Rabbi Benyamin Beinish Mendels of Posen

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Rabbi Benyamin Beinish kalisziner/Klausner, of Posen

Hebrew: רבי בנימין בינוש קלוזינר/קלאוזנר, מפוזנא
Also Known As: "הג''ר בנימין בינוש הנקרא ר' בינש ר' מענדל'ס מפוזנא"
Birthplace: Poznan, Poznań County, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Death: 1626
Poznań, Poznań County, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Immediate Family:

Son of Rabbi Zecharia Mendel, the Elder, of Posen) [Maharal brother-in-law] and wife, Zecharia Mendel Kloizner, "the Elder" [Maharal sister #5]
Husband of wife, Biniamin Beinish Klausner and Sarah (Sarka) Hirsh
Father of Sarah Benas Katzenellenbogen and Rabbi Zecharya Mendel Kalusziner/Klausner, of Krakow

Occupation: Rabbi
Managed by: Yigal Burstein
Last Updated:

About Rabbi Benyamin Beinish Mendels of Posen

He was a chief of the city of Posen (Poznan), Poland.

The sister of the Maharal of Prague married Zecharia Mendle KLOIZNER the Elder of Posen.

Their son Binyamin Beinush KLOIZNER (d. 1626) married Sarah (or Sarka) daughter of Naftali Zvi HIRSH or HERTZ son of Yitzhak HaDarshan of Levuv.

Benyamin and Sarka had a son Zecharia Mendle KLOIZNER (d. 1672 Jerusalem).

Source information:

חבל הכסף

R. Benyamin Beinush was the son-in-law of R. David Tevli Auerbach (son-in-law of the Maharshal). Please see:




R. Benyamin Beinush has been commonly confused with R. Benyamin Wolf, the son-in-law of R. Naftali Hersh Hertzkas of Lvov. R. Benyamin Beinush of Posen was not his son-in-law.

.יש שכתבו אז ר' בנימין ביינוש הוא חתן ר' נפתלי צבי הירץ וזה אינו נכון



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Rabbi Benyamin Beinish Mendels of Posen's Timeline

Poznan, Poznań County, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Poznań, Poland
Poznań, Greater Poland, Poland
Age 86
Poznań, Poznań County, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Age 86