Matching family tree profiles for Rev. Jacob Cozad, Jr.
Immediate Family
About Rev. Jacob Cozad, Jr.
Burial record:
Jacob Cozad was a Baptist minister at Mt. Morris, NJ who first married Elizabeth Sutton, daughter of Rev. David Sutton, and whose five brothers were all Baptist ministers who actively organized Baptist churches west of the Alleghenies.
Jacob and Elizabeth, along with his brothers Samuel and Job, moved from Somerset Co., NJ to Roxberry, Morris County, in 1742. Elizabeth died in 1756 and Jacob subsequently remarried another woman named Elizabeth (Tingley) the following year; they remained married for 55 years, as noted on her tombstone.
Jacob and second wife Elizabeth moved to the Virginia frontier (Monongalia County) sometime before 1763. They settled on 400 acres on White Day creek perhaps by 1764 (see Monongalia County Survey Book 2, p. 370), land later sold to Daniel Fink. Jacob also possessed lands (see Survey Book 4, p. 369) on the Monongahela River on both sides of the road leading from the Tygart Valley adjacent and between lands of Andrew Davisson and Arthur Trader. Records show that he sold this land to Col. Benjamin Wilson. By 1770, Jacob and Elizabeth apparently relocated, since Samuel Sutton deeded him 400 acres on Morgan's Run, Cheat River area in 1770 (Monongalia County Survey Book I p. 12).
Jacob and Elizabeth returned to Morris Co., NJ, in 1775 due to "the severity of the Indian troubles" (Tatterson, p.87). He is buried in Mt. Olive Baptist Church Cemetery with both of his wives.
Jacob's return to NJ in 1775 is important because it puts their daughter, Mary (b.1756), in both NJ and VA at the time she probably would have gotten married.
Clerissa H. Tatterson's The Cozad Family (1985) on p. 82-91 of Hacker's Creek Journal (vol. 4, Issue 2; Jan-Mar 1986) provides a brief history of the early Cossart family and in particular this branch that migrated into Monongalia and Lewis Counties of West Virginia. She includes deeds and land dealings of Jacob (see above for summary).
In memory of Jacob Casad who died January 26, 1812. In the 88th year of his age.
The body of our brother is in Sweet sleep reposing here, whose spirit has ascended high, And Joined in praise above the sky, with pleasure waiting for the day, that will awake his sleeping clay, To join in union as before, And sing God's praise forever more."
Brown freestone almost illegible.
Jacques Jacob Cossart Born 1595 Normandy (Picardy), France Find all individuals with events at this location Gender Male Died Abt 1681 Rotterdam, Holland Find all individuals with events at this location Notes
Existing records clearly show that, a number of Cossart families have
been living in Pacardy and Normandy northern France, since 1180, as well
as in the adjacent districts of Beauvoisis and the Isle de France known
as the French Vexin and that numbers of this family have established
themselves in Paris as well as in the vicinity of Soissons. Records also
show that from 1308 some of these Cossarts were members of the French
nobility and others belonged to the "Bourgeoisie". As they all lived in
close proximity within a limited territory and as the patronymic is a
very unusual one, there appears to be a fair presumption of a common
origin in the remote past.
While the above considerations are entitled to due weight, the fact
remains that there is no documentary evidence of consanguinity between
the Cossarts of Nobleextraction and those who belonged to the
"Bourgeoisie". Even if they all came originally from the same stock,
which is not at all impossible, it is plainthat the relationship was so
distant that the common ancestor could not havebeen one Bertin Cossart,
page of the King's son, Jehan of France, Comte de Poitiers, who received
from the latter's treasurer, Jacques Lempereur, July 20, 1395, a
recompense in gold coin for 'good and agreeable services'.
A much more plausible hypothesis would make all those of the name descend
from a certain Radulphe Cossart, 'burgeois' of La Fere, a town in Picardy
now in the Department of Aisne, who bought, in September 1224, from
prioress Margerite andthe Nuns of the Community of Santinge, a tract of
land between Le Fere and Trovecq called 'the meadow of the Sieur Jume',
the consideration being a perpetual annual payment of twenty sous of
Loudun on the feast of Saint Remy (October 1st).
The most prominent Noble family of the name was That of Cossart d' Espies
of Pacardy and the French Vexin, which descended from a certain Jehan
Cossart, who is reputed to have come in 1450 from the City of Liege, in
whatis now Belgium, (records show that the American branch of the
Cossart familycame from here) to enroll himself in one of the military
companies made up of men of Noble birth, which Charles VII raised in
1447. It is asserted, but apparently without any documentary proof, that
he was a native of that city and of the same family as the Knight called
'Valthier de Coslart' or 'Cossart',who during the first two decades of
the Fourteenth century made various grants to the Monastery of St. Trou
near Liege; about 1456 this Jehan de Cossart espoused Catherine de
Villepoix, the daughter of Colart de Villepoix and widow of Raoul de
Soyecourt, who, subsequent to her last marriage inherited from her father
and sister great landed properties in Pacardy, as well as the estates of
Loudemont, Fontaine, Lavagant, Beaufresne, and Le Veneur in Normandy. The
only issue of this matrimonial alliance, as mentioned by the standard
genealogists, was Francois de Cossart, 'Captain' at the village and
Chateau deHam at Peronne, who is said to have added the name of Espies
to that of Cossart upon his marriage in 1490 with Rose Le Bouracher,
'dame' of Espies, a feudal manor near the village of Annery which is less
than a mile from the town of Poutoise in the French Vexin.
There was, however, a second Cossart d' Espies family, whose
representatives resided at the above named Annery and styled themselves
Seigneurs of that place as well as of Espies, and it seems perfectly
evident that two families bearing the same name, living contemporaneously
in the same locality and taking a special designation from the same
estate,must have had a common progenitor in the past. Moreover, it would
appear practically certain that a third family, known as the 'Cossarts de
La Tour', came originally from the same stock, inasmuch as its
distinctive coat-of-arms was identical with that of the second family.
The e
Person ID I11937 Wood Last Modified 27 Nov 2006
Father Eustace Cossart, b. 1560, France Find all individuals with events at this location, d. Rouen, Normandy, France Find all individuals with events at this location Family ID F3875 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family Rachelle Gelton, b. 1610, Liege, Belgium Find all individuals with events at this location, d. Leyden, Holland Find all individuals with events at this location Married 14 Aug 1656 Liege, Belgium Find all individuals with events at this location Children
1. Joris Cossart, d. Find all individuals with events at this location
2. Jan Cossart, d. Find all individuals with events at this location
3. Rachelle Cossart, b. 4 Jun 1632, Amsterdam, Holland Find all individuals with events at this location, d. Find all individuals with events at this location
4. Jacques Jacob Cossart, b. 29 May 1639, Leyden, Holland Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 1685, Bushwick, Brooklyn, New York Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 45 years)
The Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey published a transcription that was copied and checked by members of the Society on April 26, 1980 and published in Vol. 57 on pages 99-104.
Mount Olive Baptist Church, originally called The Schooley's Mountain Baptist Church, was founded prior to 1753. From its earliest beginnings to the post-Revolutionary period this congregation was part of the Morristown Baptist Church. The original log meeting house was erected on a site donated by James Heaton to serve four denominations. The Baptists used this building for 40 years; in 1795 the log structure was replaced. In the spring of 1854 the second building shared was sold and the Baptists and Presbyterians each built their own house of worship.
I have tried to note the discrepancies that were found between the inscriptions in the GMNJ manuscript and those in the Cox manuscript.
The Cox manuscript was supplied by Robert H. Smith of Shelby, NC. My grateful thanks for sharing.
(Copied July, 1914, by Mr. & Mrs. Martin L Cox, William HD Cox, & Edmund H Cox)
Note: Numbers listed as 67.05.03 indicate that the person was 67 years 5 months and 3 days old at the time of their death. Name Born Died Harriet M. BALL, wife of Benjamin VAN DUZER April 15th, 1810 Dec. 4 1873 Rachel BATSON, daughter of John & Rachel BATSON Sept. 5 1845—67.05.03 Andrew BAY; see Mary Ann HEDDEN; Jesse THARP [GMNJ] Paul BENZING Dec. 28 1853 in 32nd year Martha A. GRANDIN, wife of John BEST Nov 22 1838 Mar 25 1880 Martin BIRD, son of Woodhull & Lucretia BIRD August 21 1853—06.02.00 John BRITTEN Aug 2 1854—40.04.16 Catherine MINUSE, wife of John BRITTEN [GMNJ] Feb 27 1894—88.11.25 Abram D. BUDD July 31 1867—77.05.21 Margaret F., wife of Abram D. BUDD Mar 13 1879—76.06.09 Joseph F. BUDD [GMNJ states son, Joseph F. "of Abraham D."] Jan 23 1849 — 01.05.23[GMNJ] Enos Goble BUDD [GMNJ states: Maj. Enos Goble, "Father", "Co. F. 15 Reg. N.J. Vols."] Aug 5 1835 Feb 10 1907 Mary A. A. DYER wife of Enos G. BUDD Nov 15 1859 Sept 28 1902 Col. John BUDD June 8 1845—83.02.03 Juliana, wife of Col. John BUDD [Cox Notation: Juliana DICKERSON wife of Col. Budd born 11-22-1760] Aug. 18 1850—88.08.26 John BUDD June 11 1874—77.08.00 Sarah, wife of John BUDD Feb. 22 1872—74.01.19 John S. BUDD [GMNJ] 1827 1909 Abraham D. BUDD [GMNJ on stone with John S.] 1838 1919 Julia A. BUDD [on stone with John S.] Aug 19 1834 Joseph F. BUDD [GMNJ on stone with John S.] Jan 23 1849 Whitfield H. BUDD Aug 25 1868—37.00.00 William H. BUDD [GMNJ on stone with Whitfield H.] 1829 1916 Diadama BUDD, wife of Joel HUTCHINSON [Cox] Nov. 1 1849—85.00.00 Enoch BENNOLDS [Cox] June 1 1819—23.03.21 Elizabeth CASAD, widow of Jacob [GMNJ states John] Jacob and Elizabeth Casad, which loving couple lived together fifty five years and in the Baptist church fifty years. "A virtuous woman, prudent and sincere, A tender wife and parent slumbers here, With Martha's care, she still had Mary's part The world employed her hand but Heaven, her heart. While here, she adorned the doctrine she professed, Her course is finished and her soul's at rest." Jan 26 1812—88.00.00
Second page missing from Cox inscriptions approximate 17 entries Deacon Samuel CASAD "Respected member of the Baptist Church of Schooley's Mountain" [GMNJ] Mar 17 1841—80.07.11 Lucretia, wife of Samuel CASAD [GMNJ] Apr 30 1840—57th year Robert CASKEY [GMNJ] Nov 24 1868—86.00.13 Betsey [stone adjacent to Robert] [GMNJ] Apr 29 1853—68.03.07 Rev. T.F. CLANCY "Pastor of the Mt. Olive Baptist Church from 1853 to 1863" [GMNJ] Dec 12 1890—77.00.00 E. R. DEAL, wife of T.F. CLANCY [GMNJ] Nov 23 1858—46.08.00 J. TAYLOR, wife of T.F. CLANCY [GMNJ] May 1 1921—89.04.04 Ida, daughter of Wm. & Catharine COLE [GMNJ] Feb 4(?) 1871 Abraham CRAMER [GMNJ] July 26 1848—68.08.01 Rachel, widow of Abraham CRAMER [GMNJ] June 12 1850—69.02.16 Pernina, wife of John A. CRATER [GMNJ] Nov 3 1846—22.01.03 Frederick DELLICKER [GMNJ] June 28 1894 Malinda, wife of Frederick DELLICKER, dau. of William & Hannah STEPHENS, "married Nov 20 1855" [GMNJ]
May 6 1831 Nov 2 1856 Infant son of Frederick & Malinda DELLICKER [GMNJ] no date—2 weeks Mary, wife of Col. Simeon DICKERSON Jan 27 1766 Apr 25 1862 Col. Simeon DICKERSON July 17 1830—63.10.12 Electa DICKERSON, wife of Jacob ROSE May 15 1800 July 28 1880 Caroline, wife of Aaron DOUGLASS Apr 18 1863—37.09.06 John DRAKE Nov 17 1880—77.04.02 Amanda, wife of John DRAKE May 20 1850—38.00.26 Mary A., his wife [John DRAKE] Mar 22 1885—63.08.19 Amanda, daughter of John and Amanda DRAKE Aug 28 1850—00.05.19 Juliana, daughter of John and Amanda DRAKE May 17 1841—03.10.00 Sylvanus DRAKE Nov 24 1811 in 81st year of his age Eliza DRAKE, wife of Sylvanus DRAKE Nov 21 1816—73.06.19 Anthony DRAKE May 3 1792 Feb 3 1877 Margaret, wife of Anthony DRAKE Dec 20 1844—57.00.00 Hezekiah DRAKE [GMNJ] Nov 4 1868—73.06.04 Anna, wife of Hezekiah DRAKE [GMNJ] Dec 28 1884—82.07.12 Sarah J., dau. of Hezekiah & Anna DRAKE [GMNJ] Aug 1 1845—11.09.00 George W., son of Hezekiah & Anna DRAKE [GMNJ] Sept 16 1839—01.10.00 M.E.B. ENGLE [GMNJ, located on large BUDD monument] 1844 1930 James FANSHER Mar 8 1864—61.11.26 William FANSHER Feb 5 1851—55.00.00 Isabella, wife of James FANSHER Apr 28 1867—95.07.16 Mt. Olive Baptist Cemetery - PART 2
Copyright ©1999-2018 by Brianne Kelly-Bly, all rights reserved.
Jacob Cozad was a Baptist minister at Mt. Morris, NJ who first married Elizabeth Sutton, daughter of Rev. David Sutton, and whose five brothers were all Baptist ministers who actively organized Baptist churches west of the Alleghenies.
Jacob and Elizabeth, along with his brothers Samuel and Job, moved from Somerset Co., NJ to Roxberry, Morris County, in 1742. Elizabeth died in 1756 and Jacob subsequently remarried another woman named Elizabeth (Tingley) the following year; they remained married for 55 years, as noted on her tombstone.
Jacob and second wife Elizabeth moved to the Virginia frontier (Monongalia County) sometime before 1763. They settled on 400 acres on White Day creek perhaps by 1764 (see Monongalia County Survey Book 2, p. 370), land later sold to Daniel Fink. Jacob also possessed lands (see Survey Book 4, p. 369) on the Monongahela River on both sides of the road leading from the Tygart Valley adjacent and between lands of Andrew Davisson and Arthur Trader. Records show that he sold this land to Col. Benjamin Wilson. By 1770, Jacob and Elizabeth apparently relocated, since Samuel Sutton deeded him 400 acres on Morgan's Run, Cheat River area in 1770 (Monongalia County Survey Book I p. 12).
Jacob and Elizabeth returned to Morris Co., NJ, in 1775 due to "the severity of the Indian troubles" (Tatterson, p.87). He is buried in Mt. Olive Baptist Church Cemetery with both of his wives.
Jacob's return to NJ in 1775 is important because it puts their daughter, Mary (b.1756), in both NJ and VA at the time she probably would have gotten married.
Clerissa H. Tatterson's The Cozad Family (1985) on p. 82-91 of Hacker's Creek Journal (vol. 4, Issue 2; Jan-Mar 1986) provides a brief history of the early Cossart family and in particular this branch that migrated into Monongalia and Lewis Counties of West Virginia. She includes deeds and land dealings of Jacob (see above for summary).
"J.C. In memory of Jacob Casad who died January 26, 1812. In the 88th year of his age.
The body of our brother is in Sweet sleep reposing here, whose spirit has ascended high, And Joined in praise above the sky, with pleasure waiting for the day, that will awake his sleeping clay, To join in union as before, And sing God's praise forever more."
Brown freestone almost illegible.
Jacob Cozad was a Baptist minister at Mt. Morris, NJ who first married Elizabeth Sutton, daughter of Rev. David Sutton, and whose five brothers were all Baptist ministers who actively organized Baptist churches west of the Alleghenies.
Jacob and Elizabeth, along with his brothers Samuel and Job, moved from Somerset Co., NJ to Roxberry, Morris County, in 1742. Elizabeth died in 1756 and Jacob subsequently remarried another woman named Elizabeth (Tingley) the following year; they remained married for 55 years, as noted on her tombstone.
Jacob and second wife Elizabeth moved to the Virginia frontier (Monongalia County) sometime before 1763. They settled on 400 acres on White Day creek perhaps by 1764 (see Monongalia County Survey Book 2, p. 370), land later sold to Daniel Fink. Jacob also possessed lands (see Survey Book 4, p. 369) on the Monongahela River on both sides of the road leading from the Tygart Valley adjacent and between lands of Andrew Davisson and Arthur Trader. Records show that he sold this land to Col. Benjamin Wilson. By 1770, Jacob and Elizabeth apparently relocated, since Samuel Sutton deeded him 400 acres on Morgan's Run, Cheat River area in 1770 (Monongalia County Survey Book I p. 12).
Jacob and Elizabeth returned to Morris Co., NJ, in 1775 due to "the severity of the Indian troubles" (Tatterson, p.87). He is buried in Mt. Olive Baptist Church Cemetery with both of his wives.
Jacob's return to NJ in 1775 is important because it puts their daughter, Mary (b.1756), in both NJ and VA at the time she probably would have gotten married.
The sources that provided information on Jacob did not make sense in that Elizabeth Tingley died before her children were born. I have made Elizabeth Sutton the second wife because she died in 1812 and is buried with Jacob.
Some other confusing information: It is claimed that Jacob Cozad and Elizabeth Sutton were descendants of Henry IV of France, Charles I of England, William the Silent of Holland, Lord Berkley, Sir Philip Casteret, Sir Helier De Casteret and Peter Stuyvesant. Refer to Louis Robert Hamil Papers in addenda herein. Jacob was a Baptist minister and removed to West Virginia where he preempted 1,000 acres of land on the Cheat River in 1770. Owing to Indian hostilities he and his family were compelled to leave here. He removed to Mt. Olive, NJ where he died. (Source: The Cossart Family 1595 - 1940 by J. A. Cossairt, transcribed by Landon Cozad, page 98.)
"J.C. In memory of Jacob Casad who died January 26, 1812. In the 88th year of his age.
The body of our brother is in Sweet sleep reposing here, whose spirit has ascended high, And Joined in praise above the sky, with pleasure waiting for the day, that will awake his sleeping clay, To join in union as before, And sing God's praise forever more."
Ancestry Family Trees Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.; @R1@
Database online. Record for Rev. Jacob Sutton Cozad
Ancestry Family Trees Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.; @R1@
Database online. Record for Rev. Jacob Sutton Cozad
Ancestry Family Trees Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.; @R1@
Database online. Record for Rev. Jacob Sutton Cozad
Ancestry Family Trees Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.; @R1@
Database online. Record for Rev. Jacob Sutton Cozad
Ancestry Family Trees Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.; @R1@
Database online. Record for Rev. Jacob Sutton Cozad
Ancestry Family Trees Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.; @R1@
Database online. Record for Jacob Sutton Cozad
GEDCOM Source U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2012; Find A Grave
Ancestry Family Trees Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.; @R1@
Database online. Record for Rev. Jacob Sutton Cozad
Ancestry Family Trees Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.; @R1@
Database online. Record for Jacob Sutton Cozad
GEDCOM Source U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2012; Find A Grave
Ancestry Family Trees Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.; @R1@
Database online. Record for Rev. Jacob Sutton Cozad
Ancestry Family Trees Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.; @R1@
Database online. Record for Rev. Jacob Sutton Cozad
Ancestry Family Trees Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.; @R1@
Database online. Record for Jacob Sutton Cozad
GEDCOM Source U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2012; Find A Grave
Ancestry Family Trees Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.; @R1@
Database online. Record for Rev. Jacob Sutton Cozad
Ancestry Family Trees Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.; @R1@
Database online. Record for Jacob Sutton Cozad
GEDCOM Source U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2012; Find A Grave
- Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy: Oct 29 2019, 4:19:21 UTC
Rev. Jacob Cozad, Jr.'s Timeline
1724 |
January 24, 1724
Bound Brook, Somerset County, New Jersey
1743 |
July 8, 1743
Mount Olive Township, Morris County, NJ, United States
1744 |
December 28, 1744
Mt Olive, Morris Co., NJ
1745 |
Morris, New Jersey, USA
1746 |
Mt Olive, Morris, NJ, United States
1748 |
1749 |
Roxbury, Morris, New Jersey, USA
1751 |
Mount Olive Township, Morris County, New Jersey, United States
1752 |