d'armes et de munitions.
Il arrive en Acadie à la fin de mai 1654. Le Borgne, principal créancier de Charles de Menou d'Aulnay, un des principaux colonisateurs de l'Acadie et décédé depuis deux ans, s'empare de plusieurs établissements et prend possession la même année, de Port-Royal. Néanmoins, le 31 juillet, le major anglais Sedgwick arrive à Port-Royal avec une flotte de bateaux et 500 soldats. Après deux semaines de résistance, les Acadiens capitulent.
Installation de Pierre Thibaudeau en Acadie La vie en Acadie suit tout de même son cours et Pierre Thibaudeau acquiert en cette année 1654, une large concession de terre "dans-le-haut de la rivière du Dauphin", près de Port-Royal. Le site porte le nom de la Prée-Ronde et portera également le nom "Village des Thibaudeau". Il est situé à dix kilomètres de l'embouchure de la Rivière Port-Royal, au cœur de la vallée du même nom. Le site est connu aujourd'hui comme Round Hill, Nouvelle-Écosse. Il y installe une maison avec des bâtiments de ferme et un moulin à blé et à planches, actionné par un proche cours d'eau dit "Des-Loups-Marins".
Le 5 mai 1660, Pierre épouse Jehanne Terriau, fille de Jean et de Perrine Bourg. Jehanne naît en 1644 à Port-Royal. Son père, né en 1601, est originaire de Martaizé. Il se marie en France vers 1635 et arrive en Acadie vers 1637. Leur fils Pierre, frère de Jehanne, est à l'origine de l'établissement de Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles les Mines et Saint-Joseph de la Rivière aux Canards).
Marchand de fourrures, colonisateur, cultivateur, meunier, scieur et ouvreur d'établissement, Pierre Thibaudeau fonde avec ses fils, le village de Chipoudie (aujourd'hui Riverside-Albert, Nouveau-Brunswick). Ils y érigent une église sur le site connu aujourd'hui sous le nom de Church creek et un moulin à farine à l'endroit où se trouve maintenant Mill creek. Ils participent également au développement des Trois-Rivières, soit la région de Chipoudie, Petcoudiac et de Memramcouche.
Pierre obtient, le 20 juin 1695, la concession de la seigneurie de Kaouaskagouche, La Seigneurie de Kaouaskagouche, aussi appelée Vraskagache et Narraguagus, est un territoire concédé à Pierre Thibaudeau par le gouverneur de la Nouvelle-France, Louis de Buade de Frontenac et par l'Intendant Champigny, question d'augmenter la présence française dans la région. La concession est situé entre l'île Mont-Désert et Majais (Machias) en Acadie, aujourd'hui dans l'État du Maine, États-Unis.
Cette concession a reçu confirmation par brevets royaux émis à Versailles par Louis XIV, le 19 mai 1695. Le même jour, Bernard d'Amours, fils de Mathieu d'Amours et de Marie Marsolet, frère de Charles d'Amours, seigneur de la Matapédia, et gendre de Pierre Thibaudeau, obtient une concession identique sur la rivière Caimbekechiche (Kennebec).
À cette époque, une seigneurie est qualifiée de "fief noble" ou "terre noble". Le seigneur de ce territoire n'est pas anobli pour autant. Il acquiert en fait un statut social légèrement au-dessus de ceux qui ne l'ont pas et surtout, il obtient des terres exploitables à partir de quoi il pourra, pour lui ou sa descendance, faire commerce.
La Seigneurie de Kaouaskagouche est en bordure de la rivière du même nom (aujourd'hui Narraguagus river) et mesure 2 lieues (8.9 km) de profondeur et de 1 lieue (4.4 km) de chaque côté de la rivière, incluant les îles soit plus de 4000 hectares. Le territoire se situe autour de l'actuelle communauté de Millbridge, près d'Harrington Bay, Narraguagus Bay et de Pleasant Bay, sur la côte du Golfe du Maine, à l'entrée de la Baie de Fundy.
Le mot Kaouaskagouche provient de la langue abénaquise (alnanbale). Une des tribus de la confédération abénaquise se nomme Ouarastegouiak, s'apparentant étroitement à Kaouaskagouche. Les variations Vraskagache et Narraguagus proviennent probablement de la prononciation anglaise du nom de lieu.
Le site est également situé à 60 km à l'est de Pentagouet. Pierre et ses fils ont dû avoir quelques relations socio-économiques avec Jean-Vincent d'Abbadie de Saint-Castin (1652-1707), chef abénaquis.
Bien que Pierre Thibaudeau possède des droits sur cette terre, il ne peut néanmoins en jouir puisque le territoire qui deviendra l'État du Maine, est revendiqué tant par les Acadiens que par les Anglais de la Nouvelle-Angleterre. Après la conquête de l'Acadie en 1714, les Anglais s'y installent définitivement. Les marchands de bois anglais construisent un camp forestier dès 1757 à Cherryfield puis en 1765, à Millbridge, situé au cœur de la concession de Pierre Thibaudeau.
En 1699, Pierre achète un moulin à scie qu'il fait venir de Boston. Il l'installe en 1700 à Chipoudie. La concession qu'il revendique à cette endroit mesure 2,5 km de chaque côté de la rivière et 10 km de profondeur. Des difficultés avec le seigneur de Beaubassin, M. de la Vallière fera en sorte qu'il n'obtiendra jamais les titres et privilèges de ce territoire. M. de la Vallière revendique le lieu et possède plus d'influence auprès de l'autorité royale française.
Les enfants de Pierre et de Jehanne s'installe à la Prée-Ronde, à Chipoudie et dans la région de Grand-Pré et de Pigiguit. En 1755, tous les descendants sont déportés. Ils se retrouvent en Nouvelle-Angleterre, au Québec, en Louisiane et dans le Madawaska.
En 1981, un monument est érigé en l'honneur de Pierre Thibaudeau sur le site de la Prée-Ronde. M. J.L. Martin, directeur du Musée de la Nouvelle-Écosse a fourni la plaque commémorative en collaboration avec l'association historique d'Annapolis Royal et de la Société historique acadienne de la Baie-Sainte-Marie.
Son origine en France[modifier | modifier le code] On retrouve de fait des familles Thibaudeau dès le xve siècle près d'Olonne en Bas-Poitou dont Guillaume Thibaudeau, né vers 1420 près d'Olonne-sur-Mer. Il est nommé dans un document du 15 septembre 1456, à titre de donateur à l'abbaye Saint-Jean d'Orbestier, situé à cinq km au sud d'Olonne5.
Près de Saintes en Saintonge, on retrouve Richard Thibaudeau, né avant 1450 en Saintonge et décédé fin 1502, maître chirurgien et négoce, sieur du Cormier. Il épouse vers 1470, Jeanne Soumaire. Ils ont plusieurs fils dont Jean, né vers 1470, bachelier es lois, maire de Saintes, capitaine, Enquêteur du roy 4 janvier 1521 à Saintes, seigneur du château le Cormier de Saintes, décédé vers 1530 à Saintes, il épouse Jeanne De Prahec, vers 1500.
D'autres familles habitent près de Loudun en Haut-Poitou dont Vincent, Jacquet, Colas et Antoine Thibaudeau, tous nés vers 1460 à Ternay. Ils sont inscrits en 1491 à titre de vigneron au terrier du registre du domaine de Ternay, situé près de Loudun. Les liens de parenté ne sont pas définis.
À partir du xvie siècle, on trouve le nom de famille autour de La Rochelle (Aunis), entre Nantes (Bretagne), Angers (Anjou), Tours (Touraine), Poitiers (Poitou), Angoulême (Angoumois) et Bordeaux (Guyenne).
François-Edme Rameau de Saint-Père, en 1859, dans son livre intitulé Une colonie féodale en Amérique, affirme que Pierre Thibaudeau est originaire du Poitou. Certains généalogistes le disent natif soit de Saint-Étienne de Marans en Aunis, de Loudun, en Poitou, ou encore de Saint-Jacques les Moutiers les Mauxfaits, en Bas-Poitou mais sans document ni le nom de ses parents cela reste une hypothèse.
Le Poitou était une des plus vastes régions de l'ancienne France. Il s'étendait du Berry et du Limousin jusqu'à l'Océan Atlantique sur un largeur de plus de 300 km. Depuis longtemps existait un clivage entre la partie Est, le Haut-Poitou avec Poitiers comme centre principal, et la partie Ouest, le Bas-Poitou dont Fontenay-le-Comte a le titre de principal agglomération. Au moment de la Révolution française, la Province de Poitou a été découpée en trois départements. Le Haut-Poitou a donné naissance à la Vienne et aux Deux-Sèvres tandis que le Bas-Poitou devenait la Vendée. L'Aunis est situé au sud du Poitou et à l'ouest de la Saintonge.
L'origine du groupe de personnes qui accompagne en Acadie le Sieur d'Aulnay, entre 1636 et 1650 reste à ce jour inconnue. À la mort d'Aulnay, son créancier, Emmanuel Le Borgne prend la relève du peuplement de l'Acadie. Le Borgne est originaire de Picardie (au nord de Paris) et marchand à La Rochelle. Pierre Thibaudeau est embauché par ce dernier en début l'année 1654. Son âge est déclarée lors de son engagement (23 ans) et il y a aucune mention de ses parents ni de son lieu d'origine.
Mathurin Thibaudeau et Marie Dolbeau, de St-Jacques-les-Moutiers-les-Mauxfaits en Vendée ou encore Mathurin Thibaudeau et Marie Miet de Marans sont fréquemment désignés à titre de parents de Pierre, leur fils Mathurin s'étant installé en Nouvelle-France vers 1660. Aucun document ne permet néanmoins de relier ce dernier ou ses parents à Pierre Thibaudeau. Au début du xviie siècle, il y a plusieurs dizaines de couples vivants dans le Poitou et qui pourraient correspondre au profil des parents de Pierre Thibaudeau.
Des familles portant le patronyme Thibaudeau sont répertoriées au début xviiie siècle aux Archives départementales de la Vendée et dans la région de Nantes, Pays de la Loire. Les familles de Vendée habitent les villages de La Mothe Achard, Les Sables d'Olonne, etc. tous situés près de Saint-Jacques les Moutiers les Mauxfaits ou encore les communautés du Marais Poitevin, un peu au nord de St-Étienne de Marans et de La Rochelle, au sud de Fontenay-le-Comte et à l'ouest de Niort, et sur l'île d'Oléron.
Sa descendance en Amérique et en Europe[modifier | modifier le code] Europe[modifier | modifier le code] Le nombre de personnes vivantes en France et portant ce patronyme représente plusieurs milliers d'individus. La plupart se retrouve dans le Pays de la Loire (principalement en Vendée) et en Poitou-Charentes (Deux-Sèvres, Charente et Charente-Maritime). Il est à noter que ceux-ci ne descendent pas de l'ancêtre acadien. Ils sont du moins cousins, reliés aux parents (non formellement identifiés) de Pierre Thibaudeau, quelque part dans le temps.
Plusieurs descendants de Pierre Thibaudeau se sont néanmoins installés en France à la suite de leur expulsion forcée de l'Acadie en 1755 (voir Déportation des Acadiens).
Amérique du Nord[modifier | modifier le code] Le nombre de personnes vivantes en Amérique et portant ce patronyme pourrait être de plus de 20 000. Ils sont tous descendants de Pierre Thibaudeau (1631-1704) et de Jehanne Terriau (1644-1726). On en retrouve environ 12 000 aux États-Unis dont près de 3000 dans les États de la Nouvelle-Angleterre, autant en Louisiane et dans les États environnants. Le reste est réparti dans le Nord-Ouest, entre les États du Wisconsin, Minnesota et Montana, en Californie, au Nevada, Colorado, Alaska et Nebraska.
On en retrouve plus de 8000 au Canada dont plus de 4000 au Québec; le reste étant distribué principalement au Nouveau-Brunswick, en Nouvelle-Écosse et en Ontario. La plupart des descendants vivants aux États-Unis ont maintenant adopté la langue anglaise tandis que ceux du Québec et la plupart de ceux des Maritimes canadiennes ont conservé la langue française.
Le nombre de descendants de Pierre Thibeaudeau portant ou non son patronyme peut représenter de un à deux millions de personnes ayant vécu entre la fin du xviie siècle et maintenant.
Notes et références[modifier | modifier le code] ↑ Recensement de l'Acadie de 1671 orthographe du recenseur ↑ http://inventairenf.cieq.ulaval.ca:8080/inventaire/listPersonnageAl... [archive] ↑ Dictionnaire biographique du Canada [archive] ↑ Voir la note au chapitre 3 Son_origine_en_France ↑ Archives historiques du Poitou, Poitiers 1877, Catalogue général des cartulaires des archives départementales 1847, Orbestier. Histoire et généalogie des Acadiens, Bona Arsenault, Éditions Léméac, 1978 Une colonie féodale au Canada, François-Edme Rameau de Saint-Père, 1877 Le Grand Arrangement des Acadiens au Québec, Adrien Bergeron, Éditions Élisée Thibodeau Family, Fidèle Thériault, Telegraph-Journal, Fredericton, N.B. August 10, 1994 Cahiers de M. Maillot, document portant sur les familles répertoriées aux Archives départementales de Vendée. Famille hôtesse Thibodeau, Fidèle Thériault, Telegraph-Journal, Frédéricton, Nouveau-Brunswick, 10 août 1994 Réunion de famille Thibodeau, Grande famille acadienne 1984, par la Société historique de Madawaska, 43 pages L'Acadie de 1686 à 1784, Naomi E.S. Griffiths, Éditions de l'Acadie, 1997, ISBN 2760003302 Familles Acadiennes, Léopold Lanctôt, o.m.i. tomes I et II, Éditions du Libre-Échange ISBN 2894120036 Histoire des Acadiens, Bona Arsenault, Éditions Fides, 1994, ISBN 2762117321 Histoire du Madawaska, Thomas Albert, La Société historique du Madawaska, Hurtubise HMH 1982, ISBN 2890455262 Thibodeau Family Reunion, Madawaska Historical Society, 1984 L'Acadie des origines, Léopold Lanctôt, o.m.i., Éditions du Fleuve, Montréal, 1988
- *********************************************************************************** http://www.wikitree.com/photo.php/3/37/Thibodeau-30.jpg death cert....
- Location info: Aulnay, Sénéchausée de Loudun, Anjou, France (birth), Acadie (marriage,death)
- NOTE about place of birth: Several alternatives are given in different sources: 1) Aulnay in Loudunais (Anjou); 2) Marans (Aunis); 3) "province of Poitou" (Poitou). We selected Aulnay in Anjou because of the relationship with Charles d'Aulnay, an active colonizer of Acadie. The fields in the profile are locked to prevent changing back-and-forth. If you have sources that a different location is better, please start a discussion with the profile managers.
- Pionnier de la Nouvelle-France. Arrive en Acadie la fin mai 1654.
- Il a été un meunier prospère.
A Biography of Pierre Thibodeau from Genealogy.com
Descendants of Pierre Thibodeau
Generation No. 1
1. PIERRE2 THIBODEAU (MATHURIN RHIBAUDA1) was born Abt. 1631 in Marans, Saintonge(now Charente-Maritime), France, and died December 26, 1704 in Port Royal, Acadia, Canada. He married JEANNE THERIOT, daughter of JEHAN THERIOT and PERRINE REAU. She was born 1643 in Port Royal, Acadia, Canada, and died December 08, 1726 in Port Royal, Acadia, Canada.
1 Pierre Thibeaubeau was born in 1631 in France. He was from Martaize',parish of the domain of Aulnay, in Loudunais, Haut-Poitou, province ofVienne or from Saint Etienne de Marans, near the famous port of LaRochelle in the west of France. He could also have come from St-Jacquesles Moutiers les Mauxfaits, in the Vendee region. the Chateaufort, which is armed for war, with an other merchant of LaRochelle, Sieur Guibeau, and ordered by this last. Pierre has beencommitted by Le Borgne as a stable settler and was under contract forthree years at a wage of 100 livres per year (this information iscontained in the "Catalogue des Immigrants" by Marcel Trudel). Theyarrived in Acadia at the end of May 1654. Le Borgne, main creditor ofCharles d'Aulnay, one of the main colonizers of the Acadia and deceasedfor two years, seizes several establishments and takes possession thesame year, Port Royal. near Port Royal. The site wars the name of Pre' Ronde or Village desThibeaudeau. It is situated to ten kilometers of the mouthpiece of theriver, in the heart of the valley of Port Royal. The site is known todayas Round Hill, Nova Scotia. brookside holdings. There he soon became prosperous. Jehan and Perrine Reau of Port Royal, Acadia. Jehanne's father was bornin 1601in Martaize' France. In 1635 he married and in 1637 arrived inAcadia. Their son Pierre, brother of Jehanne, is behind the establishmentof Grand Pre (St-Charles les Mines et St-Joseph de la riviere auxCanards). know he was a merchant of furs, colonizer, miller, and sawyer. It alsostates that he had 12 head of cattle and 11 sheep. Pierre moved hisfamily from Port Royal to Pree Ronde (Round Hill) which was upstream onthe Port Royal River. Frontenac, on June 20, 1695, a concession of the domain of Kaouaskagouche(Vraskagache), between Mont Desert and Majois in Acadia (today in thestate of Maine, near Bangor). This territory is situated alongside theriver kennebec and measures 2 leagues (8 km) of depth and 1 league (2 km)of each side of the river, including islands. Pree Ronde, decided to found a new colony in the area of Chipoudy (todayRiverside Albert, New Brunswick) at the mouth of that very dangerous Bayof Fundy, then called Baie Francaise. That was not a small trip, nor asmall enterprise. He left aboard a boat with his sons, Pierre, Jean,Antoine, and Micheal, and neighboring colonists Guillaume Blanchard andtwo of his sons, then settled on the Petitcodiac. They found a beautifulplace near the water, and with the permission of Mr. de la Vallieres, thegovernor, and his relative, Claude-Sebastien de Villieu, who wasadministrator of these regions, he went to clear the land and decided tobuild a church. Today that site is known as Church Creek. In 1699,Pierre bought a saw mill in Boston. he installs it in 1700 in Chipoudy.The concession that it claims in there measures 2.5 km each side of theriver and 10 km in depth. A legal dispute arose which threatened his planwhen Claude-Sebastien de Villieu, asserted that the domains claimed byThibaudeau and Blanchard formed part of the fief belonging to hisfather-in-law, Michel Leneuf de la Vallieres (the elder). Difficultieswith the lord of Beaubassin, the case was referred to Paris, but this didnot stop Pierre Thibaudeau from carrying on with the task of beginning asettlement. The final verdict did not reach Acadia until after thepioneer's death. A decree of the conseil d'Etat dated June 2, 1705,defining more precisely that of March 20, 1703, confirmed La Valliere'sclaims. The dream of a seigneurty at Chipoudy was dispelled.Nevertheless, the pioneers retained possession of their "lands andinheritances," and the settlement was able to develop: the 1706 censuslisted 55 persons at Chipoudy, and that of 1752 listed 359. Many found their way to Louisiana. mention her. She has to be deceased before this date. in 1680 in Port Royal, to antoin Landry, son of Rene and Marie Bernard. She marries Pierre Lejeune dit Briard in 1680 in Port Royal. Robichaud, son of Etienne and Francoise Boudrto, in Port Royal in 1686. Michel and Micheline Aucoin, in Grand Pre in 1682. and Marie Bernard in 1684 in Grand Pre. daughter of Jehan and Marguerite Martin. Des Goutins, naval commissary at Port Royal and civila administrator.Their grandson, the abbot Francois Bailley de Messein is bory in Varennesin Nouvelle France in 1740. Orderly priest in Quebec in 1767, he coversduring several years after the deportation all the ancient Acadia so asto provide to dispersed residents, religious services. les Mines. He married in Port Royal on February 17, 1703, MargueriteHebert, daughter of Emmanuel and Andre Brun.. Andre Savoye on October 8, 1703 in Port Royal. Marie Daigre, daughter of Olivier and Marie Gaudet and on November 25,1706 Anne Marie Magdeleine Aucoin, daughter of Martin and Marie Gaudet. married in Port Royal on November 13, 1704, Agnes Dugas, daughter ofClaude and Francoise Bourgeois. Alexandre and Marie St Etienne de Latour, in 1697 in Port Royal. Charles d'Amour de Louviere, son of Mathieu d'Amour de Freneuse and MarieMarsolet, in 1698 in Port Royal. of Germain and Magdeleine Belliveau, on February 17, 1705 in Port Royal. Elisabeth Comeau, daughter of Pierre and Jeanne Bourg. St Jean, marries in Port Royal, on December 19, 1715, Francoise Comeau,the sister of Elisabeth. mention him. He could have died before this date. Pierre's funeral records states: "Citizen and miller at the top of thePort Royal River and at the place called Pree' Rounde. he received theLast Sacraments and was buried the 27th of the said month of this year(December 1704), in the cemetary of this parish, with ordinaryceremonies. It was signed by padre Justin Durand, recollect and cure' ofPort Royal." His wife Jehanne Terriau, died 22 years later on December8, 1726. Michel and Antoine, their sons, stayed at the grave until theday after her death, with the cure' of Breslay. One more time, theentire colony of Pree' Ronde had the burden of transporting the body toPort Royal in snow and cold of December, and one can imagine the emotionat the long family funeral procession. Martin, who furnished the plaque, and by the joing efforts of theHistorical Association of Annapolis Royal, and La Societe HistoriqueAcadienne de la Baie Sainte-Marie, honoring our ancestor Pierre Thibodeau. Minas Basin in the vicinity of Grand Pre until the deportation by theEnglish in 1755. Some members of the 2nd generation were deported toMassachusetts and later found their way back to New Brunswick. It wasthe children and grandchildren of four of Pierre and Jehanne's sevensons, Pierre L'Aine, Pierre LeJeune, Michel, and Charles, who found theirway to Louisiana, eventually settling in the Bayou LaFourche area and atthe Opelousas and Attakapas Posts. Still others fled to the woods to NewBrunswick where they hid for years. Press and Maurice Thibaudeau's web site of Thibodeau's.
i. MARIE THIBODEAU3 L'AINEE, b. Abt. 1661, Pre Ronde de Port Royal, le village des Thibeaudeau, Canada; d. Bef. February 16, 1710/11, St. Charles des Mines, Acadia, Canada. She married Antoine Landry s/o Rene "l'jeune" Landry & Marie Reine Bernard.
ii. MARIE THIBODEAU LA CADETTE, b. 1663, Pre Ronde de Port Royal, le village des Thibeaudeau, Canada; d. Bet. 1704 - 1757. She married Pierre LeJeune s/o Pierre Lejeune dit Briard & Doucet daughter (d/o Germain Doucet Sr. & unknown Mi'kmac woman)
iii. MARIE JEANNE THIBODEAU LA BENJAMINE, b. 1664, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. Bef. June 09, 1703. She married after census 1686 to Charles Robichaud dit Cadet s/o Etienne Robichaud & Francoise Boudrot.
iv. ANNE-MARIE THIBODEAU L'AINEE, b. 1666, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. Bet. 1698 - 1700, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada. She married Claude Boudreau.
v. MARIE-CATHERINE THIBODEAU, b. 1667, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. Bef. November 11, 1721, St. Gabriel, Louisiana USA. She married abt. 1684 to Claude Landry.
vi. PIERRE THIBODEAU L'AINEE, b. Abt. 1670, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. November 22, 1723, Pisquit, Acadia, Canada. He married Anne Marie Bourg.
vii. JEANNE THIBODEAU, b. 1672, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. April 07, 1741, Louisbourg, Ile Royale, Cape Breton Island, Canada. She married abt. 1689 to Mathieu de Goutin.
viii. JEAN THIBODEAU, b. 1674, Riviere Aux Canards, Acadia, Canada; d. December 09, 1746, St. Charles des Mines, Acadia, Canada. He married Port Royal, Acadia Feb 17, 1703 to Marguerite Hebert.
ix. ANTOINE THIBODEAU, b. 1676, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. Bet. November 19, 1753 - November 06, 1758. He married Port Royal, Acadia on Oct. 8, 1703 to Marie Pregent.
x. PIERRE THIBODEAU LE CADETTE OU LE JEUNE, b. 1678, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. Bef. October 14, 1734, Chipoudie, Acadia, Canada. He married Port Royal to Marie Anne Aucoin on Nov. 25, 1706.
xi. CECILE THIBODEAU, b. 1680, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. Bet. 1704 - 1774. She married Emmanuel Leborgne abt. 1698.
xii. MICHEL THIBODEAU, b. 1680, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. November 27, 1734, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada. He married Agnes Dugas on Nov. 13, 1704 in Port Royal, Acadia.
xiii. ANNE MARIE THIBODEAU LA CADETTE, b. 1682, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. September 02, 1720, Quebec, Quebec, PQ, Canada. She married Charles D'amour de Louviere.
xiv. CLAUDE THIBODEAU, b. 1685, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. August 26, 1756, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada. He married Elizabeth Comeau on Nov. 5, 1709 in Port Royal, Acadia.
xv. CATHERINE-JOSEPHE THIBODEAU, b. 1686, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. Bet. 1729 - 1780. She married Guillaume (William in English) Bourgeous in Port Royal, Acadia on Feb 17, 1705.
xvi. CHARLES THIBODEAU, b. 1689, Port Royal, Acadia, Canada; d. August 26, 1756, Port LaJolie, Ille Jean, Prince Edward Island. He married Francoise Comeau in Port Royal, Acadia on Dec. 19, 1715.
The family of Pierre THIBODEAU and Jeanne THÉRIAULT
[85617] THIBODEAU, Pierre (..), ploughman (laboureur), born about 1631 (rec. 1671, rec. 1686), 1634 (rec. 1693), 1633 (rec. 1698, rec. 1699) or 1630 (rec. 1701), died 1704-12-26 prée La Ronde, buried 1704-12-27 Port-Royal (Acadie)
Him : Origin : would be from Martaizé (860149) (nom existe), but records are missing and there is no trace of that person
(Origine : serait de Martaizé (860149) (nom existe), mais registres lacunaires et aucune trace de lui)
- married about 1660, from .. (Acadie)
THÉRIAULT, Jeanne (Jean & Perrine RAU [84038]), born about 1644 (rec. 1671), 1643 (rec. 1686, rec. 1698) or 1642 (rec. 1699, rec. 1701) Port-Royal (Acadie), died 1726-12-07, buried 1726-12-08 Port-Royal (Acadie)
1) Anne Marie1, married about 1682 Claude BOUDREAU
2) Anne Marie2, married about 1697 Charles D'AMOUR de LOUVIÈRE
3) Antoine, married Port-Royal (Acadie) 1703-10-08 Marie PRÉGENT
4) Catherine Josèphe, married Port-Royal (Acadie) 1705-02-17 Guillaume BOURGEOIS
5) Cécile, married about 1698 Emmanuel LEBORGNE
6) Charles, married Port-Royal (Acadie) 1715-12-19 Françoise COMEAU
7) Claude, married Port-Royal (Acadie) 1709-11-05 Élisabeth COMEAU
8) Jean, married Port-Royal (Acadie) 1703-02-17 Marguerite HÉBERT
9) Jeanne, married about 1689 Mathieu de GOUTIN
10) Marie Catherine, married about 1684 Claude LANDRY
11) Marie1, married about 1681 Antoine LANDRY
12) Marie2, born about 1661 (rec. 1671, rec. 1686), 1663 (rec. 1693), 1661 (rec. 1698), 1662 (rec. 1699) or 1667 (rec. 1701) Port-Royal (Acadie), died after 1712-09-12 Pisiquit (Acadie), married before census 1678 Pierre LEJEUNE dit BRIARD
13) Marie3, married after census 1686 Charles ROBICHAUD dit CADET
14) Michel, married Port-Royal (Acadie) 1704-11-13 Agnès DUGAS
15) Pierre, married Port-Royal (Acadie) 1706-11-25 Marie Anne AUCOIN
16) Pierre dit l'aîné, born about 1670 (rec. 1671), 1671 (rec. 1678) or 1668 (rec. 1693) Port-Royal (Acadie), died after 1725-05-28 Pisiquit (Acadie), married about 1690 Anne Marie BOURG
Arrived in Port Royal, Nova Scotia from Poitou, France in 1654.
Last name also given as "Tibodeau" or "Tibaudeau"
From merging profiles:
Alternate birth location: Vendee, Anjou, France
Alternate death location: Pree Rondee, Nova Scotia, Canada
Thibodeau, Thibeaudeau or Tibeaudault
Pierre and Jeanne had 13 children (16 reported but 1st 3 are all Maries)
! Marie abt 1661,63 and 64
2 Ann Marie abt1664
5 Catharine abt1666
6 Pierre abt 1670
7Jeanne abt1671
8 Jean abt1673
9 Antoine abt1674
10 Pierre abt 1676
11Michel abt 1678
12 Cecile abt1680
13 Catharine abt 1686
14 Charles abt1689
15Marie Anne Louise abt1682
16 Claude abt1684
1671 Census
Pierre THIBEAUDEAU, 40, wife, Jeanne TERRIAU 27; Children: Pierre 1 and 5 daughters; cattle 12, sheep 11.
1678 Census
12 acres 30 cattle
3 boys 11 1669
7 1671
5 1673
5 girls 12 1666
8 1670
4 1674
3 1675
1 1677
1686 Census
Pierre TIBAUDEAU 55, Jeanne TERRIOT: 43; children: Marie 25, Marie 23, Marie 21, Catherine 19,
Anne-Marie 16, Pierre 16, Jeanne 14, Jean 13, Antoine 12, Pierre 10, Michel 8, Cecille 6, Anne-Marie 4, Claude 2; 1 gun, 10 arpents, 14 cattle, 5 sheep, 7 hogs.
1693 Census
Pierre TIBAUDEAU 59, Jeanne TERRIOT 50, Anthoine 17, Pierre 15, Michel 13, Cecille 11, Marie 10, Claude 8, Catherine Josephe 7, Charles 4; 20 cattle, 30 sheep, 12 pigs, 30 arpents, 2 guns
1700 Census
Pierre THIBAUDEAU 66; Jeanne TERRIOT (wife) 57; Anthoine 26; Pierre 22; Michel 20; Claude 15; Charles 11; Marie 17; Catherine 14; 30 cattle, 28 sheep, 30 arpents, 3 guns.
1701 Census
Pierre TIBAUDEAU 71, Jeanne TERRIOT (wife) 50; Jean TIBAUDEAU 27, Anthoine 23, Pierre 21, Michel 19, Claude 16, Charles 13, Cecile 19, Catherine 14; 7 guns, 30 cattle. 25 sheep, 12 hogs, 19 arpents.
1703 Census
Pierre THIBAUDAU, his wife. 4 boys, 2 girls, 4 arms bearers.
1707 Census (though says he died in 1704, may be son?)
Pierre THIBEAUDEAU and his wife; 1 arpent. 7 cattle, 13 sheep, 8 hogs, 1 gun.
Fondateur de Chipoudie (Hopewell NB) en 1698. Meunier à Pré-ronde, Port-Royal. Arrive en Acadie à Port-Royal en 1654. Retourne vivre à Port-Royal en 1700. Il y est encore en 1704.
Pierre Thibodeau's Timeline
1631 |
December 6, 1631
Marennes, Saintonge, France
[uncertain], France
1654 |
Age 23
Port Royal, Acadie, Canada
Age 23
Age 23
Port Royal , Acadie, Canada
1661 |
Port-Royal, Acadie, [Nouvelle-France]
1662 |
1663 |
Port-Royal, Acadie, [Nouvelle-France]
1664 |
Port Royal, Acadie, [Nouvelle-France]