Immediate Family
About Richard FitzGilbert, Lord of Clare
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Richard FitzGilbert de Clare. 1st Earl of Hertford (1094–15 April 1136) was the son of Gilbert Fitz Richard de Clare and Alice de Claremont also known as Adeliza de Claremont. He founded the priory of Tonbridge.
Richard held the Lordship of Ceredigion in Wales. A Welsh revolt against Norman rule had begun in south Wales, where on 1 January 1136 the Welsh won a victory over the local Norman forces between Loughor and Swansea.
Richard had been away from his lordship in the early part of the year. Returning to the borders of Wales in April, he ignored warnings of the danger and pressed on towards Ceredigion with only a small force. He had not gone far when he was ambushed and killed by the men of Gwent under Iorwerth ab Owain and his brother Morgan, grandsons of Caradog ap Gruffydd, in a woody tract called "the ill-way of Coed Grano", near Llanthony Abbey, north of Abergavenny.
The news of Richard's death induced Owain Gwynedd, son of Gruffydd ap Cynan, king of Gwynedd to invade his Lordship. In alliance with Gruffydd ap Rhys of Deheubarth he won a crushing victory over the Normans at the Battle of Crug Mawr, just outside Cardigan. The town of Cardigan was taken and burnt, and Richard's widow, Adelize, took refuge in Cardigan Castle, which was successfully defended by Robert fitz Martin. She was rescued by Miles of Gloucester who led an expedition to bring her to safety in England.
children by Alice (Adeliza/Adelize de Gernon/de Briquessar?), married 1116, (c. 1102-1128), daughter of Ranulph le Meschin, 1st Earl of Chester and the heiress Lucy of Bolingbroke.
Gilbert Fitz Richard de Clare (1115-1153), 2nd Earl of Hertford.
Alice de Clare (Adelize de Tonbridge) (1117-Unknown) m. (1) Sir William de Percy, Lord of Topcliffe, about 1133, son of Alan de Percy and Emma de Gant; (2) Cadwaladr ap Gruffydd, brother of Owain Gwynedd.
Robert Fitz Richard de Clare (1119-Unknown), perhaps died in childhood.
Rohese de Clare (1120-Unknown)
Roger de Clare (1122-1173), 3rd Earl of Hertford.
Earl Richard FitzGilbert de Clare - was born in 1084 in Hertford, England and died on 15 Apr 1136 in Abergavenny . He was the son of Earl Gilbert de Clare and Adeliza de Clermont.
Earl Richard married Alice de Mechines. Alice was born in 1088 in Hertford, England. She was the daughter of Earl Ranulph de Mechines. She died in 1128 .
Earl Richard - - Earl of Hertford.
Invaded Wales with an army and became lord of vat possessions there by power of his sword, but requiring other matters of moment from the king, in which he was unsuccessful, he reared the standard of revolt and soon after he was slain in a skirmish with a few Welsh yeomen, near Abergavenny.
i. Adelizia de Clare was born about 1115.
Adelizia married William de Percy. William was born in 1112 in Alnwick, Northumberland, England. He was the son of William "Algernon" de Percy and Emma de Port. He died in 1168 and was buried in Fountains Abbey .
See de Percy family for children.
ii. Earl Roger "The Good" de Clare was born before 1116 in Tunbridge Castle,Kent,England and died in 1173 in Oxon, England .
Richard FitzGilbert de Clare, Earl of Clare
Born before 1100
Died on April 15, 1136. Slain by the Welsh.
Richard married Adeliza de Keveliock, daughter of Hugh de Keveliock, Earl of Chester and
sister of Ranulph de Guernons, Earl of Chester.
Richard and Adeliza had the following children:
· Gilbert FitzRichard de Clare, Earl of Hertford, born in 1115 and died without issue in 1153.
· Roger de Clare, mentioned next.
· Alice de Tonbridge de Clare
· Rohese de Clare
· Robert FitzRichard de Clare
Richard married 1116, Alice de Gernon, (c. 1102-1128), daughter of Ranulph le Meschin, 1st Earl of Chester and the heiress Lucy of Bolingbroke, by her having:
Gilbert Fitz Richard de Clare, d. 1153, 2nd Earl of Hertford
Alice de Clare (Adelize de Tonbridge), m. (1) about 1133, Sir William de Percy, Lord of Topcliffe, son of Alan de Percy and Emma de Gant; (2) Cadwaladr ap Gruffydd, brother of Owain Gwynedd
Robert Fitz Richard de Clare, perhaps died in childhood
Rohese de Clare, m. Gilbert de Gant, Earl of Lincoln
Roger de Clare, d. 1173, 2nd Earl of Hertford.
He is generally believed to be Early of Hertford, but probably wasn't. He was surprised and killed by Welsh near Abergavenny on April 15, 1136. His wife was then rescued by Milo de Gloucester.
Richard was slain by the Welsh near Abergavenny. His widow was rescued from the Welsh by Miles of Gloucester.
"Richard was killed in an ambush as he travelled through Abergavenny and Brecknock on his way to Ceredigion in 1136." (David Weaver, Ancestry.com)
"He was the Lord of Clare, so named about 1117. He was founder of the priory at Tonbirdge. He was surprised and slain by the Welsh, near Abergavenny on April 15, 1136. Birth year after 1095 based on the fact that his mother was born after 1080."
"He was created Earl of Hertford about 1136 for his military services, and being one of those who lived by the power of his sword, entered Wales, there planted himself and became lord of vast territories, but was finally slain in a skirmish with a few Welsh noblemen on April 15, 1136. He married Alice, daughter of Ranulph, Earl of Chester, who died in 1128, and married Lucia, daughter of Algar, Earl of Mercia, son of Leofric and "Lady Godiva". His lordship died 1139 and having no issue was succeeded by his brother, Roger De Clare, 3rd Earl of Hertford." (from Glendon Todd, glentodd@@peisys.net, Ancestry.com)
DE CLARE, Richard Fitzgilbert, Earl Of Hertford, Birth : BEF 1100, Death : 15 APR 1136 Abergavenny
Roger FitzReinfrid was born circa 1114.2 He married first Rohese de Clare, daughter of Richard FitzGilbert de Clare and Adeliz le Meschin.1 Roger FitzReinfrid married second Alice de Breton, daughter of Lewis Brito.2 Roger died after 1198.2
Welsh revolt
Richard held the Lordship of Ceredigion in Wales. A Welsh revolt against Norman rule had begun in south Wales where, on 1 January 1136 the Welsh won a victory over the local Norman forces between Loughor and Swansea. [edit]Ambush and death
Richard had been away from his lordship in the early part of the year. Returning to the borders of Wales via Hereford in April, he ignored warnings of the danger and pressed on toward Ceredigion with only a small force. He had not gone far when on 15 April he was ambushed and killed by the men of Gwent under Iorwerth ab Owain and his brother Morgan, grandsons of Caradog ap Gruffydd, in a woody tract called "the ill-way of Coed Grano", near Llanthony Abbey, north of Abergavenny.[citation needed]. Today the spot is marked by the 'garreg dial' (the stone of revenge). He was buried in Tonbridge Priory.[1] [edit]Spur for Welsh invasion
The news of Richard's death induced Owain Gwynedd, son of Gruffydd ap Cynan, king of Gwynedd to invade his Lordship. In alliance with Gruffydd ap Rhys of Deheubarth, he won a crushing victory over the Normans at the Battle of Crug Mawr, just outside Cardigan. The town of Cardigan was taken and burnt, and Richard's widow, Adelize, took refuge in Cardigan Castle, which was successfully defended by Robert fitz Martin. She was rescued by Miles of Gloucester who led an expedition to bring her to safety in England. [edit]Title
He is commonly said to have been created Earl of Hertford by either Henry I or Stephen, but no contemporary reference to him, including the record of his death, calls him by any title, while a cartulary states that a tenant had held "de Gilleberto, filio Richardi, et de Ricardo, filio ejus, et postea, de Comite Gilleberto, filio Richardi" (of Gilbert Fitz Richard, and his son Richard, and then of Earl Gilbert Fitz Richard), again failing to call Richard Earl while giving that title to his son. Thus his supposed creation as Earl is likely apocryphal.
ROGER FitzRichard (-after 1131). Guillaume de Jumièges names (in order) "Gilbert, Roger, Gautier et Robert" as sons of Richard, son of "le comte Gilbert fils du comte Godefroi", recording that they made donations to the church of Bec[1723]. He is named and his parentage given by Orderic Vitalis[1724]. He succeeded his father in [1090] as Seigneur de Bienfaite et d'Orbec. He fought with Henry I King of England between 1111 and 1113, and saved the king's life at the battle of Bremulé in 1119[1725].
"Rogerius filius Ricardi cognatus regis" accompanied Mathilda, daughter of Henry I King of England, to Germany for her marriage to Emperor Heinrich V[1726]. "Comes Ricardus filius comitis Gisleberti" confirmed donations of property to Saint-Victor-en-Caux by "Radulfus de Vuaterivilla et Ansuuidus apud Bosunvillam", with the consent of "Rogerii filii Ricardi et comitis Gisleberti patris mei", by undated charter (a copy of which is attached to a late-12th century transcription of a charter under which Hugh de Mortimer confirmed donations to the monastery), witnessed by "Herveio de Monte Morenci…"[1727].
He was succeeded at Bienfaite and Orbec by his nephew Gilbert FitzGilbert de Clare, later Earl of Pembroke.
m ---. The name of Roger's wife is not known. Roger & his wife had one child:
a) MABEL ([1123/24]-after 1184). The Rotuli de Dominabus of 1185 lists “Mabilia de Heliun…lx annorum…filia Rogeri filii Ricardi” and her heir “Robertus de Heliun” in Suffolk[1728]. [1729]m WILLIAM de Helion, son of [TIHEL de Helion] & his wife --- (-before 1159).
Roger witnessed the death of King William II of England on 2 August 1100 in New Forest, England, during a hunt. Some say the King was murdered by Walter Tyrol.
Roger was possibly with King Henry I on the Tinchebrai campaign in 1106. He accompanied Henry I's daughter Matilda to Germany for her marriage in 1110.
He certainly fought with King Henry I between 1111 and 1113. He saved King Henry I's life at the battle of Brémule in 1119.
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p363.htm#i7087 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
Richard was the eldest son of Gilbert Fitz Richard de Clare and Adeliza de Claremont.[1] At his father's death he inherited his lands in England and Wales. He is commonly said to have been created Earl of Hertford by either Henry I or Stephen, but no contemporary reference to him, including the record of his death, calls him by any title, while a cartulary states that a tenant had held "de Gilleberto, filio Richardi, et de Ricardo, filio ejus, et postea, de Comite Gilleberto, filio Richardi" (of Gilbert Fitz Richard, and his son Richard, and then of Earl Gilbert Fitz Richard), again failing to call Richard 'Earl' while giving that title to his son. Thus his supposed creation as Earl is without merit.[1]
Directly following the death of Henry I hostilities increased significantly in Wales and a rebellion broke out.[2] Robert was a strong supporter of King Stephen and in the first two years of his reign Robert attested a total of twenty-nine of that king's charters[3] He was with king Stephen when he formalized a treaty with king David I of Scotland and was a royal steward at Stephen's great Easter court in 1136.[3] He was also with Stephen at the siege of Exeter that summer and was in attendance on the king on his return from Normandy. At this point Richard apparently demanded more land in Wales which Stephen was not willing to give him.[3] In 1136 Richard had been away from his lordship in the early part of the year. He returned to the borders of Wales via Hereford in the company of Brian Fitz Count, but on their separating, Richard ignored warnings of the danger and pressed on toward Ceredigion with only a small force.[4] He had not gone far when on 15 April he was ambushed and killed by the men of Gwent under Iorwerth ab Owain and his brother Morgan, grandsons of Caradog ap Gruffydd, in a woody tract called "the ill-way of Coed Grano", near Llanthony Abbey, north of Abergavenny.[5] Today the spot is marked by the 'garreg dial' (the stone of revenge).[6] He was buried in Tonbridge Priory,[7] which he founded.[1]
The news of Richard's death induced Owain Gwynedd, son of Gruffudd ap Cynan, king of Gwynedd to invade his Lordship. In alliance with Gruffydd ap Rhys of Deheubarth, he won a crushing victory over the Normans at the Battle of Crug Mawr, just outside Cardigan. The town of Cardigan was taken and burnt, and Richard's widow, Adelize, took refuge in Cardigan Castle, which was successfully defended by Robert fitz Martin. She was rescued by Miles of Gloucester who led an expedition to bring her to safety in England.[1]
Richard married Adeliz, sister of Ranulf de Gernon, 4th Earl of Chester,[1] by her having: Gilbert Fitz Richard de Clare, d. 1153 (without issue), 1st Earl of Hertford.[8] Roger de Clare, d. 1173, 2nd Earl of Hertford.[8] Alice de Clare (Adelize de Tonbridge), m. (1) about 1133, Sir William de Percy, Lord of Topcliffe, son of Alan de Percy and Emma de Gant; (2) Cadwaladr ap Gruffydd, brother of Owain Gwynedd Robert Fitz Richard de Clare, perhaps died in childhood Rohese de Clare, m. Gilbert de Gant, Earl of Lincoln.[9]
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1.^ Jump up to: a b c d e George Cokayne,The Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant Extinct or Dormant, Vol. III, Ed. Vicary Gibbs (London: St Catherine Press, 1913), p. 243 2.Jump up ^ David Walker, Medieval Wales (Cambridge UK & New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990), p. 45 3.^ Jump up to: a b c Jennifer C. Ward, 'Royal Service and Reward: The Clare Family and the Crown, 1066-1154', Anglo-Norman Studies XI. Proceedings of the Battle Conference 1988, Ed. R. Allen Brown (Woodbridge, The Boydell Press, 1989), p. 274 4.Jump up ^ John Horace Round, Studies in Peerage and Family History (Archibald Constable and Co., Ltd., 1901), p. 211 5.Jump up ^ The historical works of Giraldus Cambrensis, Ed. Thomas Wright (London: H.G. Bohn, 1863), p. 365 6.Jump up ^ Anna Tucker, Gwent (Princes Risborough: Shire, 1987), p. 40 7.Jump up ^ James Foster Wadmore, The priory of s. Mary Magdalene at Tonbridge (London: Michell & Hughes, 1881), p. 8 8.^ Jump up to: a b George Cokayne,The Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant Extinct or Dormant, Vol. III, Ed. Vicary Gibbs (London: St Catherine Press, 1913), p. 244 9.Jump up ^ George Edward Cokayne, The Complete Peerage; or, a History of the House of Lords and all its Members from the Earliest Times, Vol. VI, Eds. H. A. Doubleday & Howard de Walden (London: The St. Catherine Press, Ltd., 1926), p. 645
Richard FitzGilbert, Lord of Clare's Timeline
1094 |
1110 |
1112 |
Hereford (Herefordshire) England
1115 |
Tunbridge Castle, Kent, England (United Kingdom)
1116 |
Woodham Walter,Essex,England
Tunbridge Castle, Kent England
1120 |
Clare, Suffolk, England
Tunbridge (Tonbridge), Kent, England
1126 |