Historical records matching Rabbi Nehemiah Menahem Nahum Trebitsch
Immediate Family
About Rabbi Nehemiah Menahem Nahum Trebitsch
Familiant https://www.geni.com/documents/view?doc_id=6000000141866933536
Prague Population Register:
Menahem Nahum Trebitsch (Nehemiah) (August 14, 1779, Prague - July 4, 1842, Prague) was a Czech rabbi.
He was a son of Selig Trebitsch, ḥazzan at the Old New Synagogue, and he received a thorough Talmudical training at the yeshiva of Jacob Günsberg. Upon the recommendation of the "Landesrabbiner" Mordecai Benet (Marcus Benedict), Trebitsch became rabbi of Prostějov in 1826.
On May 13, 1832, the government confirmed the election of Trebitsch as "Landesrabbiner" of Moravia, in succession to Mordecai Benet, and granted him a salary of 600 florins; he was the last Moravian "Landesrabbiner" of the old school. In September 1833, the provincial government issued a decree conferring upon the chief rabbi the power of proposing candidates for the various rabbinates of the province, and of making an appointment when the congregation failed to inform him of a vacancy or rejected the candidate proposed by the "Landesrabbiner". This decree, for which Trebitsch was declared by his opponents to be responsible, brought him into conflict with the congregations of Jevíčko, Hranice na Moravě, Prostějov, and Loštice; and five years later (May 23, 1838) another decree canceled the chief rabbi's privilege of proposing candidates. Abraham Neuda, rabbi of Loštice, whom Trebitsch refused to confirm on account of liberal tendencies, was reinstated after having passed a successful examination before a committee of which Trebitsch was a member. This defeat, and the censure of the government for his opposition to the use of the German language among the Jews greatly affected Trebitsch, who died while on a journey to Karlovy Vary.
Trebitsch wrote:
"Shelom Yerushalayim", glosses on Seder Mo'ed of the Jerusalem Talmud, with the text and David Fränkel's commentary (Vienna, 1821); "Ḳobeẓ 'al Yad", notes on Maimonides' "Yad ha-Ḥazaḳah", part i., with text (ib. 1835).
Trebitsch, Neḥemyah Naḥum (1779–1842), rabbi and Talmudic scholar. Born in Prague, Neḥemyah Naḥum Trebitsch was the only child of Seligmann Trebitsch, the prayer leader at Prague’s Altneuschul. After his father’s death, Trebitsch was brought up in the house of Ya‘akov Günsburg, who headed a yeshiva in Prague and sat on the city’s rabbinical court. Trebitsch received rabbinical ordination from Günsburg in 1811 and from Moravia’s chief rabbi, Mordekhai Banet (1753–1829), in 1816.
Trebitsch was appointed rabbi of Prague’s Klaus Synagogue in 1813 and became a state-approved Talmud teacher in 1823. At the recommendation of Banet, he was invited to become rabbi of Prostějov (Prossnitz), Moravia, where he served from 1826 until 1831. After Banet’s death, Trebitsch was elected chief rabbi of Moravia, a post he held from 1832 until his death a decade later. In this role, Trebitsch was a strident opponent of religious reform and tried to use his authority to prevent the election of liberal rabbis in Moravia’s Jewish communities. His unsuccessful efforts to prevent the elections of Tsevi Hirsh Fassel in Prostějov, Abraham Neuda in Loštice (Loschitz), and Michael Stössel in Rousínov (Neu-Raussnitz) led to frictions with many of Moravia’s Jewish communities and resulted in both the diminishing of his own stature and a humiliating censure by the Austrian government. He died after taking a cure in Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) and was buried in his native Prague.
Trebitsch wrote an extensive commentary on the Palestinian Talmud, one volume of which was published during his lifetime: Shalom Yerushalayim (1821). Additional volumes of this commentary (along with his commentary on Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah and some responsa) were published at the end of the twentieth century. Trebitsch was married to Kela Sack, daughter of a ritual slaughterer in Prague, with whom he had two daughters, Regina and Libusse. Regina married Jacob Brüll (1812–1889), rabbi of Kojetín (Kojetein), Moravia; Libusse married Shimshon Kulke (1809–1894), rabbi of Podívin (Kostel), Moravia, and father of Eduard Kulke (1831–1897), a writer of ghetto tales. Suggested Reading
Michael Brocke, Julius Carlebach, and Carsten Wilke, eds., “Trebitsch, Nehemias,” in Biographisches Handbuch der Rabbiner, pt. 1, Die Rabbiner der Emanzipationszeit in den deutschen, böhmischen und grosspolnischen Ländern, 1781–1871, vol. 2, pp. 863–864 (Munich, 2004). Author
Michael L. Miller
[http://www.porges.net/JewishCemeteriesPrague.html] Buried in the Old Olsany Cemetery which is wichin the Zivkov cemetery. This part of the cemetery "holds some 37,800 deceased. They include many respectable figures such as rabbis and scholars, physicians, artists, public officials and even noblemen. Some of the most significant are Prague's Chief Rabbi Ezechiel ben Jehuda LANDAU (1713-1793) whose Classicist tomb is still frequently visited by many foreign visitors; Head of the Rabbinical Collegium Eleazar ben David FLECKELES (1754-1826), Moravia's Landesrabbiner Nehemias ben Selig TREBITSCH (1779-1842), historian and teacher Peter BEER (1755-1838), Chief Rabbi Solomon Judah Loeb RAPOPORT (1790-1867) and mathematician Jacob KOREF (1790-1852). Also founders of the first industrial factories are buried at the cemetery such as Leopold JERUSALEM (1789-1842), Aaron Beer PRIBRAM (1781-1852) and Salomon PRIBRAM (1808-1865), or Leopold PORGES von Portheim (1781-1870)."
Not Treves. It's spelled Trebitsch
Rabbi Nehemiah Menahem Nahum Trebitsch's Timeline
1779 |
August 14, 1779
Prague, Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic
1804 |
Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic
1806 |
1808 |
1810 |
August 18, 1810
Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Prague, Czechia (Czech Republic)
1812 |
August 15, 1812
Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic
1813 |
Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic
1842 |
July 4, 1842
Age 62
Prague, Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic