Immediate Family
About Rachel Heller-Wallerstein, [Maharal dau. #6]
Rachel Loew
- Born in 1554 - Prag / Tschechische Republik
- Deceased in 1633 - Prague, aged 79 years old
- Buried in 1633 - Prague
Maharal daughter #4.
Reichel bt haGaon Juda Loeb zTs”l e' Abraham Wallerstein seGal z”l 1632/33 (Footnote H-K p.104: dau of the Maharal and mother of Moshe Darschan haLevi)
Abraham HaLEVI HELLER and Rachel LOEW:
Based on a chart from a translation of Yom Tov Lipman HELLER's autobiography Megillas Aivah published as The Feast and the Fast, by C. U. LIPSHITZ and Neil ROSENSTEIN, Rachel LOEW (d. 1633 Prague) daughter of the Maharal of Prague married Abraham HaLEVI HELLER-WALLERSTEIN (b. Lubin, d. 3 Aug. 1572, Vienna, Austria) son of the Chief Rabbi of Germany, Moses HaLevi HELLER-WALLERSTEIN (b. 1520 Wallerstein, Germany, d. 1580).
However, according to Paul J. SALAZAR there were two Abraham HELLER's. One the ancestor of the other. The former Abraham married Rachel LOEW. Their son Mose Halevi HELLER-Frenkl (b. ca. 1520)'s son was the latter Abraham Halevi HELLER-FRANKEL (d. 1572). The latter Abraham married Bella the daughter of Meir Ha LEVI (whose family has been researched into the 1300's, and it is the latter Abraham and Bella who were the parents of Jakob KOPPEL FRAENKEL HELLER-WALLERSTEIN.
(Finally, according to David Peter John LEWIN davidlewin at btinternet.com, Rahel bat Maharal LOEW married Mose Halevi HELLER-FRENKL (b. about 1520) (see page 17) and they had a son Abraham HALEVI-HELLER (d. 1572/1591) who married Bella (see page 66) and they had a son Jakob KOPPEL FRAENKEL HELLER-WALLERSTEIN.)
Sister of Gitel Lowe (married R. Simon Brandeis)
Rachel Heller-Wallerstein, [Maharal dau. #6]'s Timeline
1554 |
Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic
1633 |
Age 79
Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic
Age 79
Old Jewish Cemetery at Josephov, Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic
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