public profile
FOLKE "den digre/the Fat", son of ---. Brenner suggests[1] that he was the same person as FOULQUES Vicomte de Montrevrault, son of RAOUL [de Beaumont] & his wife Agathe de Vendôme. He is named "Fulko grossus, son of Ingewaldus, son of Fulko Fölbythe the pagan" in a 14th century genealogy compiled at Varnem Abbey[2]. Jarl in Sweden.
m INGEGERD of Denmark, daughter of KNUD II "den Hellige" King of Denmark & his wife Adèle de Flandre. Twin with her sister Cæcilie, they were left in Denmark when their mother fled to Flanders after their father's murder according to Saxo Grammaticus who also names her husband[3].
Folke & his wife INGEGERD had three children
Source Project MedLands - Sweden Nobility - https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SWEDISH%20NOBILITY.htm#FolkeDenDig...
Danish king during the years 1080-86. Knut "the Holy" married Adele of Flanders, daughter of Robert I Friso Of Flanders and Princess Gertrud Av of Saxony (Adele of Flanders was born in 1060 and died in 1115.) Knut got martyred and canonized after the murder . He is regarded as Denmark's patron saint. After his death, Knud was declared saint in 1101 by Pope Urban II. Knut's earthly remains were buried in St. Knud's church in Odense the same year. Quotes from Anbytarforum regarding Adele of Flanders. You further say that you consider it to be a step forward that Adèle of Flanders seems to be removed from the discussion. ?? Since when was Adéle removed from the discussion by Flanders? And by whom? As far as I know, no new information has emerged that could re-evaluate or shed new light on her and on whether or not she is the mother of Knuts daughters Cecilia and Ingegerd. We know that Knut the Holy One is their father, but we have come to a reasonable conclusion (see above), but I do not see that either Saxo or anyone else in this context says anything definite about Adèle. Thus, after all, there is no greater reason to just reprise the old arguments. However, it can still be said that Adéle must still be considered "the main suspect" to motherhood, because she is Knut's only wife, and that he can not be belatedly had a single mistress known to the world. On the contrary, he has often been portrayed as opposed to his father, who had lots of mistresses. In addition, two of the Folkungaättens most frequent names are Karl and Magnus, thus Charlemagne = Karl the Great. Namely, the existence of first names can be used as indications of kinship speculation.
FOLKE "den digre/the Fat", son of ---. Brenner suggests[1] that he was the same person as FOULQUES Vicomte de Montrevrault, son of RAOUL [de Beaumont] & his wife Agathe de Vendôme. He is named "Fulko grossus, son of Ingewaldus, son of Fulko Fölbythe the pagan" in a 14th century genealogy compiled at Varnem Abbey[2]. Jarl in Sweden.
m INGEGERD of Denmark, daughter of KNUD II "den Hellige" King of Denmark & his wife Adèle de Flandre. Twin with her sister Cæcilie, they were left in Denmark when their mother fled to Flanders after their father's murder according to Saxo Grammaticus who also names her husband[3].
Folke & his wife INGEGERD had three children
Source Project MedLands - Sweden Nobility - https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SWEDISH%20NOBILITY.htm#FolkeDenDig...
Danish king during the years 1080-86. Knut "the Holy" married Adele of Flanders, daughter of Robert I Friso Of Flanders and Princess Gertrud Av of Saxony (Adele of Flanders was born in 1060 and died in 1115.) Knut got martyred and canonized after the murder . He is regarded as Denmark's patron saint. After his death, Knud was declared saint in 1101 by Pope Urban II. Knut's earthly remains were buried in St. Knud's church in Odense the same year. Quotes from Anbytarforum regarding Adele of Flanders. You further say that you consider it to be a step forward that Adèle of Flanders seems to be removed from the discussion. ?? Since when was Adéle removed from the discussion by Flanders? And by whom? As far as I know, no new information has emerged that could re-evaluate or shed new light on her and on whether or not she is the mother of Knuts daughters Cecilia and Ingegerd. We know that Knut the Holy One is their father, but we have come to a reasonable conclusion (see above), but I do not see that either Saxo or anyone else in this context says anything definite about Adèle. Thus, after all, there is no greater reason to just reprise the old arguments. However, it can still be said that Adéle must still be considered "the main suspect" to motherhood, because she is Knut's only wife, and that he can not be belatedly had a single mistress known to the world. On the contrary, he has often been portrayed as opposed to his father, who had lots of mistresses. In addition, two of the Folkungaättens most frequent names are Karl and Magnus, thus Charlemagne = Karl the Great. Namely, the existence of first names can be used as indications of kinship speculation.
{geni:occupation} prinsessa av Danmark, Prinsessa, Gift 1082, Prinsessa av Danmark, Dansk Prinsessa, Drottning av Danmark
{geni:about_me} http://genealogics.org/getperson.php?personID=I00079668&tree=LEO
Jag har uppgift att hon dog omkr 1150 i Bjälbo, Östergötland, Sverige. Modern dör däremot 1115. Skrivfel?
Ej giftermålet 1161 då var båda döda.
(Tveksamt om hon avled 1115, när hon fick "Arnulf" 1121).
Anmoder till Bjälboätten
1733025. Ingerid KNUTSDTR av Danmark (2907) was living in 1100.(2908) Etter fraens drap i 1086 flyktet hun med sin farbror Erik Eiegod til Sverige, hvor hun ble stammor til Folkeunge-ætten
Gift med svensk stormand Folke. Stammoder til Folkungerne.
Ingegerd eller Ingerid var datter til Knud den Hellige av Danmark. Hun levde omkring
Etter drapet på hennes far i 1086 flyktet hun med sin farbror Erik Ejegod til Sverige,
hvor hun ble stammor til Folkunga-ætten.
Gifte och barn
Folke "Den Tjocke" Ingevaldsson.
Gift 1161
Arnulf av Flandern.
Bengt Folkesson Snivels Jarl av Sverige.
Knut (Folkesson) av Flandern.
1083 |
Roskilde, Region Zealand, Denmark
Gifte och barn
barn; Arnulf av Flandern.
1100 |
Sverige (Sweden)
1106 |
1110 |
Varnhem, Skaraborg, Sweden
sv.wikipedia.org / wiki / Bjälbo
Bengt Folkesson, känd som Bengt Snivil eller Bengt Snivel,
Enligt den danska historikern Saxo
Den svenska s.k. "Genealogia folkungorum",
och uppgiften att Bengt skall ha varit fader till
Se även
Hämtad från " http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengt_snivil "
Jarl Bengt Snivils Folkesson (Folkunge) Far: Jarl Folke (Den Tjocke) Ingevaldsson (Folkunge) (1075 till 1145)
Född: 1110
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Årtal Ålder Händelse
Skapad av MinSläkt 3,6, Programmet Tillhör: Roland Knutsson +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://www.artursson.se/Engelska/0002/1525.htm
Gifte och barn
1121 |
1124 |
Gavere, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
1127 |
Age 44
Gavere, Flanders, Belgium
???? |
Sverige (Sweden)
???? |