Principessa Margherita di Borbone-Parma

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Princess Margherita Maria Teresa Enrichetta of Madrid (di Borbone-Parma)

Birthplace: Lucca, Duchy of Toscana
Death: January 29, 1893 (46)
Viareggio, Tuscany, Kingdom of Italy
Place of Burial: King Pretender Of Spain
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Carlo III Duke of Parma & Piacenza and Louise Marie Therese d'Artois Princess of France & Duchess of Parma
Wife of Carlos María de Borbón y Austria-Este
Mother of Blanca de Borbón y Borbón Parma, infanta de España; Jaime, Duque de Madrid; Infanta Elvira Maria Teresa Enriqueta of Spain; Duchess Beatriz of Madrid and Maria Alicia ildefonsa Del Prete
Sister of Roberto I, duca di Parma; Princess Alice of Bourbone-Parma, Grand Duchess of Tuscany and Enrico Carlo Luigi Giorgio di Borbone-Parma

Occupation: Princess Consort of Spain, Duchess Consort of Madrid, Duchess of Madrid
Managed by: Douglas John Nimmo
Last Updated:
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Principessa Margherita di Borbone-Parma's Timeline

January 1, 1847
Lucca, Duchy of Toscana
March 20, 1847
Lucca, Province of Lucca, Tuscany, Italy
September 7, 1868
Graz, Styria, Austria
June 27, 1870
Vevey, Riviera-Pays-d'Enhaut District, Vaud, Switzerland
July 28, 1871
Le Bocage
March 21, 1874
Pau, Aquitaine,, France
June 29, 1876
Pau, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
January 29, 1893
Age 46
Viareggio, Tuscany, Kingdom of Italy
February 6, 1893
Age 46
King Pretender Of Spain