Historical records matching Rev. John Christopher Kunze
Immediate Family
About Rev. John Christopher Kunze
Was the Pastor of the Christ Lutheran Church, New York : 1784 - 1807 and son-in-law of the Rev. Dr. Henry Melchior Mühlenberg
and served in Philadelphia County prior to that.
b. Artern, Mansfield, Saxony, 5 Aug. 1744;
- matric. U. of Leipzic, 21 Sept. 1763; A.B., Halle;
- A.M., U. of Pa., 1780, D.D., 1783;
- The University of Pa. was then known as "The Academy and was headed by the Rev. White (Anglican> Episcopal.
- for the Rev. HMM's comment on this hon. appt, see July 8, 1783 in <journals>
- sett. Closter Bergen and at the Orphan House at Greitz;
- Ord. Wernigerode, May 1770;
- arriv. N.Y., N.Y., 22 Sept. 1770;
- July 23, 1771 Marriage of John Kunze and Margaretta Muhlenberg
- sett. Philadelphia, Pa., St. Michael's and Zion's Chhs., 8 Oct. 1770-1784;
- sett. N.Y., N.Y., Christ Chh., 1780-1784;
- Prof, of German, U. of Pa., 1780-1784;
- Prof, of Oriental Languages, Columbia U., 1784-1787, 1792-1799;
- Luth.; d. N.Y., N.Y., 24 July1807, a. 64 (GS).
~• accounts of him appear frequently in the Journals of Rev. Mühlenberg as he was that Rev.'s son-in-law.
Wrote treatises such as Affoderung an das Volk Gottes in America (c. 1784) trans. Affirmation to the people of God in America; also: About the intentions and the progress so far of the privileged German society in Philadelphia in Pennsylvania
Kunze, John Christopher
(Johan[n]; Kuntze; August 5, 1744–July 24, 1807). B. Artern, near Mansfeld, Saxony, Ger.; educ. Leipzig; to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1770; coadjutor to H. M. Mühlenberg*; ordained 1770; son-in-law of H. M. Mühlenberg; est. pretheol. school Philadelphia 1773, closed 1776 by Revolutionary War; succeeded Mühlenberg as chief pastor 1779; pastor NYC 1784; prof. Oriental languages Columbia Coll., NYC, 1784–87, 1792–99; official tr. of Congress 1785; prof. Hartwick Sem. 1797–1807. Works include Einige Gedichte und Lieder; Van den Absichten und dem bisherigen Fortgang der privilegirten Deutschen Gesellschaft zu Philadelphia in Pennsylvanien ; Ein Wart für den Verstand und des Herz vom Rechten und Gebanten Lebenswege.
See also United Lutheran Church in America, The, Synods of, 15.
There are many references to pastor Kuntze (sic) in Mühlenberg's Journals (see Project)
See also: https://ctsfw.net/media/pdfs/GraebnerALTheologicalTrainingintheEarl...
~• note his early admission to the American Philosophical Soc. (Jan 1780) > he was 36 years old
~• began a period of trade in the West indies using his fellow Luth. minister Leps as a go between
Rev. John Christopher Kunze's Timeline
1744 |
August 5, 1744
Artem, Saxony, Germany
1773 |
August 17, 1773
1774 |
October 22, 1774
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, United States
1776 |
October 4, 1776
Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, United States