Matching family tree profiles for Rabbi Aharon Ha’Levi Tauber, A.B.D. Batorkeszi
Immediate Family
About Rabbi Aharon Ha’Levi Tauber, A.B.D. Batorkeszi
Rabbi Aharon Tauber is said to have written the genealogy of "10 generations of Rabbis" [presumably of the Tauber family], but his work was later destroyed in a fire. הי' לו כתב יחוס של י' דורות רבנים ונשרפה
Rabbi Aron [Aharon] Tauber, b. Leipnik, 1778, d. Dunaszerdahely, 22 Jul 1856, age 78. Rabbi Aron Tauber was also known as "R. Aron ben Yahil a Levi". He was born in Leipnik, Moravia but migrated to Hungary as a young man. He was a "respected Talmudist" and also, a mystic. After his death, he was eulogized as a "great scholar whose work is still available". He was Rabbi of Yanna from about 1817 to 1831. He then went to Betakraz (Batorkeszi) where he was Rabbi for many more years. In 1848, he and his family are seen living in Parkany, Esztergom megye, Hungary [now Sturovo, Slovakia]. In 1854, he joined the family of his son Jechiel [Michael] in Dunaszerdahely, Hungary [now Dunajska Streda, Slovakia], about 50 miles west of Parkany. He died “at age 78”, and was buried in Dunaszerdahely, Hungary [now Dunajska Streda, Slovakia]. His gravestone refers to him as "Ha'rav Aharon Ha'Levi Tauber", and indicates that he was the "son of Yechiel". “Ha’rav Aharon Ha’Levi Tauber, son of Yechiel, d. 7 Marcheshvan 5617 [7 Mar 1857].” However, a search of Dunaszerdahely Jewish death records shows that he died on 22 Jul 1856: “Adolf Tauber, age 76, d. Dunaszerdahely, 22 Jul 1856.” [Another alternate death date of 5 Nov 1856 is also given. See: http://www.steinheim-institut.de/wiki/index.php/RabbinerHandbuch:1:...].
His wife was Mari [Miriam], b. Leipnik, c1778. She d. in Dunaszerdahely, 13 Jan 1868, "age 96" [actually age about 90].
Aharon was Av Beit Din in Batorkeszi -- the second highest ranking member of the Jewish community there: אב"ד באטארקאם מח"ס יד אהרן
Teteny, Pest-Pilis-Solt megye, Hungary, 1828: TAUBER, Abr. [error for "Tauber, Arr." = Arron Tauber]
Parkany, Esztergom megye, Hungary, 1848: TAUBER, Aron, age 70, b. Leipnik, Morva, rabiner; wife Mari, age 60 [*error for 69 or 70], b. Leipnik, Morva
כתב יד אהרן וברך שלא עשני אב"ד
Hebrew book by Rabbi Aharon HaLevi Tauber, published in 1965 by Yechiel Karpel of Brooklyn. [He was the son of R’ Naftali and Yentl, daughter of R’ Azriel HaLevi Tauber of Dunaszerdahely, son of R’ Yechiel HaLevi Tauber, son of R’Aharon HaLevi Tauber, the author.] Page 11: “… I was told by my late uncle, R’ Yechiel HaLevi, that our ancestor was from a family of Rabbis, up to ten generations back… The family tree was at the hands of Blumenthal family in Jerusalme, but was lost in a fire.” On the same page: “His [the author’s] place of birth was Leipnik…” Additionally, the publisher mentions a relative, Rabbi Wessely.” [A link, no longer available, establishes a connection between the Tauber family and the Wessely family.]
From Yidel Fischer -- R’ Ahron Tauber was the son of R’ Yechiel Tauber who d. in 1788. R’ Yechiel’s mother was Ydit. His wife was Hinda, the daughter of Reizel. Hinda d. in 1796. R’ Ahron was the father of at least three children: 1. R’ Yechiel. He m. Reizel the daughter of R’ Yisocher Dover Greenwald and wife Yentel of Dunaszerdahely. 2. R’ Yehoshua. He was the rabbi in the city of Taiting, he died in 1848 [*error for 1881]. 3. a daughter who married R’ Moshe Blumenthal -- some of his children went to live in Israel.
R’ Yechiel and Reizel (Greenwald) had 5 known children: 1. R’ Ezriel 2. R’ Ahron, who had a dau Raizel who married someone from the Bishitz family 3. R’ Yosef 4. R’ Moshe, who had a son R’ Ahron who was a rabbi in the city of Samarein, next to Preszburg 5. a daughter named Sara who was married to R’ Mordechei Weiss. They had a daughter called Raizel who married my great-great-grandfather, R’ Tzvi Fischer. They had a son called R’ Yuda Fischer.
R’ Yehoshua had four known children: 1. R’ Moshe who had a son R’ Shimon who went to live in Israel 2. R’ Ahron 3. R’ Yakov 4. R’ Ezriel
About ר' אהרן טויבער, A.B.D. Batorkeszi (עברית)
כתב יד אהרן וברך שלא עשני אב"ד
Rabbi Aharon Ha’Levi Tauber, A.B.D. Batorkeszi's Timeline
1778 |
Lipník nad Bečvou, Přerov District, Olomouc Region, Czech Republic
1803 |
Bátorove Kosihy, Slovakia
1805 |
Bátorove Kosihy, Slovakia
1807 |
Bátorove Kosihy, Slovakia
1809 |
Bátorkeszi (Bátorove Kosihy), Bátorkeszi (Bátorove Kosihy), Kingdom of Hungary
1813 |
Bátorove Kosihy, Komárno District, Nitra Region, Slovakia
1815 |
January 2, 1815
Bátorkeszi (Bátorove Kosihy), Komáromi (Komárno District), Nyitra vm. (Nitra Region), Kingdom of Hungary
1817 |
Bátorove Kosihy, Komárno District, Nitra Region, Slovakia
1856 |
November 5, 1856
Age 78
Dunajská Streda, Dunajská Streda District, Trnava Region, Slovakia
November 6, 1856
Age 78