Rabbi Chaim Sofer בעל מחנה חיים

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Rabbi Chaim (Joachim) Sofer Schreiber "Sofer" (Schreiber) (1821 - 1886)

Hebrew: הרב חיים סופר
Also Known As: "בעל מחנה חיים", "Joakim", "Joakhim"
Birthplace: Bratislava, Bratislava Region, Slovakia
Death: June 27, 1886 (64)
Budapest, Hungary
Place of Burial: Bratislava, Slovakia
Immediate Family:

Son of Rabbi Mordechai Ephraim Fischel Sofer and Lea Helene Safir/Sofer
Husband of Betty Breindel Schreiber
Father of Markusz Schreiber; Lea (Leni) Sofer; Wolf Schreiber; Zili Schreiber; Moshe David Sofer and 10 others
Brother of Sheva Sarlotta (Charlotte) Ehrentreu; Rabbi Naftali Sofer, auth. "Mate Naftali"; Moshe Benjamin Wolf Sussman/Safir/Sofer; Simon Zvi Hersch Sussman/Safir/Sofer; Abraham Judah Leib Sussman/Safir/Sofer and 4 others

Occupation: Rabbi of Budapest (Pest), previously of Munkács and other places, ראב"ד פעסט הונגריה
Managed by: Randy Schoenberg
Last Updated:

About Rabbi Chaim Sofer בעל מחנה חיים


Chaim Sofer (also known as the Machne Chaim, the name of his responsa) (September 29, 1821 – June 28, 1886[1]%29 was a renowned Hungarian rabbi[2] and "scholarly spokesperson for Orthodox Judaism during his time."[3]

Contents [show] Biography[edit] Chaim Sofer was born in Pressburg, Hungary (now Bratislava, Slovakia) on September 29, 1821. His father was Mordechai Efraim Fischel. Sofer attended the famous yeshiva of Rabbi Moses Sofer (no relation[3]%29 in Pressburg, and was considered his "most distinguished student".[4] He also attended the yeshiva of Rabbi Meir Eisenstaedter in Ungvar, Hungary (now Uzhhorod, Ukraine).[1]

In 1844, aged 23, he was hired to teach high-school students in a yeshiva in Mattersdorf, Hungary (now Mattersburg, Austria).[1] He subsequently served as the rabbi of the Orthodox Jewish communities in Gyömöre, Hungary (1852) Sajószentpéter, Hungary (1859) and Munkacs, Hungary (now Mukachevo Ukraine (1868).[1] While he was Chief Rabbi in Munkacs, Sofer was against introducing any "innovations" in Judaism.[4] Nevertheless, he was not considered "progressive" enough and in 1879 was replaced by one of the Munkacs Hassidic rabbis.[4]

In 1879 he was chosen rabbi of the Orthodox congregation in the newly merged city of Budapest, Hungary where he officiated until his death.[1][5] His position was replaced by Rabbi Koppel Reich.[5] Sofer died in Budapest on June 28, 1886, and was buried in Pressburg, the city of his birth.[1]

Notable rulings[edit] According to Halakha (Jewish law), abortion is permitted when the life of the mother is in danger.[6] Sofer ruled that once the baby is "partially born", one cannot even injure the baby to save the mother, unless non-interference will mean both mother and child die.[7] According to J. David Bleich: Interpreted in a similar manner the further provision of the Mishnah. . . "but once the major portion has emerged one may not touch it" [the fetus] implies that even the maiming of a partially born child or amputation of a limb is forbidden in order to save the mother. R. Chaim Sofer (Machaneh Chaim, Choshen Mishpat, no. 50) draws such an inference and indicates that the rationale motivating the decision is the fact that the physician "cannot guarantee with certainty" that the child will survive the surgical procedure. However, if non-interference will result in the loss of both mother and child, R. Sofer permits maiming of the child in an attempt to save the life of the mother.[7]

Modernism[edit] Sofer held that it was important that the Yiddish language be preserved and be established as a part of Jewish life.[8] He was also opposed in general to the introduction of modern innovations to religious activity and services in the same vein as his mentor, Moses Sofer.[4][9] His stance was in opposition to that of Azriel Hildesheimer who supported secular studies.[10]

Works by Sofer[edit] Peles Chaim (Pressburg, 1854) Machne Chaim (4 vols., 2 editions), a collection of responsa Chillul Shabbat (Sajószentpéter) Kol Sofer, a commentary on the Mishnah Dibrei Sharei Chaim Sharei Chaim

http://www.hebrewbooks.org/789 http://www.hebrewbooks.org/788 http://www.hebrewbooks.org/790

He appears as Joachim Schreiber in his death record and the birth records of at least three of his children. Incidentally, the JewishGen Hungary database notes his death date as 27 Jun 1886.

הגאון ר' חיים בהר"ר פישל, אב"ד פעסט, שו"ת מחנה חיים, דברי שערי חיים עה"ת, שערי חיים על נ"ך, תהלים שערי חיים, דרשות תורת חסד, קול סופר על משניות, פלס חיים עמ"ס גיטין, שערי חיים על דיני מחלל שבת, אשכול הסופר גל אגדות הש"ס, מכתבי ק"ן סופר.


About הרב חיים סופר בעל מחנה חיים (עברית)

מחבר ספרי מחנה חיים

הגאון האדיר המפורסם בעולם בתורתו ובצדקתו, לוחם מלחמת ה׳ רבינו חיים  זצוק״ל
שהי׳ אב"ד יעמרינג, סעמפעטר, מונקאטש, פעסט  בעמ״ח ספרים פלס חיים על פ"ק דגיטין, שו״ת מחנה חיים שלש מהדורות, קול סופר על משניות, דברי שערי חיים על התורה, שערי חיים על תהלים ומחברת שערי חיים

בני המחנה חיים:

1) ר' יעקב שלום מ'פעסט בעמח"ס תורת חיים 2) ר' משה דוד אב"ד סאסרעגן 3) ר' יוסף צבי אב"ד שאמשאן 4) חתנו ר' נח צבי אולמאנן אב"ד אנטווערפן

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Rabbi Chaim Sofer בעל מחנה חיים's Timeline

September 29, 1821
Bratislava, Bratislava Region, Slovakia
November 28, 1851
Gyömöre, Győri, Győr-Moson-Sopron County, Hungary
June 10, 1853
Gyömöre, Hungary
May 24, 1856
Gyömöre, Hungary
May 15, 1858
Gyömöre., Hungary
June 17, 1859
Sajószentpéter, Hungary
July 23, 1860
Sajószentpéter, Hungary
November 13, 1861
Sajószentpéter, Hungary
March 4, 1863
Sajószentpéter, Hungary