Not a known father of Matthew "Patoun The Martyr” Patton
The Pattons were originally landed gentry seated at Ferrochie, Fifeshire, Scotland. The progenitor of the Irish branch of the family, William Patton, M.A., was born in Scotland; had immigrated to Northern Ireland during the King James Plantation. He was in County Donegal by 1626 as Rector of the parishes of Ramoigh and Clonmary, Barony of Raphoe and later at Aughnish, Barony of Kilmacrenan. Reverend William Patton and his wife, Margaret, made their home at an estate called 'Groghan', and reared two sons, Henry and John.
Born in Scotland / died in Ireland / does anyone know my ancestors?
Birth: 1590 Death: Jan. 31, 1641
Born in Scotland about 1590. Died in Donegal, Ireland. Rev. William Patton Married Margaret Johnstone they had 2 sons Henry Patton born 13 Jan 1626, John Patton born 1630. William's grandson Henry Patton married Sarah Lynn Daughter of Laird David Lynn of Loch Lynn of Irleand in 1684.
Family links:
Burial: Unknown
Created by: My Family Search Record added: Nov 16, 2003 Find A Grave Memorial# 8092545
Name Rev. William Patton Gender Male Birth? ABT 1590 Ferrochie, Fifeshire, Scotland Marriage ABT 1620 Clondevadock, Clonmary, Irelandto Margaret Johnstone Alt Marriage ABT 1620 Clondevaddoch, Co. Donegal, Irelandto Margaret Johnstone Death? 31 JAN 1640/41 Co. Donegal, Ireland Alt Death? 31 JAN 1642 Clondevadock, Clonmary, Ireland
Parents and Siblings (edit)
F. Gratian PattenABT 1565 - 1603
M. Elizabeth CoillisABT 1565 -
Rev. William PattonABT 1590 - 1640/41
Spouse and Children (edit)
m. ABT 1620
Name Suffix: M.A. Name Suffix: M.A. Name Prefix: Rev. Name Suffix: M.A. BIOGRAPHY: The Pattons wereoriginally landed gentry seated at Ferrochie, Fifeshire, Scotland. The progenitor of the Irish branch of the family, William Patton, M.A., was born in Scotland; had immigrated to Northern Ireland during the King James Plantation. He wasin County Donegal by 1626 as Rector of the parishes of Ramoigh and Clonmary, Barony of Raphoe and later at Aughnish, Barony of Kilmacrenan. Reverend William Patton and his wife, Margaret, made their home at an estate called 'Groghan',and reared two sons, Henry and John. The homeplace in Ireland was the Manor of Springfield, Barony of Kilmacrenan, County of Donegal,
BIOGRAPHY: Immigration: 1626 King James I of England and his mother, Mary Queen of Scots gave land to promote English royalty and settle the James Plantations in Ireland to William Patton and Margaret Johnstone. Event: Fact This King James I of Englandwas the King James that published the King James version of the bible. He was also known as "King James VI" of Scotland.
BIOGRAPHY: From "Chronicles of American Lineage": The Pattons ( Patton, Paten or Patis) are supposed to have reached England from Normandy, then to Scotland and later, with many other families, induced to leave Northern Scotland to colonize Northern Ireland with ScotchPresbyterians for political reasons by King James 1st.
Note INTERNET SOURCE: William Patton M.A. Author: Don Patton Date: 25 Feb 2001 4:39 PM In Reply to: Rev. William PATON, M. A. by: david Post New Message | Post Reply | Mark Unread | Report Abuse Print Message David: Several people from different branches of the Patton family including my own have very complete listings of the descendants of William Patton. There was also a book writen by Patricia Givens Johnson a Historian from Virginia Tech University entitiled "James Patton and Appalachian Colonists" which traces some of William Patton's descendants. I used this book to confirm my descent from William Patton. William Patton had two son's Henry Patton and John Patton. John's descendants are not known but Henry Patton had a son also named Henry Patton jr. Henry Patton Jr. had a son named John Patton Sr. He was the brother of Col. James Patton. This is all according to the Dr. Johnson Book. From here my lineage is recorded in the Mormon Genealogy records. John Patton Sr. born John Patton Jr. who in turn Born James Henery Patton and etc. down to myself. This is well noted in census records. Also according to the Book writen by Dr. Johnson William Patton's direct descendants did settle in Floyd Co. Kentucky and achieve prominence. My 4th Great Grandfather was the first sherriff and Gentleman Justice of Floyd County Ky.
Note: Rev. William1 PATTON; born circa 1590 in Ferrochie, Fifeshire, Scotland; married Margaret (--?--) circa 1620; died January 31, 1641/42 in Clondevadock, Clonmany, Donegal, Ireland. [1] He immigrated before 1626 to County Donegal, Ireland.[2],[3],[4] He was Rector of the parishes of Ramoigh and Clonmary, the Barony of Raphoe and later at Aughnish, the Barony of Kilmacrenan after 1626. He lived after 1626 in Ireland. From "James Patton and the Appalachian Colonists" by Patricia Givens Johnson: The Pattons were originally landed gentry seated at Ferrochie, Fifeshire, Scotland. The progenitor of the Irish branch of the family, William Patton, M.A. was born in Scotland; had immigrated to Northern Ireland during the King James Plantation. He was in County Donegal by 1626 as Rector of the parishes of Ramoigh and Clonmary, Barony of Raphoe and later at Aughnish, Barony of Kilmacrenan. Rev. William Patton and his wife, Margaret, made their home at an estate called "Groghan" and reared to sons, Henry (Sr.) and John. From " Coming to America; A Chronicle of the American Lineage of the Pattons" by C. L. Patton,Springfield, Illinois, 1954: It seems certain that the various Pattons settling in Augusta County, VA, in the early part of the eighteenth century, were of the same origin, the father of whom was John Patton, brother of Colonel James Patton and Elizabeth Patton Preston. Colonel James had come from Ireland in 1730. Probably one of the compelling reasons for the mass migration at this time was the forced exile of John Lewis in 1729. He was a brother-in-law of Henry Patton, having married Margaret Lynn, sister of Henry's wife, Sarah Lynn. They were daughters of the Laird of Loch Lynn (Linnhe). John Lewis first took up his residence in Philadelphia but he soon went into Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, purchasing several tracts of land in that county but later moving on to the Shenandoah Valley in VA.
Patton Genealogy Report Descendants of William Patton, M. A.
Generation No. 1
1. WILLIAM1 PATTON, M. A. was born Abt. 1590 in Ferrochie, Fifshire, Scotland, and died January 31, 1641/42 in Clondevadock, Clomany, Donegal, Ireland. He married MARGARET UNKNOWN Abt. 1620. She was born Abt. 1590.
Notes for WILLIAM PATTON, M. A.: The Roseberry-Keister Family Tree 7221 total entries, last updated Thu Mar 22 09:52:13 2001 All questions, comments or suggestions regarding information on this page should be addressed to: G. E. Roseberry <swvirginia@@hotmail.com> ID: I5674 Reference Number: 5674 Title: Rev. 1 Name: William Patton 1 Sex: M Change Date: 03 FEB 2001 Immigration: BEF 1626 County Donegal, Ireland Note: during the King James Plantation at the beginning of the seventeenth century (the settling of Protestant colonies in Ireland to promote loyalty). Six counties were originally set aside to form the "Ulster Plantation." 1 2 Occupation: Rector of the parishes of Ramoigh and Clonmary, the Barony of Raphoe and later at Aughnish, the Barony of Kilmacrenan AFT 1626 1 Residence: AFT 1626 Ireland Note: the estate of "Croghan" 1 Birth: ABT 1590 in Ferrochie, Fifeshire, Scotland 1 Death: 31 JAN 1641/42 in Clondevadock, Clonmany, Donegal, Ireland 3 Note: From "James Patton and the Appalachian Colonists" by Anne Rhea Bruce: The Pattons were originally landed gentry seated at Ferrochie, Fifeshire, Scotland. The progenitor of the Irish branch of the family, William Patton, M.A. was born in Scotland; had immigrated to Northern Ireland during the King James Plantation. He was in County Donegal by 1626 as Rector of the parishes of Ramoigh and Clonmary, Barony of Raphoe and later at Aughnish, Barony of Kilmacrenan. Rev. William Patton and his wife, Margaret, made their home at an estate called "Groghan" and reared to sons, Henry (Sr.) and John.
From "Chronicles of American Lineage": The Pattons (Paten or Patis) are supposed to have reached England from Normandy, then to Scotland and later, with many other families, induced to leave Northern Scotland to colonize Northern Ireland with Scotch Presbyterians for political reasons by James 1st.
William was Rector of the parishes of Ramoigh, Aughanish and Clonmany, Diocese of Raphal County, in County Donegal, Ireland. The homeplace in Ireland was the Manor of Springfield, Barony of Kilmacrenan, County of Donegal, Province of Ulster.
From " Coming to America; A Chronicle of the American Lineage of the Pattons" by C. L. Patton,Springfield, Illinois, 1954:
The earliest known progenitors of the Patton Pioneers in America were of scotch origin, living in the Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland, in the vicinity of Loch Linnhe. They were ardent Presbyterians and took their religion seriously. For many years they had opposed the tyranny of the English monarchs, who had denied them the right of freedom of worship or participation in civic affairs.
For centuries, the Irish, who were Roman Catholics, independent and aggressive in Character, had been a source of great concern to England. In the latter part of the sixteenth century, Queen Elizabeth conceived the plan of planting colonies of Protestants in Ireland, to promote loyalty in that rebellious country. Six counties comprising a half-million acres were set aside to form the Ulster Plantation. The settlement of this area was at first indifferent and inconsequential but after the advent of James the Sixth of Scotland, who became James the First of England, at the beginning of the seventeenth century, colonization became more active. The great majority of the colonists sent to Northern Ireland by James, were Scotch Lowlanders and English from the northern counties of England. These people, through intermarriage with the Irish, inaugurated the "Ulster Scots" or "Scotch-Irish."
The reign of Charles the First (1625-1649) brought the Ulstermen, as well as the Presbyterians of the Lowlands of Scotland a period of vicious persecution, practically suppressing the Presbyterian religion in Ireland and demanding subservience to the Church of England, which bore heavily upon these staunch Protestants. This persecution continued throughout the reign of Charles the Second (1660-1685) and the passage of the Corporation acts and the Test Acts demanded conformity with the practices of the Church of England. Little relief was experienced by these unhappy people during the Cromwell Protectorate (1635-1658) which preceded the reign of Charles and despite the fact tha tall of this period was under Protestant domination, the Presbyterians and Nonconformists suffered quite as badly as they did under the persecutions of Catholic James, who ascended the throne in 1685.
It was during the reign of James the Second that the discontented and oppressed English invited William of Orange to accept the throne; jointly with his cousin Mary, daughter of James the Second. This precipitated war and induced many of the Scotch Lowlanders to join the army of William and proceed to Ulster to oppose the army of James. A successful resistance to the Siege of Londonderry in 1689 and a victory over the forces of James at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690 terminated hostilities and established William and Mary upon the throne of England.
Despite these victories, life became almost unbeaable in Ulster because of the many years of guerilola warfare with the Irish Celts. This, together withthe desire for more religious freedom and political independence and because of the glowing accounts of life in the New World, ws a detemining factor in causing the Ulsterites to seek their fortune in America. It is estimated that twenty thousand of the Scotch-Irish left Ireland in the first three decades of the eighteenth century. More than six thousand entered the Port of Philadelphia in the year 1729. These adventurers, however, did not tarry long in "The City of Brotherly Love" but moved into adjoining counties in the Province of Pennsylvania and acquired parcels of land, particularly in the County of Lancaster.
After a comparatively short residence in the Pennsylvania country, these hardy Scotch-Irish pioneers developed an urge for further exploration. Large numbers of them proceeded up the valley of the Shenandoah to the mountains and fertile valleys of Virginia. Coincident with this immigration was the movement of the Germans into the valley. They, for the most part, settled in the lower part of the valley in the region of the present town of Winchester, while the Scotch-Irish continued their trek up the valley into the county of Augusta and across the Blue Ridge into the present county of Pendleton, West Virginia. Their first settlement was near the present town of Staunton, which had been founded by John Lewis in 1732. From thence they spread to other parts of the Virginia Frontier, into North and South Carolina and Tennessee. By mid-century they were exploring the Ohio and Kentucky country and had established themselves on the headwaters of the James River and the region of the Cumberland. In all of these adventures the Pattons took an active part and left ehri imipress upon the communities in which they lived.
It seems certain that the various Pattons settling in Augusta County, Virginia, in the early part of the eighteenth century, were of the same origin, the father of whom was John Patton, brother of Colonel James Patton and Elizabeth Patton Preston. Colonel James had come from Ireland in 1730. Probably one of the compelling reasons for the mass migration at this time was the forced exile of John lewis in 1729. He was a brother-in-law of Henry Patton, having married Margaret Lynn, sister of Henry's wife, Sarah Lynn. They were daughters of the Laird of Loch Lynn (Linnhe). John Lewis first took up his residence in Philadelphia but he soon went into Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, purchasing severla tracts of land in that county but later moving on to the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia.
The early attempts at colonization in America by the English were made at the incidence of the Crown and were not particlarly successful. At a later period independent immigration took place but was sporadic and disorganized. It was not long however before certain small groups found their way to the New World seeking a greater religious and political freedom than they had experienced in the mother country. Later, independent ship-owners brought increasing numbers of colonists to the small communities established by the ealier pioneers, hoping to find a haven where they might better their fortunes and social standing. Companies were organized and controlled by groups of men in England, under the protection of the King, for the purpose of increasing immigration and developing the resources of the colonies.
The immigrants were largely of the "middle class" of society and were composed of farmers, tradesmen, artisans, laborers and apprentices. The limited number of the "nobility" to venture to this new land were, as a rule, reprsentaives of the Crown and therefore not permanent residents. At a later time, considerable numbers of "redemptioners" and "political offenders" were transported to the colonies. There were two main sources of ingress in the early 1700's; one being direct to Virginia and Massachusetts and the other up the Delaware to the Port of Philadelphia. A small number of the Scotch-Irish landed in Charleston, South Carolina, but by far the greater number came direct to Philadelphia because of the liberality of the Pennsylvania government, but the inhabitants of this part of the colony preferred to see the newcomers pass on, so they moved inland in search of unoccupied land.
The Scotch-Irish being on the whole the more venturesome, went further and penetrated the mountain valleys and spread northward and southward and thus formed a solid rim of settlement all along the Virginia frontier. Their first abode was in that part of Augusta County that later became Pendleton County, West Virginia. From this stopping point they soon advanced up the valley to southwestern Virginia, North Caolina and Tennessee and on to Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois and Missouri.
When the Scotch-Irish began to arrive in Philadelphia, the Secretary of the Province of Pennsylvania wrote, "It looks to me as if all of Ireland is to send its inhabitants hither, for last week not less than six ships arrived. It is strange that they thus crowd in where they are not wanted." The Scotch-Irish were accustomed to not being wanted. This did not deter them from a continued and steady advance into more remote parts of the country. By 1738 when the first valley counties were established, they were in such numbers that a petition was sent by them to the Governor of Virginia, asking "that we might be allowed the liberty of our consciences in worshipping God in a way agreeable to the principles of our education." The Governor graciously replied that "they would not be interfered with so long as they behaved peaceably, registered their meeting places, abjured the Stuart Pretender, the doctrine of transubstantiation and the Pope at Rome." Nothing in this request disturbed a Presbyterian conscience so they, in turn, agreed to pay their tithes to the Established Church so long as they did not have to attend its services. His Honor welcomed an increase in quitrents and the Governor took pleasure in establishing a group of hardy people between the rich plantation owners and the inhabitants of the frontier. Thee was no one to object to the Scotch-Irignh in the Valley and this time they found rest and peace and thse descendants of the "persecuted" found contentment and dwelt amicably, one with another.
There, early settlers in Western Virginia were descended from nonconformist Presbyterians and the Covenanters. It has been said "They had such a fear of God that it left no room in their hearts for any fear of Man." Certainly man they did not fear and persecution had taught them only to adhere more firmly to their principles, their customs and their faith.
The Pattons, on the whole, were a God-fearing, earnest and industrious lot and, despite trials and tribulations, became influential and aggressive members of their communities. They occupied positions of trust in both military and civic affairs and in general were successful in the pursuit of fortune.
Descendants of the early settlers, either from the Pilgrim fathers or from the colonists of Virginia, should take a justifiable pride in their early American ancestry. This feeling of pride, however, should rise from the sturdy character of the pioneers and from the things they accomplished and not from any false idea of an aristocratic heredity imported from the Mother Country. Those individuals who became prominent and influential in the development of the colonies did so through their own initiative, energy and ability and not through the influence and favor of the "Hierarchy."
[Br%C3%B8derbund WFT Vol. 27, Ed. 1, Tree #2183, Date of Import: Aug 12, 2000] 4
Marriage 1 Margaret b: ABT 1590 Married: ABT 1620 1 Children Henry Patton b: 31 JAN 1626/27 in Ramoigh Parish, Donegal, Ireland John Patton b: ABT 1630 in Ireland
Sources: Title: James Patton and the Appalachian Colonists Abbrev: Patton and Colonists Author: Johnson, Patricia Givens Publication: Edmonds Printing Inc., Pulaski, VA, 1983 Page: p. 4 Title: Coming to America: A Chronicle of the American Lineage of the Pattons Abbrev: Coming to Americal Author: Patton, C. L. Publication: Springfield, IL, 1954 Page: quoted from within World Family Tree, Vol. 27, Tree #2183 Title: World Family Tree Vol. 24, Ed. 1 Abbrev: World Family Tree Vol. 24 Author: Brøderbund Software, Inc. Publication: Release date: July 16, 1998 Note: Customer pedigree. Page: Tree #0881, Date of Import: Sep 6, 2000 Title: World Family Tree Research, Vol. 1-27 Abbrev: World Family Tree Publication: Broderbund Software, Inc.
Jahnz Entries: 5622 Updated: Sat Aug 25 21:20:30 2001 Contact: Jeanette Jahnz <jjahnz@@juno.com> ID: I4307 Name: William PATTON Sex: M Birth: in ,,SCOTLAND Death: 1641 in ,,IRELAND
Marriage 1 UNKNOWN Children Henry PATTON b: 1629 in ,,SCOTLAND
More About WILLIAM PATTON, M. A.: Occupation: 1626, Rector-Rev.
Children of WILLIAM PATTON and MARGARET UNKNOWN are: 2. i. HENRY (UNKNOWN)2 PATTON, SR., b. January 31, 1626/27, Ramoigh Parish "Donegal" Ireland; d. Aft. 1689, Donegal, Ireland. 3. ii. JOHN (UNKNOWN) PATTON, SR., b. Abt. 1630, Donegal Ireland; d. Aft. 1659, Donegal Ireland.
2. i. WILLIAM2 PATTON, b. Abt. 1622, Ferrochie, Fifeshire, Scotland; d. Donegal, Ireland.
Generation No. 2
2. WILLIAM2 PATTON (WILLIAM1) was born Abt. 1622 in Ferrochie, Fifeshire, Scotland, and died in Donegal, Ireland. He married JEAN GUTHREE Abt. 1640 in Donegal, Ireland, daughter of ALEXANDER GUTHREE and CHRISTIAN. She was born in Edinburgh, Midlothain, Scotland, and died in Donegal, Ireland.
3. i. WILLIAM HENRY (REV)3 PATTON, b. Abt. 1641, Donegal, Ireland; d. "Groghan", Co. Donegal, Ireland.
1595 |
Ferrochie, Fifeshire, Scotland
1622 |
Ferrochie, Fifeshire, Scotland
1625 |
Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
1627 |
January 31, 1627
Ramoigh Parish, County Donegal, Ulster, Ireland
1630 |
Ruskie, Drumachose, Derry, Ireland
1639 |
1641 |
January 31, 1641
Age 46
Clondevadock, Clonmany, Donegal, Ireland
1642 |
Age 47
Donegal, Ireland